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8034980: Fix @summary tag of test/tools/javac/parser/
2014-03-17, by dlsmith
8037420: Silent failures in Annotate.actualEnterTypeAnnotations
2014-03-14, by emc
8034924: Incorrect inheritance of inaccessible static method
2014-03-13, by vromero
8034127: javac provide debug oriented toString() methods to InferenceContext and UndetVar
2014-03-13, by vromero
8037120: Fix doclint warnings in javax.lang.model exception types
2014-03-11, by darcy
8036842: Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in javac tests, part 2
2014-03-07, by darcy
8034854: outer_class_info_index of synthetic class is not zero
2014-03-07, by jlahoda
8034091: There is no records in LineNumberTable attribute for ternary operator ?: splitted to several lines.
2014-03-06, by pgovereau
Added tag jdk9-b05 for changeset a127d7bb1c30
2014-03-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-25, by lana
2014-03-18, by lana
8036611: Cleanup of handling of properties and other java resources in the build
2014-03-07, by erikj
Added tag jdk9-b05 for changeset 820ef263f93a
2014-03-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-25, by lana
2014-03-18, by lana
8036611: Cleanup of handling of properties and other java resources in the build
2014-03-07, by erikj
Added tag jdk9-b05 for changeset be03513558fc
2014-03-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-25, by lana
2014-03-18, by lana
8037378: Write sanity tests for bytecode persistence feature
2014-03-17, by mnunez
8037400: Remove getInitialMap getters and GlobalObject interface
2014-03-17, by sundar
8015958: DataView constructor is not defined
2014-03-13, by sundar
8034055: delete on global object not properly guarded
2014-03-12, by hannesw
8021350: Share script classes between threads/globals within context
2014-03-12, by hannesw
2014-03-07, by prr
2014-02-27, by prr
2014-02-20, by prr
2014-02-11, by prr
8033951: nasgen needs the newly build nasgen and nashorn classes in the bootclasspath
2014-02-10, by simonis
Added tag jdk9-b05 for changeset 9471aad8444f
2014-03-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-25, by lana
2014-03-18, by lana
8036611: Cleanup of handling of properties and other java resources in the build
2014-03-07, by erikj
Added tag jdk9-b05 for changeset 42d16b6cadb0
2014-03-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-25, by lana
2014-03-18, by lana
8033271: Manual security tests have @ignore rather than @run main/manual
2014-03-18, by wetmore
8037529: [asm] add back @Suppress tags, removed by last bulk refresh
2014-03-18, by ksrini
8037483: issue with the crypto / sec zip unzipping in the jdk8 build
2014-03-18, by erikj
8037106: Optimize Arrays.asList(...).forEach
2014-03-18, by psandoz
8037013: [TESTBUG] Fix test/java/lang/ClassLoader/ on AIX
2014-03-18, by simonis
8037346: Need to terminate server process if client runs into problems
2014-03-17, by xuelei
8037221: [asm] refresh internal ASM version
2014-03-14, by ksrini
8010767: Build fails on OEL6 with 16 cores
2014-03-14, by erikj
8037180: [TEST_BUG] test/sun/util/calendar/zi/ incorrectly calculates raw GMT offset change time
2014-03-14, by aefimov
8037012: (tz) Support tzdata2014a
2014-03-14, by aefimov
8037281: Improve CacheFind and enable on all platforms
2014-03-14, by erikj
8037262: typo in error message in KrbAsReq.authenticate()
2014-03-14, by weijun
8028591: NegativeArraySizeException in
2014-03-13, by asmotrak
7011804: SequenceInputStream with lots of empty substreams can cause StackOverflowError
2014-03-13, by igerasim
8036088: Replace strtok() with its safe equivalent strtok_s() in DefaultProxySelector.c
2014-03-13, by igerasim
8036916: Deprecation warnings in LogManager
2014-03-12, by dfuchs
8034262: Test java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fails
2014-03-12, by igerasim
8021804: Certpath validation fails if validity period of root cert does not include validity period of intermediate cert
2014-03-12, by juh
8035963: The failed Kerberos tests due to timeouts
2014-03-12, by weijun
8036117: MethodHandles.catchException doesn't handle VarargsCollector right (8034120 failed)
2014-03-11, by vlivanov
8034168: ThreadMXBean/ failed, blocked on wrong object
2014-03-11, by jbachorik
8036971: krb5.conf does not accept directive lines before the first section
2014-03-11, by weijun
8036543: [parfait] JNI pending exceptions for j2secmod.c, j2secmod_md.c, and p11_md.c
2014-03-10, by ascarpino
8036848: Fix deprecation warning in sun.misc.CharacterDecoder
2014-03-07, by bpb
8035808: Eliminate dependency to GetPropertyAction and other convenient classes
2014-03-07, by mchung
8035279: Clean up internal deprecations in BigInteger
2014-03-07, by bpb
2014-03-07, by prr
8035839: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Label.cpp
2014-02-28, by serb
2014-02-27, by prr
2014-02-27, by prr
8035844: [parfait] JNI exception pending in src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Rectangle.cpp
2014-02-27, by pchelko
8035860: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/MouseInfo.cpp
2014-02-27, by pchelko
8027778: [macosx] Full screen not working properly on 7u45 and jdk8
2014-02-27, by serb
8035842: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Insets.cpp
2014-02-27, by pchelko
8035855: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_DataTransferer.cpp
2014-02-27, by pchelko
8035335: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_TrayIcon.cpp
2014-02-26, by pchelko
8034766: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CRobot.m
2014-02-25, by serb
8033573: [parfait] warning from b128 for share/native/sun/awt/splashscreen/java_awt_SplashScreen.c: JNI exception pending
2014-02-25, by serb
8034105: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CImage.m
2014-02-25, by serb
8031573: [macosx] Checkmarks of JCheckBoxMenuItems aren't rendered in high resolution on Retina
2014-02-25, by alexsch
6744401: Consider removal of code disabling JIT in Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit
2014-02-25, by serb
8017472: [macosx] Transparency demo is not correctly dragged on the second monitor
2014-02-25, by azvegint
8008657: JSpinner setComponentOrientation doesn't affect on text orientation
2014-02-24, by alexsch
8030788: [Parfait] warnings from b119 for jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib: JNI exception pending
2014-02-24, by pchelko
8035487: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.imageio.spi
2014-02-21, by henryjen
8033716: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in com.sun.imageio
2014-02-21, by henryjen
2014-02-21, by prr
2014-02-20, by prr
8032078: [macosx] CPlatformWindow.setWindowState throws RuntimeException, if windowState=ICONIFIED|MAXIMIZED_BOTH
2014-02-21, by alitvinov
8034085: Do not prefer indexed properties
2014-02-21, by malenkov
8035310: The line.separator property can be retrieved via public API
2014-02-21, by malenkov
8034998: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.imageio
2014-02-20, by henryjen
8035341: Allow using a system installed libpng
2014-02-20, by omajid
8035287: gcc warnings compiling various libraries files
2014-02-18, by mikael
8034038: [parfait] JNI exception pending in macosx/native/sun/awt/CDataTransferer.m
2014-02-18, by pchelko