/* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */#include "util.h"#include "transport.h"#include "debugLoop.h"#include "sys.h"static jdwpTransportEnv *transport;static jrawMonitorID listenerLock;static jrawMonitorID sendLock;/* * data structure used for passing transport info from thread to thread */typedef struct TransportInfo { char *name; jdwpTransportEnv *transport; char *address; long timeout;} TransportInfo;static struct jdwpTransportCallback callback = {jvmtiAllocate, jvmtiDeallocate};/* * Print the last transport error */static voidprintLastError(jdwpTransportEnv *t, jdwpTransportError err){ char *msg; jbyte *utf8msg; jdwpTransportError rv; msg = NULL; utf8msg = NULL; rv = (*t)->GetLastError(t, &msg); /* This is a platform encoded string */ if ( msg != NULL ) { int len; int maxlen; /* Convert this string to UTF8 */ len = (int)strlen(msg); maxlen = len+len/2+2; /* Should allow for plenty of room */ utf8msg = (jbyte*)jvmtiAllocate(maxlen+1); (void)(gdata->npt->utf8FromPlatform)(gdata->npt->utf, msg, len, utf8msg, maxlen); utf8msg[maxlen] = 0; } if (rv == JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) { ERROR_MESSAGE(("transport error %d: %s",err, utf8msg)); } else if ( msg!=NULL ) { ERROR_MESSAGE(("transport error %d: %s",err, utf8msg)); } else { ERROR_MESSAGE(("transport error %d: %s",err, "UNKNOWN")); } jvmtiDeallocate(msg); jvmtiDeallocate(utf8msg);}/* Find OnLoad symbol */static jdwpTransport_OnLoad_tfindTransportOnLoad(void *handle){ jdwpTransport_OnLoad_t onLoad; onLoad = (jdwpTransport_OnLoad_t)NULL; if (handle == NULL) { return onLoad; } onLoad = (jdwpTransport_OnLoad_t) dbgsysFindLibraryEntry(handle, "jdwpTransport_OnLoad"); return onLoad;}/* Load transport library (directory=="" means do system search) */static void *loadTransportLibrary(const char *libdir, const char *name){ void *handle; char libname[MAXPATHLEN+2]; char buf[MAXPATHLEN*2+100]; const char *plibdir; /* Convert libdir from UTF-8 to platform encoding */ plibdir = NULL; if ( libdir != NULL ) { int len; len = (int)strlen(libdir); (void)(gdata->npt->utf8ToPlatform)(gdata->npt->utf, (jbyte*)libdir, len, buf, (int)sizeof(buf)); plibdir = buf; } /* Construct library name (simple name or full path) */ dbgsysBuildLibName(libname, sizeof(libname), plibdir, name); if (strlen(libname) == 0) { return NULL; } /* dlopen (unix) / LoadLibrary (windows) the transport library */ handle = dbgsysLoadLibrary(libname, buf, sizeof(buf)); return handle;}/* * loadTransport() is adapted from loadJVMHelperLib() in * JDK 1.2 javai.c v1.61 */static jdwpErrorloadTransport(const char *name, jdwpTransportEnv **transportPtr){ JNIEnv *env; jdwpTransport_OnLoad_t onLoad; void *handle; const char *libdir; /* Make sure library name is not empty */ if (name == NULL) { ERROR_MESSAGE(("library name is empty")); return JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_LOAD); } /* First, look in sun.boot.library.path. This should find the standard * dt_socket and dt_shmem transport libraries, or any library * that was delivered with the J2SE. * Note: Since 6819213 fixed, Java property sun.boot.library.path can * contain multiple paths. Dll_dir is the first entry and * -Dsun.boot.library.path entries are appended. */ libdir = gdata->property_sun_boot_library_path; if (libdir == NULL) { ERROR_MESSAGE(("Java property sun.boot.library.path is not set")); return JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_LOAD); } handle = loadTransportLibrary(libdir, name); if (handle == NULL) { /* Second, look along the path used by the native dlopen/LoadLibrary * functions. This should effectively try and load the simple * library name, which will cause the default system library * search technique to happen. * We should only reach here if the transport library wasn't found * in the J2SE directory, e.g. it's a custom transport library * not installed in the J2SE like dt_socket and dt_shmem is. * * Note: Why not use java.library.path? Several reasons: * a) This matches existing agentlib search * b) These are technically not JNI libraries */ handle = loadTransportLibrary("", name); } /* See if a library was found with this name */ if (handle == NULL) { ERROR_MESSAGE(("transport library not found: %s", name)); return JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_LOAD); } /* Find the onLoad address */ onLoad = findTransportOnLoad(handle); if (onLoad == NULL) { ERROR_MESSAGE(("transport library missing onLoad entry: %s", name)); return JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_LOAD); } /* Get transport interface */ env = getEnv(); if ( env != NULL ) { jdwpTransportEnv *t; JavaVM *jvm; jint ver; JNI_FUNC_PTR(env,GetJavaVM)(env, &jvm); ver = (*onLoad)(jvm, &callback, JDWPTRANSPORT_VERSION_1_0, &t); if (ver != JNI_OK) { switch (ver) { case JNI_ENOMEM : ERROR_MESSAGE(("insufficient memory to complete initialization")); break; case JNI_EVERSION : ERROR_MESSAGE(("transport doesn't recognize version %x", JDWPTRANSPORT_VERSION_1_0)); break; case JNI_EEXIST : ERROR_MESSAGE(("transport doesn't support multiple environments")); break; default: ERROR_MESSAGE(("unrecognized error %d from transport", ver)); break; } return JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_INIT); } *transportPtr = t; } else { return JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_LOAD); } return JDWP_ERROR(NONE);}static voidconnectionInitiated(jdwpTransportEnv *t){ jint isValid = JNI_FALSE; debugMonitorEnter(listenerLock); /* * Don't allow a connection until initialization is complete */ debugInit_waitInitComplete(); /* Are we the first transport to get a connection? */ if (transport == NULL) { transport = t; isValid = JNI_TRUE; } else { if (transport == t) { /* connected with the same transport as before */ isValid = JNI_TRUE; } else { /* * Another transport got a connection - multiple transports * not fully supported yet so shouldn't get here. */ (*t)->Close(t); JDI_ASSERT(JNI_FALSE); } } if (isValid) { debugMonitorNotifyAll(listenerLock); } debugMonitorExit(listenerLock); if (isValid) { debugLoop_run(); }}/* * Set the transport property (sun.jdwp.listenerAddress) to the * specified value. */static voidsetTransportProperty(JNIEnv* env, char* value) { char* prop_value = (value == NULL) ? "" : value; setAgentPropertyValue(env, "sun.jdwp.listenerAddress", prop_value);}voidtransport_waitForConnection(void){ /* * If the VM is suspended on debugger initialization, we wait * for a connection before continuing. This ensures that all * events are delivered to the debugger. (We might as well do this * this since the VM won't continue until a remote debugger attaches * and resumes it.) If not suspending on initialization, we must * just drop any packets (i.e. events) so that the VM can continue * to run. The debugger may not attach until much later. */ if (debugInit_suspendOnInit()) { debugMonitorEnter(listenerLock); while (transport == NULL) { debugMonitorWait(listenerLock); } debugMonitorExit(listenerLock); }}static void JNICALLacceptThread(jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env, JNIEnv* jni_env, void* arg){ TransportInfo *info; jdwpTransportEnv *t; jdwpTransportError rc; LOG_MISC(("Begin accept thread")); info = (TransportInfo*)(void*)arg; t = info->transport; rc = (*t)->Accept(t, info->timeout, 0); /* System property no longer needed */ setTransportProperty(jni_env, NULL); if (rc != JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) { /* * If accept fails it probably means a timeout, or another fatal error * We thus exit the VM after stopping the listener. */ printLastError(t, rc); (*t)->StopListening(t); EXIT_ERROR(JVMTI_ERROR_NONE, "could not connect, timeout or fatal error"); } else { (*t)->StopListening(t); connectionInitiated(t); } LOG_MISC(("End accept thread"));}static void JNICALLattachThread(jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env, JNIEnv* jni_env, void* arg){ LOG_MISC(("Begin attach thread")); connectionInitiated((jdwpTransportEnv *)(void*)arg); LOG_MISC(("End attach thread"));}voidtransport_initialize(void){ transport = NULL; listenerLock = debugMonitorCreate("JDWP Transport Listener Monitor"); sendLock = debugMonitorCreate("JDWP Transport Send Monitor");}voidtransport_reset(void){ /* * Reset the transport by closing any listener (will silently fail * with JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_STATE if not listening), and * closing any connection (will also fail silently if not * connected). * * Note: There's an assumption here that we don't yet support * multiple transports. When we do then we need a clear transition * from the current transport to the new transport. */ if (transport != NULL) { setTransportProperty(getEnv(), NULL); (*transport)->StopListening(transport); (*transport)->Close(transport); }}static jdwpErrorlaunch(char *command, char *name, char *address){ jint rc; char *buf; char *commandLine; int len; /* Construct complete command line (all in UTF-8) */ commandLine = jvmtiAllocate((int)strlen(command) + (int)strlen(name) + (int)strlen(address) + 3); if (commandLine == NULL) { return JDWP_ERROR(OUT_OF_MEMORY); } (void)strcpy(commandLine, command); (void)strcat(commandLine, " "); (void)strcat(commandLine, name); (void)strcat(commandLine, " "); (void)strcat(commandLine, address); /* Convert commandLine from UTF-8 to platform encoding */ len = (int)strlen(commandLine); buf = jvmtiAllocate(len*3+3); (void)(gdata->npt->utf8ToPlatform)(gdata->npt->utf, (jbyte*)commandLine, len, buf, len*3+3); /* Exec commandLine */ rc = dbgsysExec(buf); /* Free up buffers */ jvmtiDeallocate(buf); jvmtiDeallocate(commandLine); /* And non-zero exit status means we had an error */ if (rc != SYS_OK) { return JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_INIT); } return JDWP_ERROR(NONE);}jdwpErrortransport_startTransport(jboolean isServer, char *name, char *address, long timeout){ jvmtiStartFunction func; jdwpTransportEnv *trans; char threadName[MAXPATHLEN + 100]; jint err; jdwpError serror; /* * If the transport is already loaded then use it * Note: We're assuming here that we don't support multiple * transports - when we do then we need to handle the case * where the transport library only supports a single environment. * That probably means we have a bag a transport environments * to correspond to the transports bag. */ if (transport != NULL) { trans = transport; } else { serror = loadTransport(name, &trans); if (serror != JDWP_ERROR(NONE)) { return serror; } } if (isServer) { char *retAddress; char *launchCommand; TransportInfo *info; jvmtiError error; int len; char* prop_value; info = jvmtiAllocate(sizeof(*info)); if (info == NULL) { return JDWP_ERROR(OUT_OF_MEMORY); } info->name = jvmtiAllocate((int)strlen(name)+1); (void)strcpy(info->name, name); info->address = NULL; info->timeout = timeout; if (info->name == NULL) { serror = JDWP_ERROR(OUT_OF_MEMORY); goto handleError; } if (address != NULL) { info->address = jvmtiAllocate((int)strlen(address)+1); (void)strcpy(info->address, address); if (info->address == NULL) { serror = JDWP_ERROR(OUT_OF_MEMORY); goto handleError; } } info->transport = trans; err = (*trans)->StartListening(trans, address, &retAddress); if (err != JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) { printLastError(trans, err); serror = JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_INIT); goto handleError; } /* * Record listener address in a system property */ len = (int)strlen(name) + (int)strlen(retAddress) + 2; /* ':' and '\0' */ prop_value = (char*)jvmtiAllocate(len); strcpy(prop_value, name); strcat(prop_value, ":"); strcat(prop_value, retAddress); setTransportProperty(getEnv(), prop_value); jvmtiDeallocate(prop_value); (void)strcpy(threadName, "JDWP Transport Listener: "); (void)strcat(threadName, name); func = &acceptThread; error = spawnNewThread(func, (void*)info, threadName); if (error != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { serror = map2jdwpError(error); goto handleError; } launchCommand = debugInit_launchOnInit(); if (launchCommand != NULL) { serror = launch(launchCommand, name, retAddress); if (serror != JDWP_ERROR(NONE)) { goto handleError; } } else { if ( ! gdata->quiet ) { TTY_MESSAGE(("Listening for transport %s at address: %s", name, retAddress)); } } return JDWP_ERROR(NONE);handleError: jvmtiDeallocate(info->name); jvmtiDeallocate(info->address); jvmtiDeallocate(info); } else { /* * Note that we don't attempt to do a launch here. Launching * is currently supported only in server mode. */ /* * If we're connecting to another process, there shouldn't be * any concurrent listens, so its ok if we block here in this * thread, waiting for the attach to finish. */ err = (*trans)->Attach(trans, address, timeout, 0); if (err != JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) { printLastError(trans, err); serror = JDWP_ERROR(TRANSPORT_INIT); return serror; } /* * Start the transport loop in a separate thread */ (void)strcpy(threadName, "JDWP Transport Listener: "); (void)strcat(threadName, name); func = &attachThread; err = spawnNewThread(func, (void*)trans, threadName); serror = map2jdwpError(err); } return serror;}voidtransport_close(void){ if ( transport != NULL ) { (*transport)->Close(transport); }}jbooleantransport_is_open(void){ jboolean is_open = JNI_FALSE; if ( transport != NULL ) { is_open = (*transport)->IsOpen(transport); } return is_open;}jinttransport_sendPacket(jdwpPacket *packet){ jdwpTransportError err = JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE; jint rc = 0; if (transport != NULL) { if ( (*transport)->IsOpen(transport) ) { debugMonitorEnter(sendLock); err = (*transport)->WritePacket(transport, packet); debugMonitorExit(sendLock); } if (err != JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) { if ((*transport)->IsOpen(transport)) { printLastError(transport, err); } /* * The users of transport_sendPacket except 0 for * success; non-0 otherwise. */ rc = (jint)-1; } } /* else, bit bucket */ return rc;}jinttransport_receivePacket(jdwpPacket *packet){ jdwpTransportError err; err = (*transport)->ReadPacket(transport, packet); if (err != JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_NONE) { /* * If transport has been closed return EOF */ if (!(*transport)->IsOpen(transport)) { packet->type.cmd.len = 0; return 0; } printLastError(transport, err); /* * Users of transport_receivePacket expect 0 for success, * non-0 otherwise. */ return (jint)-1; } return 0;}