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8200545: Improve filter for enqueued deferred cards
2019-05-14, by tschatzl
8219459: oopDesc::is_valid() is broken
2019-05-14, by coleenp
8223638: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 6
2019-05-14, by aefimov
8223822: Add gc IDs in the log of gc verification
2019-05-14, by stefank
8222841: Incorrect static call stub interactions with class unloading
2019-05-14, by eosterlund
8221478: Disable VerifySharedSpaces by default
2019-05-14, by redestad
8222969: Migrate RuleBasedCollatorTest to JDK Repo
2019-05-14, by yzhou
8219023: Investigate syncing JVMTI spec version with JDK version
2019-05-14, by sspitsyn
8223597: jdk/nio/zipfs/ RuntimeException: CHECK_FAILED! (getAttribute.crc <entries20> failed 6af4413c vs 0 ...)
2019-05-14, by clanger
8222480: Implementation: JEP 351: ZGC: Uncommit Unused Memory
2019-05-14, by pliden
8223762: Shenandoah: overflows in calculations involving heap capacity
2019-05-14, by shade
8223759: Shenandoah should allow arbitrarily low initial heap size
2019-05-14, by shade
8223685: used bundled zlib on AIX by default
2019-05-14, by mbaesken
8223574: add more thread-related system settings info to hs_error file on AIX
2019-05-10, by mbaesken
8223779: Build failure after 8223040 (Add a AsyncGetCallTrace test)
2019-05-13, by jcbeyler
8223730: URLClassLoader.findClass() can throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
2019-05-13, by igerasim
8223063: Support CNG RSA keys
2019-05-14, by weijun
8223235: [Graal] compiler/jsr292/NonInlinedCall/ failed time out
2019-05-13, by epavlova
8223637: Fix build breakage after 8223136
2019-05-11, by stefank
8214796: Create a jlink plugin for stripping debug info symbols from native libraries
2019-03-14, by sgehwolf
8221696: MappedByteBuffer.force method to specify range
2019-04-25, by adinn
8223632: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 5
2019-05-13, by dfuchs
8219060: -linksource broken with modules
2019-05-13, by hannesw
8222015: Small VM.metaspace improvements
2019-04-05, by stuefe
8223667: ASAN build broken
2019-05-10, by aeubanks
8223040: Add a AsyncGetCallTrace test
2019-05-08, by jcbeyler
8223654: Clean up @jls references in com.sun.source
2019-05-10, by jjg
8221253: TLSv1.3 may generate TLSInnerPlainText longer than 2^14+1 bytes
2019-05-10, by xuelei
8221569: JFR tool produces incorrect output when both --categories and --events are specified
2019-05-10, by cito
8222533: jtreg test jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/ fails on SLES12.3 linux ppc64le machine
2019-05-10, by bobv
8221340: [TESTBUG] fails after fix for JDK-8219562
2019-05-10, by bobv
8223531: [Graal] assert(type() == T_INT) failed: type check
2019-05-10, by dnsimon