## Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.#ifndef _JDK_NATIVE_COMPILATION_GMK_JDK_NATIVE_COMPILATION_GMK := 1ifeq ($(_MAKEBASE_GMK), ) $(error You must include MakeBase.gmk prior to including JdkNativeCompilation.gmk)endifinclude NativeCompilation.gmk# Hook to include the corresponding custom file, if present.$(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, common/JdkNativeCompilation.gmk))FindSrcDirsForLib += \ $(call uniq, $(wildcard \ $(TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/native/lib$(strip $2) \ $(TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/native/lib$(strip $2) \ $(TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/share/native/lib$(strip $2)))FindSrcDirsForComponent += \ $(call uniq, $(wildcard \ $(TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/native/$(strip $2) \ $(TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/native/$(strip $2) \ $(TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/share/native/$(strip $2)))# Find a library# Param 1 - module name# Param 2 - library name# Param 3 - optional subdir for libraryFindLib = \ $(call FindLibDirForModule, \ $(strip $1))$(strip $3)/$(LIBRARY_PREFIX)$(strip $2)$(SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX)# Find a static library# Param 1 - module name# Param 2 - library name# Param 3 - optional subdir for libraryFindStaticLib = \ $(addprefix $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/native/, \ $(strip $1)$(strip $3)/$(LIBRARY_PREFIX)$(strip $2)$(STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX))# If only generating compile_commands.json, make these return empty to avoid# declaring dependencies.ifeq ($(GENERATE_COMPILE_COMMANDS_ONLY), true) FindLib = FindStaticLib =endifGetJavaHeaderDir = \ $(wildcard $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/headers/$(strip $1))# Process a dir description such as "java.base:headers" into a set of proper absolute paths.ProcessDir = \ $(if $(findstring :, $1), \ $(call FindSrcDirsForComponent, $(firstword $(subst :, , $1)), $(lastword $(subst :, , $1))) \ , \ $(if $(filter /%, $1), \ $1 \ , \ $(call FindSrcDirsForComponent, $(MODULE), $1) \ ) \ )# Setup make rules for creating a native shared library with suitable defaults# for the OpenJDK project.## Parameter 1 is the name of the rule. This name is used as variable prefix,# and the targets generated are listed in a variable by that name.## Remaining parameters are named arguments. These are all passed on to# SetupNativeCompilation, except for# EXTRA_RC_FLAGS -- additional RC_FLAGS to append.# EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS -- additional directories to look for headers in# EXTRA_SRC -- additional directories to look for source in# EXCLUDE_SRC_PATTERNS -- exclude source dirs matching these patterns from# appearing in SRC.# HEADERS_FROM_SRC -- if false, does not add source dirs automatically as# header include dirs. (Defaults to true.)# SRC -- this is passed on, but preprocessed to accept source dir designations# such as "java.base:headers".SetupJdkLibrary = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)define SetupJdkLibraryBody ifeq ($$($1_OUTPUT_DIR), ) $1_OUTPUT_DIR := $$(call FindLibDirForModule, $$(MODULE)) endif ifeq ($$($1_OBJECT_DIR), ) $1_OBJECT_DIR := $$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/native/$$(MODULE)/lib$$($1_NAME) endif ifeq ($$($1_SRC), ) $1_SRC := $$(call FindSrcDirsForLib, $$(MODULE), $$($1_NAME)) else $1_SRC := $$(foreach dir, $$($1_SRC), $$(call ProcessDir, $$(dir))) endif ifneq ($$($1_EXTRA_SRC), ) $1_SRC += $$(foreach dir, $$($1_EXTRA_SRC), $$(call ProcessDir, $$(dir))) endif ifneq ($$($1_EXCLUDE_SRC_PATTERNS), ) $1_SRC_WITHOUT_WORKSPACE_ROOT := $$(patsubst $$(WORKSPACE_ROOT)/%, %, $$($1_SRC)) $1_EXCLUDE_SRC := $$(addprefix %, $$(call containing, $$($1_EXCLUDE_SRC_PATTERNS), \ $$($1_SRC_WITHOUT_WORKSPACE_ROOT))) $1_SRC := $$(filter-out $$($1_EXCLUDE_SRC), $$($1_SRC)) endif ifeq ($$($1_VERSIONINFO_RESOURCE), ) $1_VERSIONINFO_RESOURCE := $$(GLOBAL_VERSION_INFO_RESOURCE) else ifeq ($$($1_VERSIONINFO_RESOURCE), DISABLE) $1_VERSIONINFO_RESOURCE := endif ifeq ($$($1_RC_FLAGS), ) $1_RC_FLAGS := $(RC_FLAGS) \ -D "JDK_FNAME=$$($1_NAME).dll" \ -D "JDK_INTERNAL_NAME=$$($1_NAME)" \ -D "JDK_FTYPE=0x2L" else ifeq ($$($1_RC_FLAGS), DISABLE) $1_RC_FLAGS := endif ifneq ($$($1_HEADERS_FROM_SRC), false) $1_SRC_HEADER_FLAGS := $$(addprefix -I, $$(wildcard $$($1_SRC))) endif # Always add the java header dir $1_SRC_HEADER_FLAGS += $$(addprefix -I, $$(call GetJavaHeaderDir, $$(MODULE))) ifneq ($$($1_EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS), ) $1_PROCESSED_EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS := $$(foreach dir, $$($1_EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS), \ $$(call ProcessDir, $$(dir))) $1_EXTRA_HEADER_FLAGS := $$(addprefix -I, $$($1_PROCESSED_EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS)) endif ifneq ($$($1_CFLAGS), ) $1_CFLAGS += $$($1_SRC_HEADER_FLAGS) $$($1_EXTRA_HEADER_FLAGS) endif ifneq ($$($1_CXXFLAGS), ) $1_CXXFLAGS += $$($1_SRC_HEADER_FLAGS) $$($1_EXTRA_HEADER_FLAGS) endif ifeq ($$($1_CFLAGS)$$($1_CXXFLAGS), ) $1_CFLAGS += $$($1_SRC_HEADER_FLAGS) $$($1_EXTRA_HEADER_FLAGS) endif $1_RC_FLAGS += $$($1_EXTRA_RC_FLAGS) # Since we reuse the rule name ($1), all our arguments will pass through. # We lose in transparency, but gain in brevity in this call... $$(eval $$(call SetupNativeCompilation, $1, ))endef# Setup make rules for creating a native executable with suitable defaults for# the OpenJDK project.## Parameter 1 is the name of the rule. This name is used as variable prefix,# and the targets generated are listed in a variable by that name.## Remaining parameters are named arguments. These are all passed on to# SetupNativeCompilation, except for# EXTRA_RC_FLAGS -- additional RC_FLAGS to append.SetupJdkExecutable = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)define SetupJdkExecutableBody $1_TYPE := EXECUTABLE ifeq ($$($1_OUTPUT_DIR), ) $1_OUTPUT_DIR := $$(call FindExecutableDirForModule, $$(MODULE)) endif ifeq ($$($1_OBJECT_DIR), ) $1_OBJECT_DIR := $$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/native/$$(MODULE)/$$($1_NAME) endif ifeq ($$($1_VERSIONINFO_RESOURCE), ) $1_VERSIONINFO_RESOURCE := $$(GLOBAL_VERSION_INFO_RESOURCE) else ifeq ($$($1_VERSIONINFO_RESOURCE), DISABLE) $1_VERSIONINFO_RESOURCE := endif ifeq ($$($1_RC_FLAGS), ) $1_RC_FLAGS := $(RC_FLAGS) \ -D "JDK_FNAME=$$($1_NAME).exe" \ -D "JDK_INTERNAL_NAME=$$($1_NAME)" \ -D "JDK_FTYPE=0x01L" else ifeq ($$($1_RC_FLAGS), DISABLE) $1_RC_FLAGS := endif $1_RC_FLAGS += $$($1_EXTRA_RC_FLAGS) # Since we reuse the rule name ($1), all our arguments will pass through. # We lose in transparency, but gain in brevity in this call... $$(eval $$(call SetupNativeCompilation, $1))endefendif # _JDK_NATIVE_COMPILATION_GMK