8005849: JEP 167: Event-Based JVM Tracing
Reviewed-by: acorn, coleenp, sla
Contributed-by: Karen Kinnear <karen.kinnear@oracle.com>, Bengt Rutisson <bengt.rutisson@oracle.com>, Calvin Cheung <calvin.cheung@oracle.com>, Erik Gahlin <erik.gahlin@oracle.com>, Erik Helin <erik.helin@oracle.com>, Jesper Wilhelmsson <jesper.wilhelmsson@oracle.com>, Keith McGuigan <keith.mcguigan@oracle.com>, Mattias Tobiasson <mattias.tobiasson@oracle.com>, Markus Gronlund <markus.gronlund@oracle.com>, Mikael Auno <mikael.auno@oracle.com>, Nils Eliasson <nils.eliasson@oracle.com>, Nils Loodin <nils.loodin@oracle.com>, Rickard Backman <rickard.backman@oracle.com>, Staffan Larsen <staffan.larsen@oracle.com>, Stefan Karlsson <stefan.karlsson@oracle.com>, Yekaterina Kantserova <yekaterina.kantserova@oracle.com>
/* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */#include "precompiled.hpp"#include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"#include "opto/addnode.hpp"#include "opto/block.hpp"#include "opto/callnode.hpp"#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"#include "opto/chaitin.hpp"#include "opto/coalesce.hpp"#include "opto/connode.hpp"#include "opto/indexSet.hpp"#include "opto/machnode.hpp"#include "opto/memnode.hpp"#include "opto/opcodes.hpp"//=============================================================================//------------------------------IFG--------------------------------------------PhaseIFG::PhaseIFG( Arena *arena ) : Phase(Interference_Graph), _arena(arena) {}//------------------------------init-------------------------------------------void PhaseIFG::init( uint maxlrg ) { _maxlrg = maxlrg; _yanked = new (_arena) VectorSet(_arena); _is_square = false; // Make uninitialized adjacency lists _adjs = (IndexSet*)_arena->Amalloc(sizeof(IndexSet)*maxlrg); // Also make empty live range structures _lrgs = (LRG *)_arena->Amalloc( maxlrg * sizeof(LRG) ); memset(_lrgs,0,sizeof(LRG)*maxlrg); // Init all to empty for( uint i = 0; i < maxlrg; i++ ) { _adjs[i].initialize(maxlrg); _lrgs[i].Set_All(); }}//------------------------------add--------------------------------------------// Add edge between vertices a & b. These are sorted (triangular matrix),// then the smaller number is inserted in the larger numbered array.int PhaseIFG::add_edge( uint a, uint b ) { lrgs(a).invalid_degree(); lrgs(b).invalid_degree(); // Sort a and b, so that a is bigger assert( !_is_square, "only on triangular" ); if( a < b ) { uint tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } return _adjs[a].insert( b );}//------------------------------add_vector-------------------------------------// Add an edge between 'a' and everything in the vector.void PhaseIFG::add_vector( uint a, IndexSet *vec ) { // IFG is triangular, so do the inserts where 'a' < 'b'. assert( !_is_square, "only on triangular" ); IndexSet *adjs_a = &_adjs[a]; if( !vec->count() ) return; IndexSetIterator elements(vec); uint neighbor; while ((neighbor = elements.next()) != 0) { add_edge( a, neighbor ); }}//------------------------------test-------------------------------------------// Is there an edge between a and b?int PhaseIFG::test_edge( uint a, uint b ) const { // Sort a and b, so that a is larger assert( !_is_square, "only on triangular" ); if( a < b ) { uint tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } return _adjs[a].member(b);}//------------------------------SquareUp---------------------------------------// Convert triangular matrix to square matrixvoid PhaseIFG::SquareUp() { assert( !_is_square, "only on triangular" ); // Simple transpose for( uint i = 0; i < _maxlrg; i++ ) { IndexSetIterator elements(&_adjs[i]); uint datum; while ((datum = elements.next()) != 0) { _adjs[datum].insert( i ); } } _is_square = true;}//------------------------------Compute_Effective_Degree-----------------------// Compute effective degree in bulkvoid PhaseIFG::Compute_Effective_Degree() { assert( _is_square, "only on square" ); for( uint i = 0; i < _maxlrg; i++ ) lrgs(i).set_degree(effective_degree(i));}//------------------------------test_edge_sq-----------------------------------int PhaseIFG::test_edge_sq( uint a, uint b ) const { assert( _is_square, "only on square" ); // Swap, so that 'a' has the lesser count. Then binary search is on // the smaller of a's list and b's list. if( neighbor_cnt(a) > neighbor_cnt(b) ) { uint tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } //return _adjs[a].unordered_member(b); return _adjs[a].member(b);}//------------------------------Union------------------------------------------// Union edges of B into Avoid PhaseIFG::Union( uint a, uint b ) { assert( _is_square, "only on square" ); IndexSet *A = &_adjs[a]; IndexSetIterator b_elements(&_adjs[b]); uint datum; while ((datum = b_elements.next()) != 0) { if(A->insert(datum)) { _adjs[datum].insert(a); lrgs(a).invalid_degree(); lrgs(datum).invalid_degree(); } }}//------------------------------remove_node------------------------------------// Yank a Node and all connected edges from the IFG. Return a// list of neighbors (edges) yanked.IndexSet *PhaseIFG::remove_node( uint a ) { assert( _is_square, "only on square" ); assert( !_yanked->test(a), "" ); _yanked->set(a); // I remove the LRG from all neighbors. IndexSetIterator elements(&_adjs[a]); LRG &lrg_a = lrgs(a); uint datum; while ((datum = elements.next()) != 0) { _adjs[datum].remove(a); lrgs(datum).inc_degree( -lrg_a.compute_degree(lrgs(datum)) ); } return neighbors(a);}//------------------------------re_insert--------------------------------------// Re-insert a yanked Node.void PhaseIFG::re_insert( uint a ) { assert( _is_square, "only on square" ); assert( _yanked->test(a), "" ); (*_yanked) >>= a; IndexSetIterator elements(&_adjs[a]); uint datum; while ((datum = elements.next()) != 0) { _adjs[datum].insert(a); lrgs(datum).invalid_degree(); }}//------------------------------compute_degree---------------------------------// Compute the degree between 2 live ranges. If both live ranges are// aligned-adjacent powers-of-2 then we use the MAX size. If either is// mis-aligned (or for Fat-Projections, not-adjacent) then we have to// MULTIPLY the sizes. Inspect Brigg's thesis on register pairs to see why// this is so.int LRG::compute_degree( LRG &l ) const { int tmp; int num_regs = _num_regs; int nregs = l.num_regs(); tmp = (_fat_proj || l._fat_proj) // either is a fat-proj? ? (num_regs * nregs) // then use product : MAX2(num_regs,nregs); // else use max return tmp;}//------------------------------effective_degree-------------------------------// Compute effective degree for this live range. If both live ranges are// aligned-adjacent powers-of-2 then we use the MAX size. If either is// mis-aligned (or for Fat-Projections, not-adjacent) then we have to// MULTIPLY the sizes. Inspect Brigg's thesis on register pairs to see why// this is so.int PhaseIFG::effective_degree( uint lidx ) const { int eff = 0; int num_regs = lrgs(lidx).num_regs(); int fat_proj = lrgs(lidx)._fat_proj; IndexSet *s = neighbors(lidx); IndexSetIterator elements(s); uint nidx; while((nidx = elements.next()) != 0) { LRG &lrgn = lrgs(nidx); int nregs = lrgn.num_regs(); eff += (fat_proj || lrgn._fat_proj) // either is a fat-proj? ? (num_regs * nregs) // then use product : MAX2(num_regs,nregs); // else use max } return eff;}#ifndef PRODUCT//------------------------------dump-------------------------------------------void PhaseIFG::dump() const { tty->print_cr("-- Interference Graph --%s--", _is_square ? "square" : "triangular" ); if( _is_square ) { for( uint i = 0; i < _maxlrg; i++ ) { tty->print( (*_yanked)[i] ? "XX " : " "); tty->print("L%d: { ",i); IndexSetIterator elements(&_adjs[i]); uint datum; while ((datum = elements.next()) != 0) { tty->print("L%d ", datum); } tty->print_cr("}"); } return; } // Triangular for( uint i = 0; i < _maxlrg; i++ ) { uint j; tty->print( (*_yanked)[i] ? "XX " : " "); tty->print("L%d: { ",i); for( j = _maxlrg; j > i; j-- ) if( test_edge(j - 1,i) ) { tty->print("L%d ",j - 1); } tty->print("| "); IndexSetIterator elements(&_adjs[i]); uint datum; while ((datum = elements.next()) != 0) { tty->print("L%d ", datum); } tty->print("}\n"); } tty->print("\n");}//------------------------------stats------------------------------------------void PhaseIFG::stats() const { ResourceMark rm; int *h_cnt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(int,_maxlrg*2); memset( h_cnt, 0, sizeof(int)*_maxlrg*2 ); uint i; for( i = 0; i < _maxlrg; i++ ) { h_cnt[neighbor_cnt(i)]++; } tty->print_cr("--Histogram of counts--"); for( i = 0; i < _maxlrg*2; i++ ) if( h_cnt[i] ) tty->print("%d/%d ",i,h_cnt[i]); tty->print_cr("");}//------------------------------verify-----------------------------------------void PhaseIFG::verify( const PhaseChaitin *pc ) const { // IFG is square, sorted and no need for Find for( uint i = 0; i < _maxlrg; i++ ) { assert(!((*_yanked)[i]) || !neighbor_cnt(i), "Is removed completely" ); IndexSet *set = &_adjs[i]; IndexSetIterator elements(set); uint idx; uint last = 0; while ((idx = elements.next()) != 0) { assert(idx != i, "Must have empty diagonal"); assert(pc->_lrg_map.find_const(idx) == idx, "Must not need Find"); assert(_adjs[idx].member(i), "IFG not square"); assert(!(*_yanked)[idx], "No yanked neighbors"); assert(last < idx, "not sorted increasing"); last = idx; } assert(!lrgs(i)._degree_valid || effective_degree(i) == lrgs(i).degree(), "degree is valid but wrong"); }}#endif//------------------------------interfere_with_live----------------------------// Interfere this register with everything currently live. Use the RegMasks// to trim the set of possible interferences. Return a count of register-only// interferences as an estimate of register pressure.void PhaseChaitin::interfere_with_live( uint r, IndexSet *liveout ) { uint retval = 0; // Interfere with everything live. const RegMask &rm = lrgs(r).mask(); // Check for interference by checking overlap of regmasks. // Only interfere if acceptable register masks overlap. IndexSetIterator elements(liveout); uint l; while( (l = elements.next()) != 0 ) if( rm.overlap( lrgs(l).mask() ) ) _ifg->add_edge( r, l );}//------------------------------build_ifg_virtual------------------------------// Actually build the interference graph. Uses virtual registers only, no// physical register masks. This allows me to be very aggressive when// coalescing copies. Some of this aggressiveness will have to be undone// later, but I'd rather get all the copies I can now (since unremoved copies// at this point can end up in bad places). Copies I re-insert later I have// more opportunity to insert them in low-frequency locations.void PhaseChaitin::build_ifg_virtual( ) { // For all blocks (in any order) do... for( uint i=0; i<_cfg._num_blocks; i++ ) { Block *b = _cfg._blocks[i]; IndexSet *liveout = _live->live(b); // The IFG is built by a single reverse pass over each basic block. // Starting with the known live-out set, we remove things that get // defined and add things that become live (essentially executing one // pass of a standard LIVE analysis). Just before a Node defines a value // (and removes it from the live-ness set) that value is certainly live. // The defined value interferes with everything currently live. The // value is then removed from the live-ness set and it's inputs are // added to the live-ness set. for( uint j = b->end_idx() + 1; j > 1; j-- ) { Node *n = b->_nodes[j-1]; // Get value being defined uint r = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n); // Some special values do not allocate if (r) { // Remove from live-out set liveout->remove(r); // Copies do not define a new value and so do not interfere. // Remove the copies source from the liveout set before interfering. uint idx = n->is_Copy(); if (idx) { liveout->remove(_lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(idx))); } // Interfere with everything live interfere_with_live(r, liveout); } // Make all inputs live if (!n->is_Phi()) { // Phi function uses come from prior block for(uint k = 1; k < n->req(); k++) { liveout->insert(_lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(k))); } } // 2-address instructions always have the defined value live // on entry to the instruction, even though it is being defined // by the instruction. We pretend a virtual copy sits just prior // to the instruction and kills the src-def'd register. // In other words, for 2-address instructions the defined value // interferes with all inputs. uint idx; if( n->is_Mach() && (idx = n->as_Mach()->two_adr()) ) { const MachNode *mach = n->as_Mach(); // Sometimes my 2-address ADDs are commuted in a bad way. // We generally want the USE-DEF register to refer to the // loop-varying quantity, to avoid a copy. uint op = mach->ideal_Opcode(); // Check that mach->num_opnds() == 3 to ensure instruction is // not subsuming constants, effectively excludes addI_cin_imm // Can NOT swap for instructions like addI_cin_imm since it // is adding zero to yhi + carry and the second ideal-input // points to the result of adding low-halves. // Checking req() and num_opnds() does NOT distinguish addI_cout from addI_cout_imm if( (op == Op_AddI && mach->req() == 3 && mach->num_opnds() == 3) && n->in(1)->bottom_type()->base() == Type::Int && // See if the ADD is involved in a tight data loop the wrong way n->in(2)->is_Phi() && n->in(2)->in(2) == n ) { Node *tmp = n->in(1); n->set_req( 1, n->in(2) ); n->set_req( 2, tmp ); } // Defined value interferes with all inputs uint lidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(idx)); for (uint k = 1; k < n->req(); k++) { uint kidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(k)); if (kidx != lidx) { _ifg->add_edge(r, kidx); } } } } // End of forall instructions in block } // End of forall blocks}//------------------------------count_int_pressure-----------------------------uint PhaseChaitin::count_int_pressure( IndexSet *liveout ) { IndexSetIterator elements(liveout); uint lidx; uint cnt = 0; while ((lidx = elements.next()) != 0) { if( lrgs(lidx).mask().is_UP() && lrgs(lidx).mask_size() && !lrgs(lidx)._is_float && !lrgs(lidx)._is_vector && lrgs(lidx).mask().overlap(*Matcher::idealreg2regmask[Op_RegI]) ) cnt += lrgs(lidx).reg_pressure(); } return cnt;}//------------------------------count_float_pressure---------------------------uint PhaseChaitin::count_float_pressure( IndexSet *liveout ) { IndexSetIterator elements(liveout); uint lidx; uint cnt = 0; while ((lidx = elements.next()) != 0) { if( lrgs(lidx).mask().is_UP() && lrgs(lidx).mask_size() && (lrgs(lidx)._is_float || lrgs(lidx)._is_vector)) cnt += lrgs(lidx).reg_pressure(); } return cnt;}//------------------------------lower_pressure---------------------------------// Adjust register pressure down by 1. Capture last hi-to-low transition,static void lower_pressure( LRG *lrg, uint where, Block *b, uint *pressure, uint *hrp_index ) { if (lrg->mask().is_UP() && lrg->mask_size()) { if (lrg->_is_float || lrg->_is_vector) { pressure[1] -= lrg->reg_pressure(); if( pressure[1] == (uint)FLOATPRESSURE ) { hrp_index[1] = where; if( pressure[1] > b->_freg_pressure ) b->_freg_pressure = pressure[1]+1; } } else if( lrg->mask().overlap(*Matcher::idealreg2regmask[Op_RegI]) ) { pressure[0] -= lrg->reg_pressure(); if( pressure[0] == (uint)INTPRESSURE ) { hrp_index[0] = where; if( pressure[0] > b->_reg_pressure ) b->_reg_pressure = pressure[0]+1; } } }}//------------------------------build_ifg_physical-----------------------------// Build the interference graph using physical registers when available.// That is, if 2 live ranges are simultaneously alive but in their acceptable// register sets do not overlap, then they do not interfere.uint PhaseChaitin::build_ifg_physical( ResourceArea *a ) { NOT_PRODUCT( Compile::TracePhase t3("buildIFG", &_t_buildIFGphysical, TimeCompiler); ) uint spill_reg = LRG::SPILL_REG; uint must_spill = 0; // For all blocks (in any order) do... for( uint i = 0; i < _cfg._num_blocks; i++ ) { Block *b = _cfg._blocks[i]; // Clone (rather than smash in place) the liveout info, so it is alive // for the "collect_gc_info" phase later. IndexSet liveout(_live->live(b)); uint last_inst = b->end_idx(); // Compute first nonphi node index uint first_inst; for( first_inst = 1; first_inst < last_inst; first_inst++ ) if( !b->_nodes[first_inst]->is_Phi() ) break; // Spills could be inserted before CreateEx node which should be // first instruction in block after Phis. Move CreateEx up. for( uint insidx = first_inst; insidx < last_inst; insidx++ ) { Node *ex = b->_nodes[insidx]; if( ex->is_SpillCopy() ) continue; if( insidx > first_inst && ex->is_Mach() && ex->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_CreateEx ) { // If the CreateEx isn't above all the MachSpillCopies // then move it to the top. b->_nodes.remove(insidx); b->_nodes.insert(first_inst, ex); } // Stop once a CreateEx or any other node is found break; } // Reset block's register pressure values for each ifg construction uint pressure[2], hrp_index[2]; pressure[0] = pressure[1] = 0; hrp_index[0] = hrp_index[1] = last_inst+1; b->_reg_pressure = b->_freg_pressure = 0; // Liveout things are presumed live for the whole block. We accumulate // 'area' accordingly. If they get killed in the block, we'll subtract // the unused part of the block from the area. int inst_count = last_inst - first_inst; double cost = (inst_count <= 0) ? 0.0 : b->_freq * double(inst_count); assert(!(cost < 0.0), "negative spill cost" ); IndexSetIterator elements(&liveout); uint lidx; while ((lidx = elements.next()) != 0) { LRG &lrg = lrgs(lidx); lrg._area += cost; // Compute initial register pressure if (lrg.mask().is_UP() && lrg.mask_size()) { if (lrg._is_float || lrg._is_vector) { // Count float pressure pressure[1] += lrg.reg_pressure(); if( pressure[1] > b->_freg_pressure ) b->_freg_pressure = pressure[1]; // Count int pressure, but do not count the SP, flags } else if( lrgs(lidx).mask().overlap(*Matcher::idealreg2regmask[Op_RegI]) ) { pressure[0] += lrg.reg_pressure(); if( pressure[0] > b->_reg_pressure ) b->_reg_pressure = pressure[0]; } } } assert( pressure[0] == count_int_pressure (&liveout), "" ); assert( pressure[1] == count_float_pressure(&liveout), "" ); // The IFG is built by a single reverse pass over each basic block. // Starting with the known live-out set, we remove things that get // defined and add things that become live (essentially executing one // pass of a standard LIVE analysis). Just before a Node defines a value // (and removes it from the live-ness set) that value is certainly live. // The defined value interferes with everything currently live. The // value is then removed from the live-ness set and it's inputs are added // to the live-ness set. uint j; for( j = last_inst + 1; j > 1; j-- ) { Node *n = b->_nodes[j - 1]; // Get value being defined uint r = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n); // Some special values do not allocate if(r) { // A DEF normally costs block frequency; rematerialized values are // removed from the DEF sight, so LOWER costs here. lrgs(r)._cost += n->rematerialize() ? 0 : b->_freq; // If it is not live, then this instruction is dead. Probably caused // by spilling and rematerialization. Who cares why, yank this baby. if( !liveout.member(r) && n->Opcode() != Op_SafePoint ) { Node *def = n->in(0); if( !n->is_Proj() || // Could also be a flags-projection of a dead ADD or such. (_lrg_map.live_range_id(def) && !liveout.member(_lrg_map.live_range_id(def)))) { b->_nodes.remove(j - 1); if (lrgs(r)._def == n) { lrgs(r)._def = 0; } n->disconnect_inputs(NULL, C); _cfg._bbs.map(n->_idx,NULL); n->replace_by(C->top()); // Since yanking a Node from block, high pressure moves up one hrp_index[0]--; hrp_index[1]--; continue; } // Fat-projections kill many registers which cannot be used to // hold live ranges. if (lrgs(r)._fat_proj) { // Count the int-only registers RegMask itmp = lrgs(r).mask(); itmp.AND(*Matcher::idealreg2regmask[Op_RegI]); int iregs = itmp.Size(); if( pressure[0]+iregs > b->_reg_pressure ) b->_reg_pressure = pressure[0]+iregs; if( pressure[0] <= (uint)INTPRESSURE && pressure[0]+iregs > (uint)INTPRESSURE ) { hrp_index[0] = j-1; } // Count the float-only registers RegMask ftmp = lrgs(r).mask(); ftmp.AND(*Matcher::idealreg2regmask[Op_RegD]); int fregs = ftmp.Size(); if( pressure[1]+fregs > b->_freg_pressure ) b->_freg_pressure = pressure[1]+fregs; if( pressure[1] <= (uint)FLOATPRESSURE && pressure[1]+fregs > (uint)FLOATPRESSURE ) { hrp_index[1] = j-1; } } } else { // Else it is live // A DEF also ends 'area' partway through the block. lrgs(r)._area -= cost; assert(!(lrgs(r)._area < 0.0), "negative spill area" ); // Insure high score for immediate-use spill copies so they get a color if( n->is_SpillCopy() && lrgs(r).is_singledef() // MultiDef live range can still split && n->outcnt() == 1 // and use must be in this block && _cfg._bbs[n->unique_out()->_idx] == b ) { // All single-use MachSpillCopy(s) that immediately precede their // use must color early. If a longer live range steals their // color, the spill copy will split and may push another spill copy // further away resulting in an infinite spill-split-retry cycle. // Assigning a zero area results in a high score() and a good // location in the simplify list. // Node *single_use = n->unique_out(); assert( b->find_node(single_use) >= j, "Use must be later in block"); // Use can be earlier in block if it is a Phi, but then I should be a MultiDef // Find first non SpillCopy 'm' that follows the current instruction // (j - 1) is index for current instruction 'n' Node *m = n; for( uint i = j; i <= last_inst && m->is_SpillCopy(); ++i ) { m = b->_nodes[i]; } if( m == single_use ) { lrgs(r)._area = 0.0; } } // Remove from live-out set if( liveout.remove(r) ) { // Adjust register pressure. // Capture last hi-to-lo pressure transition lower_pressure( &lrgs(r), j-1, b, pressure, hrp_index ); assert( pressure[0] == count_int_pressure (&liveout), "" ); assert( pressure[1] == count_float_pressure(&liveout), "" ); } // Copies do not define a new value and so do not interfere. // Remove the copies source from the liveout set before interfering. uint idx = n->is_Copy(); if (idx) { uint x = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(idx)); if (liveout.remove(x)) { lrgs(x)._area -= cost; // Adjust register pressure. lower_pressure(&lrgs(x), j-1, b, pressure, hrp_index); assert( pressure[0] == count_int_pressure (&liveout), "" ); assert( pressure[1] == count_float_pressure(&liveout), "" ); } } } // End of if live or not // Interfere with everything live. If the defined value must // go in a particular register, just remove that register from // all conflicting parties and avoid the interference. // Make exclusions for rematerializable defs. Since rematerializable // DEFs are not bound but the live range is, some uses must be bound. // If we spill live range 'r', it can rematerialize at each use site // according to its bindings. const RegMask &rmask = lrgs(r).mask(); if( lrgs(r).is_bound() && !(n->rematerialize()) && rmask.is_NotEmpty() ) { // Check for common case int r_size = lrgs(r).num_regs(); OptoReg::Name r_reg = (r_size == 1) ? rmask.find_first_elem() : OptoReg::Physical; // Smear odd bits IndexSetIterator elements(&liveout); uint l; while ((l = elements.next()) != 0) { LRG &lrg = lrgs(l); // If 'l' must spill already, do not further hack his bits. // He'll get some interferences and be forced to spill later. if( lrg._must_spill ) continue; // Remove bound register(s) from 'l's choices RegMask old = lrg.mask(); uint old_size = lrg.mask_size(); // Remove the bits from LRG 'r' from LRG 'l' so 'l' no // longer interferes with 'r'. If 'l' requires aligned // adjacent pairs, subtract out bit pairs. assert(!lrg._is_vector || !lrg._fat_proj, "sanity"); if (lrg.num_regs() > 1 && !lrg._fat_proj) { RegMask r2mask = rmask; // Leave only aligned set of bits. r2mask.smear_to_sets(lrg.num_regs()); // It includes vector case. lrg.SUBTRACT( r2mask ); lrg.compute_set_mask_size(); } else if( r_size != 1 ) { // fat proj lrg.SUBTRACT( rmask ); lrg.compute_set_mask_size(); } else { // Common case: size 1 bound removal if( lrg.mask().Member(r_reg) ) { lrg.Remove(r_reg); lrg.set_mask_size(lrg.mask().is_AllStack() ? 65535:old_size-1); } } // If 'l' goes completely dry, it must spill. if( lrg.not_free() ) { // Give 'l' some kind of reasonable mask, so he picks up // interferences (and will spill later). lrg.set_mask( old ); lrg.set_mask_size(old_size); must_spill++; lrg._must_spill = 1; lrg.set_reg(OptoReg::Name(LRG::SPILL_REG)); } } } // End of if bound // Now interference with everything that is live and has // compatible register sets. interfere_with_live(r,&liveout); } // End of if normal register-allocated value // Area remaining in the block inst_count--; cost = (inst_count <= 0) ? 0.0 : b->_freq * double(inst_count); // Make all inputs live if( !n->is_Phi() ) { // Phi function uses come from prior block JVMState* jvms = n->jvms(); uint debug_start = jvms ? jvms->debug_start() : 999999; // Start loop at 1 (skip control edge) for most Nodes. // SCMemProj's might be the sole use of a StoreLConditional. // While StoreLConditionals set memory (the SCMemProj use) // they also def flags; if that flag def is unused the // allocator sees a flag-setting instruction with no use of // the flags and assumes it's dead. This keeps the (useless) // flag-setting behavior alive while also keeping the (useful) // memory update effect. for (uint k = ((n->Opcode() == Op_SCMemProj) ? 0:1); k < n->req(); k++) { Node *def = n->in(k); uint x = _lrg_map.live_range_id(def); if (!x) { continue; } LRG &lrg = lrgs(x); // No use-side cost for spilling debug info if (k < debug_start) { // A USE costs twice block frequency (once for the Load, once // for a Load-delay). Rematerialized uses only cost once. lrg._cost += (def->rematerialize() ? b->_freq : (b->_freq + b->_freq)); } // It is live now if (liveout.insert(x)) { // Newly live things assumed live from here to top of block lrg._area += cost; // Adjust register pressure if (lrg.mask().is_UP() && lrg.mask_size()) { if (lrg._is_float || lrg._is_vector) { pressure[1] += lrg.reg_pressure(); if( pressure[1] > b->_freg_pressure ) b->_freg_pressure = pressure[1]; } else if( lrg.mask().overlap(*Matcher::idealreg2regmask[Op_RegI]) ) { pressure[0] += lrg.reg_pressure(); if( pressure[0] > b->_reg_pressure ) b->_reg_pressure = pressure[0]; } } assert( pressure[0] == count_int_pressure (&liveout), "" ); assert( pressure[1] == count_float_pressure(&liveout), "" ); } assert(!(lrg._area < 0.0), "negative spill area" ); } } } // End of reverse pass over all instructions in block // If we run off the top of the block with high pressure and // never see a hi-to-low pressure transition, just record that // the whole block is high pressure. if( pressure[0] > (uint)INTPRESSURE ) { hrp_index[0] = 0; if( pressure[0] > b->_reg_pressure ) b->_reg_pressure = pressure[0]; } if( pressure[1] > (uint)FLOATPRESSURE ) { hrp_index[1] = 0; if( pressure[1] > b->_freg_pressure ) b->_freg_pressure = pressure[1]; } // Compute high pressure indice; avoid landing in the middle of projnodes j = hrp_index[0]; if( j < b->_nodes.size() && j < b->end_idx()+1 ) { Node *cur = b->_nodes[j]; while( cur->is_Proj() || (cur->is_MachNullCheck()) || cur->is_Catch() ) { j--; cur = b->_nodes[j]; } } b->_ihrp_index = j; j = hrp_index[1]; if( j < b->_nodes.size() && j < b->end_idx()+1 ) { Node *cur = b->_nodes[j]; while( cur->is_Proj() || (cur->is_MachNullCheck()) || cur->is_Catch() ) { j--; cur = b->_nodes[j]; } } b->_fhrp_index = j;#ifndef PRODUCT // Gather Register Pressure Statistics if( PrintOptoStatistics ) { if( b->_reg_pressure > (uint)INTPRESSURE || b->_freg_pressure > (uint)FLOATPRESSURE ) _high_pressure++; else _low_pressure++; }#endif } // End of for all blocks return must_spill;}