author mcimadamore
Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:13:43 +0100
changeset 26108 cc73c05072e8
parent 25697 b71804e27eb1
child 27996 4ae3503fd196
permissions -rw-r--r--
8055390: IntelliJ langtools project should reflect modular source tree Summary: Adjust langtools.iml to point to the new source trees Reviewed-by: jfranck

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
  <component name="CompilerConfiguration">
    <option name="DEFAULT_COMPILER" value="Javac" />
      <directory url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src" includeSubdirectories="true" />
      <directory url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/test" includeSubdirectories="true" />
    <resourceExtensions />
    <wildcardResourcePatterns />
      <profile default="true" name="Default" enabled="false">
        <processorPath useClasspath="true" />