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2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-08-29, by lana
8022744: javac -Xpkginfo command's documentation is sparse
2013-08-29, by jjg
8013384: Potential infinite loop in javadoc
2013-08-29, by jjg
8023522: tools/javac/tree/ test cases with @TA newline fail on windows only
2013-08-29, by jjg
8001669: javadoc internal DocletAbortException should set cause when appropriate
2013-08-29, by jjg
8010310: [javadoc] Error processing sources with -private
2013-08-28, by jjg
8014566: Remove @ignore tags from MethodReference66 and InInterface when 8013875 is fixed
2013-08-28, by henryjen
8023826: Typo in warning about obsolete source / target values
2013-08-27, by darcy
7052170: javadoc -charset option generates wrong meta tag
2013-08-27, by bpatel
2013-08-26, by lana
2013-08-26, by lana
8023768: Use the unannotatedType in cyclicity checks.
2013-08-26, by jjg
8023701: Fix badly named test
2013-08-26, by jjg
8022173: Relax some warnings in doclint
2013-08-22, by jjg
8020745: Suspicious MethodParameters attribute generated for local classes capturing local variables
2013-08-22, by emc
8023112: javac should not use lazy constant evaluation approach for method references
2013-08-22, by vromero
8022316: Generic throws, overriding and method reference
2013-08-22, by vromero
8023520: Add missing test for JDK-7118412
2013-08-21, by emc
8022287: javac.sym.Profiles uses a static Map when it should not
2013-08-21, by jjg
7118412: Shadowing of type-variables vs. member types
2013-08-21, by emc
8023515: import type-annotations updates
2013-08-21, by jjg
Added tag jdk8-b105 for changeset aa9db9b9ecb1
2013-08-29, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-08-29, by lana
2013-08-26, by lana
8023636: Missing files from 8022885
2013-08-23, by mkos
8022885: Update JAX-WS RI integration to 2.2.9-b14140
2013-08-23, by mkos
Added tag jdk8-b105 for changeset 9e7c537661de
2013-08-29, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b105 for changeset 7b65cee32a84
2013-08-29, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-08-29, by lana
2013-08-27, by sundar
8023784: Object.prototype.toString should contain the class name for all instances
2013-08-27, by sundar
8023780: Gracefully handle @CS methods while binding bean properties
2013-08-27, by attila
8022773: ScriptEngineTest.printManyTest fails
2013-08-27, by sundar
8023721: Simplify eval in DebuggerSupport.
2013-08-26, by jlaskey
8023650: Regexp m flag does not recognize CRNL or CR
2013-08-26, by hannesw
8019987: String trimRight and trimLeft could be defined
2013-08-23, by jlaskey
8023454: Updated DEVELOPER_README and command line flags, ensuring that undocumented flags that aren't guaranteed to work (disabled by default) and that are work in progress show up with an EXPERIMENTAL tag.
2013-08-23, by lagergren
8020946: TokenType#toString returned null
2013-08-23, by jlaskey
8023550: -d option was broken for any dir but '.'. Fixed Java warnings.
2013-08-23, by lagergren
2013-08-26, by lana
2013-08-23, by sundar
8023630: Implement Java.super() as the preferred way to call super methods
2013-08-23, by attila
2013-08-23, by lagergren
8023453: --log=attr did not unindent identNodes
2013-08-23, by lagergren
8023631: engine.js init script should be loaded into every global instance created by engines
2013-08-23, by sundar
8023560: Arbitrary javax.script.Bindings objects as ENGINE_SCOPE objects are not handled as expected.
2013-08-22, by sundar
8023228: Debugger information gather is too slow.
2013-08-22, by jlaskey
8023531: new RegExp('').toString() should return '/(?:)/'
2013-08-22, by hannesw
8023551: Mirror functions can not be invoked using invokeMethod, invokeFunction
2013-08-22, by sundar
8023368: Instance __proto__ property should exist and be writable.
2013-08-21, by sundar
8022903: Enhance for-in and for-each for Lists and Maps
2013-08-21, by attila
8023373: allow super invocation for adapters
2013-08-21, by attila
Added tag jdk8-b105 for changeset df7b5446debc
2013-08-29, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b105 for changeset ff3beb903c1d
2013-08-29, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-08-29, by lana
4792059: test/java/io/pathNames/ fails on symbolic links
2013-08-29, by dxu
8023786: (jdk) setjmp/longjmp changes the process signal mask on OS X
2013-08-29, by sla
8023155: Ensure functional consistency across Random, ThreadLocalRandom, SplittableRandom
2013-08-28, by psandoz
8023713: ZipFileSystem crashes on old zip file
2013-08-28, by sherman
8022594: Potential deadlock in <clinit> of
2013-08-28, by alanb
8023717: (process) ProcessBuilder should catch SecurityException rather than AccessControlException
2013-08-28, by alanb
8023528: Rename Comparator combinators to disambiguate overloading methods
2013-08-21, by henryjen
8023647: "abc1c".matches("(\\w)+1\\1")) returns false
2013-08-27, by sherman
8023275: Wrapping collections should override default methods
2013-08-26, by henryjen
8023827: Fix doclint issues in
2013-08-27, by darcy
2013-08-27, by mullan
8019830: Add to the list of restricted package
2013-08-27, by mullan
8023769: JDK-8016850 broke the old build
2013-08-27, by mullan
8022761: regression: SecurityException is NOT thrown while trying to pack a wrongly signed Indexed Jar file
2013-08-27, by weijun
8015669: KerberosPrincipal::equals should ignore name-type
2013-08-27, by weijun
2013-08-26, by lana
2013-08-26, by lana
8014135: The JVMTI specification does not conform to recent changes in JNI specification
2013-08-26, by bpittore
8023681: Fix raw type warning caused by Sink
2013-08-09, by henryjen
8020292: j.u.SplittableRandom
2013-08-26, by psandoz
8016018: Typo in AbstractStringBuilder#indexOf and #lastIndexOf descriptions
2013-08-26, by igerasim
8011944: Sort fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
2013-08-26, by rriggs
8023234: StampedLock serializes readers on writer unlock
2013-08-26, by shade
8022343: j.l.Class.getAnnotatedSuperclass() doesn't return null in some cases
2013-08-26, by jfranck
7129312: BufferedInputStream calculates negative array size with large streams and mark
2013-08-25, by igerasim
8023139: java/nio/file/WatchService/ failing intermittently (win8)
2013-08-26, by alanb
6378503: In java.math.BigDecimal, division by one returns zero
2013-08-23, by bpb
8005899: Logger.getLogger(name, null) should not allow to reset a non-null resource bundle
2013-08-23, by dfuchs
6470700: Math.random() / Math.initRNG() uses "double checked locking"
2013-08-22, by bpb
6359971: Threads tab: Simple text to explain that one can click on a thread to get stack trace
2013-08-21, by egahlin
6417649: -interval=0 is accepted and jconsole doesn't update window content at all
2013-08-21, by egahlin
8022445: fix RMISocketFactory example to avoid using localhost
2013-08-22, by smarks
8022721: throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: unexpected condition
2013-08-20, by plevart
8023430: Replace File.mkdirs with Files.createDirectories to get failure details
2013-08-22, by dxu