author johnc
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:07:33 -0800
changeset 7385 eaca4b61b374
parent 0 fd16c54261b3
child 41274 e31e26d0f9bf
permissions -rw-r--r--
6978187: G1: assert(ParallelGCThreads> 1 || n_yielded() == _hrrs->occupied()) strikes again Summary: An evacuation failure while copying the roots caused an object, A, to be forwarded to itself. During the subsequent RSet updating a reference to A was processed causing the reference to be added to the RSet of A's heap region. As a result of adding to the remembered set we ran into the issue described in 6930581 - the sparse table expanded and the RSet scanning code walked the cards in one instance of RHashTable (_cur) while the occupied() counts the cards in the expanded table (_next). Reviewed-by: tonyp, iveresov


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