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2015-05-04, by jwilhelm
8077529: [TESTBUG] Remove hotspot.internalvmtests from jprt config
2015-04-22, by ctornqvi
2015-04-20, by jwilhelm
8080630: Stop doing sed manipulation of manifest files in SetupJavaCompilation
2015-05-19, by ihse
Added tag jdk9-b65 for changeset a61494bfed44
2015-05-21, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b65 for changeset 4915246064b2
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-05-14, by lana
8065077: MethodTypes are not localized
2015-05-12, by bpatel
Added tag jdk9-b64 for changeset 47d774ef3c19
2015-05-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b64 for changeset 3901aa49fb70
2015-05-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-05-14, by lana
8080344: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle
2015-05-14, by joehw
8062518: AIOBE occurs when accessing to document function in extended function in JAXP
2015-05-08, by aefimov
Added tag jdk9-b64 for changeset 8a60622f2e7a
2015-05-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-05-14, by lana
8080295: Need to adjust test output for 8067931
2015-05-13, by attila
8067931: Improve error message when with statement is passed a POJO
2015-05-13, by attila
8080286: use path separator setting consistently in Nashorn project properties
2015-05-13, by mhaupt
8080182: Array.prototype.sort throws IAE on inconsistent comparison
2015-05-13, by sundar
8080090: -d option should dump script source as well
2015-05-12, by sundar
8080042: can't build nashorn.jar from jdk9-dev/nashorn using jdk8 installation as JAVA_HOME
2015-05-11, by sundar
Added tag jdk9-b64 for changeset 8b01824b0cbb
2015-05-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b64 for changeset 1dbddb2a1971
2015-05-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-05-14, by lana
8038084: CertStore needs a way to add new CertStore types
2015-05-15, by valeriep
8078463: TEST_BUG: optimize java/util/Map/
2015-05-14, by smarks
8080342: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle
2015-05-14, by naoto
8080330: (cs) Charset.availableCharsets failing with NPE on several platforms
2015-05-14, by alanb
8080317: Disable warning treated as error for signed/unsigned comparison in building splashscreen
2015-05-13, by prr
2015-05-13, by prr
6206437: Typo in JInternalFrame setDefaultCloseOperation() doc (WindowClosing --> internalFrameClosing)
2015-05-06, by serb
8079217: JRE installation is stuck at Progress dialog : redux
2015-05-06, by serb
2015-05-05, by prr
8073001: Java's system LnF on OS X: editable JComboBoxes are being rendered incorrectly
2015-04-30, by bae
8077982: GIFLIB upgrade
2015-04-30, by azvegint
8078614: WindowsClassicLookAndFeel MetalComboBoxUI.getbaseLine fails with IllegalArgumentException
2015-04-30, by alexsch
8078654: CloseTTFontFileFunc callback should be removed
2015-04-29, by adinn
8079067: New version string scheme - Java2D
2015-04-29, by prr
8076979: fails with stackoverflow error
2015-04-29, by prr
8078331: Upgrade JDK to use LittleCMS 2.7
2015-04-29, by prr
2015-04-29, by prr
2015-04-29, by prr
8078216: JRE installation is stuck at Progress dialog
2015-04-29, by serb
8031109: Rendering HTML code in JEditorPane throws NumberFormatException
2015-04-29, by alexsch
8051617: Fullscreen mode is not working properly on Xorg
2015-04-29, by azvegint
4703110: java.awt.Canvas(GraphicaConfiguration): null reaction
2015-04-29, by serb
8078464: Path2D storage growth algorithms should be less linear
2015-04-28, by lbourges
8044444: The output's 'Page-n' footer does not show completely
2015-04-28, by alexsch
8077267: Typo in the test on JavaBean
2015-04-28, by serb
2015-04-27, by prr
8076455: IME Composition Window is displayed on incorrect position
2015-04-24, by bae
8078165: [macosx] NPE when attempting to get image from toolkit
2015-04-23, by anashaty
6829245: Reg test: java/awt/Component/isLightweightCrash/ fails
2015-04-23, by serb
8078115: Applets now require "modifyThread" permission to exit on windows
2015-04-22, by serb
8030123: java/beans/Introspector/ fails
2015-04-22, by alexsch
8069361: SunGraphics2D.getDefaultTransform() does not include scale factor
2015-04-22, by alexsch
8078082: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/SplashScreen/MultiResolutionSplash/ fails
2015-04-21, by pchopra
7145508: java.awt.GraphicsDevice.get/setDisplayMode behavior is incorrect when no display is present
2015-04-20, by prr
8077394: Uninitialised memory in jdk/src/java/desktop/unix/native/libfontmanager/X11FontScaler.c
2015-04-19, by serb
8074757: Remove java.awt.Toolkit methods which return peer types
2015-04-17, by serb
8074763: Remove API references to java.awt.dnd.peer
2015-04-17, by serb
8074028: Remove API references to java.awt.peer
2015-04-17, by serb
8075942: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in sun.java2d.pisces.Dasher.goTo
2015-04-17, by prr
8076264: [macosx] Launching app on MacOSX requires enclosing class
2015-04-16, by serb
8074956: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel.first()
2015-04-16, by aivanov
2015-04-15, by prr
8075082: Fix missing doclint warnings in the javax.swing package
2015-04-15, by darcy
8072767: DefaultCellEditor for comboBox creates ActionEvent with wrong source object
2015-04-15, by alexsch
8076624: Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.text
2015-04-14, by darcy
8077095: Fix missing doclint warnings in the javax.swing.plaf.basic package
2015-04-14, by darcy
2015-04-14, by ddehaven
8076106: [macosx] Drag image of TransferHandler does not honor MultiResolutionImage
2015-04-14, by alexsch
8073453: Focus doesn't move when pressing Shift + Tab keys
2015-04-14, by dmarkov
8076214: [Findbugs]sun.awt.datatransfer.SunClipboard.checkChange(long[]) may expose internal representation
2015-04-14, by serb
8035302: Eliminate dependency on jdk.charsets from 2D font code.
2015-04-13, by prr
8076069: [macosx][TESTBUG] tests failing with Unrecognized system error
2015-04-13, by sgupta
8076151: [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/FontClass/CreateFont/fileaccess/ fails
2015-04-10, by pchopra
7081580: Specification for MouseInfo.getNumberOfButtons() doesn't contain info about "awt.mouse.numButtons"
2015-04-09, by ssadetsky
6866751: J2SE_Swing_Reg: the caret disappears when moving to the end of the line.
2015-04-09, by ssadetsky
8077094: Fix missing doclint warnings in the javax.swing.plaf package
2015-04-08, by darcy
8076422: Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.border
2015-04-07, by darcy
8076315: move 4 manual functional swing tests to regression suite
2015-04-07, by yan
7042645: Numerous api/java_awt jck tests fail - AWT Assertion Failure on fastdebug ri bundles b138 win7 x86
2015-04-07, by ssadetsky
8068180: sun/security/pkcs11 tests are still in ProblemList.txt
2015-05-13, by vinnie
8079428: [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/plaf/windows/6921687/ fails
2015-05-13, by pchopra
8079841: Buffer underflow with empty zip entry names
2015-05-12, by jmanson
8075706: Policy implementation does not allow policy.provider to be on the class path
2015-05-12, by mullan
8029689: (spec)[], int, int) throws unspecified IndexOutOfBoundsException
2015-05-12, by prappo
8079773: java/util/logging/LogManager/
2015-05-12, by dfuchs
8078645: removeIf(filter) in ConcurrentHashMap removes entries for which filter is false
2015-05-12, by psandoz
8053918: make the spec for @Documented comprehensible
2015-05-11, by darcy
8080013: OpenJDK windows build fails due to warning in libfontmanager
2015-05-11, by ihse
8034820: Wrong isAssignableFrom test when adding Principal to Subject
2015-05-11, by mullan
6470634: Typos in CardTerminals.list(CardTerminals.State) javadoc
2015-05-08, by mullan
8079782: RandomFactory should be in the jdk.testlibrary package
2015-05-08, by chegar
8079651: (dc) fails with NumberFormatException due to network interference
2015-05-08, by alanb
8074859: Turn on warnings as error
2015-05-08, by ihse
8079771: Fix SoundLibraries.gmk mismerge after JDK-8072665
2015-05-08, by ihse
Added tag jdk9-b64 for changeset aca452591e50
2015-05-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-05-14, by lana
8079203: AARCH64: Need to cater for different partner implementations
2015-05-12, by enevill
Added tag jdk9-b64 for changeset febd2373771c
2015-05-14, by katleman
2015-05-14, by lana
8075771: Enable "missing" doclint check in build of the java.desktop module
2015-05-13, by darcy
2015-05-13, by prr
2015-05-05, by prr
2015-04-27, by prr
2015-04-15, by prr
2015-04-14, by ddehaven
8035302: Eliminate dependency on jdk.charsets from 2D font code.
2015-04-13, by prr
8080082: configure fails if you create an empty directory and then run configure from it
2015-05-12, by ihse
8039426: gcc can target wrong instruction set when building JDK native code
2015-05-12, by erikj