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package jdk.nashorn.internal.ir;
import java.util.function.Function;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.annotations.Immutable;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.visitor.NodeVisitor;
* TernaryNode represent the ternary operator {@code ?:}. Note that for control-flow calculation reasons its branch
* expressions (but not its test expression) are always wrapped in instances of {@link JoinPredecessorExpression}.
public final class TernaryNode extends Expression {
private final Expression test;
private final JoinPredecessorExpression trueExpr;
private final JoinPredecessorExpression falseExpr;
* Constructor
* @param token token
* @param test test expression
* @param trueExpr expression evaluated when test evaluates to true
* @param falseExpr expression evaluated when test evaluates to true
public TernaryNode(final long token, final Expression test, final JoinPredecessorExpression trueExpr, final JoinPredecessorExpression falseExpr) {
super(token, falseExpr.getFinish());
this.test = test;
this.trueExpr = trueExpr;
this.falseExpr = falseExpr;
private TernaryNode(final TernaryNode ternaryNode, final Expression test, final JoinPredecessorExpression trueExpr,
final JoinPredecessorExpression falseExpr) {
this.test = test;
this.trueExpr = trueExpr;
this.falseExpr = falseExpr;
public Node accept(final NodeVisitor<? extends LexicalContext> visitor) {
if (visitor.enterTernaryNode(this)) {
final Expression newTest = (Expression)getTest().accept(visitor);
final JoinPredecessorExpression newTrueExpr = (JoinPredecessorExpression)trueExpr.accept(visitor);
final JoinPredecessorExpression newFalseExpr = (JoinPredecessorExpression)falseExpr.accept(visitor);
return visitor.leaveTernaryNode(setTest(newTest).setTrueExpression(newTrueExpr).setFalseExpression(newFalseExpr));
return this;
public void toString(final StringBuilder sb) {
final boolean testParen = tokenType().needsParens(getTest().tokenType(), true);
final boolean trueParen = tokenType().needsParens(getTrueExpression().tokenType(), false);
final boolean falseParen = tokenType().needsParens(getFalseExpression().tokenType(), false);
if (testParen) {
if (testParen) {
sb.append(" ? ");
if (trueParen) {
if (trueParen) {
sb.append(" : ");
if (falseParen) {
if (falseParen) {
public boolean isLocal() {
return getTest().isLocal()
&& getTrueExpression().isLocal()
&& getFalseExpression().isLocal();
public Type getType(Function<Symbol, Type> localVariableTypes) {
return Type.widestReturnType(getTrueExpression().getType(localVariableTypes), getFalseExpression().getType(localVariableTypes));
* Get the test expression for this ternary expression, i.e. "x" in x ? y : z
* @return the test expression
public Expression getTest() {
return test;
* Get the true expression for this ternary expression, i.e. "y" in x ? y : z
* @return the true expression
public JoinPredecessorExpression getTrueExpression() {
return trueExpr;
* Get the false expression for this ternary expression, i.e. "z" in x ? y : z
* @return the false expression
public JoinPredecessorExpression getFalseExpression() {
return falseExpr;
* Set the test expression for this node
* @param test new test expression
* @return a node equivalent to this one except for the requested change.
public TernaryNode setTest(final Expression test) {
if (this.test == test) {
return this;
return new TernaryNode(this, test, trueExpr, falseExpr);
* Set the true expression for this node
* @param trueExpr new true expression
* @return a node equivalent to this one except for the requested change.
public TernaryNode setTrueExpression(final JoinPredecessorExpression trueExpr) {
if (this.trueExpr == trueExpr) {
return this;
return new TernaryNode(this, test, trueExpr, falseExpr);
* Set the false expression for this node
* @param falseExpr new false expression
* @return a node equivalent to this one except for the requested change.
public TernaryNode setFalseExpression(final JoinPredecessorExpression falseExpr) {
if (this.falseExpr == falseExpr) {
return this;
return new TernaryNode(this, test, trueExpr, falseExpr);