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2010-11-22, by michaelm
6984182: Setting SO_RCVBUF/SO_SNDBUF to larger than tcp_max_buf fails on Solaris 11 if kernel params changed
2010-11-22, by michaelm
6979329: CCacheInputStream fails to read ticket cache files from Kerberos 1.8.1
2010-11-22, by weijun
6903584: Legal notice repair: Three files under jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/
2010-11-20, by xuelei
6720456: New 4150 may have larger blowfish keysizes
2010-11-19, by valeriep
6203816: Can not run test/java/security/Security/ from the command line
2010-11-19, by valeriep
7001669: Typo in javadocs for SQLPermission
2010-11-19, by lancea
7000752: Duplicate entry in
2010-11-19, by lancea
6957230: CharsetEncoder.maxBytesPerChar() reports 4 for UTF-8; should be 3
2010-11-19, by sherman
6989471: compiler warnings building java/zip native code
2010-11-19, by sherman
6631046: BufferedInputStream.available() reports negative int on very large inputstream
2010-11-19, by mchung
2010-11-19, by michaelm
7001301: com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/6725892/ failing
2010-11-19, by michaelm
6712185: java/util/concurrent/Executors/ fails on slow or busy systems
2010-11-19, by dl
2010-11-18, by alanb
7000913: (bf) CharBuffer.wrap, slice, position, slice leads to CharBuffer with incorrect offser
2010-11-18, by alanb
6217210: RFE: Support for Cp833 in 1.4.2
2010-11-17, by sherman
6615506: (fmt spec) Date/Time conversion table missing column for 'Z'
2010-11-17, by sherman
2010-11-17, by michaelm
6725892: Http server stability issues
2010-11-17, by michaelm
2010-11-16, by valeriep
6687725: Internal PKCS5Padding impl should throw IllegalBlockSizeException and not BadPaddingException
2010-11-15, by valeriep
6848930: JSN security test jce/Global/Cipher/PKCS5Padding cannot thrown expected BadPaddingException
2010-11-15, by valeriep
6613829: (docs) ReadOnlyBufferException is not linked
2010-11-16, by alanb
2010-11-30, by lana
6988188: The test failed due to Applet thread threw exception
2010-11-30, by rupashka
2010-11-29, by lana
6981576: TitledBorder.getBorder() returns null in java build 1.7.0-ea-b107
2010-11-29, by malenkov
6999033: Methods BorderFactory.createSoftBevelBorder() don't return SoftBevelBorder instances
2010-11-29, by malenkov
6939227: Nimbus: 6597895 for JCheckBox, JButton and JToggleButton JCK tests
2010-11-29, by alexp
6939001: Nimbus: JTabbedPane setBackgroundAt and setForegroundAt have no effect
2010-11-29, by alexp
6559589: Memory leak in JScrollPane.updateUI()
2010-11-29, by alexp
7002176: JLayer docs build produces warnings
2010-11-25, by alexp
6992847: javax/swing/JLayer/SerializationTest/ failed in jdk7 just against b114
2010-11-25, by alexp
6999872: java.awt.Window instantiation leads to JVM CRASH on Windows, JDK7b118+ fastdebug
2010-11-25, by amenkov
6807534: CurrencyNameProvider.getDisplayName(String, Locale) doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException
2010-11-24, by naoto
7002398: Apply Corrigendum #8 for Unicode 6.0.0
2010-11-24, by peytoia
6930106: Testcases with legal notice problems
2010-11-23, by naoto
7000136: Backward compatibility problem in LocaleNameProvider
2010-11-18, by naoto
6997170: Spec for javax.swing.plaf.LayerUI.installUI/uninstallUI() methods contradict behavior of the RI
2010-11-18, by alexp
6994419: JLayer.removeAll() behavior doesn't correspond to JLayer.remove() behavior.
2010-11-18, by alexp
6447751: Bean Customizer should be detectable by reflection name alone
2010-11-17, by malenkov
6997999: Remove duplicated entries from ISO language/country code tables
2010-11-16, by naoto
6959267: Support Unicode 6.0.0
2010-11-17, by peytoia
6939261: Since 1.6.0_18 JMenus at JMenuBar are not selectable by their Mnemonic key anymore
2010-11-15, by vikram
2010-11-30, by lana
6783910: (dav) java.awt.Color.brighter()/darker() methods make color opaque
2010-11-30, by dav
6998592: FileDialog tests crashed on solaris
2010-11-30, by anthony
6953894: docs build reports warning in java.awt.FileDialog
2010-11-26, by dcherepanov
7002856: Provide an accessor for Container.validateUnconditionally()
2010-11-26, by anthony
6770017: PIT : java/awt/Choice/BlockedWin32Choice/ fails on 6u12 b01 pit build
2010-11-26, by dcherepanov
6699851: setMaximizedbounds not working properly on dual screen environment
2010-11-26, by dcherepanov
6561353: The text for J2SE NervousText demo should be updated to 7.0
2010-11-26, by dcherepanov
6551412: [OpenJDK] Change the 'name=' entry in src/windows/resource/java.manifest XML file.
2010-11-25, by dav
6993784: Clarification to shaped/translucent windows specification is required
2010-11-25, by art
6990904: (dav) on oel5.5, Frame doesn't show if the Frame has only a MenuBar as its component.
2010-11-18, by dav