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The revision graph only works with JavaScript-enabled browsers.
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-06-16, by lana
2016-06-15, by ddehaven
2016-06-06, by ddehaven
2016-06-01, by ddehaven
8157775: JDK9 preparation message drop resource updates
2016-05-20, by lana
8158204: accessExternalSchema property handling is inconsistent and differs from spec.
2016-06-14, by joehw
Added tag jdk-9+123 for changeset 3a36994e91a2
2016-06-16, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8156614: Lazy parsing of ES6 shorthand method syntax is broken
2016-06-20, by hannesw
8150219: ReferenceError in 1.8.0_72
2016-06-20, by hannesw
2016-06-16, by lana
8158817: add documentation for NativeMath
2016-06-15, by sdama
Added tag jdk-9+123 for changeset 28e775c6e08e
2016-06-16, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-06-16, by lana
2016-06-15, by ddehaven
2016-06-06, by ddehaven
2016-06-01, by ddehaven
8157776: JDK9 preparation message drop resource updates
2016-05-20, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+123 for changeset 23d765900a30
2016-06-16, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8159762: Some minor test bugs in java/lang/module/
2016-06-18, by mli
8159501: intermittently times out
2016-06-17, by asmotrak
8159630: Add new test for jdk.internal.misc.VM::getRuntimeArguments
2016-06-17, by mchung
8155808: Process.getInputStream().skip() method is faulty
2016-06-17, by rriggs
8159821: "PrimitiveStream.iterateFinite" methods contain incorrect code sample
2016-06-17, by psandoz
8158253: Collections: Implement a noop clear() for EmptyList, EmptyMap and EmptySet
2016-05-28, by psandoz
8140449: (fs) Paths.get("x").relativize("") return ..\ on Windows
2016-06-17, by alanb
8159745: Remove
2016-06-17, by redestad
8159690: [TESTBUG] Mark headful tests with @key headful.
2016-06-14, by goetz
8159805: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/warnings/ fails after JDK-8027781
2016-06-17, by weijun
8158633: BASE64 encoded cert not correctly parsed with UTF-16
2016-06-17, by weijun
8159420: The LanguageRange.parse() method is throwing IllegalArgumentException in Turkish Locale
2016-06-17, by nishjain
8159785: Add test that tests ClassLoader.getResource/getResources in Multi-Release Jar
2016-06-17, by mli
8158272: fails with timeout
2016-06-17, by okutsu
8158456: does not verify dependence on java.base in module-info.class
2016-06-17, by alanb
8156471: test/sun/security/krb5/auto/TestHosts should not be modified in-place
2016-06-17, by weijun
8157387: timeout after push for JDK-8141039
2016-06-17, by weijun
8146619: Re-examine supportness of public classes in**
2016-06-17, by weijun
6968542: keytool -importcert cannot deal with duplicate certs
2016-06-17, by weijun
8027781: New jarsigner timestamp warning is grammatically incorrect
2016-06-17, by weijun
2016-06-16, by lana
8071859: AnnotationInvocationHandler.equals(Object) return true when apply to annotation
2016-06-16, by darcy
8159206: All jlink or jmod tests failing
2016-06-16, by jlaskey
8154191: Deprivilege java.smartcardio module
2016-06-15, by valeriep
8159351: non-atomic "bulk" ops note in class javadoc for ConcurrentLinkedQueue, ConcurrentLinkedDeque, & LinkedTransferQueue should not include equals
2016-06-15, by dl
8066070: PriorityQueue corrupted when adding non-Comparable
2016-06-01, by dl
2016-06-15, by ddehaven
2016-06-15, by ddehaven
6212751: DOC: ServiceUI.printDialog() need to enhance the description for X,Y coordinates
2016-06-08, by psadhukhan
8158178: java.awt.SplashScreen.getSize() returns incorrect size for high dpi splash screens
2016-06-07, by alexsch
8151015: JTextArea.insert() does not behave as expected with invalid position
2016-06-07, by ssadetsky
8156121: "Fail forward" fails for GTK3 if no GTK2 available
2016-06-07, by ssadetsky
8154431: Allow source and target based validation for the focus transfer between two JComponents
2016-06-07, by ssadetsky
8158520: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/PrintJob/ fails on timeout
2016-06-07, by psadhukhan
2016-06-06, by ddehaven
8146313: The java.beans.Statement.invoke() method handles 3-arg Class.forName incorrectly
2016-06-06, by serb
8158495: CCE: sun.java2d.NullSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.opengl.OGLSurfaceData
2016-06-06, by avu
8158358: [TEST_BUG] test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/8147521/ compilation failed
2016-06-03, by rchamyal
8146319: JEditorPane function setPage leaves a file lock
2016-06-03, by rchamyal
8074829: Resolve disabled warnings for libawt_headless
2016-06-03, by aghaisas
8078382: Wrong glyph is displayed for a derived font
2016-06-02, by bae
6842011: StackOverflowError printing landscape with scale and transform
2016-06-02, by psadhukhan
8139192: Custom ImageFilters return blank images in Java 8(.45) while working in 7
2016-06-02, by aghaisas
8132771: [TEST_BUG][macosx] Test javax/swing/JTree/DnD/ fails for MacOSX
2016-06-02, by aniyogi
8158408: Font2DTest demo needs to use FontPanel resolution matching the screen
2016-06-01, by prr
2016-06-01, by ddehaven
8158230: [macosx] ActionEvent is not fired for menu item with option apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar
2016-06-01, by aniyogi
8157320: The CheckboxMenuItem can not be selected
2016-05-31, by serb
8139218: Dialog that opens and closes quickly changes focus in original focusowner
2016-05-31, by ssadetsky
8144161: [TESTBUG] [macosx] Test javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboPopup/7072653/ fails for mac
2016-05-31, by aniyogi
4957035: Code given in api is not compilable: docs/api/javax/print/package-summary.html
2016-05-31, by psadhukhan
8158072: Need a test for JDK-7172749
2016-05-30, by serb
8145284: [Documentation] [TextField] Missing new line character handling
2016-05-30, by arapte
8133731: [TEST_BUG] Unmappable in ASCII character such as Thai should be escaped in the regtests targeted for a regular non-I18n runs
2016-05-30, by aivanov
8157163: AWT FileDialog does not inherit icon image from parent Frame
2016-05-30, by ssadetsky
8147842: IME Composition Window is displayed at incorrect location
2016-05-30, by ssadetsky
8156043: Unstable behavior of PropertyDescriptor's getWriteMethod() in case of overloaded setters
2016-05-29, by serb
8028486: java/awt/Window/WindowsLeak/ fails
2016-05-29, by serb
8157339: Further stabilization for the SwingSet client sanity tests
2016-05-27, by prr
7172749: Xrender: Class cast exception in 2D code running an AWT regression test
2016-05-26, by avu
8155918: JDK9 preparation message drop resource updates
2016-05-20, by lana
8132973: @BeanProperty: what is the correct output in case of repeating annotations?
2016-05-26, by serb
6827800: Default button is activated even when it is invisible
2016-05-26, by aghaisas
8147521: [macosx] Internal API Usage: setPopupType used to force creation of heavyweight popup
2016-05-26, by rchamyal
8156580: Make TIFFTagSet subclasses final
2016-05-25, by bpb
8149815: Misleading TIFFField#getAsNativeNode spec about native node name "TIFFIFD"
2016-05-25, by bpb
8154860: ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName() fails when jai_imageio is in the classpath
2016-05-25, by prr
2016-05-25, by ddehaven
8153184: BorderLayout javadoc says current version of JDK is 1.2
2016-05-25, by psadhukhan
8152981: Double icons with JMenuItem setHorizontalTextPosition on Win 10
2016-05-25, by rchamyal
8153282: [TEST_BUG] some new JInternalFrame tests fail
2016-05-24, by rchamyal
7070795: High contrast colour scheme fails to be applied to JFormattedTextField
2016-05-24, by rchamyal
8057574: inconsistent behavior for setBackground (Windows/Linux)
2016-05-24, by pkbalakr
8155103: [TEST_BUG] @BeanProperty: unwanted "declaringClass" descriptor when annotating an enum
2016-05-23, by serb
8136366: Add a public API to create a L&F without installation
2016-05-22, by alexsch
8156579: Two JavaBeans tests failed
2016-05-21, by serb
8148915: Intermittent failures of
2016-05-19, by serb
8156116: [macosx] two JNI locals to delete in AWTWindow.m, CGraphicsEnv.m
2016-05-20, by ant
8157322: Several typos in javadoc
2016-05-20, by dmarkov
7172750: Nimbus ScrollBar:ScrollBarThumb[Pressed].backgroundPainter is never invoked
2016-05-19, by aghaisas
6587251: Import declaration not used in sun.java2d.*
2016-05-19, by pkbalakr
6509729: javax.print.ServiceUI.printDialog Border/Margin Evaluation is bugged
2016-05-19, by psadhukhan
2016-05-18, by prr
8156169: Some sound tests rarely hangs because of incorrect synchronization
2016-05-18, by serb
8155785: Add @Deprecated annotations to the Applet API classes
2016-05-16, by dtitov
8156894: Cleanup of sun.java2d.pipe.Region
2016-05-18, by serb
6882559: new JEditorPane("text/plain","") fails for null context class loader
2016-05-18, by mcherkas
8136998: JComboBox prevents wheel mouse scrolling of JScrollPane
2016-05-18, by aivanov
6529030: Java Printing: Print range > Selection gets enabled
2016-05-18, by psadhukhan
6477756: GraphicsDevice.getConfigurations() is slow taking 3 or more seconds
2016-05-17, by vadim
8046031: UI of Java Web Start app isn't updated when changing Windows theme
2016-05-17, by ssadetsky
8041694: JFileChooser removes trailing spaces in the selected directory name
2016-05-16, by alitvinov
8156583: Typo in the spec of javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding.toString()
2016-05-13, by serb
8078268: javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript incorrectly optimized
2016-05-13, by mcherkas
8080729: [macosx] java 7 and 8 JDialogs on multiscreen jump to parent frame on focus
2016-05-13, by dmarkov
8065831: Ensure the pack200/unpack200 help is consistent with man page
2016-06-15, by ksrini
8068764: java/lang/ClassLoader/ failed with java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException with fastdebug
2016-06-15, by mchung
8157045: NPE during websocket communication with wss
2016-06-15, by chegar
8158855: Fix remaining module dependences in java/lang
2016-06-15, by shurailine
8043387: java/time/test/java/util/ failed.
2016-06-15, by naoto
8039955: [TESTBUG] jdk/lambda/LambdaTranslationTest1 - java.lang.AssertionError: expected [d:1234.000000] but found [d:1234,000000]
2016-06-15, by srastogi
8150966: Typo in
2016-06-15, by xuelei
8159502: Mark as intermittently failing
2016-06-14, by darcy
8158887: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ timed out
2016-06-15, by weijun
2016-06-14, by amurillo
2016-06-14, by amurillo
2016-06-10, by amurillo
8155009: [TESTBUG] jstack subtest of BasicLauncherTest should not be executed under OS X
2016-06-03, by dsamersoff
8156537: Tools using MonitoredVmUtil do not parse module in cmdline correctly
2016-06-03, by rehn
8157848: Mark deprecated API with forRemoval=true
2016-06-15, by weijun
8159530: recent compiler change results in compile error in
2016-06-14, by vromero
8139414: java.util.Scanner hasNext() returns true, next() throws NoSuchElementException
2016-06-14, by sherman
8159038: javax/net/ssl/SSLSession/ failed with Address already in use
2016-06-14, by asmotrak
8159330: Improve deprecation text for Class.newInstance
2016-06-14, by darcy
8135061: java.util.Locale#lookup throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for range having '-' as second character
2016-06-14, by nishjain
8157489: AppleProvider in java.base/macosx/classes/
2016-06-13, by valeriep
8157881: security.provider property description needs to be updated for modules
2016-06-13, by valeriep
Added tag jdk-9+123 for changeset ac9b9cc41b80
2016-06-16, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-06-16, by lana
2016-06-10, by amurillo
8157189: 'iload_w' in shared class is not interpreted correctly.
2016-06-03, by jiangli
8155936: Boolean value should be set 1/0 or true/false via VM.set_flag jcmd
2016-06-03, by gziemski
2016-06-03, by rprotacio
8152404: Stabilize PackageEntry::package_exports_do
2016-06-03, by rprotacio
8158397: Crash: assert(save_resolved_method == resolved_method()) failed: does this change?
2016-06-03, by coleenp
2016-06-03, by dholmes
8154750: Add missing OrderAccess operations to ClassLoaderData lock-free data structures
2016-06-02, by dholmes
2016-06-03, by mockner
8138705: Kitchen sink stress test fails
2016-06-02, by mockner
2016-06-03, by amurillo
2016-06-02, by amurillo
2016-06-02, by coleenp
8156923: [ppc] Implement "JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections".
2016-05-13, by goetz
8157954: [TESTBUG] G1 tests fail with defined MaxGCPauseMillis
2016-05-31, by mchernov
8152239: hotspot/test/gc/ failed in jdk9
2016-06-02, by sjohanss
Added tag jdk-9+123 for changeset 407ee1280983
2016-06-16, by lana
2016-06-16, by lana
2016-06-15, by ddehaven
2016-06-06, by ddehaven
8157479: jdk-9_solaris-x64_bin-debug.tar.gz error - typeflag 'L' not recognized
2016-06-03, by erikj
Added tag jdk-9+123 for changeset 0bc7ed792590
2016-06-16, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+123 for changeset d53037a90c44
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8159378: Correct wording of RoundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWithAny
2016-06-13, by darcy
8155880: Fix langtools usage of the deprecated Class.newInstance method
2016-06-13, by darcy
8158630: Langtools Intellij project is missing some source roots
2016-06-13, by mcimadamore
8158123: NPE when the annotations is used in export-to of module-info
2016-06-11, by shinyafox
8158458: Update references from "1.9" to "9"
2016-06-10, by iris
8037804: Implement specified test for related functional interface types
2016-06-10, by dlsmith
8144767: Fix handling of capture variables in most-specific test
2016-06-10, by dlsmith
8155581: jshell tool: replace use of Option.get()
2016-06-10, by ntv
8156077: Support javadoc tags in module documentation
2016-06-09, by bpatel
2016-06-09, by lana
8158174: jshell tool: leaks threads waiting on StopDetectingInputStream
2016-06-09, by jlahoda
8139829: JShell API: No use of fields to return information from public types
2016-06-08, by rfield
Added tag jdk-9+122 for changeset 3d6ea76b35d6
2016-06-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+122 for changeset 59f8ee713e5f
2016-06-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+122 for changeset 57f451f8c235
2016-06-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8159220: Preserve position info in module import and export entries
2016-06-13, by hannesw
2016-06-09, by lana
8159034: 4 nashorn ant tests fail with latest jdk9-dev build with IncompatibleClassChangeError
2016-06-08, by sundar
8159031: jjs throws NoSuchFileException if ~/.jjs.history does not exist
2016-06-08, by hannesw
8158922: jjs tab completion of Java classes shows package-private, "hidden" classes too
2016-06-07, by sundar
Added tag jdk-9+122 for changeset 6155e509fca0
2016-06-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+122 for changeset 4fe343030c2a
2016-06-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8041924: sun/net/www/http/ChunkedOutputStream/ fails on some systems
2016-06-13, by chegar
8062758: Update java/security/Security/ClassLoaderDeadlock/ with the removal of -Djava.ext.dirs
2016-06-12, by bgopularam
8159186: jdk/test/Makefile: allow users to set verbosity
2016-06-13, by dlsmith
8159039: sun/net/httpclient/hpack/ fails on some locales
2016-06-13, by prappo
8159334: ModuleDescriptor retains overlapping sets for all and concealed packages
2016-06-13, by redestad
8139507: WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs
2016-06-13, by jlahoda
8158620: Enable debug option for sun/security/ec/
2016-06-13, by fyuan
8158519: Incorrect network mask and broadcast address on Linux when there are multiple IPv4 addresses on an interface
2016-06-13, by chegar
8153666: Optimize Formatter.formatMessage
2016-06-13, by dfuchs
8151913: Fix module dependencies in java/net tests
2016-06-12, by mli
5041778: (ann) AnnotationFormatError if "default" Class type not found
2016-06-12, by darcy
8158534: DrbgParameters strength parameter is underspecified if < -1
2016-06-12, by weijun
8157665: ProblemList.txt needs to be updated as 7041639 closed
2016-06-11, by mli
8158458: Update references from "1.9" to "9"
2016-06-10, by iris
8157627: Ucrypto prov need to workaround the renaming of CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS starting S11.3
2016-06-10, by valeriep
8157495: SHA-3 Hash algorithm performance improvements (~12x speedup)
2016-06-10, by valeriep
8159263: Problem list tools/jmod/
2016-06-10, by darcy
8040211: Update LSR datafile for BCP 47
2016-06-10, by nishjain
8159228: Exclude jlink tests until jrt-fs patterns are rectified
2016-06-10, by jlaskey
8157925: Typo in the API documentation of X509KeyManager
2016-06-10, by jnimeh
2016-06-09, by lana
8158402: jlink: should use regex for all pattern operations (--order-resources or --exclude-resources)
2016-06-09, by jlaskey
8156995: jimage: extract specified contents
2016-06-09, by jlaskey
8156994: jimage --help is not helpful
2016-06-09, by jlaskey
8158933: String concat stringifiers setup should avoid unnecessary lookups
2016-06-09, by redestad
8147585: Annotations with lambda expressions has parameter result in wrong behavior.
2016-06-09, by srastogi
8158881: Doc typo in src/../java/net/
2016-06-08, by mli
8158978: ALPN not working when values are set directly on a SSLServerSocket
2016-06-08, by wetmore
8156693: Improve usability of CompletableFuture use in WebSocket API
2016-06-08, by prappo
8159031: jjs throws NoSuchFileException if ~/.jjs.history does not exist
2016-06-08, by hannesw
8159012: Problem list sun/net/www/http/ChunkedOutputStream/
2016-06-08, by amlu
8158851: MH.publicLookup() init circularity, triggered by custom SecurityManager with String concat and -limitmods java.base
2016-06-08, by shade
8047780: [Doc] Locale.LanguageRange() throws an undocumented IAE when range is ill-formed.
2016-06-08, by nishjain
8157896: test fails with timeout
2016-06-07, by ssahoo
8157603: doesn't check one of the decrypted message as expected
2016-06-07, by akosarev
8073611: javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory: formatting error in javadoc of getParameter
2016-06-07, by akolarkunnu
8156650: Simplify Text message support in WebSocket API
2016-06-07, by prappo
8151836: keytool -importkeystore -help does not list option -destprotected
2016-06-07, by weijun
8158442: SecureRandomParameters missing "@since 9"
2016-06-07, by weijun
8157308: Make AbstractDrbg non-Serializable
2016-06-07, by weijun
8158870: Temporarily problem list on Mac
2016-06-06, by darcy
Added tag jdk-9+122 for changeset 29957ed01d97
2016-06-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+122 for changeset 40c900f520ce
2016-06-09, by lana
8144911: Consider having modifications to jdk.jlink trigger recreation of all jmods
2016-06-10, by erikj
8055735: JDK_FILTER is broken
2016-06-10, by erikj
2016-06-09, by lana
8158402: jlink: should use regex for all pattern operations (--order-resources or --exclude-resources)
2016-06-09, by jlaskey
8159047: Disable redundant build steps when creating buildjdk
2016-06-09, by erikj
8158535: Configure script uses basic tools directly in many places
2016-06-07, by erikj
Added tag jdk-9+122 for changeset bbb89d6c08cc
2016-06-09, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+122 for changeset 7693aa00e131
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8157975: Remove duplicate files in sample API
2016-06-02, by ksrini
2016-06-02, by lana
8131029: JShell: recover from VMConnection launch failure
2016-06-02, by rfield
8131024: JShell: multi-line comment not detected as incomplete
2016-06-02, by rfield
8037947: functional interface causes ClassCastException when extending raw superinterface
2016-06-02, by vromero
8158559: Fix for 8132216 breaks langtools build
2016-06-02, by ksrini
8158355: Inference graph dot support broken
2016-06-02, by mcimadamore
8132216: [Findbugs] Annotation$Array_element_value may expose internal representation
2016-06-02, by sadayapalam
8146167: Anonymous type declarations drop supertype type parameter annotations
2016-06-02, by sadayapalam
8145489: NPE while compiling annotations with qualified names in
2016-06-01, by mcimadamore
8080843: JShell tool: invalid key error occurs when external editor is used
2016-05-31, by rfield
8152062: obscure error message for bad 'provides'
2016-05-31, by vromero
8154469: Update FSF address
2016-05-30, by robilad
Added tag jdk-9+121 for changeset c95c5bc94fad
2016-06-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-06-02, by lana
8153944: wsimport and wsgen usage messages not printed
2016-05-30, by mchung
8154469: Update FSF address
2016-05-30, by robilad
Added tag jdk-9+121 for changeset 328b05f311d6
2016-06-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8150187: NPE expected if the system identifier is null for CatalogResolver
2016-06-03, by joehw
8158246: Several api/org_xml/sax/helpers/XMLReader tests failed due to no SAXException occurs
2016-06-02, by joehw
2016-06-02, by lana
8154469: Update FSF address
2016-05-30, by robilad
Added tag jdk-9+121 for changeset aab29ffdbd99
2016-06-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8158736: Adapter class loaders can avoid creating named dynamic modules
2016-06-06, by sundar
8148457: Remove class
2016-06-03, by mhaupt
2016-06-02, by lana
8158467: AccessControlException is thrown on public Java class access if "script app loader" is set to null
2016-06-02, by sundar
8158338: Nashorn's ScriptLoader split delegation has to be adjusted
2016-06-01, by sundar
8158250: nashorn ant javadoc targets are broken
2016-05-31, by sundar
8158131: Nashorn should not use jdk.internal.module.Modules API
2016-05-31, by sundar
8154469: Update FSF address
2016-05-30, by robilad
Added tag jdk-9+121 for changeset 3e6c168b4edb
2016-06-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-06-02, by lana
8154469: Update FSF address
2016-05-30, by robilad
Added tag jdk-9+121 for changeset 108280e801f9
2016-06-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-06-06, by amurillo
2016-06-06, by amurillo
2016-06-02, by amurillo
8152950: fails due to type error
2016-05-27, by dsamersoff
2016-05-26, by amurillo
8157716: jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders.addURLToUCP() should return converted real path URL.
2016-05-25, by jiangli
2016-05-24, by vlivanov
2016-05-20, by vlivanov
8155608: String intrinsic range checks are not strict enough
2016-05-13, by thartmann
8144826: [JVMCI] Remove and use jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable
2016-05-11, by psandoz
2016-05-11, by vlivanov
8157555: com/sun/jdi/ times out due to Indify String Concat being slow in debug mode
2016-05-24, by sla
8146156: Inconsistent default locale in string formatter methods
2016-06-06, by naoto
8158171: MethodHandles.dropArgumentsToMatch(...) non-documented IAE
2016-06-06, by srastogi
8152893: StackWalker#getCallerClass is not filtering hidden/ reflection frames when walker is configured to show hidden /reflection frames
2016-06-03, by bchristi
8074819: Resolve disabled warnings for libzip
2016-06-03, by sherman
8158604: test/java/util/ResourceBundle/modules/appbasic missing @test
2016-06-03, by mchung
8158651: ConcurrentModification exceptions in httpclient
2016-06-03, by michaelm
8158525: Update a few java/net tests to use the loopback address instead of the host address
2016-06-03, by chegar
8157892: StackFrame::getFileName returns null when a source file exists for native methods
2016-06-02, by mchung
2016-06-02, by lana
8158482: regex UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS flag cannot be disabled with an embedded flag expression
2016-06-02, by sherman
8158560: Mark java/rmi/transport/dgcDeadLock/ as intermittently faiing
2016-06-02, by rhalade
8158551: BigDecimal.sqrt javadoc typo
2016-06-02, by darcy
8156868: doc issues
2016-06-02, by mhaupt
8158451: Problem list
2016-06-01, by darcy
8059361: Properties.stringPropertyNames() returns a set inconsistent with the assertions from the spec
2016-06-01, by smarks
8158430: Push tests for JDK-5040830
2016-06-01, by darcy
5040830: (ann) please improve toString() for annotations containing exception proxies
2016-06-01, by darcy
8061777: (zipfs) IllegalArgumentException in ZipCoder.toString when using Shitft_JIS
2016-06-01, by sherman
8151876: (tz) Support tzdata2016d
2016-06-01, by rpatil
8152108: Correct jarsigner warning message about missing timestamp
2016-06-01, by weijun
8158194: Rename the directory “InstalledModuleDescriptors” and any reference to “installed” to “system” in the tests
2016-05-31, by mli
8158312: Update String.join example code to use List convenience factory methods
2016-05-31, by darcy
8158281: fails with AssertionError
2016-05-31, by lancea
8157777: DeadCachedConnection doesn't wait for registry to die
2016-05-31, by smarks
8157850: Jar tests should pass through VM options
2016-05-31, by anazarov
8156059: Update/Develop new tests for JEP 287: SHA-3 Hash Algorithms
2016-05-31, by amjiang
2016-05-31, by amurillo
2016-05-31, by amurillo
2016-05-26, by amurillo
2016-05-20, by amurillo
8157188: 2 test failures in demo/jvmti due to unexpected class file version 53
2016-05-19, by dholmes
8158254: Put java/time/test/java/time/TestClock_System on the problem list for Solaris
2016-05-31, by rriggs
8085785: sun/net/www/protocol/http/ timeouts intermittently
2016-05-31, by chegar
8152721: Java Web Start splash mechanism is not working in JDK9
2016-05-31, by mchung
8154189: Deprivilege java.sql and java.sql.rowset module
2016-05-31, by lancea
8158131: Nashorn should not use jdk.internal.module.Modules API
2016-05-31, by sundar
8072099: Format "ha" is unable to parse hours 10-12
2016-05-31, by nishjain
8158190: Add test that checks -Xpatch with both Jar and exploded patches
2016-05-31, by mli
8158149: test bug for SystemModuleFinder when fast path is supported
2016-05-30, by mli
8145136: Upgrade CLDR locale data
2016-05-31, by rgoel
8154980: Remove intermittent key from test
2016-05-31, by amlu
8157816: Mark 4 httpclient tests as intermittently failing
2016-05-30, by xiaofeya
8158044: Add test that checks uri of upgradeable modules
2016-05-30, by mli
2016-05-30, by alanb
8066258: Re-examine com.sun.nio.file to see if it should be a supported API
2016-05-30, by alanb
8158111: Make handling of 3rd party providers more stable
2016-05-30, by igerasim
8154469: Update FSF address
2016-05-30, by robilad
8158025: Typo in java.util.Locale
2016-05-30, by nishjain
Added tag jdk-9+121 for changeset 2435017e82ff
2016-06-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-06-06, by amurillo
2016-06-02, by amurillo
8156922: [ppc] Implement template interpreter stack overflow checks as on x86/sparc.
2016-05-13, by goetz
8156156: Add module specific NMT MemoryType
2016-06-01, by hseigel
8158060: BasicLayerTest causes fatal error: Thread holding lock at safepoint that vm can block on: Module_lock
2016-06-01, by hseigel
8158106: native/ gets SIGABR
2016-05-31, by ctornqvi
2016-05-31, by rehn
8158150: LogConfiguration::describe output can get truncated
2016-05-31, by rehn
8157153: TestStressRSetCoarsening fails with OOM
2016-05-27, by sjohanss
8154096: Extend WhiteBox API with methods which retrieve from VM information about available GC
2016-05-30, by dfazunen
8157452: [TESTBUG] PLAB tests don't handle unexpected GC
2016-05-27, by mchernov
2016-05-27, by asmotrak
8152207: Perform array bound checks while getting a length of bytecode instructions
2016-05-27, by asmotrak
2016-05-27, by dsamersoff
8152950: fails due to type error
2016-05-27, by dsamersoff
2016-05-27, by coleenp
2016-05-27, by coleenp
8145148: InterfaceMethod CP entry pointing to a class should cause ICCE
2016-05-27, by coleenp
2016-05-27, by vlivanov
2016-05-27, by vlivanov
8153352: Crash with assert(pd != 0L) failed: PcDesc must not be NULL
2016-05-26, by neliasso
8157717: MultiCommand breaks directives amount limit
2016-05-26, by neliasso
8157841: aarch64: prefetch ignores cache line size
2016-05-25, by enevill
8157834: aarch64: Hello World crashes with fastdebug build
2016-05-25, by enevill
8156470: [JITtester] EOL on Windows
2016-05-25, by dpochepk
8156585: Cosmetic: AARCH64 defines in c1_LIRAssembler_aarch64.hpp
2016-05-25, by dpochepk
8157683: Thread.onSpinWait intrinsification doesn't have sufficient test coverage
2016-05-25, by psandoz
8145247: incorrect comment in SystemDictionary::load_shared_class
2016-05-27, by iklam
8154589: assert(k != NULL) failed: preloaded klass not initialized
2016-05-26, by dholmes
2016-05-26, by amurillo
2016-05-25, by dholmes
8157175: fails with excessive adjustment error
2016-05-25, by dholmes
8156548: gc/gctests/StringInternSyncWithGC2 fails with Test level exit status: 151
2016-05-25, by kbarrett
8152856: Xcode 7.3 -Wshift-negative-value compile failure on Mac OS X
2016-05-24, by gziemski
2016-05-24, by vlivanov
2016-05-24, by vlivanov
8157438: JVMCI: MaterializeVirtualObjectTest fails w/ "CASE: invalidate=true: has no virtual object before"
2016-05-23, by dpochepk
8154473: Update for CompilerDirectives to control stub generation and intrinsics
2016-05-20, by vdeshpande
8154831: CastII/ConvI2L for a range check is prematurely eliminated
2016-05-20, by vlivanov
2016-05-20, by vlivanov
8155108: CompilerControl: tests incorrectly set states for excluded methods
2016-05-19, by neliasso
8156835: [JVMCI] clean up and minimize JVMCI
2016-05-18, by dnsimon
2016-05-18, by tpivovarova
8141149: [jittester] create Visitor for generating bytecode
2016-05-18, by tpivovarova
8156942: [JVMCI] replace LIRKind with abstract base class
2016-05-18, by rschatz
8152343: JVMCI test tasks: Unit tests for MetaAccessProvider
2016-05-16, by dpochepk
8152342: JVMCI test task: Unit tests for MethodHandleAccessProvider
2016-05-16, by dpochepk
8152341: JVMCI test task: Unit tests for MemoryAccessProvider
2016-05-16, by dpochepk
8139703: [TESTBUG] compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/MaterializeVirtualObjectTest fails using -Xcomp
2016-05-16, by dpochepk
2016-05-13, by twisti
8156159: replace CompilerToVM.readUncompressedOop with Unsafe.getUncompressedObject
2016-05-11, by twisti
8141635: Implement VarHandles/Unsafe intrinsics on POWER
2016-05-13, by mdoerr
2016-05-13, by thartmann
8155608: String intrinsic range checks are not strict enough
2016-05-13, by thartmann
8156552: [JVMCI] remove final and stable field handling from ConstantReflectionProvider
2016-05-13, by rschatz
8155047: [JVMCI] findLeafConcreteSubtype should handle arrays of leaf concrete subtype
2016-05-12, by never
2016-05-12, by rschatz
8156741: [JVMCI] remove LocationIdentity interface
2016-05-11, by rschatz
8156768: [JVMCI] remove support for patching Symbol pointers
2016-05-12, by rschatz
8153792: EA: assert(ptn->as_LocalVar()->edge_count() > 0) failed: sanity when compiling compareAndExchange
2016-05-12, by shade
8155241: Crash with assert in Xcomp mode and with disabled ReduceBulkZeroing
2016-05-12, by thartmann
8155643: Java crash with assert in Xcomp mode and disabled ReduceInitialCardMarks
2016-05-12, by thartmann
8156034: [JVMCI] Notify the jvmci compiler on completion of a bootstrap
2016-05-12, by never
8137296: [JVMCI] Enable sharing of debug info by default in all configurations
2016-05-11, by never
2016-05-11, by twisti
8156025: [JVMCI] make HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl.createField non-public
2016-05-04, by rschatz
2016-05-11, by never
8156775: IGV: StringUtils is absent
2016-05-11, by never
8153782: [JVMCI] update JVMCI sources to Eclipse 4.5.2 format style
2016-05-11, by dnsimon
8144826: [JVMCI] Remove and use jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable
2016-05-11, by psandoz
8152311: [JVMCI] allow JVMCI compiler to change the compilation policy for a method
2016-05-10, by dnsimon
2016-05-10, by never
2016-05-10, by never
8155023: needs to securely export services
2016-05-10, by dnsimon
2016-05-10, by vlivanov
2016-05-11, by vlivanov
8156211: [JVMCI] ResolvedJava* interfaces should extend AnnotatedElement
2016-05-10, by rschatz
8155719: remove TrustedInterface from JVMCI
2016-05-10, by rschatz
8140594: Various minor code improvements (compiler)
2016-05-03, by goetz
8144856: fix assert in CompiledStaticCall::set_to_interpreted
2016-05-09, by jcm
8150016: small typo in ciReplay code
2016-05-10, by jcm
2016-05-24, by dsamersoff
2016-05-24, by dsamersoff
8155957: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class <foo> (in unnamed module XXX) cannot access class jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe
2016-05-24, by dsamersoff
8156028: G1YoungGenSizer _adaptive_size not correct when setting NewSize and MaxNewSize to the same value
2016-05-24, by sjohanss
8157560: Reserve space for allocation prefetch only in builds that support allocation prefetching
2016-05-24, by zmajo
2016-06-02, by lana
2016-05-31, by amurillo
2016-05-26, by amurillo
8157097: OptionsValidation/ crashes at CompactHashtableWriter::add during StringTable::copy_shared_string
2016-05-23, by rehn
8153723: Change the default logging output for errors and warnings from stderr to stdout
2016-05-23, by rehn
2016-05-20, by amurillo
2016-05-20, by ctornqvi
2016-05-20, by ctornqvi
2016-05-19, by ctornqvi
8156777: [TESTBUG] test/testlibrary_tests/ requires non minimal VM
2016-05-12, by lmesnik
8151805: fatal error: heap walk aborted with error 1
2016-05-17, by ctornqvi
8154787: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException
2016-05-20, by mchernov
8149901: [Solaris] Use of -XX:+UseThreadPriorities crashes fastdebug
2016-05-20, by dholmes
8153582: Logging of ConcGCThreads is done too early
2016-05-19, by jprovino
8157325: gtest tests are not excluded for minimal builds
2016-05-19, by ehelin
8135322: ConstantPool::release_C_heap_structures not run in some circumstances
2016-05-18, by aeriksso
8157090: SharedArchiveFile/ fails as space utilization is below 30 percent
2016-05-18, by redestad
8154469: Update FSF address
2016-05-30, by robilad
Added tag jdk-9+121 for changeset 513b90c8a326
2016-06-02, by lana
2016-06-06, by amurillo
2016-06-02, by amurillo
8154096: Extend WhiteBox API with methods which retrieve from VM information about available GC
2016-05-30, by dfazunen
8158540: Open only linux-x86 builds using Jib fails when building "minimal" jvm
2016-06-03, by erikj
2016-06-02, by lana
8154189: Deprivilege java.sql and java.sql.rowset module
2016-05-31, by lancea
8154469: Update FSF address
2016-05-30, by robilad
Added tag jdk-9+121 for changeset 3bad4c36820b
2016-06-02, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+121 for changeset 18e5cdecb37a
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8141415: JShell: wrap erroneous with one-liner comment-outed imports
2016-05-29, by shinyafox
8152785: Remove javac -XDnoModules
2016-05-27, by vromero
8139872: JShell tests: EditorPadTest failing on headless
2016-05-27, by rfield
8157606: deprecate com.sun.javadoc API
2016-05-27, by jjg
8049896: Clean up (Basic)JavacTask.getTypeMirror
2016-05-27, by jjg
8157261: jshell tool: truncation for expressions is not consistent
2016-05-27, by rfield
8157608: deprecate old entry points for javadoc tool
2016-05-26, by jjg
8157953: JShell tests: reenable ToolBasicTest
2016-05-26, by rfield
2016-05-26, by jjg
8156962: javac should support options specified in _JAVAC_OPTIONS
2016-05-26, by jjg
2016-05-26, by lana
8157895: langtools script is broken
2016-05-26, by mcimadamore
8157917: JShell: shutdown could cause remote JDWP errors to be visible to users
2016-05-26, by rfield
8154052: Java compiler error displays line from the wrong file
2016-05-26, by sadayapalam
8032230: Enhance javax.a.p.RoundEnvironment after repeating annotations
2016-05-25, by darcy
8152360: deprecate javah
2016-05-25, by vromero
8047024: 7 ANNOT tests in JCK9 test suite fail with an AssertionError for exception_index
2016-05-25, by sadayapalam
Added tag jdk-9+120 for changeset 44e95493fd13
2016-05-26, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+120 for changeset 4f596861374b
2016-05-26, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+120 for changeset 93e34c3629a7
2016-05-26, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-05-26, by lana
8157819: TypeError when a java.util.Comparator object is invoked as a function
2016-05-25, by sundar
8157680: Callback parameter of any JS builtin implementation should accept any Callable
2016-05-25, by sundar
8157789: Nashorn sample/test.js should not use undocumented System property
2016-05-25, by sundar
Added tag jdk-9+120 for changeset 52305229ea03
2016-05-26, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+120 for changeset de65331b1a57
2016-05-26, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8039565: Remove test exclusion for java/util/ResourceBundle/
2016-05-30, by okutsu
8078812: Test RMI with client and servers as modules
2016-05-29, by xiaofeya
8033812: javadoc for java.lang.annotation.ElementType needs minor correction
2016-05-28, by sadayapalam
8157996: Unneeded import in lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/
2016-05-27, by shurailine
8152207: Perform array bound checks while getting a length of bytecode instructions
2016-05-27, by asmotrak
8158061: Additional argument checks to BasicImageReader calls
2016-05-27, by jlaskey
8157986: Runtime support for javac to determine arguments to the runtime environment
2016-05-27, by mchung
8156209: Add argument checks to BasicImageReader calls
2016-05-27, by jlaskey
8031145: Re-examine closed i18n tests to see it they can be moved to the jdk repository.
2016-05-27, by okutsu
8157931: jdk/internal/jrtfs/ fails with exploded builds
2016-05-26, by xiaofeya
8157783: Fix module dependencies for /jdk/* tests
2016-05-26, by mli
8157964: Static build of libzip is missing JNI_OnLoad_zip entry point
2016-05-26, by naoto
8157997: Reverting a push with wrong id
2016-05-26, by naoto
8154005: Add algorithm constraint that specifies the restriction date
2016-05-26, by ascarpino
6961865: javadoc for Boolean.valueOf(String) with null argument not clearly specified
2016-05-26, by darcy