author lagergren
Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:28:24 +0200
changeset 27102 c64b3468d51d
parent 24418 a6318a06a0e5
child 34595 09596fe63e2d
permissions -rw-r--r--
8012518: Reengineer to make it play well with the copy-on-write IR. Summary: Remove the kludges introduced to make the parser work with the copy on write IR. Now everything is done bottom up, finshing node children completely before node parents. The repeated non-functional pattern 'node = node.setSomething(something);' is gone. Resulting code is much more readable, and extensible for future work. The parser is now also consistent with the rest of the stateless copy-on-write world in code generation. Reviewed-by: lagergren, attila, hannesw, shade Contributed-by:

  This file should be located at the top of the OpenJDK Mercurial root
  repository. A full OpenJDK repository set (forest) should also include
  the following 7 nested repositories:
    "jdk", "hotspot", "langtools", "nashorn", "corba", "jaxws"  and "jaxp".

  The root repository can be obtained with something like:
    hg clone openjdk9
  You can run the script located in the root repository to get
  the other needed repositories:
    cd openjdk9 && sh ./

  People unfamiliar with Mercurial should read the first few chapters of
  the Mercurial book:

  See for more information about OpenJDK.

Simple Build Instructions:
  0. Get the necessary system software/packages installed on your system, see

  1. If you don't have a jdk8 or newer jdk, download and install it from
     Add the /bin directory of this installation to your PATH environment

  2. Configure the build:
       bash ./configure
  3. Build the OpenJDK:
       make all
     The resulting JDK image should be found in build/*/images/j2sdk-image

where make is GNU make 3.81 or newer, /usr/bin/make on Linux usually
is 3.81 or newer. Note that on Solaris, GNU make is called "gmake".

Complete details are available in the file: