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2010-03-01, by vinnie
6921001: api/java_security/IdentityScope/IdentityScopeTests.html#getSystemScope fails starting from b78 JDK7
2010-03-01, by vinnie
6921374: java.lang.String::hashCode() should check for count == 0 to avoid repeated stores hash = 0
2010-02-27, by alanb
6815768: File.getxxxSpace() methods fail for very large file systems under 32bit Java
2010-02-27, by alanb
6929259: Remove double spaces from Dual-pivot quicksort
2010-02-27, by alanb
6929532: (file) WatchService should avoid queuing new modify events when lots of files are changing
2010-02-27, by alanb
6916202: More cases of invalid ldap filters accepted and processed
2010-02-25, by xuelei
6929382: Various core classes in util and elsewhere are missing @param <T> tags
2010-02-24, by darcy
6926800: TEST_BUG: java/nio/file/Files/ fails with newer versions of find(1)
2010-02-23, by alanb
6928960: make modules fails to build class analyzer
2010-02-23, by alanb
6925932: (file) Path.endsWith can throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (unx)
2010-02-23, by alanb
6925977: (file) test/java/nio/file/Path/ fails if test.src on read-only file system
2010-02-23, by alanb
2010-03-09, by lana
2010-03-04, by lana
2010-03-01, by lana
6921644: XMLEncoder generates invalid XML
2010-03-04, by malenkov
6917744: JScrollPane Page Up/Down keys do not handle correctly html tables with different cells contents
2010-03-03, by rupashka
6913768: With default SynthLookAndFeel instance installed new JTable creation leads to throwing NPE
2010-03-03, by rupashka
6924059: SynthScrollBarUI.configureScrollBarColors() should have spec different from the overridden method
2010-03-03, by rupashka
6929298: The SynthSliderUI#calculateTickRect method should be removed
2010-02-27, by rupashka
6923305: SynthSliderUI paints the slider track when the slider's "paintTrack" property is set to false
2010-02-27, by rupashka
6918861: SynthSliderUI.uninstallDefaults() is not called when UI is uninstalled
2010-02-27, by rupashka
6918447: SynthToolBarUI.setBorderToXXXX() methods don't correspond inherited spec. They do nothing.
2010-02-27, by rupashka
6913758: Specification for SynthViewportUI.paintBorder(...) should mention that this method is never called
2010-02-27, by rupashka
4498236: RFE: Provide a toString method for PropertyChangeEvent and other classes
2010-02-18, by malenkov
6921289: (tz) Support tzdata2010b
2010-02-12, by peytoia
6909002: Remove indicim.jar and thaiim.jar from JRE and move to samples if needed
2010-02-11, by peytoia
6848475: JSlider does not display the correct value of its BoundedRangeModel
2010-02-10, by rupashka
2010-03-09, by lana
6918065: Crash in Java2D blit loop (IntArgbToIntArgbPreSrcOverMaskBlit) in 64bit mode
2010-03-08, by minqi
6892485: Deadlock in SunGraphicsEnvironment / FontManager
2010-03-03, by rkennke
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 5751e91f963a
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs17-b10 for changeset bd3cc6d99492
2010-03-08, by trims
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 448969041d3d
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
2010-03-09, by lana
2010-03-06, by ohair
6928700: Configure top repo for JPRT testing
2010-03-06, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 13d8d7dd8b00
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset b6f633a93ae0
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-02-23, by lana
6928623: Behaviour of VERBOSE=true on langtools build
2010-02-22, by andrew
6927797: langtools/test/tools/javac/ fails when run with assertions enabled (-ea)
2010-02-18, by jjg
2010-02-17, by lana
2010-02-17, by lana
6927061: Refactor apt implemenation to use code from JSR 269
2010-02-17, by darcy
6926703: apt tests should run with assertions enabled
2010-02-15, by darcy
6926699: Annotation processing regression tests should typically return SourceVersion.latest
2010-02-15, by darcy
6634138: Source generated in last round not compiled
2010-02-15, by darcy
6926555: 6921979 breaks TreePosTest
2010-02-15, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset ae856f7b6776
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset be1133a82187
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset 1a0d508d727c
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset a10244151b29
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-02-23, by lana
6365587: Proxy-Connection header sent through tunnel
2010-02-23, by chegar
6912868: "" behavior fails to check "use_same_proxy" in GNOME
2010-02-22, by chegar
2010-02-17, by lana
2010-02-15, by mchung
6925868: Eliminate pack200's dependency on logging
2010-02-12, by mchung
6925639: keytool -genkeypair -help missing dname option
2010-02-12, by weijun
6915413: Module build: building of specified jdk components instead of all
2010-02-10, by mchung
6693244: Java Web Start app fails on 6u10 beta w/ AssertionError in AuthenticationInfo.requestCompleted
2010-02-10, by chegar
6924497: HotSpotDiagnosticsMXBean.getDiagnosticOptions throws NPE
2010-02-08, by mchung
2010-02-19, by lana
6705345: Enable multiple file selection in AWT FileDialog
2010-02-12, by dcherepanov
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset b8df1478b109
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
6927886: Bump the HS17 build number to 10
2010-02-18, by trims
2010-02-18, by trims
2010-02-18, by twisti
6927165: Zero S/390 fixes
2010-02-18, by twisti
6926782: CodeBuffer size too small after 6921352
2010-02-18, by twisti
6877221: Endless deoptimizations in OSR nmethod
2010-02-16, by never
6926697: "optimized" VM build failed: The type "AdapterHandlerTableIterator" is incomplete
2010-02-16, by kvn
2010-02-16, by johnc
6923991: G1: improve scalability of RSet scanning
2010-02-11, by iveresov
6782663: Data produced by PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime and PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime is not accurate.
2010-02-09, by johnc
6802453: G1: hr()->is_in_reserved(from),"Precondition."
2010-02-08, by tonyp
6920977: G1: guarantee(k == probe->klass(),"klass should be in dictionary") fails
2010-02-05, by tonyp
2010-02-12, by kvn
6926048: Improve Zero performance
2010-02-12, by kvn
6925249: assert(last_sp < (intptr_t*) interpreter_frame_monitor_begin(),"bad tos")
2010-02-12, by kvn
6924097: assert((_type == Type::MEMORY) == (_adr_type != 0),"adr_type for memory phis only")
2010-02-09, by kvn
6910618: C2: Error: assert(d->is_oop(),"JVM_ArrayCopy: dst not an oop")
2010-02-09, by kvn
6910605: C2: NullPointerException/ClassCaseException is thrown when C2 with DeoptimizeALot is used
2010-02-08, by kvn
6923002: assert(false,"this call site should not be polymorphic")
2010-02-07, by kvn
6920293: OptimizeStringConcat causing core dumps
2010-02-05, by never
2010-02-11, by apangin
6587322: dtrace probe object__alloc doesn't fire in some situations on amd64
2010-02-08, by kamg
2010-02-08, by johnc
6914402: G1: assert(!is_young_card(cached_ptr),"shouldn't get a card in young region")
2010-02-02, by johnc
6904516: More object array barrier fixes, following up on 6906727
2010-02-01, by ysr
6885297: java -XX:RefDiscoveryPolicy=2 or -XX:TLABWasteTargetPercent=0 cause VM crash
2010-01-29, by johnc
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset 31557f5428d0
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset a1aa32963dec
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset b1e55627a698
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-02-14, by lana
2010-02-08, by lana
6923080: TreeScanner.visitNewClass should scan tree.typeargs
2010-02-04, by jjg
6921979: add test program to verify annotations are attached to nodes as expected
2010-02-03, by jjg
6922300: [308] populate the reference_info for type annotations targeting primitive class literals
2010-02-03, by jjg
6922429: extend tree position test waiver
2010-02-03, by jjg
6918625: handle annotations on array class literals
2010-02-02, by jjg
6919986: [308] change size of type_index (of CLASS_EXTENDS and THROWS) from byte to short
2010-02-01, by jjg
6499119: Created package-info class file modeled improperly
2010-01-29, by jjg
6919889: assorted position errors in compiler syntax trees
2010-01-29, by jjg
2010-01-27, by lana
6917130: should test that annotations that have been optimized away are not emitted to classfile
2010-01-26, by jjg
6919944: incorrect position given for duplicate annotation value error
2010-01-26, by jjg
6918127: improve handling of TypeAnnotationPosition fields
2010-01-20, by jjg
6917067: refactor type annotations code from TransTypes into new TypeAnnotations class
2010-01-19, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 36fcedcbb231
2010-02-12, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset deb836072de4
2010-02-12, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-02-14, by lana
2010-02-08, by lana
6923146: Upgrade to JAXP 1.4.3
2010-02-03, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset ab248239edc6
2010-02-12, by mikejwre