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2010-01-20, by dcubed
6580131: 3/4 CompiledMethodLoad events don't produce the expected extra notifications to describe inlining
2010-01-13, by dcubed
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset a84303f7ca26
2010-02-04, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset 5560473b9cbe
2010-02-04, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset a30062be6d9c
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 43ee00bea176
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 4ef036bb3679
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 0c8ad4a8e25b
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 9900f2781664
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-29, by ohair
6917466: Should set bootclasspath for javadoc in jdk build
2010-01-29, by andrew
6921068: Remove javadoc builds warnings from specdefault tag
2010-01-28, by andrew
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset a280fa50978f
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 4197a09e1259
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset f2507e238f8a
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset dcc938ac40cc
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-22, by lana
2010-01-15, by lana
6916986: handle spaces in langtools launcher path
2010-01-14, by jjg
6917122: provide utility method to find the inner most type of a type tree
2010-01-14, by jjg
6472751: SourcePositions.getStartPos returns incorrect value for enum constants
2010-01-13, by jjg
6909470: langtools stub generator should prune unnecessary imports
2010-01-11, by jjg
6915497: test test/tools/javac/nio/compileTest/ fails under Hudson
2010-01-11, by jjg
6915476: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException in
2010-01-11, by jjg
6764569: [PATCH] Fix unused imports in list resource bundles
2010-01-11, by jjg
6326754: Compiler will fail to handle -Xmaxerrs with -ve numbers
2010-01-11, by jjg
6915152: langtools build failures with import.jdk on Windows
2010-01-08, by jjg
6915078: ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH typo in langtools/make/Makefile
2010-01-08, by jjg
6665791: com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree.toString() does not output default values
2010-01-08, by jjg
6878146: incorrect unused value should be deleted
2010-01-08, by jjg
6878147: Keywords.log is declared and initialized but unused
2010-01-08, by jjg
6855236: Compiler Tree API TreePath class generates NullPointerException from Iterator
2010-01-06, by jjg
6307206: missing lint control for pkg-info
2010-01-06, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 50559985f09b
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 45ed797aeb93
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 4f440ce94e8f
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 2e36be9a9a7f
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-22, by lana
6917791: KeyTabEntry, when the byte value smaller then 16, the string drop '0'
2010-01-19, by weijun
6916217: make/modules/Makefile requires ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH
2010-01-18, by mchung
6917663: test/java/security/Provider/ not samevm friendly
2010-01-18, by ptisnovs
6917021: (file) copyTo/moveTo can overrwrite existing file when target associated with custom provider
2010-01-18, by alanb
6917317: (sctp) Remove dependency on handleSocketError
2010-01-18, by chegar
6916890: (sctp) SctpChannel.send may cause IAE if given a heap buffer with an offset
2010-01-18, by chegar
2010-01-15, by lana
6916922: (sctp) SO_RCVBUF & SO_SNDBUF returns twice the value set
2010-01-15, by chegar
2010-01-15, by mullan
6915939: Exception should be thrown if OCSP SingleResponses contain unresolved critical extensions
2010-01-15, by mullan
6908218: java.lang.Deprecated should have explicit @Target meta-annotation.
2010-01-14, by darcy
6915502: Legal notice repairs needed in jdk/make/modules/tools
2010-01-12, by mchung
6828204: NavigableSet.subSet() documentation refers to nonexistent parameters
2010-01-11, by darcy
6915313: Reorganize implementation to make it more feasible to port to JDK6
2010-01-11, by chegar
6913877: (fs) AsynchronousFileChannel.write can return wrong result under load [win]
2010-01-10, by alanb
6907760: (file) OVERFLOW event should cause pending events to be purged
2010-01-09, by alanb
6915171: Clarify checked/unchecked status of Throwable and its subclasses
2010-01-07, by darcy
6911737: Module build: generate modules with native libraries and any other files not in jar
2010-01-07, by mchung
2010-01-05, by ohair
6911104: Tests do not work with CYGWIN: tools, sun/tools, and com/sun/tools
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911108: These tests do not work with CYGWIN: java/util
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911129: These tests do not work with CYGWIN: java/lang
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911112: Tests do not work with CYGWIN: javax/imageio/, javax/script/, and sun/misc/
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911131: Test does not work with CYGWIN: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911117: These tests do not work with CYGWIN: com/sun/jdi
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911113: These tests do not work with CYGWIN: java/nio
2010-01-04, by ohair
6910835: TESTS: 3 java/io tests fail when run on Windows XP CYGWIN
2010-01-04, by ohair
6910834: TEST: java/io/File/ fails on Windows CYGWIN environment
2010-01-04, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 3effa7542ca5
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
6919437: Bump the HS17 build number to 08
2010-01-22, by trims
2010-01-22, by trims
2010-01-20, by iveresov
6893701: compiler/6877254/ fails because it combines -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC with other GC
2010-01-19, by kvn
6917931: compiler/6895383/ don't compile due missed imports
2010-01-19, by kvn
6917698: os::is_allocatable Zero fix for 32-bit platforms
2010-01-18, by twisti
6879943: CTW failure jdk6_18/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIR.hpp:2029
2010-01-15, by never
6849984: Value methods for platform dependent math functions constant fold incorrectly
2010-01-15, by never
6912065: final fields in objects need to support inlining optimizations for JSR 292
2010-01-13, by jrose
6894779: Loop Predication for Loop Optimizer in C2
2010-01-12, by cfang
2010-01-19, by trims
2010-01-16, by ysr
6915005: G1: Hang in PtrQueueSet::completed_buffers_list_length with gcl001
2010-01-13, by johnc
2010-01-14, by tonyp
6916652: G1: remove +UseG1GC from under experimental options
2010-01-13, by tonyp
6896647: card marks can be deferred too long
2010-01-13, by ysr
6902115: G1:assert(ignore_max_completed||thread->is_Java_thread()||SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint())
2010-01-12, by johnc
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 8f15a8afca28
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset e28f9a870f12
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset e6abd38682d2
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset e7616c247414
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset 4b85cf247673
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset c7d5c3613e3f
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-20, by mikejwre
6917485: Corba doc warnings
2010-01-16, by andrew
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset ae0f40f891d4
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-20, by mikejwre
2010-01-17, by yhuang
2010-01-11, by yhuang
6821191: Timezone display name localization
2010-01-06, by yhuang
6914413: abbreviation name for November is not correct in be_BY
2010-01-06, by yhuang
6716626: Integrate contributed language and country names for NL
2010-01-05, by yhuang
6585666: Spanish language names not compliant with CLDR
2009-12-28, by yhuang
6541350: TimeZone display names localization
2009-12-24, by yhuang
6870908: reopen bug 4244752: month names in Estonian should be lowercase
2009-12-24, by yhuang
6573250: Java.util.Currency.getSymbol(Locale) returns wrong value when locale is not US.
2009-12-20, by yhuang
6910489: Slovenia Locale, wrong firstDayOfWeek number
2009-12-20, by yhuang
6645405: Errors in Hungarian local-specific formatting. (L10N part of 6609703)
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6650730: Lithuanian locale date and number formats mismatch.
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6646611: Incorrect spelling of month name in locale for Belarusian language ("be", "BY")
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6645268: Country/language names with locale fi_FI are incorrect for FRANCE/FRENCH
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6450945: The week day for Saturday and the first week day in Romania locale are incorrect
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6873931: New Turkish currency since 2009
2009-12-10, by yhuang
6507067: TimeZone country/area message error
2009-12-08, by yhuang
6609737: DateFormat incorrect for German locale
2009-12-08, by yhuang
6645271: Wrong date format for Croatian (hr) locale
2009-12-08, by yhuang
6610748: Dateformat - AM-PM indicator in Finnish appears to be from English
2009-12-08, by yhuang
6868106: Ukrainian currency has wrong format
2009-12-06, by yhuang
2010-01-13, by ohair
2010-01-05, by ohair
6899737: JDK build fails in make/java/jli because of _vsnprintf macro redefinition
2009-12-18, by tbell
6915906: tests in closed/javax/print/ should not be calling System.exit()
2010-01-15, by jgodinez
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset 9cb43bde544d
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
6917463: Bump the HS17 build number to 07
2010-01-15, by trims
2010-01-15, by trims
2010-01-12, by iveresov
6909839: missing unsigned compare cases for some cmoves in
2010-01-09, by never
2010-01-08, by jrose
2010-01-08, by jrose
6912063: inlining parameters need to be adjusted for some uses of the JVM
2010-01-08, by jrose
2010-01-08, by jrose
6912062: disassembler plugin needs to produce symbolic information in product mode
2010-01-08, by jrose
6910484: incorrect integer optimization (loosing and op-r in a given example)
2010-01-08, by kvn
6915110: IfNode::up_one_dom moves beyond RootNode bug in src/share/vm/opto/ifnode.cpp
2010-01-08, by kvn
6914206: change way of permission checking for generated MethodHandle adapters
2010-01-08, by twisti
6912517: JIT bug compiles out (and stops running) code that needs to be run. Causes NPE.
2010-01-07, by kvn
6914622: Print values of all flags for product VM
2010-01-07, by kvn
2010-01-09, by ysr
6912018: CMS: guarantee(head() != 0,"The head of the list cannot be NULL")
2010-01-07, by jmasa
6637203: Classunloading messages go to stdout rather than Xloggc file, causing hangs when stdout is closed
2010-01-04, by ysr
2010-01-04, by jmasa
6631166: CMS: better heuristics when combatting fragmentation
2009-12-23, by ysr
2010-01-06, by iveresov
2010-01-06, by never
6914300: ciEnv should export all well known classes
2010-01-06, by never
6914002: unsigned compare problem after 5057818
2010-01-05, by never
2010-01-05, by never
6908267: Zero fails to unlock synchronized native methods on exception
2010-01-05, by never
6893268: additional dynamic language related optimizations in C2
2010-01-05, by twisti
6829187: compiler optimizations required for JSR 292
2010-01-05, by twisti
6913075: EA identifies escape state incorrectly after 6895383 fix
2010-01-04, by kvn
6893081: method handle & invokedynamic code needs additional cleanup (post 6815692, 6858164)
2010-01-04, by twisti
2010-01-04, by twisti
6894206: JVM needs a way to traverse method handle structures
2010-01-04, by twisti
6913869: Zero assert fix
2010-01-04, by twisti
6909153: Fix broken options on Zero
2010-01-04, by twisti
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset 9b63533d5895
2010-01-14, by katleman
2010-01-20, by mikejwre
6914986: Make sure openjdk doc generation not turned off with JDK_UPDATE_VERSION
2010-01-07, by andrew
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset 142aec7359d5
2010-01-14, by katleman
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset e9c98378f6b9
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-12-19, by tbell
6911854: Update to use @compile/proc
2009-12-18, by darcy
6910317: [classfile] typo and other issues in Dependency classes
2009-12-15, by jjg
6907575: [classfile] add support for classfile dependency analysis
2009-12-12, by jjg
6906175: bridge JSR199 and JSR 203 APIs
2009-12-11, by jjg
6909538: Clarify meaning of "element" in javax.lang.model.element API
2009-12-10, by darcy
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset fcbbd4d49581
2009-12-17, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset f6cdb0710f97
2009-12-17, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset 977f877abc78
2009-12-17, by mikejwre