NetBeans Project Files for JDK DemosThis directory contains project files for the NetBeans IDE for the all-JavaJDK demos (some of the demos involve C code; no NetBeans project files areprovided for them at this time). For example, to bring up the Java2D demoin NetBeans, do the following:1. If you do not already have NetBeans, download it from and follow the directions for installation.2. Start NetBeans.3. From the main menu, choose File -> Open Project.4. In the popup window, navigate to the JDK distribution and within that to the "demo" directory.5. Press the "Open Project Folder" button. That will open all of the demos (for which there are project files) as subprojects.6. There should now be a Java2D project in the Projects tab of the IDE. Right-click on the project name and choose an appropriate action, e.g. Clean and Build Project and then Run Project Some, but not all, of the projects can be run as applets as well.Documentation and support for NetBeans is available at the NetBeans web site: 1. jconsole-plugin is a special kind of project, a plugin for jconsole. Therefore it is not possible to run the project directly from the IDE.