author stefank
Fri, 20 Sep 2013 10:53:28 +0200
changeset 20079 edbc2f7b38ef
parent 6 7f561c08de6b
child 41431 62f1dfefd681
permissions -rw-r--r--
8024974: Incorrect use of GC_locker::is_active() Summary: SymbolTable and StringTable can make calls to GC_locker::is_active() outside a safepoint. This isn't safe because the GC_locker active state (lock count) is only updated at a safepoint and only remains valid as long as _needs_gc is true. However, outside a safepoint_needs_gc can change to false at any time, which makes it impossible to do a correct call to is_active() in that context. In this case these calls can just be removed since the input argument to basic_add() should never be on the heap and so there's no need to check the GC_locker state. This change also adjusts the assert() in is_active() to makes sure all calls to this function are always done under a safepoint. Reviewed-by: brutisso, dcubed Contributed-by: per.liden@oracle.com


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