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8031103: java.time.Duration has wrong Javadoc Comments in toDays() and toHours()
2014-01-07, by rriggs
8031302: Fix raw types lint warnings in
2014-01-07, by darcy
8027063: SecurityManger.getClassContext returns a raw type
2014-01-07, by darcy
2014-01-07, by chegar
8031142: AbstractCollection and AbstractList should specify their default implementation using @implSpec
2014-01-07, by chegar
8031067: java/util/concurrent/atomic/ java.lang.Error: Unexpected reflective access
2014-01-07, by chegar
8031306: Incorrect bug id on tests
2014-01-07, by psandoz
8031187: DoubleStream.count is incorrect for a stream containing > Integer.MAX_VALUE elements
2014-01-07, by psandoz
8030801: SocketHandler(host, port) requires permission ("java.util.logging.LoggingPermission" "control")
2014-01-07, by plevart
8031210: Remove serial warning from java.lang.Enum
2014-01-06, by darcy
8029551: Add value-type notice to java.time classes
2013-12-11, by rriggs
8007967: Infinite loop can happen in
2014-01-06, by juh
8031201: Fix casting lint issues in
2014-01-06, by darcy
8029354: URLPermission.<init> throws llegalArgumentException: Invalid characters in hostname
2014-01-06, by michaelm
8027359: XML parser returns incorrect parsing results
2014-01-05, by joehw
8030284: intermittent StackOverflow in RMI bench/serial test
2014-01-03, by tyan
8029561: Optimization in Integer to string conversion
2014-01-03, by bpb
8030212: Several tests got "NaN" value instead of "Infinity" or "-Infinity"
2014-01-03, by darcy
8031148: Fix doclint issues in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
2014-01-03, by darcy
8031113: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/ fails intermittently
2014-01-03, by alanb
8029018: (bf) Check src/share/native/java/nio/Bits.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-01-03, by alanb
2014-01-03, by chegar
8031133: AbstractMap should specify its default implementation using @implSpec
2014-01-03, by dl
8027903: java/net/MulticastSocket/ throws Cannot assign requested address
2014-01-02, by msheppar
8030698: Several GUI labels in jconsole need correction
2013-12-30, by igerasim
8028780: JDK KRB5 module throws OutOfMemoryError when CCache is corrupt
2013-12-30, by weijun
8025415: Test timed out
2013-12-24, by xuelei
8007256: RMI testlibrary cleanup: remove JavaVMCallbackHandler
2013-12-24, by smarks
2013-12-24, by mullan
8030813: Signed applet fails to load when CRLs are stored in an LDAP directory
2013-12-24, by mullan
8029997: [infra] remove Solaris ISA directories and the links
2013-12-23, by ksrini
8029955: AIOB in XMLEntityScanner.scanLiteral upon parsing literals with > 100 LF chars
2013-12-23, by joehw
8030850: Setting .level=FINEST in logging configuration file doesn't work
2013-12-22, by dfuchs
7168267: Cleanup of rmi regression tests
2013-12-20, by tyan
8027536: rmic: add deprecation warning message when generating JRMP static stubs/skeletons
2013-12-13, by smarks
8030785: Missing "since 1.8" javadoc for java.lang.reflect.Method:getParameterCount
2013-12-20, by darcy
8029909: Clarify equals/hashcode behavior for java.time types
2013-12-20, by rriggs
8030002: Enhance deserialization using readObject
2013-12-20, by rriggs
8023471: Add compatibility note to AnnotatedElement
2013-12-20, by darcy
8030187: TEST_BUG: java/util/logging/Logger/setResourceBundle/ failing again
2013-12-20, by dfuchs
8030851: Update code in java.util to use newer language features
2013-12-20, by psandoz
8030690: TEST_BUG java/nio/Buffer/ fails intermittently
2013-12-20, by alanb
8030842: Intermittent test failure
2013-12-19, by xuelei
8029346: fails intermittently with timeout
2013-12-19, by mchung
8022879: TEST_BUG: sun/nio/cs/ fails intermittently
2013-12-19, by alanb
8030192: TESTFAIL: java/util/logging/ failed with NPE
2013-12-19, by dfuchs
2013-12-19, by chegar
2013-12-19, by chegar
8026155: Enhance ForkJoin pool
2013-12-19, by dl
7102702: java/net/PortUnreachableException/ failing
2013-12-19, by msheppar
7093640: Enable client-side TLS 1.2 by default
2013-12-19, by xuelei
8029513: SwingApplet demo files still found in JDK 8 on Solaris
2013-12-18, by ksrini
8029388: java.exe consumes argument intended for launched java class
2013-12-18, by ksrini
8024033: [launcher] remove solaris dual mode support
2013-12-18, by ksrini
7018010: References to ProxySelector is without link
2013-12-18, by rriggs
8029788: Certificate validation - java.lang.ClassCastException
2013-12-18, by vinnie
8029809: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ fails intermittently with "Operation not permitted"
2013-12-18, by jbachorik
8029890: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails: Blocked thread has 4 blocked counts. Expected 3
2013-12-18, by jbachorik
8029886: Change SecurityManager check{TopLevelWindow, SystemClipboardAccessAwtEventQueueAccess} to check AllPermission
2013-12-18, by alanb
8030084: Fix lint warnings in
2013-12-17, by darcy
8029795: LinkedHashMap.getOrDefault() doesn't update access order.
2013-12-17, by mduigou
8030035: Create a stable test group in TEST.groups
2013-12-17, by alanb
6605915: jinfo -flag <flag name> functionality doesn't work with core files
2013-12-17, by sla
8029055: Map.merge implementations should refuse null value param
2013-12-13, by mduigou