8133416: [TESTBUG] Remove @ignore for closed/runtime/4345157/Prog.java
Summary: rewrote test in Java with a number of improvements and conditional exclusion using make file
Reviewed-by: dholmes, ctornqvi, ddmitriev
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <libsoftcrypto.h>
#include "nativeCrypto.h"
#include "nativeFunc.h"
* Dumps out byte array in hex with and name and length info
void printBytes(char* header, unsigned char* bytes, int len) {
int i;
printf("%s", header);
printf("len=%d {", len);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i > 0) printf(":");
printf("%02X", bytes[i]);
* Throws java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
void throwOutOfMemoryError(JNIEnv *env, const char *msg)
jclass jExClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError");
if (jExClass != 0) /* Otherwise an exception has already been thrown */ {
(*env)->ThrowNew(env, jExClass, msg);
/* free the local ref */
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jExClass);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved) {
return JNI_VERSION_1_4;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_UcryptoProvider
* Method: loadLibraries
* Signature: ()[Z
JNIEXPORT jbooleanArray JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_UcryptoProvider_loadLibraries
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jcls) {
jbooleanArray jResult;
jboolean *result;
jResult = (*env)->NewBooleanArray(env, 2);
if (jResult != NULL) {
result = loadNative();
(*env)->SetBooleanArrayRegion(env, jResult, 0, 2, result);
return jResult;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_UcryptoProvider
* Method: getMechList
* Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_UcryptoProvider_getMechList
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jcls) {
jstring jResult;
char* result;
int length;
jResult = NULL;
if (ftab->ucryptoVersion != NULL && ftab->ucryptoGetMechList != NULL) {
length = (*ftab->ucryptoGetMechList)(NULL);
if (DEBUG) printf("mech list length: %d\n", length);
result = malloc(length);
if (result == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return NULL;
length = (*ftab->ucryptoGetMechList)(result);
if (DEBUG) printf("mech list: %s\n", result);
jResult = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, result);
} else {
// version 0 on Solaris 10
jResult = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, result);
return jResult;
* Utility function for throwing a UcryptoException when rv is not CRYPTO_OK(0)
void throwUCExceptionUsingRV(JNIEnv *env, int rv) {
jclass jExClass;
jmethodID jConstructor;
jthrowable jException;
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) return;
jExClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "com/oracle/security/ucrypto/UcryptoException");
/* if jExClass is NULL, an exception has already been thrown */
if (jExClass != NULL) {
jConstructor = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, jExClass, "<init>", "(I)V");
if (jConstructor != NULL) {
jException = (jthrowable) (*env)->NewObject(env, jExClass, jConstructor, rv);
if (jException != NULL) {
(*env)->Throw(env, jException);
/* free the local ref */
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jExClass);
* Utility function for duplicating a byte array from jbyteArray
* If anything went wrong, no memory will be allocated.
* NOTE: caller is responsible for freeing the allocated memory
* once this method returned successfully.
jbyte* getBytes(JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray bytes, int offset, int len) {
jbyte* result = NULL;
if (!(*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
result = (jbyte*) calloc(len, sizeof(char));
if (result == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return NULL;
(*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, bytes, offset, len, result);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
// free allocated memory if error occurred
return NULL;
return result;
CipherInit(crypto_ctx_t *context, int encrypt, ucrypto_mech_t mech,
unsigned char *jKey, int jKeyLen, unsigned char *jIv, int jIvLen,
int tagLen, unsigned char *jAad, int jAadLen)
int rv = 0;
void *iv;
size_t ivLen;
if (DEBUG) printf("CipherInit: mech %i, key %i(%i), iv %i(%i) tagLen %i, aad %i(%i)\n",
mech, jKey, jKeyLen, jIv, jIvLen, tagLen, jAad, jAadLen);
if (mech == CRYPTO_AES_CTR) {
ivLen = sizeof(CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS);
iv = (CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS*) malloc(ivLen);
if (iv == NULL) return -1;
((CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS*)iv)->ulCounterBits = 32;
memcpy(((CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS*)iv)->cb, jIv, 16);
} else if (mech == CRYPTO_AES_GCM) {
ivLen = sizeof(CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS);
iv = (CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS*) malloc(ivLen);
if (iv == NULL) return -1;
((CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS*)iv)->pIv = (uchar_t *)jIv;
((CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS*)iv)->ulIvLen = (ulong_t)jIvLen;
((CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS*)iv)->ulIvBits = 96;
((CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS*)iv)->pAAD = (uchar_t *)jAad;
((CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS*)iv)->ulAADLen = (ulong_t)jAadLen;
((CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS*)iv)->ulTagBits = (ulong_t)tagLen;
} else {
// normal bytes
iv = jIv;
ivLen = jIvLen;
if (encrypt) {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoEncryptInit)(context, mech, jKey, (size_t)jKeyLen, iv, ivLen);
if (rv != 0 && DEBUG) printf("ucryptoEncryptInit: ret = 0x%x\n", rv);
} else {
rv =(*ftab->ucryptoDecryptInit)(context, mech, jKey, (size_t)jKeyLen, iv, ivLen);
if (rv != 0 && DEBUG) printf("ucryptoDecryptInit: ret = 0x%x\n", rv);
if (iv != jIv) {
if (mech == CRYPTO_AES_CTR) {
} else {
return rv;
CipherUpdate(crypto_ctx_t *context, int encrypt, unsigned char *bufIn, int inOfs,
int inLen, unsigned char *bufOut, int outOfs, int *outLen)
int rv = 0;
size_t outLength;
outLength = (size_t) *outLen;
if (DEBUG) {
printf("CipherUpdate: Inofs %i, InLen %i, OutOfs %i, OutLen %i\n", inOfs, inLen, outOfs, *outLen);
printBytes("BufIn=", (unsigned char*)(bufIn+inOfs), inLen);
if (encrypt) {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoEncryptUpdate)(context, (unsigned char*)(bufIn+inOfs), (size_t)inLen, (unsigned char*)(bufOut+outOfs), &outLength);
if (rv != 0) {
if (DEBUG) printf("ucryptoEncryptUpdate: ret = 0x%x\n", rv);
} else {
*outLen = (int)outLength;
} else {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoDecryptUpdate)(context, (unsigned char*)(bufIn+inOfs), (size_t)inLen, (unsigned char*)(bufOut+outOfs), &outLength);
if (rv != 0) {
if (DEBUG) printf("ucryptoDecryptUpdate: ret = 0x%x\n", rv);
} else {
if (DEBUG) printBytes("BufOut=", (unsigned char*)(bufOut+outOfs), outLength);
*outLen = (int)outLength;
return rv;
CipherFinal(crypto_ctx_t *context, int encrypt, unsigned char *bufOut, int outOfs, int *outLen)
int rv = 0;
size_t outLength;
outLength = (size_t)*outLen;
if (DEBUG) printf("CipherFinal: OutOfs %i, outLen %i\n", outOfs, *outLen);
if (encrypt) {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoEncryptFinal)(context, (unsigned char*)(bufOut+outOfs), &outLength);
if (rv != 0) {
if (DEBUG) printf("ucryptoDecryptFinal: ret = 0x%x\n", rv);
} else {
if (DEBUG) printBytes("BufOut=", (unsigned char*)(bufOut+outOfs), outLength);
*outLen = (int)outLength;
} else {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoDecryptFinal)(context, (unsigned char*)(bufOut+outOfs), &outLength);
if (rv != 0) {
if (DEBUG) printf("ucryptoDecryptFinal: ret = 0x%x\n", rv);
} else {
if (DEBUG) printBytes("BufOut=", (unsigned char*)(bufOut+outOfs), outLength);
*outLen = (int)outLength;
return rv;
jlong JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeInit(jint mech) {
void *pContext = NULL;
switch (mech) {
case com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_SHA1:
pContext = (SHA1_CTX *) malloc(sizeof(SHA1_CTX));
if (pContext != NULL) {
(*ftab->sha1Init)((SHA1_CTX *)pContext);
case com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_MD5:
pContext = (MD5_CTX *) malloc(sizeof(MD5_CTX));
if (pContext != NULL) {
(*ftab->md5Init)((MD5_CTX *)pContext);
case com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_SHA256:
pContext = (SHA2_CTX *) malloc(sizeof(SHA2_CTX));
if (pContext != NULL) {
(*ftab->sha2Init)(SHA256, (SHA2_CTX *)pContext);
case com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_SHA384:
pContext = (SHA2_CTX *) malloc(sizeof(SHA2_CTX));
if (pContext != NULL) {
(*ftab->sha2Init)(SHA384, (SHA2_CTX *)pContext);
case com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_SHA512:
pContext = (SHA2_CTX *) malloc(sizeof(SHA2_CTX));
if (pContext != NULL) {
(*ftab->sha2Init)(SHA512, (SHA2_CTX *)pContext);
if (DEBUG) printf("ERROR: Unsupported mech %i\n", mech);
return (jlong) pContext;
jint JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeUpdate
(jint mech, jlong pContext, int notUsed, unsigned char* in, jint ofs, jint len) {
if (mech == com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_SHA1) {
(*ftab->sha1Update)((SHA1_CTX*)pContext, (unsigned char*)(in+ofs), len);
} else if (mech == com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_MD5) {
(*ftab->md5Update)((MD5_CTX*)pContext, (unsigned char*)(in+ofs), len);
} else { // SHA-2 family
(*ftab->sha2Update)((SHA2_CTX*)pContext, (unsigned char*)(in+ofs), len);
return 0;
// Do digest and free the context immediately
jint JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeDigest
(jint mech, jlong pContext, int notUsed, unsigned char* out, jint ofs, jint digestLen) {
if (mech == com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_SHA1) {
(*ftab->sha1Final)((unsigned char*)(out + ofs), (SHA1_CTX *)pContext);
free((SHA1_CTX *)pContext);
} else if (mech == com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_MD5) {
(*ftab->md5Final)((unsigned char*)(out + ofs), (MD5_CTX *)pContext);
free((MD5_CTX *)pContext);
} else { // SHA-2 family
(*ftab->sha2Final)((unsigned char*)(out + ofs), (SHA2_CTX *)pContext);
free((SHA2_CTX *)pContext);
return 0;
jlong JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeClone
(jint mech, jlong pContext) {
void *copy = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
if (mech == com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_SHA1) {
len = sizeof(SHA1_CTX);
} else if (mech == com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_MD5) {
len = sizeof(MD5_CTX);
} else { // SHA-2 family
len = sizeof(SHA2_CTX);
copy = (void*) malloc(len);
if (copy != NULL) {
bcopy((void *)pContext, copy, len);
return (jlong) copy;
void JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeFree
(jint mech, jlong pContext) {
if (mech == com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_SHA1) {
free((SHA1_CTX*) pContext);
} else if (mech == com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_MECH_MD5) {
free((MD5_CTX*) pContext);
} else { // SHA-2 family
free((SHA2_CTX*) pContext);
// AES
jlong JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher_nativeInit
(jint mech, jboolean encrypt, int keyLen, unsigned char* bufKey,
int ivLen, unsigned char* bufIv, jint tagLen, int aadLen, unsigned char* bufAad) {
crypto_ctx_t *context = NULL;
int rv;
context = malloc(sizeof(crypto_ctx_t));
if (context != NULL) {
rv = CipherInit(context, encrypt, (ucrypto_mech_t) mech, bufKey, keyLen,
bufIv, ivLen, tagLen, bufAad, aadLen);
if (rv) {
return 0L;
return (jlong)context;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher
* Method: nativeUpdate
* Signature: (JZ[BII[BI)I
jint JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher_nativeUpdate
(jlong pContext, jboolean encrypt, int notUsed, jbyte* bufIn, jint inOfs, jint inLen,
int outCapacity, jbyte* bufOut, jint outOfs) {
crypto_ctx_t *context;
int rv = 0;
int outLen = outCapacity - outOfs; // recalculate the real out length
context = (crypto_ctx_t *) pContext;
rv = CipherUpdate(context, encrypt, (unsigned char*)bufIn, inOfs, inLen, (unsigned char*)bufOut, outOfs, &outLen);
if (rv) {
context = 0;
return -rv; // use negative value to indicate error!
return outLen;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher
* Method: nativeFinal
* Signature: (JZ[BI)I
jint JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher_nativeFinal
(jlong pContext, jboolean encrypt, int outLen, jbyte* out, jint outOfs) {
crypto_ctx_t *context;
int rv = 0;
unsigned char* bufOut = (unsigned char*) out;
context = (crypto_ctx_t *) pContext;
// Avoid null output buffer to workaround Solaris bug21481818 (fixed in S12)
if (bufOut == NULL) {
bufOut = (unsigned char*)(&outLen);
outLen = 0;
rv = CipherFinal(context, encrypt, bufOut, outOfs, &outLen);
if (rv) {
return -rv; // use negative value to indicate error!
return outLen;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest
* Method: nativeInit
* Signature: (I)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeInit
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jcls, jint mech) {
jlong result = JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeInit(mech);
if (result == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return result;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest
* Method: nativeUpdate
* Signature: (IJ[BII)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeUpdate
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jcls, jint mech, jlong pContext, jbyteArray jIn, jint jOfs, jint jLen) {
unsigned char *bufIn;
bufIn = (unsigned char *) getBytes(env, jIn, jOfs, jLen);
if (!(*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeUpdate(mech, pContext, jLen, bufIn, 0, jLen);
return 0;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest
* Method: nativeDigest
* Signature: (IJ[BII)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeDigest
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jcls, jint mech, jlong pContext, jbyteArray jOut, jint jOutOfs, jint digestLen) {
unsigned char *bufOut;
bufOut = (unsigned char *) malloc(digestLen);
if (bufOut == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return 0;
JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeDigest(mech, pContext, digestLen, bufOut, 0, digestLen);
(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, jOut, jOutOfs, digestLen, (jbyte *) bufOut);
return 0;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest
* Method: nativeClone
* Signature: (IJ)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeClone
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jcls, jint mech, jlong pContext) {
return JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeClone(mech, pContext);
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest
* Method: nativeFree
* Signature: (IJ)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeFree
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jcls, jint mech, jlong pContext) {
JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeDigest_nativeFree(mech, pContext);
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher
* Method: nativeInit
* Signature: (IZ[B[BI[B)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher_nativeInit
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jcls, jint mech, jboolean encrypt, jbyteArray jKey,
jbyteArray jIv, jint tagLen, jbyteArray jAad) {
crypto_ctx_t *context;
unsigned char *bufKey;
unsigned char *bufIv;
unsigned char *bufAad;
int keyLen, ivLen, aadLen, rv = 0;
jlong result = 0L;
bufKey = bufIv = bufAad = NULL;
keyLen = ivLen = aadLen = 0;
context = malloc(sizeof(crypto_ctx_t));
if (context == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return 0L;
keyLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jKey);
bufKey = (unsigned char *) (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, jKey, NULL);
if (bufKey == NULL) {
goto cleanup;
if (jIv != NULL) {
ivLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jIv);
bufIv = (unsigned char *) (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, jIv, NULL);
if (bufIv == NULL) {
goto cleanup;
if (jAad != NULL) {
aadLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jAad);
bufAad = (unsigned char *) (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, jAad, NULL);
if (bufAad == NULL) {
goto cleanup;
rv = CipherInit(context, encrypt, mech, bufKey, keyLen, bufIv, ivLen, tagLen, bufAad, aadLen);
if (rv != 0) {
throwUCExceptionUsingRV(env, rv);
} else {
result = (jlong) context;
if ((result == 0L) && (context != NULL)) {
if (bufKey != NULL) {
(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, jKey, (jbyte *)bufKey, 0);
if (bufIv != NULL) {
(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, jIv, (jbyte *)bufIv, 0);
if (bufAad != NULL) {
(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, jAad, (jbyte *)bufAad, 0);
return result;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher
* Method: nativeUpdate
* Signature: (JZ[BII[BI)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher_nativeUpdate
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jcls, jlong contextID, jboolean encrypt,
jbyteArray jIn, jint inOfs, jint inLen, jbyteArray jOut, jint outOfs) {
crypto_ctx_t *context;
unsigned char *bufIn;
unsigned char *bufOut;
int outLen, rv = 0;
context = (crypto_ctx_t *) contextID;
bufIn = (unsigned char *) getBytes(env, jIn, inOfs, inLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
return 0;
outLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jOut) - outOfs;
bufOut = calloc(outLen, sizeof(char));
if (bufOut == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return 0;
rv = CipherUpdate(context, encrypt, bufIn, 0, inLen, bufOut, 0, &outLen);
if (rv) {
return -rv;
} else {
(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, jOut, outOfs, outLen, (jbyte *)bufOut);
return outLen;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher
* Method: nativeFinal
* Signature: (JZ[BI)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher_nativeFinal
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jlong contextID, jboolean encrypt,
jbyteArray out, jint outOfs) {
crypto_ctx_t *context;
unsigned char *bufIn;
unsigned char *bufOut;
int outLen, rv = 0;
context = (crypto_ctx_t *) contextID;
// out is null when nativeFinal() is called solely for resource clean up
if (out == NULL) {
// Avoid null output buffer to workaround Solaris bug21481818 (fixed in S12)
bufOut = (unsigned char *)(&outLen);
outLen = 0;
} else {
outLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, out) - outOfs;
bufOut = calloc(outLen, sizeof(char));
if (bufOut == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return 0;
rv = CipherFinal(context, encrypt, bufOut, 0, &outLen);
if (rv) {
if (outLen != 0) {
return -rv;
} else {
if (bufOut != NULL && outLen != 0) {
(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, out, outOfs, outLen, (jbyte *)bufOut);
return outLen;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey
* Method: nativeFree
* Signature: (JI)V
void JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey_nativeFree
(jlong id, jint numOfComponents) {
crypto_object_attribute_t* pKey;
int i;
pKey = (crypto_object_attribute_t*) id;
for (i = 0; i < numOfComponents; i++) {
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey_nativeFree
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jlong id, jint numOfComponents) {
JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey_nativeFree(id, numOfComponents);
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey_RSAPrivate
* Method: nativeInit
* Signature: ([B[B)J
jlong JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey_00024RSAPrivate_nativeInit
(int modLen, jbyte* jMod, int privLen, jbyte* jPriv) {
unsigned char *mod, *priv;
crypto_object_attribute_t* pKey = NULL;
pKey = calloc(2, sizeof(crypto_object_attribute_t));
if (pKey == NULL) {
return 0L;
mod = priv = NULL;
mod = malloc(modLen);
priv = malloc(privLen);
if (mod == NULL || priv == NULL) {
return 0L;
} else {
memcpy(mod, jMod, modLen);
memcpy(priv, jPriv, privLen);
// NOTE: numOfComponents should be 2
pKey[0].oa_type = SUN_CKA_MODULUS;
pKey[0].oa_value = (char*) mod;
pKey[0].oa_value_len = (size_t) modLen;
pKey[1].oa_value = (char*) priv;
pKey[1].oa_value_len = (size_t) privLen;
return (jlong) pKey;
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jbyteArray jMod, jbyteArray jPriv) {
int modLen, privLen;
jbyte *bufMod, *bufPriv;
crypto_object_attribute_t* pKey = NULL;
bufMod = bufPriv = NULL;
modLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jMod);
bufMod = getBytes(env, jMod, 0, modLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
privLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jPriv);
bufPriv = getBytes(env, jPriv, 0, privLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
// proceed if no error; otherwise free allocated memory
pKey = calloc(2, sizeof(crypto_object_attribute_t));
if (pKey == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
goto cleanup;
// NOTE: numOfComponents should be 2
pKey[0].oa_type = SUN_CKA_MODULUS;
pKey[0].oa_value = (char*) bufMod;
pKey[0].oa_value_len = (size_t) modLen;
pKey[1].oa_value = (char*) bufPriv;
pKey[1].oa_value_len = (size_t) privLen;
return (jlong) pKey;
return 0L;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey_RSAPrivateCrt
* Method: nativeInit
* Signature: ([B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B)J
jlong JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey_00024RSAPrivateCrt_nativeInit
(int modLen, jbyte* jMod, int pubLen, jbyte* jPub, int privLen, jbyte* jPriv,
int pLen, jbyte* jP, int qLen, jbyte* jQ, int expPLen, jbyte* jExpP,
int expQLen, jbyte* jExpQ, int crtCoeffLen, jbyte* jCrtCoeff) {
unsigned char *mod, *pub, *priv, *p, *q, *expP, *expQ, *crtCoeff;
crypto_object_attribute_t* pKey = NULL;
pKey = calloc(8, sizeof(crypto_object_attribute_t));
if (pKey == NULL) {
return 0L;
mod = pub = priv = p = q = expP = expQ = crtCoeff = NULL;
mod = malloc(modLen);
pub = malloc(pubLen);
priv = malloc(privLen);
p = malloc(pLen);
q = malloc(qLen);
expP = malloc(expPLen);
expQ = malloc(expQLen);
crtCoeff = malloc(crtCoeffLen);
if (mod == NULL || pub == NULL || priv == NULL || p == NULL ||
q == NULL || expP == NULL || expQ == NULL || crtCoeff == NULL) {
return 0L;
} else {
memcpy(mod, jMod, modLen);
memcpy(pub, jPub, pubLen);
memcpy(priv, jPriv, privLen);
memcpy(p, jP, pLen);
memcpy(q, jQ, qLen);
memcpy(expP, jExpP, expPLen);
memcpy(expQ, jExpQ, expQLen);
memcpy(crtCoeff, jCrtCoeff, crtCoeffLen);
// NOTE: numOfComponents should be 8
pKey[0].oa_type = SUN_CKA_MODULUS;
pKey[0].oa_value = (char*) mod;
pKey[0].oa_value_len = (size_t) modLen;
pKey[1].oa_type = SUN_CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT;
pKey[1].oa_value = (char*) pub;
pKey[1].oa_value_len = (size_t) pubLen;
pKey[2].oa_value = (char*) priv;
pKey[2].oa_value_len = (size_t) privLen;
pKey[3].oa_type = SUN_CKA_PRIME_1;
pKey[3].oa_value = (char*) p;
pKey[3].oa_value_len = (size_t) pLen;
pKey[4].oa_type = SUN_CKA_PRIME_2;
pKey[4].oa_value = (char*) q;
pKey[4].oa_value_len = (size_t) qLen;
pKey[5].oa_type = SUN_CKA_EXPONENT_1;
pKey[5].oa_value = (char*) expP;
pKey[5].oa_value_len = (size_t) expPLen;
pKey[6].oa_type = SUN_CKA_EXPONENT_2;
pKey[6].oa_value = (char*) expQ;
pKey[6].oa_value_len = (size_t) expQLen;
pKey[7].oa_type = SUN_CKA_COEFFICIENT;
pKey[7].oa_value = (char*) crtCoeff;
pKey[7].oa_value_len = (size_t) crtCoeffLen;
return (jlong) pKey;
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jbyteArray jMod, jbyteArray jPub, jbyteArray jPriv,
jbyteArray jP, jbyteArray jQ, jbyteArray jExpP, jbyteArray jExpQ,
jbyteArray jCrtCoeff) {
int modLen, pubLen, privLen, pLen, qLen, expPLen, expQLen, crtCoeffLen;
jbyte *bufMod, *bufPub, *bufPriv, *bufP, *bufQ, *bufExpP, *bufExpQ, *bufCrtCoeff;
crypto_object_attribute_t* pKey = NULL;
bufMod = bufPub = bufPriv = bufP = bufQ = bufExpP = bufExpQ = bufCrtCoeff = NULL;
modLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jMod);
bufMod = getBytes(env, jMod, 0, modLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
pubLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jPub);
bufPub = getBytes(env, jPub, 0, pubLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
privLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jPriv);
bufPriv = getBytes(env, jPriv, 0, privLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
pLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jP);
bufP = getBytes(env, jP, 0, pLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
qLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jQ);
bufQ = getBytes(env, jQ, 0, qLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
expPLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jExpP);
bufExpP = getBytes(env, jExpP, 0, expPLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
expQLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jExpQ);
bufExpQ = getBytes(env, jExpQ, 0, expQLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
crtCoeffLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jCrtCoeff);
bufCrtCoeff = getBytes(env, jCrtCoeff, 0, crtCoeffLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) goto cleanup;
// proceed if no error; otherwise free allocated memory
pKey = calloc(8, sizeof(crypto_object_attribute_t));
if (pKey == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
goto cleanup;
// NOTE: numOfComponents should be 8
pKey[0].oa_type = SUN_CKA_MODULUS;
pKey[0].oa_value = (char*) bufMod;
pKey[0].oa_value_len = (size_t) modLen;
pKey[1].oa_type = SUN_CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT;
pKey[1].oa_value = (char*) bufPub;
pKey[1].oa_value_len = (size_t) pubLen;
pKey[2].oa_value = (char*) bufPriv;
pKey[2].oa_value_len = (size_t) privLen;
pKey[3].oa_type = SUN_CKA_PRIME_1;
pKey[3].oa_value = (char*) bufP;
pKey[3].oa_value_len = (size_t) pLen;
pKey[4].oa_type = SUN_CKA_PRIME_2;
pKey[4].oa_value = (char*) bufQ;
pKey[4].oa_value_len = (size_t) qLen;
pKey[5].oa_type = SUN_CKA_EXPONENT_1;
pKey[5].oa_value = (char*) bufExpP;
pKey[5].oa_value_len = (size_t) expPLen;
pKey[6].oa_type = SUN_CKA_EXPONENT_2;
pKey[6].oa_value = (char*) bufExpQ;
pKey[6].oa_value_len = (size_t) expQLen;
pKey[7].oa_type = SUN_CKA_COEFFICIENT;
pKey[7].oa_value = (char*) bufCrtCoeff;
pKey[7].oa_value_len = (size_t) crtCoeffLen;
return (jlong) pKey;
return 0L;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey_RSAPublic
* Method: nativeInit
* Signature: ([B[B)J
jlong JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeKey_00024RSAPublic_nativeInit
(int modLen, jbyte* jMod, int pubLen, jbyte* jPub) {
unsigned char *mod, *pub;
crypto_object_attribute_t* pKey = NULL;
pKey = calloc(2, sizeof(crypto_object_attribute_t));
if (pKey == NULL) {
return 0L;
mod = pub = NULL;
mod = malloc(modLen);
pub = malloc(pubLen);
if (mod == NULL || pub == NULL) {
return 0L;
} else {
memcpy(mod, jMod, modLen);
memcpy(pub, jPub, pubLen);
if (DEBUG) {
printf("RSAPublicKey Init: keyValue=%ld, keyLen=2\n", pKey);
printBytes("RSA PublicKey mod: ", (unsigned char*) mod, modLen);
printBytes("RSA PublicKey pubExp: ", (unsigned char*) pub, pubLen);
pKey[0].oa_type = SUN_CKA_MODULUS;
pKey[0].oa_value = (char*) mod;
pKey[0].oa_value_len = (size_t) modLen;
pKey[1].oa_type = SUN_CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT;
pKey[1].oa_value = (char*) pub;
pKey[1].oa_value_len = (size_t) pubLen;
return (jlong) pKey;
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jbyteArray jMod, jbyteArray jPub) {
int modLen, pubLen;
jbyte *bufMod, *bufPub;
crypto_object_attribute_t* pKey = NULL;
bufMod = bufPub = NULL;
modLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jMod);
bufMod = getBytes(env, jMod, 0, modLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
return 0L;
pubLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jPub);
bufPub = getBytes(env, jPub, 0, pubLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
return 0L;
// proceed if no error; otherwise free allocated memory
pKey = calloc(2, sizeof(crypto_object_attribute_t));
if (pKey != NULL) {
// NOTE: numOfComponents should be 2
pKey[0].oa_type = SUN_CKA_MODULUS;
pKey[0].oa_value = (char*) bufMod;
pKey[0].oa_value_len = (size_t) modLen;
pKey[1].oa_type = SUN_CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT;
pKey[1].oa_value = (char*) bufPub;
pKey[1].oa_value_len = (size_t) pubLen;
return (jlong) pKey;
} else {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return 0L;
// NativeRSASignature
SignatureInit(crypto_ctx_t *context, jint mechVal, jboolean sign,
uchar_t *pKey, size_t keyLength) {
ucrypto_mech_t mech;
int rv = 0;
mech = (ucrypto_mech_t) mechVal;
if (sign) {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoSignInit)(context, mech, pKey, keyLength,
NULL, 0);
} else {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoVerifyInit)(context, mech, pKey, keyLength,
NULL, 0);
if (DEBUG) {
printf("SignatureInit: context=%ld, mech=%d, sign=%d, keyValue=%ld, keyLength=%d\n",
context, mech, sign, pKey, keyLength);
printf("SignatureInit, ret => 0x%x\n", rv);
return rv;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature
* Method: nativeInit
* Signature: (IZJI[B)J
jlong JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeInit
(jint mech, jboolean sign, jlong jKey, jint keyLength) {
crypto_ctx_t *context;
int rv;
uchar_t *pKey;
context = malloc(sizeof(crypto_ctx_t));
if (context != NULL) {
pKey = (uchar_t *) jKey;
rv = SignatureInit(context, mech, sign, pKey, (size_t)keyLength);
if (rv) {
return 0L;
return (jlong)context;
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeInit
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jint mech, jboolean sign, jlong jKey, jint keyLength) {
crypto_ctx_t *context;
int rv = 0;
uchar_t *pKey;
context = malloc(sizeof(crypto_ctx_t));
if (context == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return 0L;
pKey = (uchar_t *) jKey;
rv = SignatureInit(context, mech, sign, pKey, (size_t)keyLength);
if (rv) {
throwUCExceptionUsingRV(env, rv);
return 0L;
return (jlong)context;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature
* Method: nativeUpdate
* Signature: (JZ[BII)I
jint JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeUpdate__JZ_3BII
(jlong pCtxt, jboolean sign, int notUsed, jbyte* jIn, jint jInOfs, jint jInLen) {
crypto_ctx_t *context;
int rv = 0;
context = (crypto_ctx_t *) pCtxt;
if (DEBUG) {
printf("Signature update: context=%ld, sign=%d, jIn=%ld, jInOfs=%d, jInLen=%d\n",
context, sign, jIn, jInOfs, jInLen);
if (sign) {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoSignUpdate)(context, (uchar_t *) (jIn + jInOfs), (size_t) jInLen);
} else {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoVerifyUpdate)(context, (uchar_t *) (jIn + jInOfs), (size_t) jInLen);
if (DEBUG) printf("Signature update, ret => 0x%x\n", rv);
if (rv) {
return -rv; // use negative value to indicate error!
return 0;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeUpdate__JZ_3BII
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jlong pCtxt, jboolean sign, jbyteArray jIn, jint inOfs, jint inLen) {
int rv = 0;
jbyte* bufIn;
bufIn = getBytes(env, jIn, inOfs, inLen);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
return -1; // use negative value to indicate error!
if (DEBUG) printBytes("Update w/ data: ", (unsigned char*)bufIn, (size_t) inLen);
rv = JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeUpdate__JZ_3BII
(pCtxt, sign, inLen, bufIn, 0, inLen);
return rv;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature
* Method: nativeUpdate
* Signature: (JZJI)I
jint JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeUpdate__JZJI
(jlong pCtxt, jboolean sign, jlong inAddr, jint inLen) {
return JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeUpdate__JZ_3BII
(pCtxt, sign, inLen, (jbyte*)inAddr, 0, inLen);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeUpdate__JZJI
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jlong pCtxt, jboolean sign, jlong inAddr, jint inLen) {
return JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeUpdate__JZ_3BII
(pCtxt, sign, inLen, (jbyte*)inAddr, 0, inLen);
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature
* Method: nativeFinal
* Signature: (JZ[BII)I
jint JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeFinal
(jlong pCtxt, jboolean sign, int notUsed, jbyte* bufSig, jint sigOfs, jint jSigLen) {
crypto_ctx_t *context;
int rv = 0;
size_t sigLength = (size_t) jSigLen;
context = (crypto_ctx_t *) pCtxt;
if (DEBUG) {
printf("Signature final: context=%ld, sign=%d, bufSig=%ld, sigOfs=%d, sigLen=%d\n",
context, sign, bufSig, sigOfs, jSigLen);
printBytes("Before Final: SigBytes ", (unsigned char*) (bufSig + sigOfs), jSigLen);
if (sign) {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoSignFinal)(context, (uchar_t *) (bufSig + sigOfs), &sigLength);
} else {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoVerifyFinal)(context, (uchar_t *) (bufSig + sigOfs), &sigLength);
if (DEBUG) {
printf("Signature nativeFinal, ret => 0x%x\n", rv);
if (sigLength != jSigLen) {
printf("SIG actual output len=%d\n", sigLength);
if (sign) {
printBytes("After nativeFinal: ", (unsigned char*) (bufSig + sigOfs), jSigLen);
if (rv) {
return -rv;
} else return 0;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeFinal
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jlong pCtxt, jboolean sign, jbyteArray jSig, jint jSigOfs, jint jSigLen) {
int rv = 0;
jbyte* bufSig = NULL;
if (jSigLen != 0) {
bufSig = calloc(jSigLen, sizeof(char));
if (bufSig == NULL) {
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return 0;
if (!sign) {
// need to copy over the to-be-verified signature bytes
(*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, jSig, jSigOfs, jSigLen, (jbyte *)bufSig);
if (!(*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
// Frees context + converts rv to negative if error occurred
rv = JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSASignature_nativeFinal
(pCtxt, sign, jSigLen, bufSig, 0, jSigLen);
if (rv == 0 && sign) {
// need to copy the generated signature bytes to the java bytearray
(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, jSig, jSigOfs, jSigLen, (jbyte *)bufSig);
} else {
// set rv to negative to indicate error
rv = -1;
return rv;
* Class: com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSACipher
* Method: nativeAtomic
* Signature: (IZJI[BI[BII)I
jint JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSACipher_nativeAtomic
(jint mech, jboolean encrypt, jlong keyValue, jint keyLength,
int notUsed1, jbyte* bufIn, jint jInLen,
int notUsed2, jbyte* bufOut, jint jOutOfs, jint jOutLen) {
uchar_t *pKey;
crypto_object_attribute_t* pKey2;
int rv = 0;
size_t outLength = (size_t) jOutLen;
pKey = (uchar_t *) keyValue;
if (DEBUG) {
printf("Cipher nativeAtomic: mech=%d, encrypt=%d, pKey=%ld, keyLength=%d\n",
mech, encrypt, pKey, keyLength);
printBytes("Before nativeAtomic: in: ", (unsigned char*) bufIn, jInLen);
printBytes("Before nativeAtomic: out: ", (unsigned char*) (bufOut + jOutOfs), jOutLen);
if (encrypt) {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoEncrypt)((ucrypto_mech_t)mech, pKey, (size_t)keyLength,
NULL, 0, (uchar_t *)bufIn, (size_t)jInLen,
(uchar_t *)(bufOut + jOutOfs), &outLength);
} else {
rv = (*ftab->ucryptoDecrypt)((ucrypto_mech_t)mech, pKey, (size_t)keyLength,
NULL, 0, (uchar_t *)bufIn, (size_t)jInLen,
(uchar_t *)(bufOut + jOutOfs), &outLength);
if (DEBUG) {
printf("Cipher nativeAtomic, ret => 0x%x\n", rv);
if (outLength != jOutLen) {
printf("CIP actual output len=%d\n", outLength);
printBytes("After nativeAtomic: ", (unsigned char*) (bufOut + jOutOfs), outLength);
if (rv) {
return -rv;
} else return outLength;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSACipher_nativeAtomic
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jCls, jint mech, jboolean encrypt,
jlong keyValue, jint keyLength, jbyteArray jIn, jint jInLen,
jbyteArray jOut, jint jOutOfs, jint jOutLen) {
int rv = 0;
jbyte *bufIn = NULL;
jbyte *bufOut = NULL;
if (jInLen != 0) {
bufIn = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, jIn, NULL);
if (bufIn == NULL) {
return 0;
bufOut = calloc(jOutLen, sizeof(jbyte));
if (bufOut == NULL) {
(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, jIn, bufIn, 0);
throwOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
return 0;
// rv: output length or error code (if negative)
rv = JavaCritical_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeRSACipher_nativeAtomic
(mech, encrypt, keyValue, keyLength, jInLen, bufIn, jInLen,
jOutLen, bufOut, 0, jOutLen);
if (rv > 0) {
(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, jOut, jOutOfs, rv, (jbyte *)bufOut);
if (bufIn != NULL) {
(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, jIn, bufIn, 0);
return rv;