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8007270: Make IsMethodCompilable test work with tiered
2014-01-28, by neliasso
8035946: Use ResourceHashtable for dependency checking
2014-03-03, by anoll
8033990: Add message to verbose output to indicate when JVM was unable to use shared archive (with -Xshare:auto)
2014-03-05, by mseledtsov
8036122: Fix warning 'format not a string literal'
2014-03-03, by goetz
8036547: test/runtime/CompressedOops/ fails with product build since -XX:+PrintMiscellaneous is a debug only flag
2014-03-04, by coleenp
2014-03-11, by amurillo
8035735: Metaspace::contains become extremely slow in some cases
2014-03-03, by coleenp
8036102: part of the fix for 6498581 lost in mismerge
2014-03-01, by dsamersoff
6471769: Error: assert(_cur_stack_depth == count_frames(),"cur_stack_depth out of sync")
2014-03-01, by sspitsyn
2014-03-01, by dsamersoff
8035893: JVM_GetVersionInfo fails to zero structure
2014-02-28, by igerasim
8036010: hs: Some jtreg tests use hard coded ports
2014-02-28, by sla
6498581: ThreadInterruptTest3 produces wrong output on Windows
2014-02-26, by minqi
8035150: ShouldNotReachHere() in ConstantPool::copy_entry_to
2014-02-26, by sla
Added tag jdk9-b05 for changeset 911cca83c115
2014-03-20, by katleman
2014-03-25, by lana
2014-03-18, by lana
8010767: Build fails on OEL6 with 16 cores
2014-03-14, by erikj
8037281: Improve CacheFind and enable on all platforms
2014-03-14, by erikj
8037238: JDK 9 images don't rebuild when access bridge jars rebuild
2014-03-13, by erikj
8036948: Solaris builds broken by fix for 8036611: Cleanup of handling of properties ...
2014-03-11, by erikj
8036965: 9-dev solaris builds failed: sort: can't read STDIN: Illegal byte sequence
2014-03-11, by erikj
2014-03-07, by prr
2014-02-27, by prr
2014-02-20, by prr
8035341: Allow using a system installed libpng
2014-02-20, by omajid
8036611: Cleanup of handling of properties and other java resources in the build
2014-03-07, by erikj
8019470: Changes needed to compile JDK 8 on MacOS with clang compiler
2014-02-25, by henryjen
Added tag jdk9-b05 for changeset 2d573a30fd59
2014-03-20, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b05 for changeset dd311791ad68
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b04 for changeset 612191246a7d
2014-03-11, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b04 for changeset c78b6c3c5e48
2014-03-11, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b04 for changeset 4489a70abccd
2014-03-11, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b04 for changeset 7825ce9a8228
2014-03-11, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b04 for changeset cf836c6f207d
2014-03-11, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b04 for changeset e16d4c844e76
2014-03-11, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b04 for changeset 7a33ca900ff0
2014-03-11, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b04 for changeset 63e429dcac32
2014-03-11, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b04 for changeset 099891b1d86f
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8031670: Remove unneeded -source options in javadoc tests
2014-03-06, by darcy
2014-03-06, by lana
8035878: javadoc tool documentation should be using {@code ..} specifier
2014-03-03, by jjg
8035877: javadoc classes are missing @return and @param tags
2014-03-03, by jjg
8035875: remove deprecated html <font> tags from javadoc file
2014-03-03, by jjg
8036142: Remove redundant call to annotateTypeLater with null Symbol
2014-03-03, by emc
8031383: Error recovery in JavacParser could be improved
2014-02-28, by jlahoda
8035891: javac, rename method asFree() in InferenceContext to asUndetVar() which reflects better it's purpose
2014-02-28, by vromero
8033287: Reduce the size of the endPosTable
2014-02-27, by jjg
8035972: missing test file for 8034048
2014-02-27, by jjg
8035766: Execute TypeAnnotate visitor at queue flush time
2014-02-27, by emc
6533516: Warning needed for file with future time stamps
2014-02-26, by jjg
8034048: javac crash with method references plus lambda plus var args
2014-02-26, by jjg
8035758: Move annotation codepaths from to
2014-02-25, by emc
2014-02-24, by lana
8034143: javac, subclasses of Infer.IncorporationStep should implement the accepts() method
2014-02-22, by vromero
6457406: javadoc doesn't handle <a href='http://...'> properly in producing index pages
2014-02-21, by yan
6411385: Trees.getPath does not work for constructors
2014-02-21, by jlahoda
2014-02-20, by lana
8035364: An extra space in the comments of constant pool entries
2014-02-19, by jjg
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8031545: [javac] refactor and cleanup
2014-02-15, by ksrini
8029145: javadoc fails with java.lang.IllegalStateException: endPosTable already set
2014-02-14, by ksrini
8030714: The steps attribute, flow and desugar are unnecessary for implicit classes when compiling with -implicit:none
2014-02-13, by alundblad
8033961: Formatting of -Xlint: command line help
2014-02-13, by jlahoda
4910483: Javadoc renders the string ".*\\.pdf" as ".\*\.pdf"
2014-02-12, by dlsmith
8033930: Unnecessary new line after the StackMapTable
2014-02-10, by jjg
8033421: @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") does not work when overriding deprecated method
2014-02-07, by jlahoda
8033581: Incorrect comment aligment
2014-02-06, by jjg
8032526: fix the accessibility, html, syntax errors and warnings reported by doclint report in langtools
2014-02-06, by cl
8033114: The values of non-static final fields are printed for the -constants option
2014-02-06, by jjg
8033711: An exception is thrown if using the \"-classpath\" option with no arguments
2014-02-06, by jjg
8033686: Internal error for zero indent
2014-02-06, by jjg
8030855: Default methods should be visible under source previous to 8
2014-02-06, by vromero
8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
2014-02-06, by alanb
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 2740ebeb238c
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-24, by lana
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 973ca15c0167
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-06, by lana
8035469: Xerces Update: EncodingMap does not recognize Java-style encodings Cp1141-Cp1149
2014-02-28, by joehw
2014-02-24, by lana
8032909: XSLT string-length returns incorrect length when string includes complementary chars
2014-02-21, by aefimov
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8033980: Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl
2014-02-18, by joehw
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset ba5629320bb2
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-06, by lana
8035948: Redesign property listeners for shared classes
2014-03-03, by hannesw
8030197: Nashorn: Object.defineProperty() can be lured to change fixed NaN property
2014-02-25, by sundar
2014-02-24, by lana
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8011964: need indexed access to externally-managed ByteBuffer
2014-02-14, by sundar
8033231: test fails with java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
2014-02-11, by mnunez
8033924: Default permissions are not given for eval code
2014-02-07, by sundar
8033763: Add tests to assert map identity of certain objects
2014-02-06, by sundar
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset fdf4454a8368
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-24, by lana
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8026741: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5
2013-12-17, by mfang
8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
2014-02-13, by erikj
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 6a651a3acc5e
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8036095: RMI tests using testlibrary.RMID and testlibrary.JavaVM do not pass through vmoptions
2014-03-06, by smarks
2014-03-06, by lana
8036747: Fix unchecked lint warnings in
2014-03-05, by darcy
8036744: Fix raw lint warnings in java.lang.reflect.WeakCache
2014-03-05, by darcy
8033571: [parfait] warning from b128 for security/smartcardio/pcsc_md.c: JNI exception pending
2014-03-06, by valeriep
8036732: Fix raw warning in
2014-03-05, by darcy
8036599: Use Diagnostic Commands instead of SA by default in jinfo
2014-03-05, by sla
8036132: Tab characters in test/com/sun/jdi files
2014-03-05, by sla
8036675: Compiler warnings in serviceability code
2014-03-05, by sla
8036676: Rename class name testEnabledProtocols to TestEnabledProtocols
2014-03-05, by xuelei
8035952: Remove use of JVM_Open, JVM_Read and JVM_Close functions from serviceability code
2014-03-05, by fparain
8031065: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ fails: OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
2014-03-04, by mtobiass
8032473: Restructure JSSE regression test hierarchy in jdk test
2014-03-05, by xuelei
8035452: Fix serial lint warnings in core libs
2014-03-04, by darcy
8036568: Serial incompatibility in java.util.TreeMap.NavigableSubMap
2014-03-04, by darcy
8035776: Consistent Lambda construction
2014-03-04, by rfield
8036584: Review comments from 8035897
2014-03-04, by chegar
6625574: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ fails: "pending finalization = 0 but expected > 0"
2014-02-28, by mtobiass
6946101: based tests can issue "write error: Broken pipe" messages
2014-03-03, by iignatyev
8035633: TEST_BUG: java/net/NetworkInterface/ and some tests failed on windows intermittently
2014-03-03, by ewang
8036104: Rename the test
2014-03-03, by weijun
8035897: Better memory allocation for file descriptors greater than 1024 on macosx
2014-03-02, by chegar
8035868: Check for JNI pending exceptions in windows/native/sun/net/spi/DefaultProxySelector.c
2014-03-02, by chegar
8010194: java/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider/inheritedChannel/ fails with "Timed out waiting ..." (sol)
2014-03-02, by alanb
8035813: Broken link in java.lang.Iterable
2014-03-01, by rriggs
8033666: Make sure @ForceInline is everywhere it needs to be in sun.misc and java.lang.invoke
2014-03-01, by vlivanov
8027827: Improve performance of catchException combinator
2014-03-01, by vlivanov
8035106: Typo in java.time.format.Parsed error message
2014-02-28, by rriggs
8035889: jdk testlibrary - add printing of values of failed assertions
2014-02-28, by rriggs
6835233: Fedora 9 jdk regression test failed: java/lang/instrument/
2014-02-28, by bchristi
8036004: Incorrect license header for a test class
2014-02-28, by joehw
8035949: Remove unused macro USE_SELECT and clean up Unix version of net_util_md.{c,h}
2014-02-28, by simonis
8035668: [test] Check that jstat does not cause problems when monitored application exits before jstat finishes its work
2014-02-28, by jbachorik
7195249: Some jtreg tests use hard coded ports
2014-02-28, by sla
8035759: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/security/krb5/NativeCreds.c
2014-02-28, by weijun
8035814: Broken link in java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
2014-02-27, by sherman
8035876: AIX build issues after '8034174: Remove use of JVM_* functions from code'
2014-02-27, by simonis
6853696: (ref) ReferenceQueue.remove(timeout) may return null even if timeout has not expired
2014-02-27, by igerasim
8017142: Time display for Spanish(Chile, Ecuador ) locale doesn't show 24-hour format
2014-02-26, by yhuang
8034999: change rmidRunning to a simple lookup
2014-02-26, by smarks
8027640: String.indexOf(String,int) for the empty string case not specified
2014-02-26, by bchristi
8035653: InetAddress.getLocalHost crash
2014-02-26, by michaelm
8032585: JSR292: IllegalAccessError when attempting to invoke protected method from different package
2014-02-21, by vlivanov
8035187: Move fontconfig src files to make/data
2014-02-26, by erikj
7089615: Broken javadoc link in AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
2014-02-25, by chegar
2014-02-25, by amurillo
2014-02-21, by amurillo
2014-02-18, by kvn
8033154: PPC64: Fix AIX build after integration into jdk9/dev
2014-01-29, by simonis
8034174: Remove use of JVM_* functions from code
2014-02-25, by chegar
8035054: JarFacade.c should not include ctype.h
2014-02-24, by mikael
8035640: JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION should support c++ JNI syntax
2014-02-25, by pchelko
8035453: Fix serial lint warnings in and elsewhere
2014-02-24, by darcy
2014-02-24, by lana
8029235: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jdk repository for 2013
2013-12-26, by lana
6857566: (bf) DirectByteBuffer garbage creation can outpace reclamation
2014-02-24, by plevart
8034203: Change JavaDoc for com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest.setEnabled(boolean val)
2014-02-24, by farvidsson
8032909: XSLT string-length returns incorrect length when string includes complementary chars
2014-02-21, by aefimov
8023022: Some more typos in javadoc
2014-02-17, by igerasim
6952105: TEST_BUG: testcase failure, not very often, com/sun/jdi/
2014-02-21, by sla
8035395: sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/ fails intermittently: Port already in use
2014-02-21, by jbachorik
8007897: Make creates file with illegal name in Windows.
2014-02-21, by ihse
8033787: [TESTBUG] Few jdk regression management tests should be improved with -XX:+UsePerfData usage
2014-02-21, by jbachorik
8027810: RMI CheckUsage tests should be deleted
2014-02-20, by smarks
2014-02-20, by lana
8022203: Intermittent test failures in demo/jvmti/hprof
2014-02-20, by sla
2014-02-20, by sherman
8035076: Pattern$BnMS never used due to bug in Pattern$BnM.optimize
2014-02-20, by sherman
8029944: Primitive Stream reduce method documentation pseudo code misidentifies apply method
2013-12-11, by michaelm
7052625: com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/6725892/ fails intermittently
2014-02-20, by chegar
8022852: Fix serial javac warnings in ArrayPrefixHelpers
2014-02-20, by chegar
8028770: LIBARCHNAME should not be used in CompileLauncher.gmk
2014-02-20, by ihse
8035105: DNS provider cleanups
2014-02-20, by alanb
8034087: XML parser may overwrite element content if that content falls onto the border of an entity scanner buffer
2014-02-20, by simonis
8032050: Clean up for java/rmi/activation/Activatable/shutdownGracefully/
2014-02-15, by tyan
8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
2014-02-19, by naoto
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8034033: [parfait] JNI exception pending in share/native/sun/security/krb5/nativeccache.c
2014-02-19, by weijun
8033980: Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl
2014-02-18, by joehw
8026115: [zh_CN] inproper translation in output of jarsigner command
2013-12-11, by mfang
8026741: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5
2013-12-17, by mfang
8034853: remove sun.misc.ClassLoaderUtil
2014-02-18, by michaelm
4515292: ReferenceType.isStatic() returns true for arrays
2014-02-18, by farvidsson
6545422: [TESTBUG] uses wrong path name in exec
2014-01-21, by sla
8035067: Move jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/ to jdk/make/data
2014-02-18, by erikj
2014-02-17, by mullan
8025708: Certificate Path Building problem with AKI serial number
2014-02-17, by mullan
8031661: java/net/Authenticator/ failed intermittently
2014-02-17, by michaelm
8034177: sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/ should report port in use
2014-02-17, by jbachorik
4682009: Typo in javadocs in javax/naming
2014-02-15, by igerasim
8034943: Eliminate Kerberos dependency on to avoid circular dependency
2014-02-14, by alanb
8034801: AIX: (ch) Fix synchronization issue in
2014-02-14, by simonis
8030844: sun/rmi/rmic/classpath/ timeout in same binaries run
2014-02-13, by tyan
8034896: Correct javadoc typo
2014-02-13, by lancea
8034000: lack of /othervm option can cause some RMI tests to fail
2014-02-13, by smarks
8031025: SQE test CertPath/CertPathBuilderTest/* failed with java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
2014-02-13, by juh
8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
2014-02-13, by erikj
8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
2014-02-13, by erikj
8028711: TEST_BUG: Shell tests should pass through VM options
2014-02-13, by alanb
8034856: gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/security/pkcs11
2014-02-13, by alanb
8034191: Move relevant parts of build system to new closed repo
2014-02-13, by ihse
8030010: cleanup native code warnings
2014-02-12, by mchung
8034102: Check solaris/native/sun/nio/fs/MacOSXNativeDispatcher.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-02-12, by alanb
8034780: Remove used imports
2014-02-12, by alanb
8034776: Remove sun.misc.Service
2014-02-12, by alanb
8034762: Move krb5.conf related tests into a single place
2014-02-12, by weijun
8034173: Move JavaApp.icns to proper place in make/data
2014-02-12, by erikj
8034182: Misc. warnings in code
2014-02-11, by alanb
8034176: Update mapfile for libjfr
2014-02-11, by sla
8033943: Typo in the documentation for the class Arrays
2014-02-08, by igerasim
8029876: Add a test to verify that Logger.getLogger & LogManager.getLogManager don't throw NPE when System.out == null
2014-02-11, by dfuchs
8034175: Remove use of UseVMInterruptibleIO from tests
2014-02-11, by alanb
8034043: Native methods for preferences API should not be in libjava
2014-02-11, by alanb
8034050: Fix serial lint warnings in javax.print
2014-02-10, by darcy
8034046: Fix serial lint warnings in javax.sound
2014-02-10, by darcy