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8165700: Convert LogMessage internal tests to GTest
2016-09-08, by mlarsson
8165698: Convert LogTagSet related internal tests to GTest
2016-09-08, by mlarsson
8165696: Convert gcTraceTime internal tests to GTest
2016-09-08, by mlarsson
8164120: The minimal VM should be stripped using --strip-unneeded
2016-10-05, by erikj
8155729: C2: Skip transformation of LoadConP for heap-based compressed oops
2016-04-29, by mdoerr
8166129: hitting vmassert during gtest execution doesn't generate core and hs_err files
2016-10-04, by iignatyev
8166925: several native TESTs should be changed to TEST_VM
2016-10-04, by iignatyev
8157708: aarch64: StrIndexOfChar intrinsic is not implemented
2016-05-24, by enevill
8081800: AbstractMethodError when evaluating a private method in an interface via debugger
2016-10-03, by dholmes
8166462: Convert TestResourcehash_test to Gtest
2016-09-28, by kzhaldyb
8166930: minor cleanups 1) remove reference to ZIP_ReadMappedEntry 2) checking of st_mode
2016-09-30, by ccheung
2016-09-30, by amurillo
2016-09-29, by rprotacio
8160064: StackWalker implementation added logging option without using UL
2016-09-29, by rprotacio
Added tag jdk-9+142 for changeset 9d611e487d3e
2016-10-27, by lana
8063154: Checked in jvmti.h not in sync with generated jvmti.h
2016-11-02, by erikj
8131019: jshell tool: access javadoc from tool
2016-11-02, by jlahoda
8168982: Missing dependency for docs-copy
2016-11-01, by erikj
8168950: Incremental build of images always rebuilds jmods
2016-10-31, by erikj
8062810: Examine in JDK image and decide if source classes should be organized by module
2016-10-28, by erikj
2016-10-27, by lana
8167187: Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in jdk.jsobject
2016-10-27, by ddehaven
2016-10-27, by prr
2016-10-19, by prr
8167126: Create a module to provide access to non-SE desktop APIs
2016-10-18, by prr
8168772: Convert javadoc generation to build-infra standards
2016-10-26, by ihse
8168636: More detailed information about native libraries in build log
2016-10-26, by ihse
2016-10-25, by amurillo
2016-10-20, by amurillo
8166738: Enable concurrency in Hotspot jtreg testing
2016-10-18, by ctornqvi
2016-10-13, by amurillo
8166800: [s390] Top-level build changes required for Linux/s390x
2016-10-06, by simonis
Added tag jdk-9+142 for changeset 81d196a50ed9
2016-10-27, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+142 for changeset df0e03e3ca0e
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8167637: jshell tool: /edit should use EDITOR setting
2016-10-24, by rfield
8168480: Speculative attribution of lambda causes NPE in Flow
2016-10-24, by mcimadamore
8168499: Workaround intermittent failures of
2016-10-22, by darcy
8168343: 3 javac tests fail when run on an exploded image
2016-10-20, by jjg
8145471: javac changes for enhanced deprecation
2016-10-20, by jjg
2016-10-20, by lana
8163840: jshell tool: provide way to display configuration settings
2016-10-20, by rfield
8168368: Add missing bug id for JDK-8167383
2016-10-19, by ksrini
8167383: Javadoc does not handle packages correctly when used with module option.
2016-10-19, by ksrini
8167600: jib make run-test for langtools and intermittent failures on windows-x86
2016-10-19, by tbell
8166183: jshell tool: on return from Ctrl-Z, garbage on screen, dies with Ctrl-C
2016-10-19, by jlahoda
8151921: Improved page resolution
2016-07-14, by bpatel
8026721: Enhance Lambda serialization
2016-03-02, by vromero
8167461: jshell tool: Scanner#next() hangs tool
2016-10-18, by jlahoda
Added tag jdk-9+141 for changeset e8f487b79e24
2016-10-20, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+141 for changeset bca74f620797
2016-10-20, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8167179: Make XSL generated namespace prefixes local to transformation process
2016-10-21, by aefimov
Added tag jdk-9+141 for changeset 51d1140a3ee3
2016-10-20, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8164708: String.prototype.replace replaces empty match twice
2016-10-24, by hannesw
8168140: TypedArrays should implement ES6 iterator protocol
2016-10-21, by hannesw
8168146: Infinite recursion in Uint8ClampedArray.set
2016-10-21, by hannesw
2016-10-20, by lana
8166183: jshell tool: on return from Ctrl-Z, garbage on screen, dies with Ctrl-C
2016-10-19, by jlahoda
8071588: The spec for javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getProgram() should specify NPEs thrown
2016-10-19, by sundar
Added tag jdk-9+141 for changeset 2b32a69a46c1
2016-10-20, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8164908: ReflectionFactory support for IIOP and custom serialization
2016-10-24, by rriggs
Added tag jdk-9+141 for changeset 2770f176df66
2016-10-20, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8168614: Disable CORBA com.sun.corba.serialization.ObjectStreamTest.echoObjects
2016-10-24, by rriggs
8164908: ReflectionFactory support for IIOP and custom serialization
2016-10-24, by rriggs
8167192: [Testbug] java/io/Serializable/serialFilter test conditions wrong
2016-10-24, by rriggs
8152926: PropertyResourceBundle constructor don't understand the System.setProperty change
2016-10-24, by okutsu
8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
2016-10-22, by igerasim
2016-10-21, by mullan
8168313: Tighten permissions granted to jdk.crypto.pkcs11 module
2016-10-21, by mullan
8168471: Non ANSI C declaration of block local variable in NetworkInterface_winXP.c
2016-10-21, by simonis
8168417: Pending exceptions in java.base/windows/native/libnio
2016-10-21, by prappo
8163330: HijrahDate aligned day of week incorrect
2016-10-21, by rchamyal
8146750: java.time.Month.getDisplayName() return incorrect narrow names with JRE provider on locale de,de_DE,en_US.
2016-10-21, by rgoel
8152617: add missing wildcards to Optional or() and flatMap()
2016-10-20, by smarks
2016-10-20, by lana
8165271: Fix use of reflection to gain access to private fields
2016-10-12, by ddehaven
8166530: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ fails intermittently
2016-10-20, by asmotrak
8168405: Pending exceptions in java.base/windows/native
2016-10-20, by prappo
8146257: sun/net/www/protocol/jar/ fails intermittently with java.lang.RuntimeException: some jar_cache files left behind
2016-10-20, by amlu
8157965: update httpserver logging to use java.lang.System.Logger
2016-10-20, by dfuchs
8168374: fails on all platforms
2016-10-20, by weijun
8163304: jarsigner -verbose -verify should print the algorithms used to sign the jar
2016-10-20, by weijun
8167591: Add MD5 to signed JAR restrictions
2016-10-19, by ascarpino
8166183: jshell tool: on return from Ctrl-Z, garbage on screen, dies with Ctrl-C
2016-10-19, by jlahoda
8071588: The spec for javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getProgram() should specify NPEs thrown
2016-10-19, by sundar
8167647: Copy-and-paste bug in
2016-10-19, by weijun
8165064: Enhance thread contexts in JNDI
2016-10-13, by vinnie
8167628: Test for RMI API to export an object with a serialization filter
2016-10-12, by rriggs
8166381: Back out changes to the file to not disable MD5
2016-09-21, by ascarpino
8165816: jarsigner -verify shows jar unsigned if it was signed with a weak algorithm
2016-09-14, by weijun
8162411: Service Menu services 2
2016-07-27, by ssadetsky
8155973: Tighten jar checks
2016-07-21, by ascarpino
8160838: Better HTTP service
2016-07-18, by chegar
8157749: Improve handling of DNS error replies
2016-07-15, by msheppar
8160098: Clean up color profiles
2016-07-14, by prr
8157739: Classloader Consistency Checking
2016-07-12, by hb
8160934: isnan() is not available on older MSVC compilers
2016-07-12, by aivanov
8161342: Service Menu services
2016-07-11, by ssadetsky
8160090: Better signature handling in pack200
2016-07-05, by ksrini
8160094: Improve pack200 layout
2016-07-05, by ksrini
8159495: Fix Index Offsets
2016-07-05, by prr
8157653: [Parfait] Uninitialised variable in awt_Font.cpp
2016-06-30, by prr
8159515: Improve indy validation
2016-06-29, by coleenp
8157764: Better handling of interpolation plugins
2016-06-28, by vadim
8157759: LCMS Transform Sampling Enhancement
2016-06-28, by vadim
8157753: Audio replay enhancement
2016-06-28, by serb