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8059944: [OGL] Metrics for a method choice copying of texture should be improved
2014-11-28, by serb
8061832: J2DBench can be improved
2014-11-28, by serb
8059942: Default implementation of DrawImage.renderImageXform() should be improved for d3d/ogl
2014-11-28, by serb
8065098: JColorChooser no longer supports drag and drop between two JVM instances
2014-11-27, by alexsch
2014-11-25, by prr
8063107: Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 2
2014-11-21, by yan
8058193: [macosx] Potential incomplete fix for JDK-8031485
2014-11-19, by pchelko
8054143: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 6
2014-11-19, by avstepan
8054359: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 8
2014-11-18, by avstepan
8055836: move awt tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 9
2014-11-18, by avstepan
8066612: Add a test that will call getDeclaredFields() on all classes and try to set them accessible.
2014-12-16, by dfuchs
8066867: Add InputStream transferTo to transfer content to an OutputStream
2014-12-16, by prappo
8067289: Fix deprecation warnings in java.base module - CRC32C
2014-12-16, by sherman
8067486: Add diagnostics for Exception: Read from closed pipe hang
2014-12-15, by rriggs
8025619: (fc) FileInputStream.getChannel on closed stream returns FileChannel that doesn't know that stream is closed
2014-12-15, by bpb
8067241: failed with negative timeout value
2014-12-15, by sjiang
8067112: Update java/util/Collections/ to eliminate dependency on
2014-12-13, by chegar
8067377: My hobby: caning, then then canning, the the can-can
2014-10-30, by martin
8056238: (process) ProcessBuilder.redirectError spec has a broken link
2014-12-12, by rriggs
8065804: JEP 171: Clarifications/corrections for fence intrinsics
2014-12-10, by martin
8065172: More core reflection final and volatile annotations
2014-11-21, by martin
8067254: No debug symbols in JPRT Windows builds
2014-12-12, by erikj
8066952: [TEST-BUG] javax/management/monitor/ hangs
2014-12-12, by sjiang
8066633: Fix deprecation warnings in java.rmi module
2014-12-11, by smarks
Added tag jdk9-b43 for changeset 52310706ed47
2014-12-18, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-12-23, by lana
2014-12-11, by amurillo
2014-12-11, by anoll
8067144: SIGSEGV with +TraceDeoptimization in Deoptimization::print_objects
2014-12-10, by roland
2014-12-09, by iveresov
8066900: Array Out Of Bounds Exception causes variable corruption
2014-12-09, by iveresov
8066103: C2's range check smearing allows out of bound array accesses
2014-12-09, by roland
2014-12-09, by iignatyev
8065134: Need WhiteBox::allocateCodeBlob(long, int) method to be implemented
2014-12-09, by iignatyev
8066775: opto/node.hpp:355, assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1
2014-12-05, by roland
8066250: compiler/dependencies/MonomorphicObjectCall/ fails product
2014-12-08, by iignatyev
6898462: The escape analysis with G1 cause crash assertion src/share/vm/runtime/vframeArray.cpp:94
2014-11-25, by roland
2014-12-05, by adlertz
2014-12-04, by roland
8048170: Test closed/java/text/Normalizer/ failed
2014-12-04, by roland
2014-12-11, by jwilhelm
6522873: Java not print "Unrecognized option" when it is invalid option.
2014-12-11, by jwilhelm
8066782: Move common code from CMSGeneration and TenuredGeneration to CardGeneration
2014-12-10, by brutisso
8066781: Minor cleanups to TenuredGeneration
2014-12-10, by brutisso
8066780: Split CardGeneration out to its own file
2014-12-10, by brutisso
8066102: Clean up HeapRegionRemSet files
2014-12-09, by tschatzl
2014-12-08, by jwilhelm
2014-12-08, by stefank
8065634: Crash in InstanceKlass::clean_method_data when _method is NULL
2014-12-05, by stefank
8059066: CardTableModRefBS might commit the same page twice
2014-12-02, by ehelin
2014-12-04, by brutisso
8066441: Add PLAB trace event
2014-12-03, by sfriberg
2014-12-08, by minqi
2014-12-06, by mikael
8066508: JTReg tests timeout on slow devices when run using JPRT
2014-12-05, by cjplummer
2014-12-05, by coleenp
8066171: Out of order with Metaspace allocation lock
2014-12-05, by coleenp
8065050: vm crashes during CDS dump when very small SharedMiscDataSize is specified
2014-12-05, by ccheung
8066670: PrintSharedArchiveAndExit does not exit the VM when the archive is invalid
2014-12-04, by iklam
2014-12-04, by kevinw
8061785: [TEST_BUG] serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/ has utf8 character corrupted by earlier merge
2014-12-04, by kevinw
8065788: os::reserve_memory() on Windows should not assert that allocation size is aligned to OS allocation granularity
2014-12-03, by mgronlun
Added tag jdk9-b43 for changeset c12e49897c5a
2014-12-18, by lana
2014-12-23, by lana
8067898: Disable verify-modules until JDK-8067479 is resolved
2014-12-18, by mchung
8067829: Remove setting -bootclasspath $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes from Javadoc.gmk
2014-12-17, by mchung
8067631: mishandles arguments with spaces
2014-12-15, by smarks
8067442: Tests using -Xshare:dump does not work with 'make test'
2014-12-16, by ehelin
8066138: Trailing whitespace in title of javadoc: Overview (Java Platform SE 7 )
2014-12-16, by alundblad
8065673: XML Test Colo: Add test build system for JAXP tests
2014-12-15, by joehw
8067360: verify-modules target was dropped in jdk9 b41
2014-12-15, by mchung
8067330: ZERO_ARCHDEF incorrectly defined for PPC/PPC64 architectures
2014-12-12, by sgehwolf
8067254: No debug symbols in JPRT Windows builds
2014-12-12, by erikj
Added tag jdk9-b43 for changeset 2d5bf96c8f17
2014-12-18, by lana
Added tag jdk9-b43 for changeset 6494b13f88a8
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-12-11, by lana
8065360: Implement a test that checks possibilty of class members to be imported
2014-12-10, by aeremeev
8067006: Tweak IntelliJ langtools project to show jtreg report directory
2014-12-09, by mcimadamore
8067001: DetectMutableStaticFields fails after modular images push
2014-12-09, by mcimadamore
8066961: fails on Windows
2014-12-09, by aeremeev
8064794: Implement negative tests for cyclic dependencies in import statements
2014-12-09, by aeremeev
8066902: JavacParserTest fails on Windows
2014-12-08, by jlahoda
8061549: Disallow _ as a one-character identifier
2014-12-08, by jlahoda
8066889: IntelliJ langtools launcher ought to be Windows friendly
2014-12-08, by mcimadamore
8065753: javac crashing on a html-like file
2014-12-08, by jlahoda
8066737: langtools/test/tools/javac/processing/6348193/ fails
2014-12-04, by jjg
Added tag jdk9-b42 for changeset a48998a1fc72
2014-12-11, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b42 for changeset f65d79186283
2014-12-11, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8051536: Convert JAXP function tests: javax.xml.parsers to jtreg(testng) tests
2014-12-11, by joehw
2014-12-11, by lana
8067183: TEST_BUG:File locked when processing the cleanup on test jaxp/test/javax/xml/jaxp/functional/javax/xml/transform/ptests/
2014-12-10, by joehw