6672698: mangle_unused_area() should not remangle the entire heap at each collection.
Summary: Maintain a high water mark for the allocations in a space and mangle only up to that high water mark.
Reviewed-by: ysr, apetrusenko
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class ResolutionErrorEntry;
// ResolutionError objects are used to record errors encountered during
// constant pool resolution (JVMS 5.4.3).
class ResolutionErrorTable : public Hashtable {
ResolutionErrorTable(int table_size);
ResolutionErrorEntry* new_entry(int hash, constantPoolOop pool, int cp_index, symbolOop error);
ResolutionErrorEntry* bucket(int i) {
return (ResolutionErrorEntry*)Hashtable::bucket(i);
ResolutionErrorEntry** bucket_addr(int i) {
return (ResolutionErrorEntry**)Hashtable::bucket_addr(i);
void add_entry(int index, ResolutionErrorEntry* new_entry) {
Hashtable::add_entry(index, (HashtableEntry*)new_entry);
void add_entry(int index, unsigned int hash,
constantPoolHandle pool, int which, symbolHandle error);
// find error given the constant pool and constant pool index
ResolutionErrorEntry* find_entry(int index, unsigned int hash,
constantPoolHandle pool, int cp_index);
unsigned int compute_hash(constantPoolHandle pool, int cp_index) {
return (unsigned int) pool->identity_hash() + cp_index;
// purges unloaded entries from the table
void purge_resolution_errors(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive);
// this table keeps symbolOops alive
void always_strong_classes_do(OopClosure* blk);
// GC support.
void oops_do(OopClosure* f);
class ResolutionErrorEntry : public HashtableEntry {
int _cp_index;
symbolOop _error;
constantPoolOop pool() const { return (constantPoolOop)literal(); }
constantPoolOop* pool_addr() { return (constantPoolOop*)literal_addr(); }
int cp_index() const { return _cp_index; }
void set_cp_index(int cp_index) { _cp_index = cp_index; }
symbolOop error() const { return _error; }
void set_error(symbolOop e) { _error = e; }
symbolOop* error_addr() { return &_error; }
ResolutionErrorEntry* next() const {
return (ResolutionErrorEntry*)HashtableEntry::next();
ResolutionErrorEntry** next_addr() {
return (ResolutionErrorEntry**)HashtableEntry::next_addr();
// GC support
void oops_do(OopClosure* blk);