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8039102: Add raw and unchecked lint warnings to build of jdk repository
2014-07-31, by darcy
8044867: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in*
2014-07-31, by ntoda
8054050: Fix stay raw and unchecked lint warnings in core libs
2014-07-31, by darcy
8032908: getTextContent doesn't return string in JAXP
2014-07-31, by aefimov
8053938: Collections.checkedList(empty list).replaceAll((UnaryOperator)null) doesn't throw NPE after JDK-8047795
2014-07-30, by chegar
8052999: ProblemList update for
2014-07-30, by weijun
2014-07-29, by ddehaven
8030051: Check class loaders usage in Swing classes
2014-07-22, by alexsch
8048720: KSS sun.swing.SwingUtilities2#makeIcon
2014-07-22, by alexsch
8046888: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/image/awt_parseImage.c
2014-07-22, by pchelko
8046884: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/x11: X11PMPLitLoops.c, X11SurfaceData.c
2014-07-21, by pchelko
2014-07-21, by prr
8051440: move tests about maximizing undecorated to OpenJDK
2014-07-21, by yan
8049617: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 3
2014-07-21, by avstepan
8049694: Migrate functional AWT_DesktopProperties/Automated tests to OpenJDK
2014-07-21, by dermashov
8048289: Gtk: call to UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() leads to crash
2014-07-18, by azvegint
8044301: BasicTreeUI: "revisit when Java2D is ready"
2014-07-17, by aeremeev
2014-07-16, by prr
8047336: Read as resource
2014-07-16, by pchelko
8050465: Remove package
2014-07-16, by pchelko
8048337: Examine if macosx/bundle/JavaAppLauncher and can be removed
2014-07-15, by ddehaven
8048583: CustomMediaSizeName class matching to standard media is too loose
2014-07-14, by prr
8040808: Uninitialised memory in OGLBufImgsOps.c, D3DBufImgOps.cpp
2014-07-14, by prr
8049893: Replace uses of 'new Integer()' with appropriate alternative across client classes
2014-07-14, by prr
8047027: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in generated beaninfo files
2014-07-14, by darcy
8050009: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 7 of 7
2014-07-14, by aeremeev
8048328: CUPS Printing does not report supported printer resolutions.
2014-07-11, by prr
8049996: [macosx] test java/awt/image/ fails with NPE
2014-07-11, by pchelko
8049870: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 4 of 7
2014-07-11, by aeremeev
8049583: Test closed/java/awt/List/ListMultipleSelectTest/ListMultipleSelectTest fails on Window XP
2014-07-11, by serb
8037511: Tidy warnings cleanup for java.awt - 2d part
2014-07-11, by avstepan
8049198: [macosx] Incorrect thread access when showing splash screen
2014-07-11, by alexsch
8042872: Fix raw and unchecked warnings in sun.applet
2014-06-23, by henryjen
8049797: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy
2014-07-10, by darcy
4991647: PNGMetadata.getAsTree() sets bitDepth to invalid value
2014-07-10, by mcherkas
8049808: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 3 of 7
2014-07-10, by aeremeev
8049830: Remove reflection from ScreenMenuBar
2014-07-10, by pchelko
8049704: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 2 of 7
2014-07-10, by aeremeev
8044862: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in macosx specific code
2014-06-27, by henryjen
8043968: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 1 of 7
2014-07-09, by aeremeev
8046597: fix doclint issues in swing classes, part 4 of 4
2014-07-09, by ssides
8047367: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 2
2014-07-09, by avstepan
8047025: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in generated nimbus files
2014-07-08, by smarks
8047066: Test test/sun/awt/image/ fails with ClassCastException
2014-07-08, by anashaty
8043126: move awt automated functional tests from AWT_Events/Lw and AWT_Events/AWT to OpenJDK repository
2014-07-08, by avstepan
8053902: Fix for 8030115 breaks build on Windows and Solaris
2014-07-29, by dsamersoff
8030115: [parfait] warnings from b119 for jdk.src.share.native.sun.tracing.dtrace: JNI exception pending
2014-07-29, by jbachorik
8030942: Explicitly state floating-point summation requirements on non-finite inputs
2014-07-28, by darcy
8051422: Remove JNDI dependency on java.applet.Applet
2014-07-28, by prappo
8049194: com/sun/tools/attach/ start failing after JDK-8048193
2014-07-25, by jbachorik
8051953: Add test to ProblemList on Windows
2014-07-25, by weijun
8044659: Java SecureRandom on SPARC T4 much slower than on x86/Linux
2014-07-24, by robm
8048209: Collections.synchronizedNavigableSet().tailSet(Object,boolean) synchronizes on wrong object
2014-07-24, by mduigou
Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 48b43b7b9e0c
2014-08-01, by tbell
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-08-04, by lana
2014-07-24, by amurillo
2014-07-24, by rbackman
8050978: Fix bad field access check in C1 and C2
2014-07-18, by goetz
8051550: Printing of 'cmpN_reg_branch_short' instruction shows wrong 'op2' register
2014-07-23, by thartmann