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7038565: address Findbugs issue in BatchUpdateException
2011-04-28, by lancea
7037201: regression: invalid signed jar file not detected
2011-04-28, by weijun
2011-04-27, by mduigou
4884238: Adds java.nio.charset.StandardCharset to provide static final constants for the standard charsets.
2011-04-26, by mduigou
2011-04-27, by vinnie
6753664: Support SHA256 (and higher) in SunMSCAPI
2011-04-27, by vinnie
7039186: (ch) EPoll based asynchronous I/O implementation should be portable to linux-arm and linux-ppc
2011-04-27, by alanb
6950929: Failures on Solaris sparc 64bit sun/security/krb5/auto/ (and linux?)
2011-04-27, by weijun
7039369: Limit range of strictfp in FloatingDecimal
2011-04-26, by darcy
7029383: Refresh of non-client demos
2011-04-26, by nloodin
6931562: Support SunMSCAPI Security Provider in Windows 64-bit releases of JVM
2011-04-22, by vinnie
2011-04-22, by kamg
2011-04-22, by kamg
6519228: JDWP Spec: need references at capability canRequestMonitorEvents for JDWP 1.6 Monitor* events
2011-04-15, by kamg
7038885: Improved bulk operation disclaimers for concurrent collections
2011-04-22, by dl
7025227: SSLSocketImpl does not close the TCP layer socket if a close notify cannot be sent to the peer
2011-04-22, by coffeys
6998871: Support making the Throwable.stackTrace field immutable
2011-04-21, by darcy
2011-04-21, by mullan
7038175: Expired PKITS certificates causing CertPathBuilder and CertPathValidator regression test failures
2011-04-21, by mullan
2011-04-21, by lana
2011-04-21, by lana
6732372: Some MSCAPI native methods not returning correct exceptions.
2011-04-21, by vinnie
7038542: Small performace regression in ConcurrentHashMap on c1 since CR 703655
2011-04-21, by dl
2011-04-21, by vinnie
6888925: SunMSCAPI's Cipher can't use RSA public keys obtained from other sources.
2011-04-21, by vinnie
7038501: Clarify meaning of "(optional)" in javadoc
2011-04-21, by dl
6546713: link the word (optional) in exception specifications to the text which provides explanation and context.
2011-04-20, by mduigou
6896297: (rmi) fix ConcurrentModificationException causing TCK failure
2011-04-20, by smarks
2011-04-20, by michaelm
7034570: java.lang.Runtime.exec(String[] cmd, String[] env) can not work properly if SystemRoot not inherited
2011-04-20, by michaelm
6894072: always refresh keytab
2011-04-20, by weijun
7030579: Extra words in documentation of ListIterator may cause confusion
2011-04-19, by mduigou
7027900: (fs) glob syntax under-specified
2011-04-18, by sherman
2011-05-03, by jgodinez
2011-04-29, by lana
6979551: closed/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicLabelUI/4798542/ fails
2011-04-27, by dav
6888633: test/closed/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4786415/ fails
2011-04-27, by dav
7035209: 6u26 ea b01 - running an applet with old plugin crashes in awt.dll
2011-04-27, by bagiras
7039403: Could not compile test/javax/swing/JLabel/6596966/
2011-04-27, by rupashka
7039469: (tz) Support tzdata2011g
2011-04-26, by peytoia
7036871: Some JCK interactive JSplitPane tests that test continuous layout fail with Nimbus L&F
2011-04-22, by alexp
7021058: The Create folder button produces error in the Details mode (JFileChooser)
2011-04-21, by rupashka
7030629: closed/sun/audio/AudioClipClose/ test fails just against jdk7 b134
2011-04-20, by amenkov
7036025: when creating JFileChooser in signed applet
2011-04-19, by rupashka
2011-05-03, by jgodinez
7016528: Deadlock during mutual initialization of DataTransferer and DataTransferer$DataFlavorComparator
2011-05-03, by serb
2011-04-29, by lana
7026055: Regression : Cannot use IME on JComboBox Japanese
2011-04-29, by dcherepanov
7034291: Regression : Preedit String on active client is committed into unexpected component
2011-04-29, by dcherepanov
7034766: closed/java/awt/EmbeddedFrame/EmbeddedFrameGrabTest/ failed on jdk7 b134
2011-04-28, by dcherepanov
6853146: Regression: on-the-spot input is broken in AWT Peered components
2011-04-28, by dcherepanov
6956646: Test: MouseWheelEvent/InfiniteRecursion test receives more MouseWheelEvents than expected
2011-04-28, by dav
7032830: GraphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow() works strange for decorated windows on OEL.
2011-04-28, by dcherepanov
6998716: client vm crashes making browser fails to respond under some scenarios
2011-04-27, by denis
7020922: java.awt.Toolkit.getPropertyChangeListeners() should mention that it returns proxies
2011-04-27, by denis
6888182: Readable and permitted to delete files could not be transferred through Clipboard and DnD
2011-04-25, by denis
7030632: Pasting HTML that was copied from MS Word results in IOException
2011-04-25, by dav
7036733: Regression : NullPointerException when scrolling horizontally on AWT List
2011-04-19, by dav
7036669: Simplify revalidating component hierarchy with multiple validate roots
2011-04-19, by anthony
2011-05-03, by jgodinez