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2017-07-05, by duke
2016-09-12, by sspitsyn
8160950: Agent JAR added to app class loader rather than system class loader when running with -Djava.system.class.loader
2016-09-12, by sspitsyn
8164169: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-09
2016-09-12, by dl
8139237: java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor/ fails intermittently
2016-09-12, by dl
8164983: Improve CountedCompleter code samples; add corresponding tests
2016-09-12, by dl
8165890: [TESTBUG] Compilation issue in MultiReleaseJarTest after 8165723
2016-09-12, by redestad
8165605: Thai resources in jdk.localedata cause split package issue with java.base
2016-09-12, by naoto
8165723: JarFile::isMultiRelease() method returns false when it should return true
2016-09-12, by redestad
8165772: fix for 8165595 results in failure of jdk/test/tools/launcher/
2016-09-12, by sundar
8165492: Reduce number of lambda forms generated by MethodHandleInlineCopyStrategy
2016-09-12, by redestad
8165810: Problem list until JDK-8165772 is fixed
2016-09-11, by darcy
8165726: fix for 8165595 revealed a bug in pack200 tool's handling of main class attribute of module-info classes
2016-09-10, by sundar
8161230: ClassLoader: add resource methods returning
2016-09-09, by psandoz
8164691: Stream specification clarifications for iterate and collect
2016-09-09, by psandoz
8165731: Reference to removed method in VarHandle JavaDoc
2016-09-09, by psandoz
8165346: j.l.ClassLoader.getDefinedPackage(String) throws NPE
2016-09-09, by mchung
8165393: bad merge in java/lang/ref/
2016-09-09, by kbarrett
4285505: deprecate java.lang.Compiler
2016-09-09, by smarks
8165592: Fix module dependencies for sun/text/* tests
2016-09-09, by skovalev
8165643: SecureDirectoryStream doesn't work on linux non-x86
2016-09-07, by martin
2016-09-08, by lana
8039854: Broken link in java.lang.RuntimePermission
2016-09-08, by darcy
8165583: Fix module dependencies for jdk/java/util/* tests
2016-09-08, by skovalev
8165563: ClassLoader::getSystemClassLoader will never be null
2016-09-08, by mchung
8165711: java/net/SetFactoryPermission/ needs to run in ovm mode
2016-09-08, by coffeys
8165697: jlink running on Mac with Windows jmods produces non-runnable image
2016-09-08, by sundar
8165636: add removal text to Runtime.traceInstructions/MethodCalls deprecation text
2016-09-07, by smarks
8151901: test/tools/pack200/Pack200Test fails on verifying native unpacked JAR
2016-09-07, by ksrini
8165604: Fix module dependencies for sun/util/* tests
2016-09-07, by skovalev
8165503: jlink exclude VM plugin's handling of jvmlibs is wrong
2016-09-07, by sundar
8165413: Typos in javadoc: extra period, wrong number, misspelled word
2016-09-07, by igerasim
8159404: throw UnsupportedOperationException unconditionally for mutator methods
2016-09-06, by smarks
8148859: Fix module dependences for java/time tests
2016-09-06, by shurailine
Added tag jdk-9+135 for changeset 6d7a656b1612
2016-09-08, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+135 for changeset 967c7d5073aa
2016-09-08, by lana
8165605: Thai resources in jdk.localedata cause split package issue with java.base
2016-09-12, by naoto
8165772: fix for 8165595 results in failure of jdk/test/tools/launcher/
2016-09-12, by sundar
2016-09-08, by lana
8165595: Main class should be set for nashorn modules
2016-09-08, by sundar
Added tag jdk-9+135 for changeset c55ef7ed9aa0
2016-09-08, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+135 for changeset e384420383a5
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8161376: Introduce -Xlint:exports
2016-09-06, by jlahoda
8160454: JSR269 jigsaw update: javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.getDirectives() causes NPE on unnamed modules
2016-09-02, by vromero
2016-09-02, by lana
8164073: Javac should unconditionally warn if deprecated javadoc tag is used without @Deprecated annotation
2016-09-02, by sadayapalam
8165211: JShell: Fix completion analysis problems
2016-09-01, by rfield
8164952: JShell tests: jdk/jshell/CompletionSuggestionTest.testUncompletedDeclaration(): failure
2016-09-01, by jlahoda
8133507: JShell: StackTraceElement#getFileName of EvalException does not use custom id generator
2016-09-01, by rfield
8165008: javac -Xmodule compiles the module in a way that reads the unnamed module
2016-08-29, by jlahoda
8131023: JShell: does not work
2016-09-01, by jlahoda
8165193: Workaround intermittent failures of JavacTreeScannerTest and SourceTreeScannerTest due to C2 memory usage
2016-09-01, by amlu
8164825: jshell tool: Completion for subcommand
2016-09-01, by shinyafox
8164518: JShell: Add failover case of explicitly listening to "localhost"
2016-08-31, by rfield
8165109: langtools/test switches to use new CLI options
2016-08-30, by mchung
8160851: Remove old launcher module-related options
2016-08-30, by mchung
8164837: fix jdeprscan TestLoad and TestScan failures on Windows
2016-08-29, by smarks
Added tag jdk-9+134 for changeset eb2c81860c86
2016-09-01, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+134 for changeset 219458339252
2016-09-01, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke