8215584: Remove support for the "old" doclet API in com/sun/javadoc
Reviewed-by: jjg, hannesw
## Copyright (c) 1997, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.#main.errors={0} errorsmain.error={0} errormain.warnings={0} warningsmain.warning={0} warningmain.usage=Usage:\n\\ javadoc [options] [packagenames] [sourcefiles] [@files]\n\where options include:main.opt.public.desc=\ Show only public types and members. For named modules,\n\ show exported packages and the module''s API.main.opt.protected.desc=\ Show protected/public types and members (default). For\n\ named modules, show exported packages and the module''s API.main.opt.package.desc=\ Show package/protected/public types and members. For \n\ named modules, show all packages and all module details.main.opt.private.desc=\ Show all types and members. For named modules,\n\ show all packages and all module details.main.opt.show.members.arg=\ <value>main.opt.show.members.desc=\ Specifies which members (fields, methods, etc.) will be\n\ documented, where value can be one of "public", "protected",\n\ "package" or "private". The default is "protected", which will\n\ show public and protected members, "public" will show only\n\ public members, "package" will show public, protected and\n\ package members and "private" will show all members.main.opt.show.types.arg=\ <value>main.opt.show.types.desc=\ Specifies which types (classes, interfaces, etc.) will be\n\ documented, where value can be one of "public", "protected",\n\ "package" or "private". The default is "protected", which will\n\ show public and protected types, "public" will show only\n\ public types, "package" will show public, protected and\n\ package types and "private" will show all types.main.opt.show.packages.arg=\ <value>main.opt.show.packages.desc=\ Specifies which module's packages will be documented. Possible\n\ values are "exported" or "all" packages.main.opt.show.module.contents.arg=\ <value>main.opt.show.module.contents.desc=\ Specifies the documentation granularity of module\n\ declarations. Possible values are "api" or "all".main.opt.expand.requires.arg=\ <value>main.opt.expand.requires.desc=\ Instructs the tool to expand the set of modules to be\n\ documented. By default, only the modules given explicitly on\n\ the command line will be documented. A value of "transitive"\n\ will additionally include all "requires transitive"\n\ dependencies of those modules. A value of "all" will include\n\ all dependencies of those modules.main.opt.help.desc=\ Display command line options and exitmain.opt.module.arg=\ <module>(,<module>)*main.opt.module.desc=\ Document the specified module(s)main.opt.doclet.arg=\ <class>main.opt.doclet.desc=\ Generate output via alternate docletmain.opt.docletpath.arg=\ <path>main.opt.docletpath.desc=\ Specify where to find doclet class filesmain.opt.module.source.path.arg=\ <path>main.opt.module.source.path.desc=\ Specify where to find input source files for multiple modulesmain.opt.upgrade.module.path.arg=\ <path>main.opt.upgrade.module.path.desc=\ Override location of upgradeable modulesmain.opt.module.path.arg=\ <path>main.opt.module.path.desc=\ Specify where to find application modulesmain.opt.add.modules.arg=\ <module>(,<module>)*main.opt.add.modules.desc=\ Root modules to resolve in addition to the initial modules,\n\ or all modules on the module path if <module> is\n\ ALL-MODULE-PATH.main.opt.limit.modules.arg=\ <module>(,<module>)*main.opt.limit.modules.desc=\ Limit the universe of observable modulesmain.opt.source.path.arg=\ <path>main.opt.source.path.desc=\ Specify where to find source filesmain.opt.class.path.arg=\ <path>main.opt.class.path.desc=\ Specify where to find user class filesmain.opt.exclude.arg=\ <pkglist>main.opt.exclude.desc=\ Specify a list of packages to excludemain.opt.subpackages.arg=\ <subpkglist>main.opt.subpackages.desc=\ Specify subpackages to recursively loadmain.opt.breakiterator.desc=\ Compute first sentence with BreakIteratormain.opt.bootclasspath.arg=\ <path>main.opt.bootclasspath.desc=\ Override location of platform class files used for non-modular\n\ releasesmain.opt.system.arg=\ <jdk>main.opt.system.desc=\ Override location of system modules used for modular releasesmain.opt.release.arg=\ <release>main.opt.release.desc=\ Provide source compatibility with specified releasemain.opt.source.arg=\ <release>main.opt.source.desc=\ Provide source compatibility with specified releasemain.opt.enable.preview.desc=\ Enable preview language features. To be used in conjunction with\n\ either -source or --release.main.opt.extdirs.arg=\ <dirlist>main.opt.extdirs.desc=\ Override location of installed extensionsmain.opt.verbose.desc=\ Output messages about what Javadoc is doingmain.opt.locale.arg=\ <name>main.opt.locale.desc=\ Locale to be used, e.g. en_US or en_US_WINmain.opt.encoding.arg=\ <name>main.opt.encoding.desc=\ Source file encoding namemain.opt.quiet.desc=\ Do not display status messagesmain.opt.version.desc=\ Print version informationmain.opt.J.arg=\ <flag>main.opt.J.desc=\ Pass <flag> directly to the runtime systemmain.opt.help.extra.desc=\ Print a synopsis of nonstandard options and exitmain.usage.foot=\n\GNU-style options may use '=' instead of whitespace to separate the name of an\n\option from its value.\nmain.Xusage=main.opt.Xmaxerrs.arg=\ <number>main.opt.Xmaxerrs.desc=\ Set the maximum number of errors to printmain.opt.Xmaxwarns.arg=\ <number>main.opt.Xmaxwarns.desc=\ Set the maximum number of warnings to printmain.opt.add.exports.arg=\ <module>/<package>=<other-module>(,<other-module>)*main.opt.add.exports.desc=\ Specify a package to be considered as exported from its\n\ defining module to additional modules, or to all unnamed\n\ modules if <other-module> is ALL-UNNAMEDmain.opt.add.reads.arg=\ <module>=<other-module>(,<other-module>)*main.opt.add.reads.desc=\ Specify additional modules to be considered as required by a\n\ given module. <other-module> may be ALL-UNNAMED to require\n\ the unnamed module.main.opt.patch.module.arg=\ <module>=<file>(:<file>)*main.opt.patch.module.desc=\ Override or augment a module with classes and resources in\n\ JAR files or directoriesmain.opt.Xold.desc=\ Invoke the legacy javadoc toolmain.Xusage.foot=\n\These options are non-standard and subject to change without notice.main.doclet.usage.header=\nProvided by the {0} doclet:main.requires_argument=option {0} requires an argument.main.unnecessary_arg_provided=option {0} does not require an argumentmain.only_one_argument_with_equals=cannot use ''='' syntax for options that require multiple argumentsmain.invalid_flag=invalid flag: {0}main.No_modules_packages_or_classes_specified=No modules, packages or classes specified.main.module_not_found=module {0} not found.\nmain.cannot_use_sourcepath_for_modules=cannot use source path for multiple modules {0}main.module_not_found_on_sourcepath=module {0} not found on source pathmain.sourcepath_does_not_contain_module=source path does not contain module {0}main.cant.read=cannot read {0}main.Loading_source_files_for_package=Loading source files for package {0}...main.Loading_source_file=Loading source file {0}...main.Building_tree=Constructing Javadoc information...main.no_source_files_for_package=No source files for package {0}main.package_not_found=Package {0} not foundmain.fatal.error=fatal error encountered: {0}main.out.of.memory=java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Please increase memory.\n\For example, on the JDK Classic or HotSpot VMs, add the option -J-Xmx\n\such as -J-Xmx32m.main.done_in=[done in {0} ms]main.more_than_one_doclet_specified_0_and_1=More than one doclet specified ({0} and {1}).main.doclet_could_not_get_location=Could not get location for {0}main.doclet_could_not_set_location=Could not set location for {0}main.doclet_no_classloader_found=Could not obtain classloader to load {0}main.could_not_instantiate_class=Could not instantiate class {0}main.doclet_class_not_found=Cannot find doclet class {0}main.malformed_locale_name=Malformed locale name: {0}main.file_not_found=File not found: "{0}"main.illegal_class_name=Illegal class name: "{0}"main.illegal_package_name=Illegal package name: "{0}"main.illegal_option_value=Illegal option value: "{0}"main.file.manager.list=FileManager error listing files: "{0}"main.assertion.error=assertion failed: "{0}}"main.unknown.error=an unknown error has occurredmain.internal.error=an internal error has occurredmain.unexpected.exception=an unexpected exception was caught: {0}doclet.internal.report.bug=\Please file a bug against the javadoc tool via the Java bug reporting page\n\(http://bugreport.java.com) after checking the Bug Database (http://bugs.java.com)\n\for duplicates. Include error messages and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you.main.not_a_doclet=\ Class {0} is not a valid doclet.\n\ Note: As of JDK 13, the com.sun.javadoc API is no longer supported.javadoc.class_not_found=Class {0} not found.javadoc.error=errorjavadoc.warning=warningjavadoc.error.msg={0}: error - {1}javadoc.warning.msg={0}: warning - {1}javadoc.note.msg = {1}javadoc.note.pos.msg= {0}: {1}javadoc.version={0} {1}javadoc.fullversion={0} full version "{1}"