Working on the "langtools" workspace using NetBeans.This directory (make/netbeans) contains NetBeans projects thatallow you to work on the various tools using the NetBeans IDE.NetBeans 5.0 or later is required and sufficient to use these projects. This is different from other projects in OpenJDK, which requires version 6.0 or later.The following projects are provided:compiler: for working on the compiler, javacjavadoc: for working on the documentation tool, javadocdoclets: for working on the standard doclets used by the documentation tool, javadocjavah: for working on the C header tool, javahjavap: for working on the disassembler, javapapt: for working on the annotation processing tool, apt. Note that this is just provided for completeness; the tool has been superceded by new features in javac, and work on apt itself is discouraged.However, any tool can be worked on from any project; the only differencebetween these projects is the behavior of the standard NetBeans actions,so that "Build" in the compiler project will build the compiler, etc.