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Added tag jdk8-b27 for changeset 9f0948ea25eb
2012-02-23, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b27 for changeset c51754cddc03
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-02-18, by lana
7143910: test/tools/apt/Basics/ fails with 'real' sh
2012-02-17, by darcy
7142086: performance problem in Check.checkOverrideClashes(...)
2012-02-14, by mcimadamore
7142672: Problems with the value passed to the 'classes' param of JavaCompiler.CompilationTask.getTask(...)
2012-02-13, by jjh
7144979: incorrect path separator in make/build.xml for Windows when running jtreg tests
2012-02-12, by jjg
2012-02-09, by lana
7041249: Remove apt tool and API from the JDK
2012-02-05, by darcy
Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset 90bc745052c7
2012-02-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-02-18, by lana
7145910: Remove dependency on apt and com.sun.mirror API (breaks boot cycle builds)
2012-02-15, by alanb
2012-02-09, by lana
7140918: Remove dependency on apt and com.sun.mirror API
2012-02-05, by alanb
Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset b51c748f410d
2012-02-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset 1d96f9313a4b
2012-02-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset b831ee8beaf8
2012-02-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-02-18, by lana
2012-02-15, by lana
7145925: Removing remote access to diagnostic commands in the HotSpotDiagnosticMBean
2012-02-15, by fparain
7144833: sun/tools/jcmd/ failing intermittently
2012-02-15, by fparain
2012-02-15, by mullan
7024604: OID.1 causes IAE in X500Principal constructor
2012-02-15, by mullan
7140868: TEST_BUG: jcmd tests need to use -XX:+UsePerfData
2012-02-14, by fparain
7142888: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ fail on sparc
2012-02-14, by vinnie
2012-02-13, by vinnie
7142339: is needlessly creating SHA1PRNG SecureRandom instances when timestamping is not done
2012-02-13, by vinnie
7143230: fix warnings in java.util.jar,, zipfs demo, etc.
2012-02-12, by smarks
7144895: ProblemList.txt updates (2/2012)
2012-02-12, by alanb
7133367: ResponseCache.put should not be called when setUseCaches(false)
2012-02-12, by chegar
7144781: incorrect URLs in JSSE java doc
2012-02-10, by xuelei
7142509: Cipher.doFinal(ByteBuffer,ByteBuffer) fails to process when in.remaining() == 0
2012-02-10, by wetmore
2012-02-09, by lana
6879539: enable empty password support for pkcs12 keystore
2012-02-10, by weijun
7144086: TEST_BUG: java/nio/file/WatchService/ failing intermittently
2012-02-09, by alanb
7114611: (fs) DirectoryStream fails with SIGBUS on some embedded platforms, dirent alignment
2012-02-09, by alanb
6957683: test/java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor/ failing
2012-02-08, by gadams
6736316: Timeout value in java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/ is insufficient
2012-02-08, by gadams
7105929: java/util/concurrent/FutureTask/ fails on solaris sparc
2012-02-08, by chegar
6880619: reg tests for 6879540
2012-02-08, by weijun
7143629: JDK jar/zip code should use unsigned library support
2012-02-07, by darcy
7142847: TEST_BUG: java/nio/file/WatchService/ has incorrect @run tag, runs Basic
2012-02-07, by alanb
7041249: Remove apt tool and API from the JDK
2012-02-05, by darcy
7140918: Remove dependency on apt and com.sun.mirror API
2012-02-05, by alanb
2012-02-04, by chegar
7041778: Move SCTP implementation out of and into its own package
2012-02-04, by chegar
7141141: Add 3 new test scenarios for testing Main-Class attribute in jar manifest file
2012-02-02, by ksrini
7141910: Incorrect copyright dates on new test cases.
2012-02-01, by wetmore
7120974: ManagementPermission "control" needs clarification
2012-02-01, by fparain
2012-02-15, by lana
7133577: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JTree/4314199/ fails on MacOS
2012-02-14, by alexsch
7143070: test/java/awt/print/PaintSetEnabledDeadlock/ freezes on exit
2012-02-13, by bagiras
2012-02-10, by lana
2012-02-09, by lana
7109991: SwingUtilities.isXMouseButton behaves unexpectedly starting from JDK8 b08
2012-02-10, by alexsch
7144475: fix some warnings in java.awt, javax.print.attribute.standard, and sun.beans.infos
2012-02-10, by chegar
7142955: DefaultTreeCellRenderer doesn't honor 'Tree.rendererFillBackground' LAF property
2012-02-09, by rupashka
7143857: Memory leak in javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTreeUI
2012-02-09, by rupashka
7132367: [macosx] ChoiceMouseWheelTest should be adapted for mac toolkit
2012-02-08, by bagiras
7138665: JOptionPane.getValue() unexpected change between JRE 1.6 and JRE 1.7
2012-02-08, by rupashka
7071775: javax/swing/JFileChooser/6396844/ failed on winxp
2012-02-03, by rupashka
7141573: JProgressBar resize exception, if setStringPainted in Windows LAF
2012-02-03, by rupashka
7132194: GtkFileDialog does not point to the correct file(s) is Recent Files are used.
2012-02-02, by anthony
7143612: improve backwards compatibility of OSIS post-CR6887286
2012-02-14, by prr
2012-02-09, by lana
7141914: Draw glyph cause JVM crash
2012-02-03, by prr
Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset a9b4578da2a8
2012-02-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs23-b16 for changeset 1bfc33519320
2012-02-20, by jcoomes
7147064: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory: 0xffffffff778d9d60 <= 0xffffffff778da69c
2012-02-20, by kvn
Added tag hs23-b16 for changeset e545d7e1f01e
2012-02-17, by amurillo
2012-02-17, by amurillo
2012-02-17, by never
7146729: nightly failure after 7141200: tty is sometimes null during shutdown of main thread
2012-02-17, by never
7145346: VerifyStackAtCalls is broken
2012-02-16, by kvn
7144318: GCLocker assert failure: assert(_needs_gc || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(
2012-02-16, by never
7143038: SIGSEGV in assert_equal / LinearScan::assign_reg_num
2012-02-16, by roland
7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
2012-02-15, by kvn
7142680: default GC affected by jvm path
2012-02-15, by iveresov
7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
2012-02-15, by iveresov
7145537: minor tweaks to LogEvents
2012-02-15, by never
7126041: jdk7u4 b05 and b06 crash with RubyMine 3.2.4, works well with b04
2012-02-15, by roland
7143061: nsk/stress/stack/b4525850 crash VM
2012-02-14, by never
7144405: JumbleGC002 assert(m->offset() == pc_offset) failed: oopmap not found
2012-02-14, by roland
7143766: add ALT_JDK_IMAGE_DIR and improve test_jdk
2012-02-13, by twisti
7141329: Strange values of stack_size in -XX:+TraceMethodHandles output
2012-02-13, by twisti
7140985: HSDIS does not handle caller options correctly
2012-02-10, by kvn
7129284: +DoEscapeAnalysis regression w/ early build of 7u4 (HotSpot 23) on Linux
2012-02-10, by kvn
2012-02-17, by fparain
2012-02-16, by coleenp
7146354: Re-enable Compressed OOPs after 7118647 is resolved
2012-02-16, by coleenp
7142113: Add Ivy Bridge to the known Intel x86 cpu families
2012-02-16, by phh
7145243: Need additional specializations for argument parsing framework
2012-02-15, by fparain
2012-02-14, by minqi
2012-02-14, by minqi
7130993: nsk/jdi/ReferenceType/instances/instances004 fails with JFR: assert(ServiceUtil::visible_oop(obj))
2012-02-14, by sspitsyn
2012-02-15, by kamg
7145589: First JSDT provider creation fails
2012-02-14, by kamg
2012-02-14, by coleenp
7145587: Stack overflows in Java code cause 64-bit JVMs to exit due to SIGSEGV (sparc version)
2012-02-14, by coleenp
2012-02-14, by kamg
7069991: Setup make/ files for jdk8
2012-02-13, by kamg
7143760: Memory leak in GarbageCollectionNotifications
2012-02-14, by fparain
7059899: Stack overflows in Java code cause 64-bit JVMs to exit due to SIGSEGV
2012-02-13, by coleenp
2012-02-13, by fparain
7009098: SA cannot open core files larger than 2GB on Linux 32-bit
2012-02-12, by poonam
2012-02-09, by zgu
7141259: Native stack is missing in hs_err
2012-02-09, by zgu
7131006: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/
2012-02-09, by minqi
2012-02-17, by stefank
6330863: vm/gc/ fails intermittently due to timeout
2012-02-16, by jcoomes
7146343: PS invoke methods should indicate the type of gc done
2012-02-16, by jcoomes
7132029: G1: mixed GC phase lasts for longer than it should
2012-02-15, by tonyp
7129514: time warp warnings after 7117303
2012-01-18, by johnc
7129892: G1: explicit marking cycle initiation might fail to initiate a marking cycle
2012-02-14, by tonyp
7144296: PS: Optimize nmethods processing
2012-02-10, by iveresov
2012-02-15, by bpittore
7140866: assert(covered) failed: Card for end of new region not committed
2012-02-15, by dlong
7144322: new hotspot build - hs23-b16
2012-02-10, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset 70e517098d81
2012-02-16, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset d771ef859fba
2012-02-16, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset 6c805d8ed4e5
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 5f9506e97a45
2012-02-09, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 3ef37abc6e33
2012-02-09, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 6d836b7888ea
2012-02-09, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 58ac5bae81ab
2012-02-09, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 5e35df9fddb6
2012-02-09, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs23-b15 for changeset 323ec1849b7c
2012-02-10, by amurillo
2012-02-10, by amurillo
2012-02-10, by bpittore
2012-02-06, by bpittore
2012-01-25, by bobv
7132690: InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
2012-01-25, by jiangli
2012-01-25, by dholmes
7130319: C2: running with -XX:+PrintOptoAssembly crashes the VM with assert(false) failed: bad tag in log
2012-01-24, by dlong
2012-02-09, by jrose
7119286: JSR292: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock*, Thread*)+0x3c
2012-02-08, by roland
7143491: G1 C2 CTW: assert(p2x->outcnt() == 2) failed: expects 2 users: Xor and URShift nodes
2012-02-07, by kvn
7142167: MAC: _get_previous_fp broken on bsd with llvm-gcc
2012-02-07, by kvn
2012-02-07, by fparain
7141242: build-infra merge: Rename CPP->CXX and LINK->LD
2012-02-06, by erikj
7132779: build-infra merge: Enable ccache to work for most developer builds.
2012-01-31, by ohrstrom
7142586: Cannot build on Solaris 11 due to use of ia_nice
2012-02-03, by phh
7143122: new hotspot build - hs23-b15
2012-02-06, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 5464af66b3ba
2012-02-09, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset b832ef83f076
2012-02-09, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset 0071a6d64113
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-02-07, by lana
2012-01-28, by lana
7133314: The regression test for 7129225 fails when run with jtreg -samevm or jtreg -agentvm
2012-01-25, by jjh
7129225: javac fails to run annotation processors when star import of package of gensrc
2012-01-24, by jjh
7126832:$WrappedJavaFileManager cannot be cast
2012-01-24, by jjh
7129801: Merge the two method applicability routines
2012-01-24, by mcimadamore
Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset e320a58c5e9a
2012-02-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset b18da790e3ea
2012-02-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset abbbbaf35c96
2012-02-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset f920d3637c9f
2012-02-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-02-08, by katleman
2012-02-06, by yhuang
7129382: change minor unit of VND to 0
2012-02-06, by yhuang
2012-02-07, by lana
2012-01-31, by lana
2012-01-31, by sla
7132199: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ failing on all platforms
2012-01-31, by sla
7133301: (process) UNIXProcess_md.c should include sys/wait.h rather than wait.h
2012-01-31, by ngmr
7123229: (coll) EnumMap.containsValue(null) returns true
2012-01-10, by ngmr
7132378: Race in FutureTask if used with explicit set ( not Runnable )
2012-01-30, by dl
2012-01-28, by lana
7127906: (launcher) convert the launcher regression tests to java
2012-01-28, by ksrini
7136538: typo in test/Makefile under the jdk_security3 target
2012-01-27, by valeriep
7130335: Problem with timezone in a SimpleDateFormat
2012-01-27, by okutsu
7126889: Incorrect SSLEngine debug output
2012-01-26, by wetmore
7133815: address the findbug errors in CachedRowSetImpl, SerialStruct, BaseRow, SerialInputImpl, SerialOutputImpl
2012-01-26, by lancea
7133124: Remove redundant packages from JAR command line
2012-01-26, by rbackman
7017458: (cal) Multithreaded deserialization of Calendar leads to ClassCastException
2012-01-26, by peytoia
7132879: address Findbugs issue in WebRowSetXmlWriter
2012-01-24, by lancea
7132270: tools/launcher/ failing (win)
2012-01-24, by ksrini
7132386: makefile support for tracing/Java Flight Recorder framework phase I
2012-01-17, by rbackman
7132204: Default testset in JPRT should not run all tests
2012-01-24, by alanb
7132338: Use @code friendly idiom for '\' in javadoc
2012-01-23, by darcy
2012-01-23, by mullan
7131084: XMLDSig XPathFilter2Transform regression involving intersect filter
2012-01-23, by mullan
7132248: sun/security/ssl/sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsURLConnection/ failing
2012-01-23, by xuelei
4504839: Java libraries should provide support for unsigned integer arithmetic
2012-01-20, by darcy
7092825: javax.crypto.Cipher.Transform.patternCache is synchronizedMap and became scalability bottleneck.
2012-01-19, by valeriep
2012-01-31, by lana
7082443: JComboBox not backward compatible (with Java 6)
2012-01-31, by rupashka
7122138: IAE thrown because Introspector ignores synthetic methods
2012-01-31, by malenkov
7122149: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/UITest/ fails on MacOS
2012-01-30, by alexsch
2012-01-28, by lana
7110002: Rename xawt/ and headless/ so they can be colocated with libawt
2012-01-27, by chegar
7105040: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4966112/ deadlocks on MacOS
2012-01-27, by alexsch
7109962: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JList/6462008/ fails on MacOS
2012-01-27, by alexsch
7122173: [macosx] Several Regression tests fail on MacOS
2012-01-27, by alexsch
7010561: Tab text position with Synth based LaF is different to Java 5/6
2012-01-26, by rupashka
7121905: grammatically incorrect apostrophe in BeanInfo javadoc
2012-01-24, by malenkov
7078460: JDialog is shown as separate icon on the taskbar
2012-01-24, by denis
7130140: using horizontal scroll button on mouse causes a message to be printed on stdout
2012-01-23, by denis
7116634: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JTree/6263446/ fails on MacOS
2012-01-23, by alexsch
7112854: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/ unstable on MacOS
2012-01-23, by alexsch
7121761: creation of java.awt.DataFlavour fails for turkish locale
2012-01-19, by denis
2012-01-28, by lana
7131153: GetDC called way too many times - causes bad performance.
2012-01-19, by prr
Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset b0f8f6fd6947
2012-02-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs23-b14 for changeset 04e30cc559a9
2012-02-06, by amurillo
7142616: MAC: Honor ALT_EXPORT_PATH overrides from JDK control builds
2012-02-06, by phh
7142852: MAC: Comment out JPRT jbb tests on Mac OS X until 7142850 is resolved
2012-02-06, by phh
7142393: new hotspot build - hs23-b14
2012-02-03, by amurillo
Added tag hs23-b13 for changeset c996ca3f8bac
2012-02-03, by amurillo
2012-02-03, by amurillo
2012-02-03, by jcoomes
6679764: enable parallel compaction by default
2012-02-02, by jcoomes
7140909: Visual Studio project builds broken: need to define INCLUDE_TRACE
2012-01-30, by brutisso
2012-01-28, by stefank
7134655: Crash in reference processing when doing single-threaded remarking
2012-01-27, by stefank
2012-02-03, by jcoomes
7141637: JSR 292: MH spread invoker crashes with NULL argument on x86_32
2012-02-02, by twisti
7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
2012-02-01, by never
7141200: log some interesting information in ring buffers for crashes
2012-02-01, by never
7090976: Eclipse/CDT causes a JVM crash while indexing C++ code
2012-02-01, by roland
7132180: JSR 292: C1 JVM crash with ClassValue/MethodHandle
2012-01-31, by twisti
7140924: SIGSEGV in compiled code for sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer.updateMinSizeHints
2012-01-31, by kvn
7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
2012-01-30, by iveresov
7129164: JNI Get/ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical doesn't scale
2012-01-29, by never
2012-02-03, by fparain
7123386: RFE: Preserve universal builds of HotSpot on Mac OS X
2012-02-01, by phh
7114376: Make system dictionary hashtable bucket array size configurable
2012-01-30, by acorn
2012-01-30, by brutisso
7140882: Don't return booleans from methods returning pointers
2012-01-30, by brutisso
7022100: Method annotations are incorrectly set when redefining classes
2012-01-27, by stefank
7130476: Remove use of #ifdef TRACE_DEFINE_KLASS_TRACE_ID from klass.hpp
2012-01-24, by rbackman
7135385: new hotspot build - hs23-b13
2012-01-27, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset 7e187fc00d45
2012-02-02, by katleman
2012-02-07, by lana
2012-01-28, by lana
7132204: Default testset in JPRT should not run all tests
2012-01-24, by alanb
Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset b77ae0f8eec8
2012-02-02, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset 7d3720d8c595
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 6662fc41e1c3
2012-01-26, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 11fa98675c2a
2012-01-26, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 939aca1c5dac
2012-01-26, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 751387b26353
2012-01-26, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 412e931c07b9
2012-01-26, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs23-b12 for changeset 68d6477cc31f
2012-01-27, by amurillo
2012-01-27, by amurillo
2012-01-27, by kamg
7082553: Interpret Thread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY) to mean FX60 on Solaris 10 and 11
2012-01-26, by phh
2012-01-25, by dsamersoff
2012-01-25, by dsamersoff
7132515: Add dcmd to manage UnlockingCommercialFeature flag
2012-01-25, by dsamersoff
2012-01-25, by fparain
7131346: Parsing of boolean arguments to diagnostic commands is broken
2012-01-25, by fparain
2012-01-25, by kamg
2012-01-25, by phh
7125793: MAC: test_gamma should always work
2012-01-24, by phh
2012-01-24, by dsamersoff
7066129: GarbageCollectorMXBean#getLastGcInfo leaks native memory
2012-01-25, by dsamersoff
7126732: MAC: Require Mac OS X builds/tests for JPRT integrate jobs for HotSpot
2012-01-24, by phh
2012-01-23, by coleenp
6972759: Step over not working after thrown exception and Pop
2012-01-21, by bpittore
2012-01-27, by brutisso
7133038: G1: Some small profile based optimizations
2012-01-26, by johnc
7112413: JVM Crash, possibly GC-related
2012-01-25, by jcoomes
7127706: G1: re-enable survivors during the initial-mark pause
2012-01-25, by tonyp
6484965: G1: piggy-back liveness accounting phase on marking
2012-01-12, by johnc
7132398: G1: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid threshold: 9223372036854775807 > max (1073741824)
2012-01-24, by tonyp
7132311: G1: assert((s == klass->oop_size(this)) || (Universe::heap()->is_gc_active() && ((is_typeArray()...
2012-01-23, by brutisso
7131791: G1: Asserts in nightly testing due to 6976060
2012-01-20, by brutisso
7078465: G1: Don't use the undefined value (-1) for the G1 old memory pool max size
2012-01-19, by tonyp
7129271: G1: Interference from multiple threads in PrintGC/PrintGCDetails output
2012-01-17, by johnc
7097586: G1: improve the per-space output when using jmap -heap
2012-01-18, by tonyp
6976060: G1: humongous object allocations should initiate marking cycles when necessary
2012-01-16, by brutisso
7130334: G1: Change comments and error messages that refer to CMS in g1/concurrentMark.cpp/hpp
2012-01-16, by brutisso
7121547: G1: High number mispredicted branches while iterating over the marking bitmap
2012-01-13, by johnc
2012-01-26, by jrose
7131259: compile_method and CompilationPolicy::event shouldn't be declared TRAPS
2012-01-26, by iveresov
7120468: SPARC/x86: use frame::describe to enhance trace_method_handle
2012-01-26, by bdelsart
7123910: Some CTW tests crash VM: is_loaded() && that->is_loaded()
2012-01-26, by roland
2012-01-25, by kvn
7132936: guarantee(t != NULL) failed: must be con
2012-01-24, by kvn
7116050: C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
2012-01-25, by roland
7132945: Tiered: adjust OSR threshold of level 3
2012-01-24, by iveresov
7120450: complete information dumped by frame_describe
2012-01-24, by bdelsart
7130676: Tiered: assert(bci == 0 || 0<= bci && bci<code_size()) during stack trace construction
2012-01-22, by never
7131028: Switch statement takes wrong path
2012-01-20, by iveresov
7131302: connode.cpp:205 Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
2012-01-20, by kvn
7131979: new hotspot build - hs23-b12
2012-01-20, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset af005838b2f8
2012-01-26, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset c62b7a0288a4
2012-01-26, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 498124337041
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-01-24, by lana
7131308: Three regression tests fail due to bad fix for 7127924
2012-01-18, by jjh
7130768: Clarify behavior of Element.getEnclosingElements in subtypes
2012-01-18, by darcy
2012-01-18, by lana
7127924: langtools regression tests sometimes fail en-masse on windows
2012-01-17, by jjh
7123100: javac fails with java.lang.StackOverflowError
2012-01-12, by mcimadamore
7126754: Generics compilation failure casting List<? extends Set...> to List<Set...>
2012-01-11, by mcimadamore
Added tag jdk8-b22 for changeset e6809c7d1735
2012-01-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b22 for changeset 0a4b26cf7553
2012-01-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b22 for changeset 99a092d22c70
2012-01-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b22 for changeset 5df4cdb80642
2012-01-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-01-25, by katleman
7110396: Sound code fails to build with gcc 4.6 on multiarch Linux systems
2012-01-23, by mr
2012-01-25, by amurillo
2012-01-20, by amurillo
7030453: JSR 292 ClassValue.get method is too slow
2012-01-18, by jrose
7077803: java.lang.InternalError in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.init
2012-01-18, by jrose
7117167: Misc warnings in java.lang.invoke and sun.invoke.*
2012-01-18, by jrose
2012-01-24, by lana
2012-01-18, by lana
2012-01-18, by lana
7117570: Warnings in sun.mangement.* and its subpackages
2012-01-17, by mchung
6671616: TEST_BUG: java/io/File/ fails when /dev/dsk empty (sol)
2012-01-17, by chegar
7129083: CookieManager does not store cookies if url is read before setting cookie manager
2012-01-16, by chegar
7130398: ProblemList.txt updates (1/2012)
2012-01-16, by alanb
7118809: rcache deadlock
2012-01-16, by weijun
7129029: (fs) Unix file system provider should be buildable on platforms that don't support O_NOFOLLOW
2012-01-13, by littlee
2012-01-12, by valeriep
7088989: Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs
2012-01-12, by valeriep
7090565: Move test/closed/javax/security/auth/x500/X500Principal/ to open tests
2012-01-13, by weijun
7106773: 512 bits RSA key cannot work with SHA384 and SHA512
2012-01-12, by xuelei
7125442: jar application located in two bytes character named folder cannot be run with JRE 7 u1/u2
2012-01-11, by ksrini
7068856: (fs) Typo in Files.isSameFile() javadoc
2012-01-11, by alanb
7128648: HttpURLConnection.getHeaderFields should return an unmodifiable Map
2012-01-11, by chegar
7128931: Bad HTML escaping in java.lang.Throwable javadoc
2012-01-10, by darcy
7112008: Javadoc for j.l.Object.finalize() vs JLS 12.6 Finalization of Class Instances
2012-01-10, by darcy
7128584: Typo in sun.misc.VM's private directMemory field comment
2012-01-10, by chegar
7123415: Some cases of network interface indexes being read incorrectly
2012-01-10, by chegar
7128512: Javadoc typo in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle
2012-01-09, by darcy
7128441: StrictMath performance improvement note shared with Math
2012-01-09, by darcy
7030573: test/java/io/FileInputStream/ fails when there is insufficient disk space
2012-01-09, by gadams
7123649: Remove public modifier from Math.powerOfTwoF.
2012-01-06, by darcy
7033170: Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(String) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
2012-01-06, by valeriep
2012-01-06, by valeriep
6414899: P11Digest should support cloning
2012-01-05, by valeriep
7127235: (fs) NPE in Files.walkFileTree if cached attributes are GC'ed
2012-01-06, by alanb
2012-01-18, by lana
2012-01-18, by lana
7130662: GTK file dialog crashes with a NPE
2012-01-18, by anthony
7110590: DnDMerlinQLTestsuite_DnDJTextArea test fails with an java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException
2012-01-17, by denis
7122740: PropertyDescriptor Performance Slow
2012-01-16, by malenkov
7121765: closed/javax/swing/JTextArea/4697612/ fails on MacOS on Aqua L&F
2012-01-13, by alexsch
6505523: NullPointerException in BasicTreeUI when a node is removed by expansion listener
2012-01-10, by alexsch
7110815: closed/javax/swing/JSplitPane/4885629/ unstable on MacOS
2012-01-10, by alexsch
2012-01-18, by lana
7083621: Add fontconfig file for OEL6 and rename RH/O EL 5 file so that it is picked up for all 5.x updates
2012-01-16, by dbuck
7127827: JRE8: javaws fails to launch on oracle linux due to XRender
2012-01-13, by prr
Added tag jdk8-b22 for changeset 054ae6fb4346
2012-01-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs23-b11 for changeset ad2a7ae4f3b0
2012-01-20, by amurillo
2012-01-20, by amurillo