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7166955: (pack200) JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs needs additional checking
2012-05-09, by ksrini
7165722: Invalid path in MemoryMonitor demo's README.txt
2012-05-09, by luchsh
7166570: JSSE certificate validation has started to fail for certificate chains
2012-05-08, by xuelei
7167092: Need to put the return clause in the synchronized block
2012-05-08, by xuelei
7157656: (zipfs) SeekableByteChannel to entry in zip file always reports its position as 0
2012-05-08, by sherman
7014640: To add a metachar \R for line ending and character classes for vertical/horizontal ws \v \V \h \H
2012-05-08, by sherman
7103570: AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater does not work when SecurityManager is installed
2012-05-08, by dholmes
7166687: InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() returns FQDN
2012-05-07, by robm
7166048: Remove the embeded epoll data structure.
2012-05-07, by zhouyx
7153184: NullPointerException when calling SSLEngineImpl.getSupportedCipherSuites
2012-05-04, by xuelei
7166598: FilteredRowSetImpl can result in Invalid Cursor Position
2012-05-04, by lancea
7160714: Strange or obsolete @see tags in some exception java.util javadoc
2012-05-02, by jgish
7165102: Only run assertion on Integer autoboxing cache size once
2012-05-02, by forax
2012-05-21, by lana
7170427: setGlobalCurrentFocusCycleRoot unexpectedly throws SecurityException
2012-05-22, by ant
7168144: No appropriate CCC request for changes introduced by 7154030
2012-05-21, by rupashka
7156191: [macosx] Can't type into applet demos in Pivot
2012-05-18, by dcherepanov
7145827: [macosx] JCK failure in b11: FocusableWindow3
2012-05-17, by ant
7145768: [macosx] Regression: failure in b11 of ModalDialogInFocusEventTest
2012-05-17, by ant
7125044: [macosx] Test failure because Component.transferFocus() works differently in applet and application.
2012-05-17, by ant
7154072: [macosx] swallowing key events
2012-05-17, by ant
7142565: [macosx] Many special keys processed twice in text fields
2012-05-17, by ant
7166322: closed/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit/4242228/ failed since 1.8.0b36
2012-05-17, by rupashka
7148281: [macosx] JTabbedPane tabs with HTML text do not render correctly
2012-05-17, by alexsch
7158928: [macosx] NLS: Please change the mnemonic assignment system
2012-05-16, by alexsch
7169226: NLS: Please change the mnemonic assignment system for windows and motif properties
2012-05-16, by alexsch
7168851: [macosx] Netbeans crashes in CImage.nativeCreateNSImageFromArray
2012-05-16, by anthony
7124337: [macosx] FileDialog fails to select multiple files
2012-05-16, by dcherepanov
7168550: [macosx] duplicate OGL context state changes related to vertex cache
2012-05-15, by dcherepanov
7110683: Issues with some KeyboardFocusManager method
2012-05-12, by ant
7149005: [macosx] Java Control Panel's UI controls are distorted when draging scroll bar.
2012-05-12, by alexp
7024965: Stylepad demo: remove non-translatable resources from file
2012-05-12, by alexsch