* Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "runtime/signature.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
#include "utilities/resourceHash.hpp"
class stringStream;
namespace generic {
class Identifier;
class ClassDescriptor;
class MethodDescriptor;
class TypeParameter; // a formal type parameter declared in generic signatures
class TypeArgument; // The "type value" passed to fill parameters in supertypes
class TypeVariable; // A usage of a type parameter as a value
* Example:
* <T, V> class Foo extends Bar<String> { int m(V v) {} }
* ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^
* type parameters type argument type variable
* Note that a type variable could be passed as an argument too:
* <T, V> class Foo extends Bar<T> { int m(V v) {} }
* ^^^
* type argument's value is a type variable
class Type;
class ClassType;
class ArrayType;
class PrimitiveType;
class Context;
class DescriptorCache;
class DescriptorStream;
class Identifier : public ResourceObj {
Symbol* _sym;
int _begin;
int _end;
Identifier(Symbol* sym, int begin, int end) :
_sym(sym), _begin(begin), _end(end) {}
bool equals(Identifier* other);
bool equals(Symbol* sym);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
#endif // ndef PRODUCT
class Descriptor : public ResourceObj {
GrowableArray<TypeParameter*> _type_parameters;
ClassDescriptor* _outer_class;
Descriptor(GrowableArray<TypeParameter*>& params,
ClassDescriptor* outer)
: _type_parameters(params), _outer_class(outer) {}
ClassDescriptor* outer_class() { return _outer_class; }
void set_outer_class(ClassDescriptor* sig) { _outer_class = sig; }
virtual ClassDescriptor* as_class_signature() { return NULL; }
virtual MethodDescriptor* as_method_signature() { return NULL; }
bool is_class_signature() { return as_class_signature() != NULL; }
bool is_method_signature() { return as_method_signature() != NULL; }
GrowableArray<TypeParameter*>& type_parameters() {
return _type_parameters;
TypeParameter* find_type_parameter(Identifier* id, int* param_depth);
virtual void bind_variables_to_parameters() = 0;
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void print_on(outputStream* str) const = 0;
class ClassDescriptor : public Descriptor {
ClassType* _super;
GrowableArray<ClassType*> _interfaces;
MethodDescriptor* _outer_method;
ClassDescriptor(GrowableArray<TypeParameter*>& ftp, ClassType* scs,
GrowableArray<ClassType*>& sis, ClassDescriptor* outer_class = NULL,
MethodDescriptor* outer_method = NULL)
: Descriptor(ftp, outer_class), _super(scs), _interfaces(sis),
_outer_method(outer_method) {}
static u2 get_outer_class_index(InstanceKlass* k, TRAPS);
static ClassDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Klass* k, Symbol* original_name, TRAPS);
virtual ClassDescriptor* as_class_signature() { return this; }
MethodDescriptor* outer_method() { return _outer_method; }
void set_outer_method(MethodDescriptor* m) { _outer_method = m; }
ClassType* super() { return _super; }
ClassType* interface_desc(Symbol* sym);
static ClassDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Klass* k, TRAPS);
static ClassDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Symbol* sym);
// For use in superclass chains in positions where this is no generic info
static ClassDescriptor* placeholder(InstanceKlass* klass);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
ClassDescriptor* canonicalize(Context* ctx);
// Linking sets the position index in any contained TypeVariable type
// to correspond to the location of that identifier in the formal type
// parameters.
void bind_variables_to_parameters();
class MethodDescriptor : public Descriptor {
GrowableArray<Type*> _parameters;
Type* _return_type;
GrowableArray<Type*> _throws;
MethodDescriptor(GrowableArray<TypeParameter*>& ftp, ClassDescriptor* outer,
GrowableArray<Type*>& sigs, Type* rt, GrowableArray<Type*>& throws)
: Descriptor(ftp, outer), _parameters(sigs), _return_type(rt),
_throws(throws) {}
static MethodDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Method* m, ClassDescriptor* outer);
static MethodDescriptor* parse_generic_signature(Symbol* sym, ClassDescriptor* outer);
MethodDescriptor* as_method_signature() { return this; }
// Performs generic analysis on the method parameters to determine
// if both methods refer to the same argument types.
bool covariant_match(MethodDescriptor* other, Context* ctx);
// Returns a new method descriptor with all generic variables
// removed and replaced with whatever is indicated using the Context.
MethodDescriptor* canonicalize(Context* ctx);
void bind_variables_to_parameters();
#ifndef PRODUCT
TempNewSymbol reify_signature(Context* ctx, TRAPS);
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
class TypeParameter : public ResourceObj {
Identifier* _identifier;
ClassType* _class_bound;
GrowableArray<ClassType*> _interface_bounds;
// The position is the ordinal location of the parameter within the
// formal parameter list (excluding outer classes). It is only set for
// formal type parameters that are associated with a class -- method
// type parameters are left as -1. When resolving a generic variable to
// find the actual type, this index is used to access the generic type
// argument in the provided context object.
int _position; // Assigned during variable linking
TypeParameter(Identifier* id, ClassType* class_bound,
GrowableArray<ClassType*>& interface_bounds) :
_identifier(id), _class_bound(class_bound),
_interface_bounds(interface_bounds), _position(-1) {}
static TypeParameter* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
ClassType* bound();
int position() { return _position; }
void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig, int position);
Identifier* identifier() { return _identifier; }
Type* resolve(Context* ctx, int inner_depth, int ctx_depth);
TypeParameter* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
class Type : public ResourceObj {
static Type* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
virtual ClassType* as_class() { return NULL; }
virtual TypeVariable* as_variable() { return NULL; }
virtual ArrayType* as_array() { return NULL; }
virtual PrimitiveType* as_primitive() { return NULL; }
virtual bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx) = 0;
virtual Type* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth) = 0;
virtual void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig) = 0;
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx) = 0;
virtual void print_on(outputStream* str) const = 0;
class ClassType : public Type {
friend class ClassDescriptor;
Identifier* _identifier;
GrowableArray<TypeArgument*> _type_arguments;
ClassType* _outer_class;
ClassType(Identifier* identifier,
GrowableArray<TypeArgument*>& args,
ClassType* outer)
: _identifier(identifier), _type_arguments(args), _outer_class(outer) {}
// Returns true if there are inner classes to read
static Identifier* parse_generic_signature_simple(
GrowableArray<TypeArgument*>* args,
bool* has_inner, DescriptorStream* str);
static ClassType* parse_generic_signature(ClassType* outer,
DescriptorStream* str);
static ClassType* from_symbol(Symbol* sym);
ClassType* as_class() { return this; }
static ClassType* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
static ClassType* java_lang_Object();
Identifier* identifier() { return _identifier; }
int type_arguments_length() { return _type_arguments.length(); }
TypeArgument* type_argument_at(int i);
virtual ClassType* outer_class() { return _outer_class; }
bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx);
ClassType* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int context_depth);
void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx);
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
class TypeVariable : public Type {
Identifier* _id;
TypeParameter* _parameter; // assigned during linking
// how many steps "out" from inner classes, -1 if method
int _inner_depth;
TypeVariable(Identifier* id)
: _id(id), _parameter(NULL), _inner_depth(0) {}
TypeVariable* as_variable() { return this; }
static TypeVariable* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
Identifier* identifier() { return _id; }
TypeParameter* parameter() { return _parameter; }
int inner_depth() { return _inner_depth; }
void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
Type* resolve(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx);
Type* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx);
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
class ArrayType : public Type {
Type* _base;
ArrayType(Type* base) : _base(base) {}
ArrayType* as_array() { return this; }
static ArrayType* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx);
ArrayType* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx);
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
class PrimitiveType : public Type {
friend class Type;
char _type; // includes V for void
PrimitiveType(char& type) : _type(type) {}
PrimitiveType* as_primitive() { return this; }
bool covariant_match(Type* gt, Context* ctx);
PrimitiveType* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void reify_signature(stringStream* ss, Context* ctx);
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
class TypeArgument : public ResourceObj {
Type* _lower_bound;
Type* _upper_bound; // may be null or == _lower_bound
TypeArgument(Type* lower_bound, Type* upper_bound)
: _lower_bound(lower_bound), _upper_bound(upper_bound) {}
static TypeArgument* parse_generic_signature(DescriptorStream* str);
Type* lower_bound() { return _lower_bound; }
Type* upper_bound() { return _upper_bound; }
void bind_variables_to_parameters(Descriptor* sig);
TypeArgument* canonicalize(Context* ctx, int ctx_depth);
bool covariant_match(TypeArgument* a, Context* ctx);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
class Context : public ResourceObj {
DescriptorCache* _cache;
GrowableArray<ClassType*> _type_arguments;
void reset_to_mark(int size);
// When this object goes out of scope or 'destroy' is
// called, then the application of the type to the
// context is wound-back (unless it's been deactivated).
class Mark : public StackObj {
mutable Context* _context;
int _marked_size;
bool is_active() const { return _context != NULL; }
void deactivate() const { _context = NULL; }
Mark() : _context(NULL), _marked_size(0) {}
Mark(Context* ctx, int sz) : _context(ctx), _marked_size(sz) {}
Mark(const Mark& m) : _context(m._context), _marked_size(m._marked_size) {
m.deactivate(); // Ownership is transferred
Mark& operator=(const Mark& cm) {
_context = cm._context;
_marked_size = cm._marked_size;
return *this;
void destroy();
~Mark() { destroy(); }
Context(DescriptorCache* cache) : _cache(cache) {}
Mark mark() { return Mark(this, _type_arguments.length()); }
void apply_type_arguments(InstanceKlass* current, InstanceKlass* super,TRAPS);
ClassType* at_depth(int i) const;
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_on(outputStream* str) const;
* Contains a cache of descriptors for classes and methods so they can be
* looked-up instead of reparsing each time they are needed.
class DescriptorCache : public ResourceObj {
ResourceHashtable<InstanceKlass*, ClassDescriptor*> _class_descriptors;
ResourceHashtable<Method*, MethodDescriptor*> _method_descriptors;
ClassDescriptor* descriptor_for(InstanceKlass* ikh, TRAPS);
MethodDescriptor* descriptor_for(Method* mh, ClassDescriptor* cd, TRAPS);
// Class descriptor derived from method holder
MethodDescriptor* descriptor_for(Method* mh, TRAPS);
} // namespace generic