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8017618: NullPointerException in RichDiagnosticFormatter for bad input program
2013-07-05, by mcimadamore
6356530: -Xlint:serial does not flag abstract classes with concrete methods/members
2013-07-04, by vromero
8009924: some langtools tools do not accept -cp as an alias for -classpath
2013-07-04, by vromero
Added tag jdk8-b99 for changeset 38dd7ede2dfb
2013-07-18, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b99 for changeset c653feb1fe9e
2013-07-18, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-07-22, by lana
2013-07-17, by lana
8020430: NullPointerException in xml sqe nightly result on 2013-07-12
2013-07-12, by joehw
8016648: FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING set to true or false causes SAXParseException to be thrown
2013-07-09, by joehw
Added tag jdk8-b99 for changeset 830a3a26d45b
2013-07-18, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-07-22, by lana
2013-07-17, by lana
8015356: array concatenation should skip empty elements
2013-07-16, by attila
8010821: [findbugs] Some classes in jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp expose mutable objects
2013-07-16, by hannesw
8020357: throw RangeError for too large NativeArrayBuffer size
2013-07-16, by attila
2013-07-16, by sundar
8020358: Array(0xfffffff) throws OutOfMemoryError
2013-07-15, by hannesw
8011210: fix reporting of call site locations; print them on -tcs=miss
2013-07-15, by attila
8020283: Don't use exceptions for widening of ArrayData
2013-07-15, by hannesw
8020508: Enforce reflection access restrictions on Object.bindProperties
2013-07-15, by attila
8020354: Object literal property initialization is not done in source order
2013-07-15, by hannesw
8020324: Implement Object.bindProperties(target, source) for beans
2013-07-15, by attila
2013-07-12, by sundar
8020463: Input argument array wrapping in loadWithNewGlobal is wrong
2013-07-12, by sundar
2013-07-12, by sundar
8019822: Duplicate name and signature in finally block
2013-07-12, by attila
8020223: ClassCastException: String can not be casted to ScriptFunction
2013-07-12, by sundar
8020437: Wrong handling of line numbers with multiline string literals
2013-07-12, by sundar
8020125: PrintVisitor wasn't printing bodies of FunctionNode within UnaryNode
2013-07-11, by attila
8012191: noSuchProperty can't cope with vararg functions
2013-07-11, by sundar
8013925: Remove symbol fields from nodes that don't need them
2013-07-11, by attila
8020380: __noSuchProperty__ defined in mozilla_compat.js script should be non-enumerable
2013-07-11, by sundar
8020325: static property does not work on accessible, public classes
2013-07-11, by sundar
8020276: interface checks in Invocable.getInterface implementation
2013-07-10, by sundar
8016681: regex capture behaves differently than on V8
2013-07-10, by hannesw
8020224: LinkageError: attempted duplicate class definition when --loader-per-compiler=false
2013-07-10, by sundar
8020124: In the case of an eval switch, we might need explicit conversions of the tag store, as it was not known in the surrounding environment.
2013-07-09, by lagergren
8014785: Ability to extend global instance by binding properties of another object
2013-07-09, by sundar
8009758: reactivate the 8006529 test.
2013-07-09, by attila
8019963: empty char range in regex
2013-07-08, by hannesw
2013-07-08, by sundar
8020035: nashorn jdk buildfile BuildNashorn.gmk still renamed jdk.nashorn.internal.objects package
2013-07-08, by sundar
8020015: shared PropertyMaps should not be used without duplication
2013-07-08, by sundar
8019983: Void returns combined with return with expression picked the wrong return type
2013-07-05, by lagergren
8019819: scope symbol didn't get a slot in certain cases
2013-07-05, by attila
8017084: Use spill properties for large object literals
2013-07-05, by hannesw
8019947: inherited property invalidation does not work with two globals in same context
2013-07-05, by sundar
2013-07-04, by lagergren
8019821: allInteger switches were confused by boolean cases, as they are a narrower type than int
2013-07-04, by lagergren
8019809: return after break incorrectly sets the block as terminal
2013-07-04, by attila
8011629: Object.defineProperty performance issue
2013-07-03, by jlaskey
8017768: allow dot as inner class name separator for Java.type
2013-07-03, by attila
8019814: Add regression test for passing cases
2013-07-03, by sundar