@echo offREMREM Copyright (c) 1999, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.REM DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.REMREM This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify itREM under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, asREM published by the Free Software Foundation.REMREM This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUTREM ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY orREM FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public LicenseREM version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file thatREM accompanied this code).REMREM You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License versionREM 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,REM Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.REMREM Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USAREM or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have anyREM questions.REM REMREM This is the interactive build setup script (as opposed to the batchREM build execution script). It creates $HotSpotBuildSpace if necessary,REM copies the appropriate files out of $HotSpotWorkSpace into it, andREM builds and runs ProjectCreator in it. This has the side-effect of creatingREM the vm.vcproj file in the buildspace, which is then used in Visual C++.REMREM Since we don't have uname and we could be cross-compiling,REM Use the compiler to determine which ARCH we are buildingREM REM Note: Running this batch file from the Windows command shell requiresREM that "grep" be accessible on the PATH. An MKS install does this.REM cl 2>NUL >NULif %errorlevel% == 0 goto nexttestecho Make sure cl.exe is in your PATH before running this script.goto end:nexttestgrep -V 2>NUL >NULif %errorlevel% == 0 goto testitecho Make sure grep.exe is in your PATH before running this script. Either cygwin or MKS should work.goto end:testitcl 2>&1 | grep "x64" >NULif %errorlevel% == 0 goto amd64set ARCH=x86set BUILDARCH=i486set Platform_arch=x86set Platform_arch_model=x86_32goto done:amd64set ARCH=x86set BUILDARCH=amd64set Platform_arch=x86set Platform_arch_model=x86_64:donesetlocalif "%1" == "" goto usageif not "%2" == "" goto usageREM Set HotSpotWorkSpace to the directy two steps above this scriptfor %%i in ("%~dp0..") do ( set HotSpotWorkSpace=%%~dpi)set HotSpotBuildRoot=%HotSpotWorkSpace%buildset HotSpotBuildSpace=%HotSpotBuildRoot%\vs-%BUILDARCH%set HotSpotJDKDist=%1REM figure out MSC versionfor /F %%i in ('sh %HotSpotWorkSpace%/make/windows/get_msc_ver.sh') do set %%iecho **************************************************************echo MSC_VER = "%MSC_VER%" set ProjectFile=%HotSpotBuildSpace%\jvm.vcxprojecho %ProjectFile%echo **************************************************************REM Test all variables to see whether the directories theyREM reference existif exist %HotSpotWorkSpace% goto test1echo Error: directory pointed to by HotSpotWorkSpaceecho does not exist, or the variable is not set.echo.goto usage:test1if exist %HotSpotBuildSpace% goto test2if not "%HotSpotBuildSpace%" == "" mkdir %HotSpotBuildSpace%if exist %HotSpotBuildSpace% goto test2echo Error: directory pointed to by HotSpotBuildSpaceecho does not exist, or the variable is not set.echo.goto usage:test2if exist %HotSpotJDKDist% goto test3echo Error: directory pointed to by %HotSpotJDKDist%echo does not exist, or the variable is not set.echo.goto usage:test3if not "%HOTSPOTMKSHOME%" == "" goto makedirif exist c:\cygwin\bin set HOTSPOTMKSHOME=c:\cygwin\binif not "%HOTSPOTMKSHOME%" == "" goto makedirecho Warning: please set variable HOTSPOTMKSHOME to place where echo your MKS/Cygwin installation isecho.goto usage:makedirecho NOTE: Using the following settings:echo HotSpotWorkSpace=%HotSpotWorkSpace%echo HotSpotBuildSpace=%HotSpotBuildSpace%echo HotSpotJDKDist=%HotSpotJDKDist%REM This is now safe to do.:copyfilesfor /D %%i in (compiler1, compiler2, tiered ) do (if NOT EXIST %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\generated mkdir %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\generatedcopy %HotSpotWorkSpace%\make\windows\projectfiles\%%i\* %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\generated > NUL)REM force regneration of ProjectFileif exist %ProjectFile% del %ProjectFile%for /D %%i in (compiler1, compiler2, tiered ) do (echo -- %%i --echo # Generated file! > %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho # Changing a variable below and then deleting %ProjectFile% will cause >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho # %ProjectFile% to be regenerated with the new values. Changing the >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho # version requires rerunning create.bat. >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho. >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho Variant=%%i >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho WorkSpace=%HotSpotWorkSpace% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho HOTSPOTWORKSPACE=%HotSpotWorkSpace% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho HOTSPOTBUILDROOT=%HotSpotBuildRoot% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho HOTSPOTBUILDSPACE=%HotSpotBuildSpace% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho HOTSPOTJDKDIST=%HotSpotJDKDist% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho ARCH=%ARCH% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho BUILDARCH=%BUILDARCH% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho Platform_arch=%Platform_arch% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho Platform_arch_model=%Platform_arch_model% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makeecho MSC_VER=%MSC_VER% >> %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\local.makefor /D %%j in (debug, fastdebug, product) do (if NOT EXIST %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\%%j mkdir %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\%%j)pushd %HotSpotBuildSpace%\%%i\generatednmake /nologopopd)pushd %HotSpotBuildRoot%REM It doesn't matter which variant we use here, "compiler1" is as good as any of the others - we need the common variablesnmake /nologo /F %HotSpotWorkSpace%/make/windows/projectfiles/common/Makefile LOCAL_MAKE=%HotSpotBuildSpace%\compiler1\local.make %ProjectFile%popdgoto end:usageecho Usage: create HotSpotJDKDistecho.echo This is the VS build setup script (as opposed to the batchecho build execution script). It creates a build directory if necessary,echo copies the appropriate files out of the workspace into it, andecho builds and runs ProjectCreator in it. This has the side-effect of creatingecho the %ProjectFile% file in the build space, which is then used in Visual C++.echo.echo The HotSpotJDKDist defines the JDK that should be used when running the JVM.echo Environment variable FORCE_MSC_VER allows to override MSVC version autodetection.echo.echo NOTE that it is now NOT safe to modify any of the files in the buildecho space, since they may be overwritten whenever this script is run orecho nmake is run in that directory.:endendlocal