6655646: dynamic languages need dynamically linked call sites
Summary: invokedynamic instruction (JSR 292 RI)
Reviewed-by: twisti, never
* Copyright 1999-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
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* have any questions.
// Predefined classes
class ciField;
class ValueStack;
class InstructionPrinter;
class IRScope;
class LIR_OprDesc;
typedef LIR_OprDesc* LIR_Opr;
// Instruction class hierarchy
// All leaf classes in the class hierarchy are concrete classes
// (i.e., are instantiated). All other classes are abstract and
// serve factoring.
class Instruction;
class HiWord;
class Phi;
class Local;
class Constant;
class AccessField;
class LoadField;
class StoreField;
class AccessArray;
class ArrayLength;
class AccessIndexed;
class LoadIndexed;
class StoreIndexed;
class NegateOp;
class Op2;
class ArithmeticOp;
class ShiftOp;
class LogicOp;
class CompareOp;
class IfOp;
class Convert;
class NullCheck;
class OsrEntry;
class ExceptionObject;
class StateSplit;
class Invoke;
class NewInstance;
class NewArray;
class NewTypeArray;
class NewObjectArray;
class NewMultiArray;
class TypeCheck;
class CheckCast;
class InstanceOf;
class AccessMonitor;
class MonitorEnter;
class MonitorExit;
class Intrinsic;
class BlockBegin;
class BlockEnd;
class Goto;
class If;
class IfInstanceOf;
class Switch;
class TableSwitch;
class LookupSwitch;
class Return;
class Throw;
class Base;
class RoundFP;
class UnsafeOp;
class UnsafeRawOp;
class UnsafeGetRaw;
class UnsafePutRaw;
class UnsafeObjectOp;
class UnsafeGetObject;
class UnsafePutObject;
class UnsafePrefetch;
class UnsafePrefetchRead;
class UnsafePrefetchWrite;
class ProfileCall;
class ProfileCounter;
// A Value is a reference to the instruction creating the value
typedef Instruction* Value;
define_array(ValueArray, Value)
define_stack(Values, ValueArray)
define_array(ValueStackArray, ValueStack*)
define_stack(ValueStackStack, ValueStackArray)
// BlockClosure is the base class for block traversal/iteration.
class BlockClosure: public CompilationResourceObj {
virtual void block_do(BlockBegin* block) = 0;
// Some array and list classes
define_array(BlockBeginArray, BlockBegin*)
define_stack(_BlockList, BlockBeginArray)
class BlockList: public _BlockList {
BlockList(): _BlockList() {}
BlockList(const int size): _BlockList(size) {}
BlockList(const int size, BlockBegin* init): _BlockList(size, init) {}
void iterate_forward(BlockClosure* closure);
void iterate_backward(BlockClosure* closure);
void blocks_do(void f(BlockBegin*));
void values_do(void f(Value*));
void print(bool cfg_only = false, bool live_only = false) PRODUCT_RETURN;
// InstructionVisitors provide type-based dispatch for instructions.
// For each concrete Instruction class X, a virtual function do_X is
// provided. Functionality that needs to be implemented for all classes
// (e.g., printing, code generation) is factored out into a specialised
// visitor instead of added to the Instruction classes itself.
class InstructionVisitor: public StackObj {
void do_HiWord (HiWord* x) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
virtual void do_Phi (Phi* x) = 0;
virtual void do_Local (Local* x) = 0;
virtual void do_Constant (Constant* x) = 0;
virtual void do_LoadField (LoadField* x) = 0;
virtual void do_StoreField (StoreField* x) = 0;
virtual void do_ArrayLength (ArrayLength* x) = 0;
virtual void do_LoadIndexed (LoadIndexed* x) = 0;
virtual void do_StoreIndexed (StoreIndexed* x) = 0;
virtual void do_NegateOp (NegateOp* x) = 0;
virtual void do_ArithmeticOp (ArithmeticOp* x) = 0;
virtual void do_ShiftOp (ShiftOp* x) = 0;
virtual void do_LogicOp (LogicOp* x) = 0;
virtual void do_CompareOp (CompareOp* x) = 0;
virtual void do_IfOp (IfOp* x) = 0;
virtual void do_Convert (Convert* x) = 0;
virtual void do_NullCheck (NullCheck* x) = 0;
virtual void do_Invoke (Invoke* x) = 0;
virtual void do_NewInstance (NewInstance* x) = 0;
virtual void do_NewTypeArray (NewTypeArray* x) = 0;
virtual void do_NewObjectArray (NewObjectArray* x) = 0;
virtual void do_NewMultiArray (NewMultiArray* x) = 0;
virtual void do_CheckCast (CheckCast* x) = 0;
virtual void do_InstanceOf (InstanceOf* x) = 0;
virtual void do_MonitorEnter (MonitorEnter* x) = 0;
virtual void do_MonitorExit (MonitorExit* x) = 0;
virtual void do_Intrinsic (Intrinsic* x) = 0;
virtual void do_BlockBegin (BlockBegin* x) = 0;
virtual void do_Goto (Goto* x) = 0;
virtual void do_If (If* x) = 0;
virtual void do_IfInstanceOf (IfInstanceOf* x) = 0;
virtual void do_TableSwitch (TableSwitch* x) = 0;
virtual void do_LookupSwitch (LookupSwitch* x) = 0;
virtual void do_Return (Return* x) = 0;
virtual void do_Throw (Throw* x) = 0;
virtual void do_Base (Base* x) = 0;
virtual void do_OsrEntry (OsrEntry* x) = 0;
virtual void do_ExceptionObject(ExceptionObject* x) = 0;
virtual void do_RoundFP (RoundFP* x) = 0;
virtual void do_UnsafeGetRaw (UnsafeGetRaw* x) = 0;
virtual void do_UnsafePutRaw (UnsafePutRaw* x) = 0;
virtual void do_UnsafeGetObject(UnsafeGetObject* x) = 0;
virtual void do_UnsafePutObject(UnsafePutObject* x) = 0;
virtual void do_UnsafePrefetchRead (UnsafePrefetchRead* x) = 0;
virtual void do_UnsafePrefetchWrite(UnsafePrefetchWrite* x) = 0;
virtual void do_ProfileCall (ProfileCall* x) = 0;
virtual void do_ProfileCounter (ProfileCounter* x) = 0;
// Hashing support
// Note: This hash functions affect the performance
// of ValueMap - make changes carefully!
#define HASH1(x1 ) ((intx)(x1))
#define HASH2(x1, x2 ) ((HASH1(x1 ) << 7) ^ HASH1(x2))
#define HASH3(x1, x2, x3 ) ((HASH2(x1, x2 ) << 7) ^ HASH1(x3))
#define HASH4(x1, x2, x3, x4) ((HASH3(x1, x2, x3) << 7) ^ HASH1(x4))
// The following macros are used to implement instruction-specific hashing.
// By default, each instruction implements hash() and is_equal(Value), used
// for value numbering/common subexpression elimination. The default imple-
// mentation disables value numbering. Each instruction which can be value-
// numbered, should define corresponding hash() and is_equal(Value) functions
// via the macros below. The f arguments specify all the values/op codes, etc.
// that need to be identical for two instructions to be identical.
// Note: The default implementation of hash() returns 0 in order to indicate
// that the instruction should not be considered for value numbering.
// The currently used hash functions do not guarantee that never a 0
// is produced. While this is still correct, it may be a performance
// bug (no value numbering for that node). However, this situation is
// so unlikely, that we are not going to handle it specially.
#define HASHING1(class_name, enabled, f1) \
virtual intx hash() const { \
return (enabled) ? HASH2(name(), f1) : 0; \
} \
virtual bool is_equal(Value v) const { \
if (!(enabled) ) return false; \
class_name* _v = v->as_##class_name(); \
if (_v == NULL ) return false; \
if (f1 != _v->f1) return false; \
return true; \
} \
#define HASHING2(class_name, enabled, f1, f2) \
virtual intx hash() const { \
return (enabled) ? HASH3(name(), f1, f2) : 0; \
} \
virtual bool is_equal(Value v) const { \
if (!(enabled) ) return false; \
class_name* _v = v->as_##class_name(); \
if (_v == NULL ) return false; \
if (f1 != _v->f1) return false; \
if (f2 != _v->f2) return false; \
return true; \
} \
#define HASHING3(class_name, enabled, f1, f2, f3) \
virtual intx hash() const { \
return (enabled) ? HASH4(name(), f1, f2, f3) : 0; \
} \
virtual bool is_equal(Value v) const { \
if (!(enabled) ) return false; \
class_name* _v = v->as_##class_name(); \
if (_v == NULL ) return false; \
if (f1 != _v->f1) return false; \
if (f2 != _v->f2) return false; \
if (f3 != _v->f3) return false; \
return true; \
} \
// The mother of all instructions...
class Instruction: public CompilationResourceObj {
static int _next_id; // the node counter
int _id; // the unique instruction id
int _bci; // the instruction bci
int _use_count; // the number of instructions refering to this value (w/o prev/next); only roots can have use count = 0 or > 1
int _pin_state; // set of PinReason describing the reason for pinning
ValueType* _type; // the instruction value type
Instruction* _next; // the next instruction if any (NULL for BlockEnd instructions)
Instruction* _subst; // the substitution instruction if any
LIR_Opr _operand; // LIR specific information
unsigned int _flags; // Flag bits
XHandlers* _exception_handlers; // Flat list of exception handlers covering this instruction
#ifdef ASSERT
HiWord* _hi_word;
friend class UseCountComputer;
void set_bci(int bci) { assert(bci == SynchronizationEntryBCI || bci >= 0, "illegal bci"); _bci = bci; }
void set_type(ValueType* type) {
assert(type != NULL, "type must exist");
_type = type;
enum InstructionFlag {
NeedsNullCheckFlag = 0,
bool check_flag(InstructionFlag id) const { return (_flags & (1 << id)) != 0; }
void set_flag(InstructionFlag id, bool f) { _flags = f ? (_flags | (1 << id)) : (_flags & ~(1 << id)); };
// 'globally' used condition values
enum Condition {
eql, neq, lss, leq, gtr, geq
// Instructions may be pinned for many reasons and under certain conditions
// with enough knowledge it's possible to safely unpin them.
enum PinReason {
PinUnknown = 1 << 0
, PinExplicitNullCheck = 1 << 3
, PinStackForStateSplit= 1 << 12
, PinStateSplitConstructor= 1 << 13
, PinGlobalValueNumbering= 1 << 14
static Condition mirror(Condition cond);
static Condition negate(Condition cond);
// initialization
static void initialize() { _next_id = 0; }
static int number_of_instructions() { return _next_id; }
// creation
Instruction(ValueType* type, bool type_is_constant = false, bool create_hi = true)
: _id(_next_id++)
, _bci(-99)
, _use_count(0)
, _pin_state(0)
, _type(type)
, _next(NULL)
, _subst(NULL)
, _flags(0)
, _operand(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _exception_handlers(NULL)
#ifdef ASSERT
, _hi_word(NULL)
assert(type != NULL && (!type->is_constant() || type_is_constant), "type must exist");
#ifdef ASSERT
if (create_hi && type->is_double_word()) {
// accessors
int id() const { return _id; }
int bci() const { return _bci; }
int use_count() const { return _use_count; }
int pin_state() const { return _pin_state; }
bool is_pinned() const { return _pin_state != 0 || PinAllInstructions; }
ValueType* type() const { return _type; }
Instruction* prev(BlockBegin* block); // use carefully, expensive operation
Instruction* next() const { return _next; }
bool has_subst() const { return _subst != NULL; }
Instruction* subst() { return _subst == NULL ? this : _subst->subst(); }
LIR_Opr operand() const { return _operand; }
void set_needs_null_check(bool f) { set_flag(NeedsNullCheckFlag, f); }
bool needs_null_check() const { return check_flag(NeedsNullCheckFlag); }
bool has_uses() const { return use_count() > 0; }
bool is_root() const { return is_pinned() || use_count() > 1; }
XHandlers* exception_handlers() const { return _exception_handlers; }
// manipulation
void pin(PinReason reason) { _pin_state |= reason; }
void pin() { _pin_state |= PinUnknown; }
// DANGEROUS: only used by EliminateStores
void unpin(PinReason reason) { assert((reason & PinUnknown) == 0, "can't unpin unknown state"); _pin_state &= ~reason; }
virtual void set_lock_stack(ValueStack* l) { /* do nothing*/ }
virtual ValueStack* lock_stack() const { return NULL; }
Instruction* set_next(Instruction* next, int bci) {
if (next != NULL) {
assert(as_BlockEnd() == NULL, "BlockEnd instructions must have no next");
assert(next->as_Phi() == NULL && next->as_Local() == NULL, "shouldn't link these instructions into list");
_next = next;
return next;
void set_subst(Instruction* subst) {
assert(subst == NULL ||
type()->base() == subst->type()->base() ||
subst->type()->base() == illegalType, "type can't change");
_subst = subst;
void set_exception_handlers(XHandlers *xhandlers) { _exception_handlers = xhandlers; }
#ifdef ASSERT
// HiWord is used for debugging and is allocated early to avoid
// allocation at inconvenient points
HiWord* hi_word() { return _hi_word; }
void create_hi_word();
// machine-specifics
void set_operand(LIR_Opr operand) { assert(operand != LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, "operand must exist"); _operand = operand; }
void clear_operand() { _operand = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr; }
// generic
virtual Instruction* as_Instruction() { return this; } // to satisfy HASHING1 macro
virtual HiWord* as_HiWord() { return NULL; }
virtual Phi* as_Phi() { return NULL; }
virtual Local* as_Local() { return NULL; }
virtual Constant* as_Constant() { return NULL; }
virtual AccessField* as_AccessField() { return NULL; }
virtual LoadField* as_LoadField() { return NULL; }
virtual StoreField* as_StoreField() { return NULL; }
virtual AccessArray* as_AccessArray() { return NULL; }
virtual ArrayLength* as_ArrayLength() { return NULL; }
virtual AccessIndexed* as_AccessIndexed() { return NULL; }
virtual LoadIndexed* as_LoadIndexed() { return NULL; }
virtual StoreIndexed* as_StoreIndexed() { return NULL; }
virtual NegateOp* as_NegateOp() { return NULL; }
virtual Op2* as_Op2() { return NULL; }
virtual ArithmeticOp* as_ArithmeticOp() { return NULL; }
virtual ShiftOp* as_ShiftOp() { return NULL; }
virtual LogicOp* as_LogicOp() { return NULL; }
virtual CompareOp* as_CompareOp() { return NULL; }
virtual IfOp* as_IfOp() { return NULL; }
virtual Convert* as_Convert() { return NULL; }
virtual NullCheck* as_NullCheck() { return NULL; }
virtual OsrEntry* as_OsrEntry() { return NULL; }
virtual StateSplit* as_StateSplit() { return NULL; }
virtual Invoke* as_Invoke() { return NULL; }
virtual NewInstance* as_NewInstance() { return NULL; }
virtual NewArray* as_NewArray() { return NULL; }
virtual NewTypeArray* as_NewTypeArray() { return NULL; }
virtual NewObjectArray* as_NewObjectArray() { return NULL; }
virtual NewMultiArray* as_NewMultiArray() { return NULL; }
virtual TypeCheck* as_TypeCheck() { return NULL; }
virtual CheckCast* as_CheckCast() { return NULL; }
virtual InstanceOf* as_InstanceOf() { return NULL; }
virtual AccessMonitor* as_AccessMonitor() { return NULL; }
virtual MonitorEnter* as_MonitorEnter() { return NULL; }
virtual MonitorExit* as_MonitorExit() { return NULL; }
virtual Intrinsic* as_Intrinsic() { return NULL; }
virtual BlockBegin* as_BlockBegin() { return NULL; }
virtual BlockEnd* as_BlockEnd() { return NULL; }
virtual Goto* as_Goto() { return NULL; }
virtual If* as_If() { return NULL; }
virtual IfInstanceOf* as_IfInstanceOf() { return NULL; }
virtual TableSwitch* as_TableSwitch() { return NULL; }
virtual LookupSwitch* as_LookupSwitch() { return NULL; }
virtual Return* as_Return() { return NULL; }
virtual Throw* as_Throw() { return NULL; }
virtual Base* as_Base() { return NULL; }
virtual RoundFP* as_RoundFP() { return NULL; }
virtual ExceptionObject* as_ExceptionObject() { return NULL; }
virtual UnsafeOp* as_UnsafeOp() { return NULL; }
virtual void visit(InstructionVisitor* v) = 0;
virtual bool can_trap() const { return false; }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) = 0;
virtual void state_values_do(void f(Value*)) { /* usually no state - override on demand */ }
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*)) { /* usually no other - override on demand */ }
void values_do(void f(Value*)) { input_values_do(f); state_values_do(f); other_values_do(f); }
virtual ciType* exact_type() const { return NULL; }
virtual ciType* declared_type() const { return NULL; }
// hashing
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
HASHING1(Instruction, false, id()) // hashing disabled by default
// debugging
void print() PRODUCT_RETURN;
void print_line() PRODUCT_RETURN;
void print(InstructionPrinter& ip) PRODUCT_RETURN;
// The following macros are used to define base (i.e., non-leaf)
// and leaf instruction classes. They define class-name related
// generic functionality in one place.
#define BASE(class_name, super_class_name) \
class class_name: public super_class_name { \
public: \
virtual class_name* as_##class_name() { return this; } \
#define LEAF(class_name, super_class_name) \
BASE(class_name, super_class_name) \
public: \
virtual const char* name() const { return #class_name; } \
virtual void visit(InstructionVisitor* v) { v->do_##class_name(this); } \
// Debugging support
#ifdef ASSERT
static void assert_value(Value* x) { assert((*x) != NULL, "value must exist"); }
#define ASSERT_VALUES values_do(assert_value);
#endif // ASSERT
// A HiWord occupies the 'high word' of a 2-word
// expression stack entry. Hi & lo words must be
// paired on the expression stack (otherwise the
// bytecode sequence is illegal). Note that 'hi'
// refers to the IR expression stack format and
// does *not* imply a machine word ordering. No
// HiWords are used in optimized mode for speed,
// but NULL pointers are used instead.
LEAF(HiWord, Instruction)
Value _lo_word;
// creation
HiWord(Value lo_word)
: Instruction(illegalType, false, false),
_lo_word(lo_word) {
// hi-words are also allowed for illegal lo-words
assert(lo_word->type()->is_double_word() || lo_word->type()->is_illegal(),
"HiWord must be used for 2-word values only");
// accessors
Value lo_word() const { return _lo_word->subst(); }
// for invalidating of HiWords
void make_illegal() { set_type(illegalType); }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
// A Phi is a phi function in the sense of SSA form. It stands for
// the value of a local variable at the beginning of a join block.
// A Phi consists of n operands, one for every incoming branch.
LEAF(Phi, Instruction)
BlockBegin* _block; // the block to which the phi function belongs
int _pf_flags; // the flags of the phi function
int _index; // to value on operand stack (index < 0) or to local
// creation
Phi(ValueType* type, BlockBegin* b, int index)
: Instruction(type->base())
, _pf_flags(0)
, _block(b)
, _index(index)
if (type->is_illegal()) {
// flags
enum Flag {
no_flag = 0,
visited = 1 << 0,
cannot_simplify = 1 << 1
// accessors
bool is_local() const { return _index >= 0; }
bool is_on_stack() const { return !is_local(); }
int local_index() const { assert(is_local(), ""); return _index; }
int stack_index() const { assert(is_on_stack(), ""); return -(_index+1); }
Value operand_at(int i) const;
int operand_count() const;
BlockBegin* block() const { return _block; }
void set(Flag f) { _pf_flags |= f; }
void clear(Flag f) { _pf_flags &= ~f; }
bool is_set(Flag f) const { return (_pf_flags & f) != 0; }
// Invalidates phis corresponding to merges of locals of two different types
// (these should never be referenced, otherwise the bytecodes are illegal)
void make_illegal() {
bool is_illegal() const {
return type()->is_illegal();
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) {
// A local is a placeholder for an incoming argument to a function call.
LEAF(Local, Instruction)
int _java_index; // the local index within the method to which the local belongs
// creation
Local(ValueType* type, int index)
: Instruction(type)
, _java_index(index)
// accessors
int java_index() const { return _java_index; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { /* no values */ }
LEAF(Constant, Instruction)
ValueStack* _state;
// creation
Constant(ValueType* type):
Instruction(type, true)
, _state(NULL) {
assert(type->is_constant(), "must be a constant");
Constant(ValueType* type, ValueStack* state):
Instruction(type, true)
, _state(state) {
assert(state != NULL, "only used for constants which need patching");
assert(type->is_constant(), "must be a constant");
// since it's patching it needs to be pinned
ValueStack* state() const { return _state; }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return state() != NULL; }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { /* no values */ }
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*));
virtual intx hash() const;
virtual bool is_equal(Value v) const;
virtual BlockBegin* compare(Instruction::Condition condition, Value right,
BlockBegin* true_sux, BlockBegin* false_sux);
BASE(AccessField, Instruction)
Value _obj;
int _offset;
ciField* _field;
ValueStack* _state_before; // state is set only for unloaded or uninitialized fields
ValueStack* _lock_stack; // contains lock and scope information
NullCheck* _explicit_null_check; // For explicit null check elimination
// creation
AccessField(Value obj, int offset, ciField* field, bool is_static, ValueStack* lock_stack,
ValueStack* state_before, bool is_loaded, bool is_initialized)
: Instruction(as_ValueType(field->type()->basic_type()))
, _obj(obj)
, _offset(offset)
, _field(field)
, _lock_stack(lock_stack)
, _state_before(state_before)
, _explicit_null_check(NULL)
set_flag(IsLoadedFlag, is_loaded);
set_flag(IsInitializedFlag, is_initialized);
set_flag(IsStaticFlag, is_static);
if (!is_loaded || (PatchALot && !field->is_volatile())) {
// need to patch if the holder wasn't loaded or we're testing
// using PatchALot. Don't allow PatchALot for fields which are
// known to be volatile they aren't patchable.
set_flag(NeedsPatchingFlag, true);
// pin of all instructions with memory access
// accessors
Value obj() const { return _obj; }
int offset() const { return _offset; }
ciField* field() const { return _field; }
BasicType field_type() const { return _field->type()->basic_type(); }
bool is_static() const { return check_flag(IsStaticFlag); }
bool is_loaded() const { return check_flag(IsLoadedFlag); }
bool is_initialized() const { return check_flag(IsInitializedFlag); }
ValueStack* state_before() const { return _state_before; }
ValueStack* lock_stack() const { return _lock_stack; }
NullCheck* explicit_null_check() const { return _explicit_null_check; }
bool needs_patching() const { return check_flag(NeedsPatchingFlag); }
// manipulation
void set_lock_stack(ValueStack* l) { _lock_stack = l; }
// Under certain circumstances, if a previous NullCheck instruction
// proved the target object non-null, we can eliminate the explicit
// null check and do an implicit one, simply specifying the debug
// information from the NullCheck. This field should only be consulted
// if needs_null_check() is true.
void set_explicit_null_check(NullCheck* check) { _explicit_null_check = check; }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return needs_null_check() || needs_patching(); }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { f(&_obj); }
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*));
LEAF(LoadField, AccessField)
// creation
LoadField(Value obj, int offset, ciField* field, bool is_static, ValueStack* lock_stack,
ValueStack* state_before, bool is_loaded, bool is_initialized)
: AccessField(obj, offset, field, is_static, lock_stack, state_before, is_loaded, is_initialized)
ciType* declared_type() const;
ciType* exact_type() const;
// generic
HASHING2(LoadField, is_loaded() && !field()->is_volatile(), obj()->subst(), offset()) // cannot be eliminated if not yet loaded or if volatile
LEAF(StoreField, AccessField)
Value _value;
// creation
StoreField(Value obj, int offset, ciField* field, Value value, bool is_static, ValueStack* lock_stack,
ValueStack* state_before, bool is_loaded, bool is_initialized)
: AccessField(obj, offset, field, is_static, lock_stack, state_before, is_loaded, is_initialized)
, _value(value)
set_flag(NeedsWriteBarrierFlag, as_ValueType(field_type())->is_object());
// accessors
Value value() const { return _value; }
bool needs_write_barrier() const { return check_flag(NeedsWriteBarrierFlag); }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { AccessField::input_values_do(f); f(&_value); }
BASE(AccessArray, Instruction)
Value _array;
ValueStack* _lock_stack;
// creation
AccessArray(ValueType* type, Value array, ValueStack* lock_stack)
: Instruction(type)
, _array(array)
, _lock_stack(lock_stack) {
pin(); // instruction with side effect (null exception or range check throwing)
Value array() const { return _array; }
ValueStack* lock_stack() const { return _lock_stack; }
// setters
void set_lock_stack(ValueStack* l) { _lock_stack = l; }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return needs_null_check(); }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { f(&_array); }
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*));
LEAF(ArrayLength, AccessArray)
NullCheck* _explicit_null_check; // For explicit null check elimination
// creation
ArrayLength(Value array, ValueStack* lock_stack)
: AccessArray(intType, array, lock_stack)
, _explicit_null_check(NULL) {}
// accessors
NullCheck* explicit_null_check() const { return _explicit_null_check; }
// setters
// See LoadField::set_explicit_null_check for documentation
void set_explicit_null_check(NullCheck* check) { _explicit_null_check = check; }
// generic
HASHING1(ArrayLength, true, array()->subst())
BASE(AccessIndexed, AccessArray)
Value _index;
Value _length;
BasicType _elt_type;
// creation
AccessIndexed(Value array, Value index, Value length, BasicType elt_type, ValueStack* lock_stack)
: AccessArray(as_ValueType(elt_type), array, lock_stack)
, _index(index)
, _length(length)
, _elt_type(elt_type)
// accessors
Value index() const { return _index; }
Value length() const { return _length; }
BasicType elt_type() const { return _elt_type; }
// perform elimination of range checks involving constants
bool compute_needs_range_check();
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { AccessArray::input_values_do(f); f(&_index); if (_length != NULL) f(&_length); }
LEAF(LoadIndexed, AccessIndexed)
NullCheck* _explicit_null_check; // For explicit null check elimination
// creation
LoadIndexed(Value array, Value index, Value length, BasicType elt_type, ValueStack* lock_stack)
: AccessIndexed(array, index, length, elt_type, lock_stack)
, _explicit_null_check(NULL) {}
// accessors
NullCheck* explicit_null_check() const { return _explicit_null_check; }
// setters
// See LoadField::set_explicit_null_check for documentation
void set_explicit_null_check(NullCheck* check) { _explicit_null_check = check; }
ciType* exact_type() const;
ciType* declared_type() const;
// generic
HASHING2(LoadIndexed, true, array()->subst(), index()->subst())
LEAF(StoreIndexed, AccessIndexed)
Value _value;
// creation
StoreIndexed(Value array, Value index, Value length, BasicType elt_type, Value value, ValueStack* lock_stack)
: AccessIndexed(array, index, length, elt_type, lock_stack)
, _value(value)
set_flag(NeedsWriteBarrierFlag, (as_ValueType(elt_type)->is_object()));
set_flag(NeedsStoreCheckFlag, (as_ValueType(elt_type)->is_object()));
// accessors
Value value() const { return _value; }
IRScope* scope() const; // the state's scope
bool needs_write_barrier() const { return check_flag(NeedsWriteBarrierFlag); }
bool needs_store_check() const { return check_flag(NeedsStoreCheckFlag); }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { AccessIndexed::input_values_do(f); f(&_value); }
LEAF(NegateOp, Instruction)
Value _x;
// creation
NegateOp(Value x) : Instruction(x->type()->base()), _x(x) {
// accessors
Value x() const { return _x; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { f(&_x); }
BASE(Op2, Instruction)
Bytecodes::Code _op;
Value _x;
Value _y;
// creation
Op2(ValueType* type, Bytecodes::Code op, Value x, Value y) : Instruction(type), _op(op), _x(x), _y(y) {
// accessors
Bytecodes::Code op() const { return _op; }
Value x() const { return _x; }
Value y() const { return _y; }
// manipulators
void swap_operands() {
assert(is_commutative(), "operation must be commutative");
Value t = _x; _x = _y; _y = t;
// generic
virtual bool is_commutative() const { return false; }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { f(&_x); f(&_y); }
LEAF(ArithmeticOp, Op2)
ValueStack* _lock_stack; // used only for division operations
// creation
ArithmeticOp(Bytecodes::Code op, Value x, Value y, bool is_strictfp, ValueStack* lock_stack)
: Op2(x->type()->meet(y->type()), op, x, y)
, _lock_stack(lock_stack) {
set_flag(IsStrictfpFlag, is_strictfp);
if (can_trap()) pin();
// accessors
ValueStack* lock_stack() const { return _lock_stack; }
bool is_strictfp() const { return check_flag(IsStrictfpFlag); }
// setters
void set_lock_stack(ValueStack* l) { _lock_stack = l; }
// generic
virtual bool is_commutative() const;
virtual bool can_trap() const;
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*));
HASHING3(Op2, true, op(), x()->subst(), y()->subst())
LEAF(ShiftOp, Op2)
// creation
ShiftOp(Bytecodes::Code op, Value x, Value s) : Op2(x->type()->base(), op, x, s) {}
// generic
HASHING3(Op2, true, op(), x()->subst(), y()->subst())
LEAF(LogicOp, Op2)
// creation
LogicOp(Bytecodes::Code op, Value x, Value y) : Op2(x->type()->meet(y->type()), op, x, y) {}
// generic
virtual bool is_commutative() const;
HASHING3(Op2, true, op(), x()->subst(), y()->subst())
LEAF(CompareOp, Op2)
ValueStack* _state_before; // for deoptimization, when canonicalizing
// creation
CompareOp(Bytecodes::Code op, Value x, Value y, ValueStack* state_before)
: Op2(intType, op, x, y)
, _state_before(state_before)
// accessors
ValueStack* state_before() const { return _state_before; }
// generic
HASHING3(Op2, true, op(), x()->subst(), y()->subst())
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*));
LEAF(IfOp, Op2)
Value _tval;
Value _fval;
// creation
IfOp(Value x, Condition cond, Value y, Value tval, Value fval)
: Op2(tval->type()->meet(fval->type()), (Bytecodes::Code)cond, x, y)
, _tval(tval)
, _fval(fval)
assert(tval->type()->tag() == fval->type()->tag(), "types must match");
// accessors
virtual bool is_commutative() const;
Bytecodes::Code op() const { ShouldNotCallThis(); return Bytecodes::_illegal; }
Condition cond() const { return (Condition)Op2::op(); }
Value tval() const { return _tval; }
Value fval() const { return _fval; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { Op2::input_values_do(f); f(&_tval); f(&_fval); }
LEAF(Convert, Instruction)
Bytecodes::Code _op;
Value _value;
// creation
Convert(Bytecodes::Code op, Value value, ValueType* to_type) : Instruction(to_type), _op(op), _value(value) {
// accessors
Bytecodes::Code op() const { return _op; }
Value value() const { return _value; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { f(&_value); }
HASHING2(Convert, true, op(), value()->subst())
LEAF(NullCheck, Instruction)
Value _obj;
ValueStack* _lock_stack;
// creation
NullCheck(Value obj, ValueStack* lock_stack) : Instruction(obj->type()->base()), _obj(obj), _lock_stack(lock_stack) {
assert(_obj->type()->is_object(), "null check must be applied to objects only");
// accessors
Value obj() const { return _obj; }
ValueStack* lock_stack() const { return _lock_stack; }
// setters
void set_lock_stack(ValueStack* l) { _lock_stack = l; }
void set_can_trap(bool can_trap) { set_flag(CanTrapFlag, can_trap); }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return check_flag(CanTrapFlag); /* null-check elimination sets to false */ }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { f(&_obj); }
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*));
HASHING1(NullCheck, true, obj()->subst())
BASE(StateSplit, Instruction)
ValueStack* _state;
static void substitute(BlockList& list, BlockBegin* old_block, BlockBegin* new_block);
// creation
StateSplit(ValueType* type) : Instruction(type), _state(NULL) {
// accessors
ValueStack* state() const { return _state; }
IRScope* scope() const; // the state's scope
// manipulation
void set_state(ValueStack* state) { _state = state; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { /* no values */ }
virtual void state_values_do(void f(Value*));
LEAF(Invoke, StateSplit)
Bytecodes::Code _code;
Value _recv;
Values* _args;
BasicTypeList* _signature;
int _vtable_index;
ciMethod* _target;
// creation
Invoke(Bytecodes::Code code, ValueType* result_type, Value recv, Values* args,
int vtable_index, ciMethod* target);
// accessors
Bytecodes::Code code() const { return _code; }
Value receiver() const { return _recv; }
bool has_receiver() const { return receiver() != NULL; }
int number_of_arguments() const { return _args->length(); }
Value argument_at(int i) const { return _args->at(i); }
int vtable_index() const { return _vtable_index; }
BasicTypeList* signature() const { return _signature; }
ciMethod* target() const { return _target; }
// Returns false if target is not loaded
bool target_is_final() const { return check_flag(TargetIsFinalFlag); }
bool target_is_loaded() const { return check_flag(TargetIsLoadedFlag); }
// Returns false if target is not loaded
bool target_is_strictfp() const { return check_flag(TargetIsStrictfpFlag); }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return true; }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) {
if (has_receiver()) f(&_recv);
for (int i = 0; i < _args->length(); i++) f(_args->adr_at(i));
LEAF(NewInstance, StateSplit)
ciInstanceKlass* _klass;
// creation
NewInstance(ciInstanceKlass* klass) : StateSplit(instanceType), _klass(klass) {}
// accessors
ciInstanceKlass* klass() const { return _klass; }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return true; }
ciType* exact_type() const;
BASE(NewArray, StateSplit)
Value _length;
ValueStack* _state_before;
// creation
NewArray(Value length, ValueStack* state_before) : StateSplit(objectType), _length(length), _state_before(state_before) {
// Do not ASSERT_VALUES since length is NULL for NewMultiArray
// accessors
ValueStack* state_before() const { return _state_before; }
Value length() const { return _length; }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return true; }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { StateSplit::input_values_do(f); f(&_length); }
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*));
LEAF(NewTypeArray, NewArray)
BasicType _elt_type;
// creation
NewTypeArray(Value length, BasicType elt_type) : NewArray(length, NULL), _elt_type(elt_type) {}
// accessors
BasicType elt_type() const { return _elt_type; }
ciType* exact_type() const;
LEAF(NewObjectArray, NewArray)
ciKlass* _klass;
// creation
NewObjectArray(ciKlass* klass, Value length, ValueStack* state_before) : NewArray(length, state_before), _klass(klass) {}
// accessors
ciKlass* klass() const { return _klass; }
ciType* exact_type() const;
LEAF(NewMultiArray, NewArray)
ciKlass* _klass;
Values* _dims;
// creation
NewMultiArray(ciKlass* klass, Values* dims, ValueStack* state_before) : NewArray(NULL, state_before), _klass(klass), _dims(dims) {
// accessors
ciKlass* klass() const { return _klass; }
Values* dims() const { return _dims; }
int rank() const { return dims()->length(); }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) {
// NOTE: we do not call NewArray::input_values_do since "length"
// is meaningless for a multi-dimensional array; passing the
// zeroth element down to NewArray as its length is a bad idea
// since there will be a copy in the "dims" array which doesn't
// get updated, and the value must not be traversed twice. Was bug
// - kbr 4/10/2001
for (int i = 0; i < _dims->length(); i++) f(_dims->adr_at(i));
BASE(TypeCheck, StateSplit)
ciKlass* _klass;
Value _obj;
ValueStack* _state_before;
// creation
TypeCheck(ciKlass* klass, Value obj, ValueType* type, ValueStack* state_before) : StateSplit(type), _klass(klass), _obj(obj), _state_before(state_before) {
// accessors
ValueStack* state_before() const { return _state_before; }
ciKlass* klass() const { return _klass; }
Value obj() const { return _obj; }
bool is_loaded() const { return klass() != NULL; }
bool direct_compare() const { return check_flag(DirectCompareFlag); }
// manipulation
void set_direct_compare(bool flag) { set_flag(DirectCompareFlag, flag); }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return true; }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { StateSplit::input_values_do(f); f(&_obj); }
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*));
LEAF(CheckCast, TypeCheck)
ciMethod* _profiled_method;
int _profiled_bci;
// creation
CheckCast(ciKlass* klass, Value obj, ValueStack* state_before)
: TypeCheck(klass, obj, objectType, state_before)
, _profiled_method(NULL)
, _profiled_bci(0) {}
void set_incompatible_class_change_check() {
set_flag(ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeErrorFlag, true);
bool is_incompatible_class_change_check() const {
return check_flag(ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeErrorFlag);
// Helpers for methodDataOop profiling
void set_should_profile(bool value) { set_flag(ProfileMDOFlag, value); }
void set_profiled_method(ciMethod* method) { _profiled_method = method; }
void set_profiled_bci(int bci) { _profiled_bci = bci; }
bool should_profile() const { return check_flag(ProfileMDOFlag); }
ciMethod* profiled_method() const { return _profiled_method; }
int profiled_bci() const { return _profiled_bci; }
ciType* declared_type() const;
ciType* exact_type() const;
LEAF(InstanceOf, TypeCheck)
// creation
InstanceOf(ciKlass* klass, Value obj, ValueStack* state_before) : TypeCheck(klass, obj, intType, state_before) {}
BASE(AccessMonitor, StateSplit)
Value _obj;
int _monitor_no;
// creation
AccessMonitor(Value obj, int monitor_no)
: StateSplit(illegalType)
, _obj(obj)
, _monitor_no(monitor_no)
// accessors
Value obj() const { return _obj; }
int monitor_no() const { return _monitor_no; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { StateSplit::input_values_do(f); f(&_obj); }
LEAF(MonitorEnter, AccessMonitor)
ValueStack* _lock_stack_before;
// creation
MonitorEnter(Value obj, int monitor_no, ValueStack* lock_stack_before)
: AccessMonitor(obj, monitor_no)
, _lock_stack_before(lock_stack_before)
// accessors
ValueStack* lock_stack_before() const { return _lock_stack_before; }
virtual void state_values_do(void f(Value*));
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return true; }
LEAF(MonitorExit, AccessMonitor)
// creation
MonitorExit(Value obj, int monitor_no) : AccessMonitor(obj, monitor_no) {}
LEAF(Intrinsic, StateSplit)
vmIntrinsics::ID _id;
Values* _args;
ValueStack* _lock_stack;
Value _recv;
// preserves_state can be set to true for Intrinsics
// which are guaranteed to preserve register state across any slow
// cases; setting it to true does not mean that the Intrinsic can
// not trap, only that if we continue execution in the same basic
// block after the Intrinsic, all of the registers are intact. This
// allows load elimination and common expression elimination to be
// performed across the Intrinsic. The default value is false.
Intrinsic(ValueType* type,
vmIntrinsics::ID id,
Values* args,
bool has_receiver,
ValueStack* lock_stack,
bool preserves_state,
bool cantrap = true)
: StateSplit(type)
, _id(id)
, _args(args)
, _lock_stack(lock_stack)
, _recv(NULL)
assert(args != NULL, "args must exist");
set_flag(PreservesStateFlag, preserves_state);
set_flag(CanTrapFlag, cantrap);
if (has_receiver) {
_recv = argument_at(0);
// some intrinsics can't trap, so don't force them to be pinned
if (!can_trap()) {
// accessors
vmIntrinsics::ID id() const { return _id; }
int number_of_arguments() const { return _args->length(); }
Value argument_at(int i) const { return _args->at(i); }
ValueStack* lock_stack() const { return _lock_stack; }
bool has_receiver() const { return (_recv != NULL); }
Value receiver() const { assert(has_receiver(), "must have receiver"); return _recv; }
bool preserves_state() const { return check_flag(PreservesStateFlag); }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return check_flag(CanTrapFlag); }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) {
for (int i = 0; i < _args->length(); i++) f(_args->adr_at(i));
virtual void state_values_do(void f(Value*));
class LIR_List;
LEAF(BlockBegin, StateSplit)
static int _next_block_id; // the block counter
int _block_id; // the unique block id
int _depth_first_number; // number of this block in a depth-first ordering
int _linear_scan_number; // number of this block in linear-scan ordering
int _loop_depth; // the loop nesting level of this block
int _loop_index; // number of the innermost loop of this block
int _flags; // the flags associated with this block
// fields used by BlockListBuilder
int _total_preds; // number of predecessors found by BlockListBuilder
BitMap _stores_to_locals; // bit is set when a local variable is stored in the block
// SSA specific fields: (factor out later)
BlockList _successors; // the successors of this block
BlockList _predecessors; // the predecessors of this block
BlockBegin* _dominator; // the dominator of this block
// SSA specific ends
BlockEnd* _end; // the last instruction of this block
BlockList _exception_handlers; // the exception handlers potentially invoked by this block
ValueStackStack* _exception_states; // only for xhandler entries: states of all instructions that have an edge to this xhandler
int _exception_handler_pco; // if this block is the start of an exception handler,
// this records the PC offset in the assembly code of the
// first instruction in this block
Label _label; // the label associated with this block
LIR_List* _lir; // the low level intermediate representation for this block
BitMap _live_in; // set of live LIR_Opr registers at entry to this block
BitMap _live_out; // set of live LIR_Opr registers at exit from this block
BitMap _live_gen; // set of registers used before any redefinition in this block
BitMap _live_kill; // set of registers defined in this block
BitMap _fpu_register_usage;
intArray* _fpu_stack_state; // For x86 FPU code generation with UseLinearScan
int _first_lir_instruction_id; // ID of first LIR instruction in this block
int _last_lir_instruction_id; // ID of last LIR instruction in this block
void iterate_preorder (boolArray& mark, BlockClosure* closure);
void iterate_postorder(boolArray& mark, BlockClosure* closure);
friend class SuxAndWeightAdjuster;
// initialization/counting
static void initialize() { _next_block_id = 0; }
static int number_of_blocks() { return _next_block_id; }
// creation
BlockBegin(int bci)
: StateSplit(illegalType)
, _block_id(_next_block_id++)
, _depth_first_number(-1)
, _linear_scan_number(-1)
, _loop_depth(0)
, _flags(0)
, _dominator(NULL)
, _end(NULL)
, _predecessors(2)
, _successors(2)
, _exception_handlers(1)
, _exception_states(NULL)
, _exception_handler_pco(-1)
, _lir(NULL)
, _loop_index(-1)
, _live_in()
, _live_out()
, _live_gen()
, _live_kill()
, _fpu_register_usage()
, _fpu_stack_state(NULL)
, _first_lir_instruction_id(-1)
, _last_lir_instruction_id(-1)
, _total_preds(0)
, _stores_to_locals()
// accessors
int block_id() const { return _block_id; }
BlockList* successors() { return &_successors; }
BlockBegin* dominator() const { return _dominator; }
int loop_depth() const { return _loop_depth; }
int depth_first_number() const { return _depth_first_number; }
int linear_scan_number() const { return _linear_scan_number; }
BlockEnd* end() const { return _end; }
Label* label() { return &_label; }
LIR_List* lir() const { return _lir; }
int exception_handler_pco() const { return _exception_handler_pco; }
BitMap& live_in() { return _live_in; }
BitMap& live_out() { return _live_out; }
BitMap& live_gen() { return _live_gen; }
BitMap& live_kill() { return _live_kill; }
BitMap& fpu_register_usage() { return _fpu_register_usage; }
intArray* fpu_stack_state() const { return _fpu_stack_state; }
int first_lir_instruction_id() const { return _first_lir_instruction_id; }
int last_lir_instruction_id() const { return _last_lir_instruction_id; }
int total_preds() const { return _total_preds; }
BitMap& stores_to_locals() { return _stores_to_locals; }
// manipulation
void set_bci(int bci) { Instruction::set_bci(bci); }
void set_dominator(BlockBegin* dom) { _dominator = dom; }
void set_loop_depth(int d) { _loop_depth = d; }
void set_depth_first_number(int dfn) { _depth_first_number = dfn; }
void set_linear_scan_number(int lsn) { _linear_scan_number = lsn; }
void set_end(BlockEnd* end);
void disconnect_from_graph();
static void disconnect_edge(BlockBegin* from, BlockBegin* to);
BlockBegin* insert_block_between(BlockBegin* sux);
void substitute_sux(BlockBegin* old_sux, BlockBegin* new_sux);
void set_lir(LIR_List* lir) { _lir = lir; }
void set_exception_handler_pco(int pco) { _exception_handler_pco = pco; }
void set_live_in (BitMap map) { _live_in = map; }
void set_live_out (BitMap map) { _live_out = map; }
void set_live_gen (BitMap map) { _live_gen = map; }
void set_live_kill (BitMap map) { _live_kill = map; }
void set_fpu_register_usage(BitMap map) { _fpu_register_usage = map; }
void set_fpu_stack_state(intArray* state) { _fpu_stack_state = state; }
void set_first_lir_instruction_id(int id) { _first_lir_instruction_id = id; }
void set_last_lir_instruction_id(int id) { _last_lir_instruction_id = id; }
void increment_total_preds(int n = 1) { _total_preds += n; }
void init_stores_to_locals(int locals_count) { _stores_to_locals = BitMap(locals_count); _stores_to_locals.clear(); }
// generic
virtual void state_values_do(void f(Value*));
// successors and predecessors
int number_of_sux() const;
BlockBegin* sux_at(int i) const;
void add_successor(BlockBegin* sux);
void remove_successor(BlockBegin* pred);
bool is_successor(BlockBegin* sux) const { return _successors.contains(sux); }
void add_predecessor(BlockBegin* pred);
void remove_predecessor(BlockBegin* pred);
bool is_predecessor(BlockBegin* pred) const { return _predecessors.contains(pred); }
int number_of_preds() const { return _predecessors.length(); }
BlockBegin* pred_at(int i) const { return _predecessors[i]; }
// exception handlers potentially invoked by this block
void add_exception_handler(BlockBegin* b);
bool is_exception_handler(BlockBegin* b) const { return _exception_handlers.contains(b); }
int number_of_exception_handlers() const { return _exception_handlers.length(); }
BlockBegin* exception_handler_at(int i) const { return _exception_handlers.at(i); }
// states of the instructions that have an edge to this exception handler
int number_of_exception_states() { assert(is_set(exception_entry_flag), "only for xhandlers"); return _exception_states == NULL ? 0 : _exception_states->length(); }
ValueStack* exception_state_at(int idx) const { assert(is_set(exception_entry_flag), "only for xhandlers"); return _exception_states->at(idx); }
int add_exception_state(ValueStack* state);
// flags
enum Flag {
no_flag = 0,
std_entry_flag = 1 << 0,
osr_entry_flag = 1 << 1,
exception_entry_flag = 1 << 2,
subroutine_entry_flag = 1 << 3,
backward_branch_target_flag = 1 << 4,
is_on_work_list_flag = 1 << 5,
was_visited_flag = 1 << 6,
default_exception_handler_flag = 1 << 8, // identify block which represents the default exception handler
parser_loop_header_flag = 1 << 9, // set by parser to identify blocks where phi functions can not be created on demand
critical_edge_split_flag = 1 << 10, // set for all blocks that are introduced when critical edges are split
linear_scan_loop_header_flag = 1 << 11, // set during loop-detection for LinearScan
linear_scan_loop_end_flag = 1 << 12 // set during loop-detection for LinearScan
void set(Flag f) { _flags |= f; }
void clear(Flag f) { _flags &= ~f; }
bool is_set(Flag f) const { return (_flags & f) != 0; }
bool is_entry_block() const {
const int entry_mask = std_entry_flag | osr_entry_flag | exception_entry_flag;
return (_flags & entry_mask) != 0;
// iteration
void iterate_preorder (BlockClosure* closure);
void iterate_postorder (BlockClosure* closure);
void block_values_do(void f(Value*));
// loops
void set_loop_index(int ix) { _loop_index = ix; }
int loop_index() const { return _loop_index; }
// merging
bool try_merge(ValueStack* state); // try to merge states at block begin
void merge(ValueStack* state) { bool b = try_merge(state); assert(b, "merge failed"); }
// debugging
void print_block() PRODUCT_RETURN;
void print_block(InstructionPrinter& ip, bool live_only = false) PRODUCT_RETURN;
BASE(BlockEnd, StateSplit)
BlockBegin* _begin;
BlockList* _sux;
ValueStack* _state_before;
BlockList* sux() const { return _sux; }
void set_sux(BlockList* sux) {
#ifdef ASSERT
assert(sux != NULL, "sux must exist");
for (int i = sux->length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) assert(sux->at(i) != NULL, "sux must exist");
_sux = sux;
// creation
BlockEnd(ValueType* type, ValueStack* state_before, bool is_safepoint)
: StateSplit(type)
, _begin(NULL)
, _sux(NULL)
, _state_before(state_before) {
set_flag(IsSafepointFlag, is_safepoint);
// accessors
ValueStack* state_before() const { return _state_before; }
bool is_safepoint() const { return check_flag(IsSafepointFlag); }
BlockBegin* begin() const { return _begin; }
// manipulation
void set_begin(BlockBegin* begin);
// generic
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*));
// successors
int number_of_sux() const { return _sux != NULL ? _sux->length() : 0; }
BlockBegin* sux_at(int i) const { return _sux->at(i); }
BlockBegin* default_sux() const { return sux_at(number_of_sux() - 1); }
BlockBegin** addr_sux_at(int i) const { return _sux->adr_at(i); }
int sux_index(BlockBegin* sux) const { return _sux->find(sux); }
void substitute_sux(BlockBegin* old_sux, BlockBegin* new_sux);
LEAF(Goto, BlockEnd)
// creation
Goto(BlockBegin* sux, ValueStack* state_before, bool is_safepoint = false) : BlockEnd(illegalType, state_before, is_safepoint) {
BlockList* s = new BlockList(1);
Goto(BlockBegin* sux, bool is_safepoint) : BlockEnd(illegalType, NULL, is_safepoint) {
BlockList* s = new BlockList(1);
LEAF(If, BlockEnd)
Value _x;
Condition _cond;
Value _y;
ciMethod* _profiled_method;
int _profiled_bci; // Canonicalizer may alter bci of If node
// creation
// unordered_is_true is valid for float/double compares only
If(Value x, Condition cond, bool unordered_is_true, Value y, BlockBegin* tsux, BlockBegin* fsux, ValueStack* state_before, bool is_safepoint)
: BlockEnd(illegalType, state_before, is_safepoint)
, _x(x)
, _cond(cond)
, _y(y)
, _profiled_method(NULL)
, _profiled_bci(0)
set_flag(UnorderedIsTrueFlag, unordered_is_true);
assert(x->type()->tag() == y->type()->tag(), "types must match");
BlockList* s = new BlockList(2);
// accessors
Value x() const { return _x; }
Condition cond() const { return _cond; }
bool unordered_is_true() const { return check_flag(UnorderedIsTrueFlag); }
Value y() const { return _y; }
BlockBegin* sux_for(bool is_true) const { return sux_at(is_true ? 0 : 1); }
BlockBegin* tsux() const { return sux_for(true); }
BlockBegin* fsux() const { return sux_for(false); }
BlockBegin* usux() const { return sux_for(unordered_is_true()); }
bool should_profile() const { return check_flag(ProfileMDOFlag); }
ciMethod* profiled_method() const { return _profiled_method; } // set only for profiled branches
int profiled_bci() const { return _profiled_bci; } // set only for profiled branches
// manipulation
void swap_operands() {
Value t = _x; _x = _y; _y = t;
_cond = mirror(_cond);
void swap_sux() {
assert(number_of_sux() == 2, "wrong number of successors");
BlockList* s = sux();
BlockBegin* t = s->at(0); s->at_put(0, s->at(1)); s->at_put(1, t);
_cond = negate(_cond);
set_flag(UnorderedIsTrueFlag, !check_flag(UnorderedIsTrueFlag));
void set_should_profile(bool value) { set_flag(ProfileMDOFlag, value); }
void set_profiled_method(ciMethod* method) { _profiled_method = method; }
void set_profiled_bci(int bci) { _profiled_bci = bci; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { BlockEnd::input_values_do(f); f(&_x); f(&_y); }
LEAF(IfInstanceOf, BlockEnd)
ciKlass* _klass;
Value _obj;
bool _test_is_instance; // jump if instance
int _instanceof_bci;
IfInstanceOf(ciKlass* klass, Value obj, bool test_is_instance, int instanceof_bci, BlockBegin* tsux, BlockBegin* fsux)
: BlockEnd(illegalType, NULL, false) // temporary set to false
, _klass(klass)
, _obj(obj)
, _test_is_instance(test_is_instance)
, _instanceof_bci(instanceof_bci)
assert(instanceof_bci >= 0, "illegal bci");
BlockList* s = new BlockList(2);
// accessors
// Note 1: If test_is_instance() is true, IfInstanceOf tests if obj *is* an
// instance of klass; otherwise it tests if it is *not* and instance
// of klass.
// Note 2: IfInstanceOf instructions are created by combining an InstanceOf
// and an If instruction. The IfInstanceOf bci() corresponds to the
// bci that the If would have had; the (this->) instanceof_bci() is
// the bci of the original InstanceOf instruction.
ciKlass* klass() const { return _klass; }
Value obj() const { return _obj; }
int instanceof_bci() const { return _instanceof_bci; }
bool test_is_instance() const { return _test_is_instance; }
BlockBegin* sux_for(bool is_true) const { return sux_at(is_true ? 0 : 1); }
BlockBegin* tsux() const { return sux_for(true); }
BlockBegin* fsux() const { return sux_for(false); }
// manipulation
void swap_sux() {
assert(number_of_sux() == 2, "wrong number of successors");
BlockList* s = sux();
BlockBegin* t = s->at(0); s->at_put(0, s->at(1)); s->at_put(1, t);
_test_is_instance = !_test_is_instance;
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { BlockEnd::input_values_do(f); f(&_obj); }
BASE(Switch, BlockEnd)
Value _tag;
// creation
Switch(Value tag, BlockList* sux, ValueStack* state_before, bool is_safepoint)
: BlockEnd(illegalType, state_before, is_safepoint)
, _tag(tag) {
// accessors
Value tag() const { return _tag; }
int length() const { return number_of_sux() - 1; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { BlockEnd::input_values_do(f); f(&_tag); }
LEAF(TableSwitch, Switch)
int _lo_key;
// creation
TableSwitch(Value tag, BlockList* sux, int lo_key, ValueStack* state_before, bool is_safepoint)
: Switch(tag, sux, state_before, is_safepoint)
, _lo_key(lo_key) {}
// accessors
int lo_key() const { return _lo_key; }
int hi_key() const { return _lo_key + length() - 1; }
LEAF(LookupSwitch, Switch)
intArray* _keys;
// creation
LookupSwitch(Value tag, BlockList* sux, intArray* keys, ValueStack* state_before, bool is_safepoint)
: Switch(tag, sux, state_before, is_safepoint)
, _keys(keys) {
assert(keys != NULL, "keys must exist");
assert(keys->length() == length(), "sux & keys have incompatible lengths");
// accessors
int key_at(int i) const { return _keys->at(i); }
LEAF(Return, BlockEnd)
Value _result;
// creation
Return(Value result) :
BlockEnd(result == NULL ? voidType : result->type()->base(), NULL, true),
_result(result) {}
// accessors
Value result() const { return _result; }
bool has_result() const { return result() != NULL; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) {
if (has_result()) f(&_result);
LEAF(Throw, BlockEnd)
Value _exception;
// creation
Throw(Value exception, ValueStack* state_before) : BlockEnd(illegalType, state_before, true), _exception(exception) {
// accessors
Value exception() const { return _exception; }
// generic
virtual bool can_trap() const { return true; }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { BlockEnd::input_values_do(f); f(&_exception); }
virtual void state_values_do(void f(Value*));
LEAF(Base, BlockEnd)
// creation
Base(BlockBegin* std_entry, BlockBegin* osr_entry) : BlockEnd(illegalType, NULL, false) {
assert(std_entry->is_set(BlockBegin::std_entry_flag), "std entry must be flagged");
assert(osr_entry == NULL || osr_entry->is_set(BlockBegin::osr_entry_flag), "osr entry must be flagged");
BlockList* s = new BlockList(2);
if (osr_entry != NULL) s->append(osr_entry);
s->append(std_entry); // must be default sux!
// accessors
BlockBegin* std_entry() const { return default_sux(); }
BlockBegin* osr_entry() const { return number_of_sux() < 2 ? NULL : sux_at(0); }
LEAF(OsrEntry, Instruction)
// creation
#ifdef _LP64
OsrEntry() : Instruction(longType, false) { pin(); }
OsrEntry() : Instruction(intType, false) { pin(); }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { }
// Models the incoming exception at a catch site
LEAF(ExceptionObject, Instruction)
// creation
ExceptionObject() : Instruction(objectType, false) {
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { }
// Models needed rounding for floating-point values on Intel.
// Currently only used to represent rounding of double-precision
// values stored into local variables, but could be used to model
// intermediate rounding of single-precision values as well.
LEAF(RoundFP, Instruction)
Value _input; // floating-point value to be rounded
RoundFP(Value input)
: Instruction(input->type()) // Note: should not be used for constants
, _input(input)
// accessors
Value input() const { return _input; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { f(&_input); }
BASE(UnsafeOp, Instruction)
BasicType _basic_type; // ValueType can not express byte-sized integers
// creation
UnsafeOp(BasicType basic_type, bool is_put)
: Instruction(is_put ? voidType : as_ValueType(basic_type))
, _basic_type(basic_type)
//Note: Unsafe ops are not not guaranteed to throw NPE.
// Convservatively, Unsafe operations must be pinned though we could be
// looser about this if we wanted to..
// accessors
BasicType basic_type() { return _basic_type; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { }
virtual void other_values_do(void f(Value*)) { }
BASE(UnsafeRawOp, UnsafeOp)
Value _base; // Base address (a Java long)
Value _index; // Index if computed by optimizer; initialized to NULL
int _log2_scale; // Scale factor: 0, 1, 2, or 3.
// Indicates log2 of number of bytes (1, 2, 4, or 8)
// to scale index by.
UnsafeRawOp(BasicType basic_type, Value addr, bool is_put)
: UnsafeOp(basic_type, is_put)
, _base(addr)
, _index(NULL)
, _log2_scale(0)
// Can not use ASSERT_VALUES because index may be NULL
assert(addr != NULL && addr->type()->is_long(), "just checking");
UnsafeRawOp(BasicType basic_type, Value base, Value index, int log2_scale, bool is_put)
: UnsafeOp(basic_type, is_put)
, _base(base)
, _index(index)
, _log2_scale(log2_scale)
// accessors
Value base() { return _base; }
Value index() { return _index; }
bool has_index() { return (_index != NULL); }
int log2_scale() { return _log2_scale; }
// setters
void set_base (Value base) { _base = base; }
void set_index(Value index) { _index = index; }
void set_log2_scale(int log2_scale) { _log2_scale = log2_scale; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { UnsafeOp::input_values_do(f);
if (has_index()) f(&_index); }
LEAF(UnsafeGetRaw, UnsafeRawOp)
bool _may_be_unaligned; // For OSREntry
UnsafeGetRaw(BasicType basic_type, Value addr, bool may_be_unaligned)
: UnsafeRawOp(basic_type, addr, false) {
_may_be_unaligned = may_be_unaligned;
UnsafeGetRaw(BasicType basic_type, Value base, Value index, int log2_scale, bool may_be_unaligned)
: UnsafeRawOp(basic_type, base, index, log2_scale, false) {
_may_be_unaligned = may_be_unaligned;
bool may_be_unaligned() { return _may_be_unaligned; }
LEAF(UnsafePutRaw, UnsafeRawOp)
Value _value; // Value to be stored
UnsafePutRaw(BasicType basic_type, Value addr, Value value)
: UnsafeRawOp(basic_type, addr, true)
, _value(value)
assert(value != NULL, "just checking");
UnsafePutRaw(BasicType basic_type, Value base, Value index, int log2_scale, Value value)
: UnsafeRawOp(basic_type, base, index, log2_scale, true)
, _value(value)
assert(value != NULL, "just checking");
// accessors
Value value() { return _value; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { UnsafeRawOp::input_values_do(f);
f(&_value); }
BASE(UnsafeObjectOp, UnsafeOp)
Value _object; // Object to be fetched from or mutated
Value _offset; // Offset within object
bool _is_volatile; // true if volatile - dl/JSR166
UnsafeObjectOp(BasicType basic_type, Value object, Value offset, bool is_put, bool is_volatile)
: UnsafeOp(basic_type, is_put), _object(object), _offset(offset), _is_volatile(is_volatile)
// accessors
Value object() { return _object; }
Value offset() { return _offset; }
bool is_volatile() { return _is_volatile; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { UnsafeOp::input_values_do(f);
f(&_offset); }
LEAF(UnsafeGetObject, UnsafeObjectOp)
UnsafeGetObject(BasicType basic_type, Value object, Value offset, bool is_volatile)
: UnsafeObjectOp(basic_type, object, offset, false, is_volatile)
LEAF(UnsafePutObject, UnsafeObjectOp)
Value _value; // Value to be stored
UnsafePutObject(BasicType basic_type, Value object, Value offset, Value value, bool is_volatile)
: UnsafeObjectOp(basic_type, object, offset, true, is_volatile)
, _value(value)
// accessors
Value value() { return _value; }
// generic
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { UnsafeObjectOp::input_values_do(f);
f(&_value); }
BASE(UnsafePrefetch, UnsafeObjectOp)
UnsafePrefetch(Value object, Value offset)
: UnsafeObjectOp(T_VOID, object, offset, false, false)
LEAF(UnsafePrefetchRead, UnsafePrefetch)
UnsafePrefetchRead(Value object, Value offset)
: UnsafePrefetch(object, offset)
LEAF(UnsafePrefetchWrite, UnsafePrefetch)
UnsafePrefetchWrite(Value object, Value offset)
: UnsafePrefetch(object, offset)
LEAF(ProfileCall, Instruction)
ciMethod* _method;
int _bci_of_invoke;
Value _recv;
ciKlass* _known_holder;
ProfileCall(ciMethod* method, int bci, Value recv, ciKlass* known_holder)
: Instruction(voidType)
, _method(method)
, _bci_of_invoke(bci)
, _recv(recv)
, _known_holder(known_holder)
// The ProfileCall has side-effects and must occur precisely where located
ciMethod* method() { return _method; }
int bci_of_invoke() { return _bci_of_invoke; }
Value recv() { return _recv; }
ciKlass* known_holder() { return _known_holder; }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { if (_recv != NULL) f(&_recv); }
// Simple node representing a counter update generally used for updating MDOs
LEAF(ProfileCounter, Instruction)
Value _mdo;
int _offset;
int _increment;
ProfileCounter(Value mdo, int offset, int increment = 1)
: Instruction(voidType)
, _mdo(mdo)
, _offset(offset)
, _increment(increment)
// The ProfileCounter has side-effects and must occur precisely where located
Value mdo() { return _mdo; }
int offset() { return _offset; }
int increment() { return _increment; }
virtual void input_values_do(void f(Value*)) { f(&_mdo); }
class BlockPair: public CompilationResourceObj {
BlockBegin* _from;
BlockBegin* _to;
BlockPair(BlockBegin* from, BlockBegin* to): _from(from), _to(to) {}
BlockBegin* from() const { return _from; }
BlockBegin* to() const { return _to; }
bool is_same(BlockBegin* from, BlockBegin* to) const { return _from == from && _to == to; }
bool is_same(BlockPair* p) const { return _from == p->from() && _to == p->to(); }
void set_to(BlockBegin* b) { _to = b; }
void set_from(BlockBegin* b) { _from = b; }
define_array(BlockPairArray, BlockPair*)
define_stack(BlockPairList, BlockPairArray)
inline int BlockBegin::number_of_sux() const { assert(_end == NULL || _end->number_of_sux() == _successors.length(), "mismatch"); return _successors.length(); }
inline BlockBegin* BlockBegin::sux_at(int i) const { assert(_end == NULL || _end->sux_at(i) == _successors.at(i), "mismatch"); return _successors.at(i); }
inline void BlockBegin::add_successor(BlockBegin* sux) { assert(_end == NULL, "Would create mismatch with successors of BlockEnd"); _successors.append(sux); }