author tschatzl
Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:28:15 +0200
changeset 26701 f8ff74a6c058
parent 16147 e63b63819133
permissions -rw-r--r--
8052172: Evacuation failure handling in G1 does not evacuate all objects if -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate is set Summary: Remove -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate functionality as it is racy. During evacuation failure handling, threads where evacuation failure handling occurred may try to add remembered sets to regions which remembered sets are currently being scanned. The iterator to handle the remembered set scan does not support addition of entries during scan and so may skip valid references. Reviewed-by: iveresov, brutisso, mgerdin

The Nashorn repo is in the process of being migrated to OpenJDK and as such is
incomplete in several areas.

- The build system is not fully integrated.  When complete, Nashorn will be
installed in its proper location in the JRE.

- Once integrated, the correct version of the JDK will be wrapped around 
Nashorn.  In the meantime, ensure you use JDK8 b68 or later.

- The jjs tool has not been implemented in binary form yet.  Use "sh bin/jjs" 
(or bin/jjs.bat on windows) in the interm.

- The Dynalink component is not fully integrated into Nashorn as yet, but will
be when details are finalized.

- And, finally Nashorn is still in development.  To stay up to date, subscribe
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