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2017-03-22, by alanb
8174823: Module system implementation refresh (3/2017)
2017-03-22, by alanb
Added tag jdk-9+162 for changeset 47ff6e3034d2
2017-03-23, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+162 for changeset 68c79014e021
2017-03-23, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+162 for changeset 2738ac02c964
2017-03-23, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8176865: overridden api has a wrong since value in java.base module
2017-03-27, by mli
8177678: Overstatement of universality of Era.getDisplayName() implementation
2017-03-27, by darcy
8174826: jlink support for linking in service provider modules
2017-03-27, by mchung
8177565: java/nio/channels/Selector/ disabled for Windows release >= 6.0
2017-03-24, by bpb
8177564: Remove check for Windows XP and Server 2003 in java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/
2017-03-24, by bpb
8177474: Do not emit warnings when illegal access is allowed by --add-exports/--add-opens
2017-03-24, by alanb
8177550: (fc) Enable java/nio/channels/FileChannel/{,} on Linux and Windows
2017-03-24, by bpb
2017-03-23, by lana
8176836: Provide Taglet with context
2017-03-23, by jjg
2017-03-22, by alanb
8174823: Module system implementation refresh (3/2017)
2017-03-22, by alanb
8177383: Wrong @modules in java/io/FilePermission/
2017-03-22, by amlu
8177324: Some javax/security/ tests don't have correct module dependencies
2017-03-22, by skovalev
2017-03-21, by prr
2017-03-21, by prr
8160270: dual-screen issue with java.awt.Choice
2017-03-16, by serb
8176883: Enable antialiasing for Metal L&F icons on HiDPI display
2017-03-16, by alexsch
2017-03-16, by prr
8176409: [findbugs] some files under with variable isn't final but should be
2017-03-16, by vadim
8176528: Progress state for window is not displayed in taskbar
2017-03-16, by azvegint
8176287: [macosx] The print test crashed with Nimbus L&F
2017-03-15, by psadhukhan
8176530: JDK support for JavaFX modal print dialogs
2017-03-15, by prr
8174845: Bad scaling on Windows with large fonts with Java 9ea
2017-03-15, by alexsch
8176448: [macos] Popups in JCombobox and Choice have incorrect location in multiscreen systems
2017-03-15, by serb
8176177: The new SwingContainer annotation can be removed from javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext
2017-03-14, by serb
8173853: IllegalArgumentException in java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
2017-03-14, by dmarkov
8173123: [findbugs] javax.swing.text.* - Storing a reference to an externally mutable object into the internal representation
2017-03-14, by psadhukhan
8175301: Java GUI hangs on Windows when Display set to 125%
2017-03-13, by alexsch
2017-03-21, by jwilhelm
2017-03-17, by jwilhelm
8176098: Deprecate FlatProfiler
2017-03-14, by rehn
2017-03-13, by jwilhelm
8176471: [TESTBUG] runtime/modules/ fails with OpenJDK: java.lang.RuntimeException: 'java version ' missing from stdout/stderr
2017-03-13, by hseigel
8177313: Move and back to tier1
2017-03-21, by amlu
8177036: Class.checkMemberAccess throws NPE when calling Class methods via JNI
2017-03-20, by redestad
Added tag jdk-9+162 for changeset b99239096fed
2017-03-23, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8177661: AArch64: Incorrect C2 patterns cause system register corruption
2017-03-27, by adinn
8177095: Range check dependent CastII/ConvI2L is prematurely eliminated
2017-03-27, by thartmann
8177531: libGetNamedModuleTest.c crash when printing NULL-pointer
2017-03-25, by mbaesken
8177346: hotspot change for 8176513 breaks jdk9 build on Ubuntu 16.04
2017-03-24, by prr
2017-03-23, by lana
2017-03-22, by alanb
8174823: Module system implementation refresh (3/2017)
2017-03-22, by alanb
2017-03-17, by jwilhelm
8176513: Poor code quality for ByteBuffers
2017-03-15, by roland
8176593: Throwable::getStackTrace performance regression
2017-03-15, by redestad
8176505: Wrong assertion 'should be an array copy/clone' in arraycopynode.cpp
2017-03-13, by simonis
8176098: Deprecate FlatProfiler
2017-03-14, by rehn
8176573: Do not use FLAG_SET_ERGO to update MaxRAM for emulated client
2017-03-13, by jcm
8176442: [aix] assert(_thr_current == 0L) failed: Thread::current already initialized
2017-03-13, by stuefe
2017-03-13, by jwilhelm
8176471: [TESTBUG] runtime/modules/ fails with OpenJDK: java.lang.RuntimeException: 'java version ' missing from stdout/stderr
2017-03-13, by hseigel
8176363: Incorrect lock rank for G1 PtrQueue related locks
2017-03-09, by mgerdin
8175340: Possible invalid memory accesses due to ciMethodData::bci_to_data() returning NULL
2017-03-09, by zmajo
8175345: Reported null pointer dereference defect groups
2017-03-09, by rraghavan
Added tag jdk-9+162 for changeset 6191bb6ebcbd
2017-03-23, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-23, by lana
2017-03-22, by alanb
8174823: Module system implementation refresh (3/2017)
2017-03-22, by alanb
2017-03-21, by prr
2017-03-16, by prr
2017-03-10, by prr
2017-03-06, by prr
Added tag jdk-9+162 for changeset c11f5502f3e8
2017-03-23, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+162 for changeset d16aebbb56d3
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8175346: javadoc does not handle Locations correctly with --patch-module
2017-03-16, by ksrini
8177014: tools/javac/tree/ test fails with IllegalArgumentException
2017-03-16, by jjg
8176900: TreePosTest should disable annotation processing
2017-03-16, by jjg
2017-03-16, by lana
8175200: Long method signatures disturb Method Summary table
2017-03-15, by bpatel
8176794: javadoc search results sorted incorrectly on packages
2017-03-15, by bpatel
8171395: (jdeprscan) add comments to L10N message file
2017-03-15, by smarks
8176743: tools/javac/modules/ test fails on Mac
2017-03-15, by jlahoda
8176778: javadoc does not produce summary pages for aggregated modules
2017-03-15, by ksrini
8176534: Missing check against target-type during applicability inference
2017-03-15, by mcimadamore
8175119: Need to specify module of types created by Filer.createSourceFile/Filer.createClassFile?
2017-03-14, by jlahoda
8176045: No compile error when a package is not declared
2017-03-14, by jlahoda
8175057: module-info on patch path should not produce an error
2017-03-14, by jlahoda
8176539: javadoc ignores module-info files on the command line
2017-03-13, by ksrini
8175219: javadoc should exit when it encounters compilation errors.
2017-03-13, by ksrini
2017-07-05, by duke
8174728: Mark Java EE modules deprecated and for removal
2017-03-16, by lancea
2017-03-16, by lana
8174977: Update license files with consistent license/notice names
2017-03-14, by mchung
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by lana
8176541: XML deprecation "since" values should use 1.x version form for 1.8 and earlier
2017-03-14, by joehw
8174977: Update license files with consistent license/notice names
2017-03-14, by mchung
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by lana
8176815: Remove StackFramePermission and use RuntimePermission for stack walking
2017-03-15, by mchung
2017-07-05, by duke
8177144: sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/ should run in ovm mode
2017-03-20, by coffeys
8176895: (fc) Split java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ into smaller tests
2017-03-17, by bpb
8176882: Incorrect integer comparison in version numbers
2017-03-16, by prappo
8174728: Mark Java EE modules deprecated and for removal
2017-03-16, by lancea
8176886: Remove stray @deprecated in Date#getDate
2017-03-16, by martin
8176272: (process) ProcessHandle::onExit fails to wait for non-child process
2017-03-16, by rriggs
2017-03-16, by lana
8176772: jar tool support to report automatic module names
2017-03-16, by chegar
8176846: (fc) Increase timeouts of and instrument some tests using FileChannel#write
2017-03-16, by bpb
8160956: Runtime.Version.compareTo/compareToIgnoreOpt problem
2017-03-16, by prappo
8176849: jdk9 BCL builds fail after cleaning up temporary file ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION
2017-03-16, by erikj
8176563: @since value errors in apis of java.base/java.logging module
2017-03-15, by mli
8176815: Remove StackFramePermission and use RuntimePermission for stack walking
2017-03-15, by mchung
8066640: clarify security checks in ObjectInputStream.enableResolveObject and ObjectOutputStream.enableReplaceObject
2017-03-15, by smarks
8175251: Failed to load RSA private key from pkcs12
2017-03-15, by valeriep
8176834: jdk/nio/zipfs/ test fails after JDK-8176709
2017-03-15, by redestad
8176793: SecureRandom FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules link 404
2017-03-15, by wetmore