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8196425: tools/javac/modules/ failed
2018-06-21, by jjg
8205053: Decouple type registration from framework lifecycle
2018-06-21, by egahlin
8205424: Change to Xcode 9.4 for building on Macosx at Oracle
2018-06-21, by erikj
8199124: (fs) Reduce allocation for file system methods that are invoked with no open options
2018-06-21, by bpb
8194937: Inconsistent behavior of --validate-modules when combined with -m and other options
2018-06-21, by alanb
8205398: AES-CBC decryption algorithm using AVX512 instructions
2018-06-21, by kvn
8203184: List.copyOf() fails to copy sublists
2018-06-21, by smarks
8060192: Add default method <A> A[] Collection.toArray(IntFunction<A[]> generator)
2018-06-21, by smarks
8205175: Deprecate UnlinkSymbolsALot debugging option.
2018-06-21, by coleenp
8203637: Fix Sources
2018-06-21, by jlaskey
8205103: [TESTBUG] Instability in JFR test TestThreadCpuTimeEvent
2018-06-21, by rwestberg
8205336: Modularize allocations in assembler
2018-06-19, by rkennke
8204938: Add a test case to automatically check the updated LSR data
2018-06-21, by nishjain
8205385: Problem list vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption/
2018-06-20, by cjplummer
Added tag jdk-11+19 for changeset fb8b3f467277
2018-06-21, by jwilhelm
8205105: VM crashes with "assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(start + words - 1)) failed: not in heap"
2018-06-20, by iveresov
8204974: Quarantine serviceability/sa/TestInstanceKlassSize* tests for CDS enabled mode
2018-06-20, by lmesnik
8204135: jtreg: Fix failing RTM test TestUseRTMXendForLockBusy
2018-06-20, by gromero
8205433: clean up hotspot ProblemList
2018-06-20, by iignatyev
6545967: sp05t003 failed ResumeThread() due to THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED
2018-06-20, by gadams
8203338: Unboxing in return from lambda miscompiled to throw ClassCastException
2018-06-20, by bsrbnd
2018-06-20, by chegar
2018-06-20, by chegar
8204679: HTTP Client refresh
2018-06-20, by chegar
8200115: System property java.vm.vendor value includes quotation marks
2018-06-20, by erikj
8204701: [TESTBUG] runtime/SharedArchiveFile/ should handle mapping failure
2018-06-20, by mseledtsov
8205407: [windows, vs<2017] C4800 after 8203197
2018-06-20, by stuefe
8199435: Unsafe publication of
2018-06-20, by redestad
8203030: Zero s390 31 bit size_t type conflicts in shared code
2018-06-19, by chrisphi
8195293: Issue more comprehensive warnings for use of \"var\" in earlier source versions
2018-06-20, by mcimadamore
8205339: ZGC: VerifyBeforeIteration not yet supported
2018-06-20, by pliden
8205338: ZGC: LeakProfiler not yet supported
2018-06-20, by pliden
8202624: javadoc generates references to enum constructors, which are not documented
2018-06-20, by pmuthuswamy
8205108: [testbug] Fix pattern matching in jstatd tests.
2018-06-20, by goetz
8205141: runtime/exceptionMsgs/ArrayStoreException/ failed with "assert(k->is_objArray_klass()) failed: cast to ObjArrayKlass
2018-06-20, by stuefe
8205149: hs201t002 should be put on the problem list
2018-06-19, by cjplummer
8204152: SignedObject throws NullPointerException for null keys with an initialized Signature object
2018-06-19, by valeriep
8203680: os::stat() on Posix platform does not need to copy input path
2018-06-19, by stuefe
8153107: enabling ObjectSynchronizer::quick_enter() on ARM64 causes hangs
2018-06-15, by apetushkov
8205344: TraceMemoryManagerStats changes in JDK-8195115 broke ZGC
2018-06-19, by pliden
8204571: Add support for launching multiple startup recordings
2018-06-19, by mgronlun
2018-06-19, by prr
2018-06-19, by prr
8200605: Create test for GridBagLayoutDemo
2018-06-19, by vagarwal
2018-06-19, by prr
2018-06-15, by prr
8204929: Fonts with embedded bitmaps are not always rotated
2018-06-15, by prr
8199441: Wrong caret position in multiline text components on Windows with a screen resolution higher than 100%
2018-06-15, by psadhukhan
8202199: Provide public, unsupported JDK API for JavaFX/Swing interop
2018-06-15, by psadhukhan
8200353: Shift or Capslock not working in Textfield after accented keystrokes
2018-06-13, by dmarkov
8204859: [macosx] Remove javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8057791/ from the ProblemList.txt
2018-06-13, by mhalder
2018-06-12, by prr
8204454: Remove of sun.applet.AppletAudioClip
2018-06-12, by serb
8191512: T2K font rasterizer code removal
2018-06-12, by prr
8202768: [macos] Appkit thread slows when any Window Manager active
2018-06-12, by serb
8029250: [macosx] There is no tray icon shown in the system tray area when case starts
2018-06-11, by mhalder
8204509: Fix compilation error in harfbuzz 1.7.6 for Solaris Developer Studio 12.6
2018-06-10, by prr
6608234: SwingWorker.get throws CancellationException
2018-06-09, by serb
8205055: Fix compilation optimization errors with new Solaris toolchain
2018-06-19, by gadams
8205110: Fix xchip warnings with new Solaris toolchain
2018-06-19, by gadams