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8029343: CodeCache::allocate increments '_number_of_blobs' even if allocation fails.
2014-05-09, by anoll
2014-05-08, by twisti
8042431: compiler/7200264/ fails with: Test Failed: AddVI 0 < 4
2014-05-08, by anoll
2014-05-12, by dholmes
8032551: Remove UsePPCLWSYNC from globals.hpp
2014-05-12, by dholmes
2014-05-12, by ctornqvi
8042804: Support invoking Hotspot tests from top level
2014-05-12, by mikael
8040292: Annotation attributes must not appear more than once
2014-05-12, by hseigel
2014-05-12, by lfoltan
8039805: Fix the signature of the global new/delete operators in allocation.cpp.
2014-05-12, by simonis
2014-05-12, by coleenp
8042726: [TESTBUG] TEST.groups file was not updated after runtime/6925573/ removal
2014-05-09, by ctornqvi
8042471: Unable to build JDK 9 Hotspot within VS2010
2014-05-09, by ctornqvi
8038654: Separate SymbolTable and StringTable code
2014-05-07, by gziemski
8041415: remove port.{cpp,hpp} files
2014-05-07, by zgu
8037816: Fix for 8036122 breaks build with Xcode5/clang
2014-05-09, by drchase
Added tag jdk9-b14 for changeset 631682a70d8a
2014-05-22, by katleman
2014-05-27, by jcoomes
2014-05-23, by jcoomes
2014-05-16, by amurillo
8042804: Support invoking Hotspot tests from top level
2014-05-12, by mikael
8043975: Update README for jdk9
2014-05-26, by omajid
2014-05-23, by prr
2014-05-12, by prr
2014-05-05, by prr
2014-04-29, by ngthomas
8042159: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
2014-04-29, by omajid
2014-05-22, by lana
8043127: Convert JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE to unix style paths
2014-05-20, by erikj
Added tag jdk9-b14 for changeset 78fe3dcb9cf7
2014-05-22, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b14 for changeset 97932f6ad950
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-05-15, by lana
8042882: Support verbosity options in langtools testing
2014-05-13, by dlsmith
8034223: Most-specific should not have any special treatment for boxed vs. unboxed types
2014-05-13, by dlsmith
8035763: Error parsing binary type annotations data in javac
2014-05-09, by emc
8042886: Test langtools/test/com/sun/javadoc/testHtmlDocument/ fails on Windows
2014-05-09, by jjg
8028503: javac, for method references a primitive type can be added as a bound
2014-05-10, by vromero
8037379: fix for JDK-8029569 doesn't cover all possible cases
2014-05-10, by vromero
8038730: Clean up the way JavadocTester is invoked, and checks for errors.
2014-05-09, by jjg
8042867: Missing license header for langtools/make/netbeans/langtools/nbproject/
2014-05-09, by jlahoda
8042656: Inference produces spurious error for intersection type bounds check
2014-05-09, by dlsmith
8040327: Eliminate AnnotatedType
2014-05-09, by emc
8042839: XPreferTest fails on Windows
2014-05-09, by jjg
8042601: Javadoc sort fails
2014-05-08, by ksrini
8041663: Sensitive dependence on location of nested interface
2014-05-09, by jlahoda
8040822: Duplicated notifications can be sent to TaskListener
2014-05-09, by jlahoda
Added tag jdk9-b13 for changeset 069586f14799
2014-05-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b13 for changeset 9c47b760a47f
2014-05-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b13 for changeset 8ee3c3ffd554
2014-05-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-05-15, by lana
8043132: Nashorn : all tests failed with
2014-05-14, by sundar
Added tag jdk9-b13 for changeset 743eee69ce3f
2014-05-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-05-15, by lana
8042906: Remove use of reflection in ORB
2014-05-13, by coffeys
Added tag jdk9-b13 for changeset 9bd83c6b1976
2014-05-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-05-15, by lana
7153400: ThreadPoolExecutor's setCorePoolSize method allows corePoolSize > maxPoolSize
2014-05-14, by chegar
8043012: (tz) Support tzdata2014c
2014-05-15, by aefimov
8041791: String.toLowerCase regression - violates Unicode standard
2014-05-14, by naoto
8043119: (props) Properties.storeToXML closes output stream
2014-05-14, by alanb
8034170: src/share/classes/sun/net/www/protocol/http/
2014-05-14, by michaelm
8042889: (props) Properties.loadFromXML/storeToXML should consistently use the UKit parser
2014-05-13, by alanb
6996377: shrink duplicate code in the constructor of PKIXValidator
2014-05-12, by mullan
8000975: (process) Merge & (& .solaris & .aix)
2014-05-12, by plevart
8038795: Tidy warnings cleanup for
2014-05-12, by yan
8030709: Tidy warnings cleanup for java.lang package; minor cleanup in java.math, javax.script
2014-05-12, by yan
8034960: Serviceability tests using @library failing with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
2014-05-09, by ykantser
8042859: Build broken for Solaris
2014-05-09, by emc
8040059: Change default policy for extensions to no permission
2014-05-09, by mchung
8039173: Propagate errors from Diagnostic Commands as exceptions in the attach framework
2014-05-09, by sla
8042816: (fs) Path.register doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException if multiple OVERFLOW events are specified, part 2
2014-05-09, by alanb
Added tag jdk9-b13 for changeset c946ad0de0ac
2014-05-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-05-15, by lana
2014-05-09, by amurillo
2014-05-08, by jmasa
8034094: SA agent can't compile when jni_x86.h is used
2014-03-19, by ehelin
8026784: Error message in AdaptiveFreeList<Chunk>::verify_stats is wrong
2014-05-06, by tschatzl
2014-05-02, by jwilhelm
8027643: Merge GenCollectorPolicy and TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy
2014-04-29, by jwilhelm
2014-05-08, by twisti
8042195: Introduce umbrella header orderAccess.inline.hpp.
2014-04-29, by goetz
8042570: Excessive number of tests timing out on nightly testing due to fix for 8040798
2014-05-07, by anoll
8042309: Some bugfixes for the ppc64 port.
2014-05-02, by goetz
8042443: Fix C++-Interpreter after "8036956: remove EnableInvokeDynamic flag"
2014-05-06, by anoll
2014-05-06, by anoll
8042428: CompileQueue::free_all() code is incorrect
2014-05-06, by anoll
8036851: volatile double accesses are not explicitly atomic in C2
2014-05-06, by anoll
8042052: assert(t != NULL) failed: must set before get
2014-05-05, by anoll
2014-05-02, by twisti
8039298: assert(base == NULL || t_adr->isa_rawptr() || !phase->type(base)->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR))
2014-05-02, by kvn
2014-05-02, by iignatyev
8042214: add @ignore tag to all excluded jtreg tests in test/compiler
2014-05-02, by iignatyev
2014-05-01, by anoll
8041992: Fix of JDK-8034775 neglects to account for non-JIT VMs
2014-05-02, by anoll
2014-05-07, by coleenp
8041620: Solaris Studio 12.4 C++ 5.13 change in behavior for placing friend declarations within surrounding scope.
2014-05-06, by lfoltan
8041627: Solaris Studio 12.4 C++ 5.13 compilation error due to lack of "surplus" prototype for binaryTreeDictionary.cpp.
2014-05-06, by lfoltan
8023697: failed class resolution reports different class name in detail message for the first and subsequent times
2014-05-05, by coleenp
8031126: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails intermittently
2014-05-05, by sla
2014-05-02, by dcubed
6885993: Named Thread: introduce print() and print_on(outputStream* st) methods
2014-05-01, by zgu
2014-05-02, by twisti
8042281: compiler/7184394/ fails with: javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length not multiple of 16 bytes
2014-05-01, by kvn
8035936: SIGBUS in StubRoutines::aesencryptBlock, solaris-sparc
2014-04-30, by kvn
8042059: Various fixes to linux/sparc
2014-04-29, by mikael
8022070: Compilation error in stubGenerator_sparc.cpp with some compilers
2014-04-29, by mikael
8041957: -XX:UseAVX=0 cause assert(UseAVX) failed
2014-04-29, by kvn
8041959: Skip replay parsing errors with ReplayIgnoreInitErrors
2014-04-29, by kvn
2014-04-29, by anoll
8036956: remove EnableInvokeDynamic flag
2014-04-29, by anoll
8040798: compiler/startup/ timed out in RT_Baseline
2014-04-29, by anoll
8040919: Uninitialised memory in hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/oopMap.cpp
2014-04-28, by morris
8039407: Regression test needed for JDK-8015396
2014-04-28, by drchase
8041771: C1: remove unused IR::_locals_size
2014-04-28, by anoll
2014-04-28, by anoll
8040085: dtrace/jsdt tests crash on solaris. found an unadvertised bad scavengable oop in the code cache
2014-04-28, by anoll
2014-04-25, by bharadwaj
8029302: Performance regression in Math.pow intrinsic
2014-04-25, by adlertz
8041481: JVM crashes with collect_args_for_profiling
2014-04-25, by roland
2014-04-24, by iignatyev
8041497: Compilation of compiler/rtm/cli/TestUseRTMDeoptOption* tests failed
2014-04-24, by iignatyev
8039960: Unexpected exit from test compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass/
2014-04-24, by roland
8041468: Field nmethod::_lock_count should be declared volatile
2014-04-24, by anoll
Added tag jdk9-b13 for changeset ca74accc73cf
2014-05-15, by katleman
2014-05-15, by lana
8043182: syntax error on line 329
2014-05-14, by mduigou
8042810: hgforest: some shells run read in sub-shell and can't use fifo
2014-05-13, by mduigou
8042932: Bump up the -source version for JDK 9 builds
2014-05-13, by coffeys
Added tag jdk9-b13 for changeset 3a0155bc559c
2014-05-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b13 for changeset 1a30593dcb98
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-05-08, by lana
8028196: Javac allows timestamps inside rt.jar to affect compilation when using -sourcepath.
2014-05-07, by alundblad
8042654: [javadoc] revert the default methods list.sort to Collections.sort
2014-05-07, by ksrini
8042441: sjavac does not track dependencies
2014-05-08, by ohrstrom
8042699: sjavac does not track dependencies
2014-05-07, by ohrstrom
8040129: Implement classfile tests for SourceFile attribute.
2014-05-07, by anazarov
8033718: Inference ignores capture variable as upper bound
2014-05-06, by dlsmith
8042358: some tests have placeholder bugid 1234567
2014-05-02, by jjg
8033437: javac, inconsistent generic types behaviour when compiling together vs. separate
2014-05-02, by pgovereau
Added tag jdk9-b12 for changeset 61f3b005022e
2014-05-08, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b12 for changeset b0fcefc9bc5b
2014-05-08, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b12 for changeset 0d036e9731b8
2014-05-08, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-05-08, by lana
8042600: Add more samples in nashorn/samples directory
2014-05-07, by sundar
8041697: CompiledScript slower when eval with binding
2014-05-07, by sundar
8042364: Make __proto__ ES6 draft compliant
2014-05-06, by sundar
8041998: RegExp implementation is not thread-safe
2014-05-06, by hannesw
8027933: Add --const-as-var option
2014-05-02, by sundar
Added tag jdk9-b12 for changeset 8e7a633f1d8e
2014-05-08, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b12 for changeset 5b12c43aa53c
2014-05-08, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-05-08, by lana
2014-05-08, by lana
8042478: Include Mersenne primes in BigInteger primality testing
2014-05-08, by bpb
8039951: missing classes on some platforms
2014-05-08, by weijun
8040068: SolarisSystem should be @Deprecated and @jdk.Exported(false)
2014-05-08, by weijun
8042105: Fix some more doclint issues in javax.swing.text.html classes
2014-05-08, by yan
8041979: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ failing on all platforms
2014-04-25, by sla
8042360: Subtag syntax check is incomplete in Locale.LanguageRange
2014-05-08, by peytoia
8026236: Add PrimeTest for BigInteger
2014-05-07, by bpb
8042470: (fs) Path.register doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException if multiple OVERFLOW events are specified
2014-05-07, by igerasim
8011537: (fs) Path.register(..) clears interrupt status of thread with no InterruptedException
2014-05-07, by igerasim
8042449: Issue for negative byte major record version
2014-05-07, by xuelei
8042266: [launcher] create test groups for launcher regression tests
2014-05-06, by ksrini
2014-05-06, by chegar
8039470: Content Handler API incorrectly specifies implementation specific location of handler classes
2014-05-02, by chegar
8040748: [TESTBUG] Exclude failing (serviceability) jtreg tests
2014-05-06, by miauno
8042355: stream with sorted() causes downstream ops not to be lazy
2014-05-06, by psandoz
8040806: BitSet.toString() can throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
2014-05-06, by igerasim
8034906: Fix typos, errors and Javadoc differences in java.time
2014-03-06, by scolebourne
8020860: cluster Hashtable/Vector field updates for better transactional memory behaviour
2014-05-05, by mduigou
8035782: sun/launcher/LauncherHelper$FXHelper loaded unnecessarily
2014-05-03, by ksrini
8032016: Optimizations of{After,Up}({float,double})
2014-05-02, by bpb
2014-05-02, by mullan
8038349: Signing XML with DSA throws Exception when key is larger than 1024 bits
2014-05-02, by mullan
8031036: com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/ failed on 8b121
2014-05-02, by sjiang
Added tag jdk9-b12 for changeset 5cbca4ed35a3
2014-05-08, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke