8003426: Remove UseFastAccessors and UseFastEmptyMethods except for zero
Summary: These options have been long disabled in Xmixed mode because they prevent these small methods from being inlined and are subject to bit rot, and we don't need more macro assembler code to maintain and change if the constant pool cache format changes.
Reviewed-by: simonis, kvn
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "asm/macroAssembler.inline.hpp"
#include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
#include "nativeInst_sparc.hpp"
#include "oops/instanceOop.hpp"
#include "oops/method.hpp"
#include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "prims/methodHandles.hpp"
#include "runtime/frame.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
#include "runtime/stubCodeGenerator.hpp"
#include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/top.hpp"
#ifdef COMPILER2
#include "opto/runtime.hpp"
// Declaration and definition of StubGenerator (no .hpp file).
// For a more detailed description of the stub routine structure
// see the comment in stubRoutines.hpp.
#define __ _masm->
#ifdef PRODUCT
#define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) /* nothing */
#define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) __ block_comment(str)
#define BIND(label) bind(label); BLOCK_COMMENT(#label ":")
// Note: The register L7 is used as L7_thread_cache, and may not be used
// any other way within this module.
static const Register& Lstub_temp = L2;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stub Code definitions
static address handle_unsafe_access() {
JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
address pc = thread->saved_exception_pc();
address npc = thread->saved_exception_npc();
// pc is the instruction which we must emulate
// doing a no-op is fine: return garbage from the load
// request an async exception
// return address of next instruction to execute
return npc;
class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
#ifdef PRODUCT
#define inc_counter_np(a,b,c)
#define inc_counter_np(counter, t1, t2) \
BLOCK_COMMENT("inc_counter " #counter); \
__ inc_counter(&counter, t1, t2);
// Call stubs are used to call Java from C
address generate_call_stub(address& return_pc) {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "call_stub");
address start = __ pc();
// Incoming arguments:
// o0 : call wrapper address
// o1 : result (address)
// o2 : result type
// o3 : method
// o4 : (interpreter) entry point
// o5 : parameters (address)
// [sp + 0x5c]: parameter size (in words)
// [sp + 0x60]: thread
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0
// | |
// . reg save area .
// | |
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0x40
// | |
// . extra 7 slots .
// | |
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0x5c
// | param. size |
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0x60
// | thread |
// +---------------+
// | |
// note: if the link argument position changes, adjust
// the code in frame::entry_frame_call_wrapper()
const Argument link = Argument(0, false); // used only for GC
const Argument result = Argument(1, false);
const Argument result_type = Argument(2, false);
const Argument method = Argument(3, false);
const Argument entry_point = Argument(4, false);
const Argument parameters = Argument(5, false);
const Argument parameter_size = Argument(6, false);
const Argument thread = Argument(7, false);
// setup thread register
__ ld_ptr(thread.as_address(), G2_thread);
__ reinit_heapbase();
#ifdef ASSERT
// make sure we have no pending exceptions
{ const Register t = G3_scratch;
Label L;
__ ld_ptr(G2_thread, in_bytes(Thread::pending_exception_offset()), t);
__ br_null_short(t, Assembler::pt, L);
__ stop("StubRoutines::call_stub: entered with pending exception");
__ bind(L);
// create activation frame & allocate space for parameters
{ const Register t = G3_scratch;
__ ld_ptr(parameter_size.as_address(), t); // get parameter size (in words)
__ add(t, frame::memory_parameter_word_sp_offset, t); // add space for save area (in words)
__ round_to(t, WordsPerLong); // make sure it is multiple of 2 (in words)
__ sll(t, Interpreter::logStackElementSize, t); // compute number of bytes
__ neg(t); // negate so it can be used with save
__ save(SP, t, SP); // setup new frame
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0
// | |
// . reg save area .
// | |
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0x40
// | |
// . extra 7 slots .
// | |
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0x5c
// | empty slot | (only if parameter size is even)
// +---------------+
// | |
// . parameters .
// | |
// +---------------+ <--- fp + 0
// | |
// . reg save area .
// | |
// +---------------+ <--- fp + 0x40
// | |
// . extra 7 slots .
// | |
// +---------------+ <--- fp + 0x5c
// | param. size |
// +---------------+ <--- fp + 0x60
// | thread |
// +---------------+
// | |
// pass parameters if any
BLOCK_COMMENT("pass parameters if any");
{ const Register src = parameters.as_in().as_register();
const Register dst = Lentry_args;
const Register tmp = G3_scratch;
const Register cnt = G4_scratch;
// test if any parameters & setup of Lentry_args
Label exit;
__ ld_ptr(parameter_size.as_in().as_address(), cnt); // parameter counter
__ add( FP, STACK_BIAS, dst );
__ cmp_zero_and_br(Assembler::zero, cnt, exit);
__ delayed()->sub(dst, BytesPerWord, dst); // setup Lentry_args
// copy parameters if any
Label loop;
__ BIND(loop);
// Store parameter value
__ ld_ptr(src, 0, tmp);
__ add(src, BytesPerWord, src);
__ st_ptr(tmp, dst, 0);
__ deccc(cnt);
__ br(Assembler::greater, false, Assembler::pt, loop);
__ delayed()->sub(dst, Interpreter::stackElementSize, dst);
// done
__ BIND(exit);
// setup parameters, method & call Java function
#ifdef ASSERT
// layout_activation_impl checks it's notion of saved SP against
// this register, so if this changes update it as well.
const Register saved_SP = Lscratch;
__ mov(SP, saved_SP); // keep track of SP before call
// setup parameters
const Register t = G3_scratch;
__ ld_ptr(parameter_size.as_in().as_address(), t); // get parameter size (in words)
__ sll(t, Interpreter::logStackElementSize, t); // compute number of bytes
__ sub(FP, t, Gargs); // setup parameter pointer
#ifdef _LP64
__ add( Gargs, STACK_BIAS, Gargs ); // Account for LP64 stack bias
__ mov(SP, O5_savedSP);
// do the call
// the following register must be setup:
// G2_thread
// G5_method
// Gargs
BLOCK_COMMENT("call Java function");
__ jmpl(entry_point.as_in().as_register(), G0, O7);
__ delayed()->mov(method.as_in().as_register(), G5_method); // setup method
return_pc = __ pc();
// The callee, if it wasn't interpreted, can return with SP changed so
// we can no longer assert of change of SP.
// store result depending on type
// (everything that is not T_OBJECT, T_LONG, T_FLOAT, or T_DOUBLE
// is treated as T_INT)
{ const Register addr = result .as_in().as_register();
const Register type = result_type.as_in().as_register();
Label is_long, is_float, is_double, is_object, exit;
__ cmp(type, T_OBJECT); __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, is_object);
__ delayed()->cmp(type, T_FLOAT); __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, is_float);
__ delayed()->cmp(type, T_DOUBLE); __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, is_double);
__ delayed()->cmp(type, T_LONG); __ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, is_long);
__ delayed()->nop();
// store int result
__ st(O0, addr, G0);
__ BIND(exit);
__ ret();
__ delayed()->restore();
__ BIND(is_object);
__ ba(exit);
__ delayed()->st_ptr(O0, addr, G0);
__ BIND(is_float);
__ ba(exit);
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F0, addr, G0);
__ BIND(is_double);
__ ba(exit);
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F0, addr, G0);
__ BIND(is_long);
#ifdef _LP64
__ ba(exit);
__ delayed()->st_long(O0, addr, G0); // store entire long
#if defined(COMPILER2)
// All return values are where we want them, except for Longs. C2 returns
// longs in G1 in the 32-bit build whereas the interpreter wants them in O0/O1.
// Since the interpreter will return longs in G1 and O0/O1 in the 32bit
// build we simply always use G1.
// Note: I tried to make c2 return longs in O0/O1 and G1 so we wouldn't have to
// do this here. Unfortunately if we did a rethrow we'd see an machepilog node
// first which would move g1 -> O0/O1 and destroy the exception we were throwing.
__ ba(exit);
__ delayed()->stx(G1, addr, G0); // store entire long
__ st(O1, addr, BytesPerInt);
__ ba(exit);
__ delayed()->st(O0, addr, G0);
#endif /* COMPILER2 */
#endif /* _LP64 */
return start;
// Return point for a Java call if there's an exception thrown in Java code.
// The exception is caught and transformed into a pending exception stored in
// JavaThread that can be tested from within the VM.
// Oexception: exception oop
address generate_catch_exception() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "catch_exception");
address start = __ pc();
// verify that thread corresponds
__ verify_thread();
const Register& temp_reg = Gtemp;
Address pending_exception_addr (G2_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset());
Address exception_file_offset_addr(G2_thread, Thread::exception_file_offset ());
Address exception_line_offset_addr(G2_thread, Thread::exception_line_offset ());
// set pending exception
__ verify_oop(Oexception);
__ st_ptr(Oexception, pending_exception_addr);
__ set((intptr_t)__FILE__, temp_reg);
__ st_ptr(temp_reg, exception_file_offset_addr);
__ set((intptr_t)__LINE__, temp_reg);
__ st(temp_reg, exception_line_offset_addr);
// complete return to VM
assert(StubRoutines::_call_stub_return_address != NULL, "must have been generated before");
AddressLiteral stub_ret(StubRoutines::_call_stub_return_address);
__ jump_to(stub_ret, temp_reg);
__ delayed()->nop();
return start;
// Continuation point for runtime calls returning with a pending exception
// The pending exception check happened in the runtime or native call stub
// The pending exception in Thread is converted into a Java-level exception
// Contract with Java-level exception handler: O0 = exception
// O1 = throwing pc
address generate_forward_exception() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "forward_exception");
address start = __ pc();
// Upon entry, O7 has the return address returning into Java
// (interpreted or compiled) code; i.e. the return address
// becomes the throwing pc.
const Register& handler_reg = Gtemp;
Address exception_addr(G2_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset());
#ifdef ASSERT
// make sure that this code is only executed if there is a pending exception
{ Label L;
__ ld_ptr(exception_addr, Gtemp);
__ br_notnull_short(Gtemp, Assembler::pt, L);
__ stop("StubRoutines::forward exception: no pending exception (1)");
__ bind(L);
// compute exception handler into handler_reg
__ get_thread();
__ ld_ptr(exception_addr, Oexception);
__ verify_oop(Oexception);
__ save_frame(0); // compensates for compiler weakness
__ add(O7->after_save(), frame::pc_return_offset, Lscratch); // save the issuing PC
BLOCK_COMMENT("call exception_handler_for_return_address");
__ call_VM_leaf(L7_thread_cache, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::exception_handler_for_return_address), G2_thread, Lscratch);
__ mov(O0, handler_reg);
__ restore(); // compensates for compiler weakness
__ ld_ptr(exception_addr, Oexception);
__ add(O7, frame::pc_return_offset, Oissuing_pc); // save the issuing PC
#ifdef ASSERT
// make sure exception is set
{ Label L;
__ br_notnull_short(Oexception, Assembler::pt, L);
__ stop("StubRoutines::forward exception: no pending exception (2)");
__ bind(L);
// jump to exception handler
__ jmp(handler_reg, 0);
// clear pending exception
__ delayed()->st_ptr(G0, exception_addr);
return start;
// Safefetch stubs.
void generate_safefetch(const char* name, int size, address* entry,
address* fault_pc, address* continuation_pc) {
// safefetch signatures:
// int SafeFetch32(int* adr, int errValue);
// intptr_t SafeFetchN (intptr_t* adr, intptr_t errValue);
// arguments:
// o0 = adr
// o1 = errValue
// result:
// o0 = *adr or errValue
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
// Entry point, pc or function descriptor.
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
*entry = __ pc();
__ mov(O0, G1); // g1 = o0
__ mov(O1, O0); // o0 = o1
// Load *adr into c_rarg1, may fault.
*fault_pc = __ pc();
switch (size) {
case 4:
// int32_t
__ ldsw(G1, 0, O0); // o0 = [g1]
case 8:
// int64_t
__ ldx(G1, 0, O0); // o0 = [g1]
// return errValue or *adr
*continuation_pc = __ pc();
// By convention with the trap handler we ensure there is a non-CTI
// instruction in the trap shadow.
__ nop();
__ retl();
__ delayed()->nop();
// Continuation point for throwing of implicit exceptions that are not handled in
// the current activation. Fabricates an exception oop and initiates normal
// exception dispatching in this frame. Only callee-saved registers are preserved
// (through the normal register window / RegisterMap handling).
// If the compiler needs all registers to be preserved between the fault
// point and the exception handler then it must assume responsibility for that in
// AbstractCompiler::continuation_for_implicit_null_exception or
// continuation_for_implicit_division_by_zero_exception. All other implicit
// exceptions (e.g., NullPointerException or AbstractMethodError on entry) are
// either at call sites or otherwise assume that stack unwinding will be initiated,
// so caller saved registers were assumed volatile in the compiler.
// Note that we generate only this stub into a RuntimeStub, because it needs to be
// properly traversed and ignored during GC, so we change the meaning of the "__"
// macro within this method.
#undef __
#define __ masm->
address generate_throw_exception(const char* name, address runtime_entry,
Register arg1 = noreg, Register arg2 = noreg) {
#ifdef ASSERT
int insts_size = VerifyThread ? 1 * K : 600;
int insts_size = VerifyThread ? 1 * K : 256;
#endif /* ASSERT */
int locs_size = 32;
CodeBuffer code(name, insts_size, locs_size);
MacroAssembler* masm = new MacroAssembler(&code);
__ verify_thread();
// This is an inlined and slightly modified version of call_VM
// which has the ability to fetch the return PC out of thread-local storage
__ assert_not_delayed();
// Note that we always push a frame because on the SPARC
// architecture, for all of our implicit exception kinds at call
// sites, the implicit exception is taken before the callee frame
// is pushed.
__ save_frame(0);
int frame_complete = __ offset();
// Note that we always have a runtime stub frame on the top of stack by this point
Register last_java_sp = SP;
// 64-bit last_java_sp is biased!
__ set_last_Java_frame(last_java_sp, G0);
if (VerifyThread) __ mov(G2_thread, O0); // about to be smashed; pass early
__ save_thread(noreg);
if (arg1 != noreg) {
assert(arg2 != O1, "clobbered");
__ mov(arg1, O1);
if (arg2 != noreg) {
__ mov(arg2, O2);
// do the call
BLOCK_COMMENT("call runtime_entry");
__ call(runtime_entry, relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
if (!VerifyThread)
__ delayed()->mov(G2_thread, O0); // pass thread as first argument
__ delayed()->nop(); // (thread already passed)
__ restore_thread(noreg);
__ reset_last_Java_frame();
// check for pending exceptions. use Gtemp as scratch register.
#ifdef ASSERT
Label L;
Address exception_addr(G2_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset());
Register scratch_reg = Gtemp;
__ ld_ptr(exception_addr, scratch_reg);
__ br_notnull_short(scratch_reg, Assembler::pt, L);
__ should_not_reach_here();
__ bind(L);
#endif // ASSERT
BLOCK_COMMENT("call forward_exception_entry");
__ call(StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry(), relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
// we use O7 linkage so that forward_exception_entry has the issuing PC
__ delayed()->restore();
RuntimeStub* stub = RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub(name, &code, frame_complete, masm->total_frame_size_in_bytes(0), NULL, false);
return stub->entry_point();
#undef __
#define __ _masm->
// Generate a routine that sets all the registers so we
// can tell if the stop routine prints them correctly.
address generate_test_stop() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "test_stop");
address start = __ pc();
int i;
__ save_frame(0);
static jfloat zero = 0.0, one = 1.0;
// put addr in L0, then load through L0 to F0
__ set((intptr_t)&zero, L0); __ ldf( FloatRegisterImpl::S, L0, 0, F0);
__ set((intptr_t)&one, L0); __ ldf( FloatRegisterImpl::S, L0, 0, F1); // 1.0 to F1
// use add to put 2..18 in F2..F18
for ( i = 2; i <= 18; ++i ) {
__ fadd( FloatRegisterImpl::S, F1, as_FloatRegister(i-1), as_FloatRegister(i));
// Now put double 2 in F16, double 18 in F18
__ ftof( FloatRegisterImpl::S, FloatRegisterImpl::D, F2, F16 );
__ ftof( FloatRegisterImpl::S, FloatRegisterImpl::D, F18, F18 );
// use add to put 20..32 in F20..F32
for (i = 20; i < 32; i += 2) {
__ fadd( FloatRegisterImpl::D, F16, as_FloatRegister(i-2), as_FloatRegister(i));
// put 0..7 in i's, 8..15 in l's, 16..23 in o's, 24..31 in g's
for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) {
if (i < 6) {
__ set( i, as_iRegister(i));
__ set(16 + i, as_oRegister(i));
__ set(24 + i, as_gRegister(i));
__ set( 8 + i, as_lRegister(i));
__ stop("testing stop");
__ ret();
__ delayed()->restore();
return start;
address generate_stop_subroutine() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "stop_subroutine");
address start = __ pc();
__ stop_subroutine();
return start;
address generate_flush_callers_register_windows() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "flush_callers_register_windows");
address start = __ pc();
__ flushw();
__ retl(false);
__ delayed()->add( FP, STACK_BIAS, O0 );
// The returned value must be a stack pointer whose register save area
// is flushed, and will stay flushed while the caller executes.
return start;
// Support for jint Atomic::xchg(jint exchange_value, volatile jint* dest).
// Arguments:
// exchange_value: O0
// dest: O1
// Results:
// O0: the value previously stored in dest
address generate_atomic_xchg() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "atomic_xchg");
address start = __ pc();
if (UseCASForSwap) {
// Use CAS instead of swap, just in case the MP hardware
// prefers to work with just one kind of synch. instruction.
Label retry;
__ BIND(retry);
__ mov(O0, O3); // scratch copy of exchange value
__ ld(O1, 0, O2); // observe the previous value
// try to replace O2 with O3
__ cas(O1, O2, O3);
__ cmp_and_br_short(O2, O3, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, retry);
__ retl(false);
__ delayed()->mov(O2, O0); // report previous value to caller
} else {
__ retl(false);
__ delayed()->swap(O1, 0, O0);
return start;
// Support for jint Atomic::cmpxchg(jint exchange_value, volatile jint* dest, jint compare_value)
// Arguments:
// exchange_value: O0
// dest: O1
// compare_value: O2
// Results:
// O0: the value previously stored in dest
address generate_atomic_cmpxchg() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "atomic_cmpxchg");
address start = __ pc();
// cmpxchg(dest, compare_value, exchange_value)
__ cas(O1, O2, O0);
__ retl(false);
__ delayed()->nop();
return start;
// Support for jlong Atomic::cmpxchg(jlong exchange_value, volatile jlong *dest, jlong compare_value)
// Arguments:
// exchange_value: O1:O0
// dest: O2
// compare_value: O4:O3
// Results:
// O1:O0: the value previously stored in dest
// Overwrites: G1,G2,G3
address generate_atomic_cmpxchg_long() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "atomic_cmpxchg_long");
address start = __ pc();
__ sllx(O0, 32, O0);
__ srl(O1, 0, O1);
__ or3(O0,O1,O0); // O0 holds 64-bit value from compare_value
__ sllx(O3, 32, O3);
__ srl(O4, 0, O4);
__ or3(O3,O4,O3); // O3 holds 64-bit value from exchange_value
__ casx(O2, O3, O0);
__ srl(O0, 0, O1); // unpacked return value in O1:O0
__ retl(false);
__ delayed()->srlx(O0, 32, O0);
return start;
// Support for jint Atomic::add(jint add_value, volatile jint* dest).
// Arguments:
// add_value: O0 (e.g., +1 or -1)
// dest: O1
// Results:
// O0: the new value stored in dest
// Overwrites: O3
address generate_atomic_add() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "atomic_add");
address start = __ pc();
__ BIND(_atomic_add_stub);
__ BIND(retry);
__ lduw(O1, 0, O2);
__ add(O0, O2, O3);
__ cas(O1, O2, O3);
__ cmp_and_br_short(O2, O3, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, retry);
__ retl(false);
__ delayed()->add(O0, O2, O0); // note that cas made O2==O3
return start;
Label _atomic_add_stub; // called from other stubs
// The following routine generates a subroutine to throw an asynchronous
// UnknownError when an unsafe access gets a fault that could not be
// reasonably prevented by the programmer. (Example: SIGBUS/OBJERR.)
// Arguments :
// trapping PC: O7
// Results:
// posts an asynchronous exception, skips the trapping instruction
address generate_handler_for_unsafe_access() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "handler_for_unsafe_access");
address start = __ pc();
const int preserve_register_words = (64 * 2);
Address preserve_addr(FP, (-preserve_register_words * wordSize) + STACK_BIAS);
Register Lthread = L7_thread_cache;
int i;
__ save_frame(0);
__ mov(G1, L1);
__ mov(G2, L2);
__ mov(G3, L3);
__ mov(G4, L4);
__ mov(G5, L5);
for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 2) {
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, as_FloatRegister(i), preserve_addr, i * wordSize);
address entry_point = CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, handle_unsafe_access);
BLOCK_COMMENT("call handle_unsafe_access");
__ call(entry_point, relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ mov(L1, G1);
__ mov(L2, G2);
__ mov(L3, G3);
__ mov(L4, G4);
__ mov(L5, G5);
for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 2) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, preserve_addr, as_FloatRegister(i), i * wordSize);
__ verify_thread();
__ jmp(O0, 0);
__ delayed()->restore();
return start;
// Support for uint StubRoutine::Sparc::partial_subtype_check( Klass sub, Klass super );
// Arguments :
// ret : O0, returned
// icc/xcc: set as O0 (depending on wordSize)
// sub : O1, argument, not changed
// super: O2, argument, not changed
// raddr: O7, blown by call
address generate_partial_subtype_check() {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "partial_subtype_check");
address start = __ pc();
Label miss;
#if defined(COMPILER2) && !defined(_LP64)
// Do not use a 'save' because it blows the 64-bit O registers.
__ add(SP,-4*wordSize,SP); // Make space for 4 temps (stack must be 2 words aligned)
__ st_ptr(L0,SP,(frame::register_save_words+0)*wordSize);
__ st_ptr(L1,SP,(frame::register_save_words+1)*wordSize);
__ st_ptr(L2,SP,(frame::register_save_words+2)*wordSize);
__ st_ptr(L3,SP,(frame::register_save_words+3)*wordSize);
Register Rret = O0;
Register Rsub = O1;
Register Rsuper = O2;
__ save_frame(0);
Register Rret = I0;
Register Rsub = I1;
Register Rsuper = I2;
Register L0_ary_len = L0;
Register L1_ary_ptr = L1;
Register L2_super = L2;
Register L3_index = L3;
__ check_klass_subtype_slow_path(Rsub, Rsuper,
L0, L1, L2, L3,
NULL, &miss);
// Match falls through here.
__ addcc(G0,0,Rret); // set Z flags, Z result
#if defined(COMPILER2) && !defined(_LP64)
__ ld_ptr(SP,(frame::register_save_words+0)*wordSize,L0);
__ ld_ptr(SP,(frame::register_save_words+1)*wordSize,L1);
__ ld_ptr(SP,(frame::register_save_words+2)*wordSize,L2);
__ ld_ptr(SP,(frame::register_save_words+3)*wordSize,L3);
__ retl(); // Result in Rret is zero; flags set to Z
__ delayed()->add(SP,4*wordSize,SP);
__ ret(); // Result in Rret is zero; flags set to Z
__ delayed()->restore();
__ BIND(miss);
__ addcc(G0,1,Rret); // set NZ flags, NZ result
#if defined(COMPILER2) && !defined(_LP64)
__ ld_ptr(SP,(frame::register_save_words+0)*wordSize,L0);
__ ld_ptr(SP,(frame::register_save_words+1)*wordSize,L1);
__ ld_ptr(SP,(frame::register_save_words+2)*wordSize,L2);
__ ld_ptr(SP,(frame::register_save_words+3)*wordSize,L3);
__ retl(); // Result in Rret is != 0; flags set to NZ
__ delayed()->add(SP,4*wordSize,SP);
__ ret(); // Result in Rret is != 0; flags set to NZ
__ delayed()->restore();
return start;
// Called from MacroAssembler::verify_oop
address generate_verify_oop_subroutine() {
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "verify_oop_stub");
address start = __ pc();
__ verify_oop_subroutine();
return start;
// Verify that a register contains clean 32-bits positive value
// (high 32-bits are 0) so it could be used in 64-bits shifts (sllx, srax).
// Input:
// Rint - 32-bits value
// Rtmp - scratch
void assert_clean_int(Register Rint, Register Rtmp) {
#if defined(ASSERT) && defined(_LP64)
__ signx(Rint, Rtmp);
__ cmp(Rint, Rtmp);
__ breakpoint_trap(Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::xcc);
// Generate overlap test for array copy stubs
// Input:
// O0 - array1
// O1 - array2
// O2 - element count
// Kills temps: O3, O4
void array_overlap_test(address no_overlap_target, int log2_elem_size) {
assert(no_overlap_target != NULL, "must be generated");
array_overlap_test(no_overlap_target, NULL, log2_elem_size);
void array_overlap_test(Label& L_no_overlap, int log2_elem_size) {
array_overlap_test(NULL, &L_no_overlap, log2_elem_size);
void array_overlap_test(address no_overlap_target, Label* NOLp, int log2_elem_size) {
const Register from = O0;
const Register to = O1;
const Register count = O2;
const Register to_from = O3; // to - from
const Register byte_count = O4; // count << log2_elem_size
__ subcc(to, from, to_from);
__ sll_ptr(count, log2_elem_size, byte_count);
if (NOLp == NULL)
__ brx(Assembler::lessEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, no_overlap_target);
__ brx(Assembler::lessEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, (*NOLp));
__ delayed()->cmp(to_from, byte_count);
if (NOLp == NULL)
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, no_overlap_target);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqualUnsigned, false, Assembler::pt, (*NOLp));
__ delayed()->nop();
// Generate pre-write barrier for array.
// Input:
// addr - register containing starting address
// count - register containing element count
// tmp - scratch register
// The input registers are overwritten.
void gen_write_ref_array_pre_barrier(Register addr, Register count, bool dest_uninitialized) {
BarrierSet* bs = Universe::heap()->barrier_set();
switch (bs->kind()) {
case BarrierSet::G1SATBCT:
case BarrierSet::G1SATBCTLogging:
// With G1, don't generate the call if we statically know that the target in uninitialized
if (!dest_uninitialized) {
__ save_frame(0);
// Save the necessary global regs... will be used after.
if (addr->is_global()) {
__ mov(addr, L0);
if (count->is_global()) {
__ mov(count, L1);
__ mov(addr->after_save(), O0);
// Get the count into O1
__ call(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, BarrierSet::static_write_ref_array_pre));
__ delayed()->mov(count->after_save(), O1);
if (addr->is_global()) {
__ mov(L0, addr);
if (count->is_global()) {
__ mov(L1, count);
__ restore();
case BarrierSet::CardTableModRef:
case BarrierSet::CardTableExtension:
case BarrierSet::ModRef:
// Generate post-write barrier for array.
// Input:
// addr - register containing starting address
// count - register containing element count
// tmp - scratch register
// The input registers are overwritten.
void gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier(Register addr, Register count,
Register tmp) {
BarrierSet* bs = Universe::heap()->barrier_set();
switch (bs->kind()) {
case BarrierSet::G1SATBCT:
case BarrierSet::G1SATBCTLogging:
// Get some new fresh output registers.
__ save_frame(0);
__ mov(addr->after_save(), O0);
__ call(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, BarrierSet::static_write_ref_array_post));
__ delayed()->mov(count->after_save(), O1);
__ restore();
case BarrierSet::CardTableModRef:
case BarrierSet::CardTableExtension:
CardTableModRefBS* ct = (CardTableModRefBS*)bs;
assert(sizeof(*ct->byte_map_base) == sizeof(jbyte), "adjust this code");
assert_different_registers(addr, count, tmp);
Label L_loop;
__ sll_ptr(count, LogBytesPerHeapOop, count);
__ sub(count, BytesPerHeapOop, count);
__ add(count, addr, count);
// Use two shifts to clear out those low order two bits! (Cannot opt. into 1.)
__ srl_ptr(addr, CardTableModRefBS::card_shift, addr);
__ srl_ptr(count, CardTableModRefBS::card_shift, count);
__ sub(count, addr, count);
AddressLiteral rs(ct->byte_map_base);
__ set(rs, tmp);
__ BIND(L_loop);
__ stb(G0, tmp, addr);
__ subcc(count, 1, count);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop);
__ delayed()->add(addr, 1, addr);
case BarrierSet::ModRef:
// Generate main code for disjoint arraycopy
typedef void (StubGenerator::*CopyLoopFunc)(Register from, Register to, Register count, int count_dec,
Label& L_loop, bool use_prefetch, bool use_bis);
void disjoint_copy_core(Register from, Register to, Register count, int log2_elem_size,
int iter_size, StubGenerator::CopyLoopFunc copy_loop_func) {
Label L_copy;
assert(log2_elem_size <= 3, "the following code should be changed");
int count_dec = 16>>log2_elem_size;
int prefetch_dist = MAX2(ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance, ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance);
assert(prefetch_dist < 4096, "invalid value");
prefetch_dist = (prefetch_dist + (iter_size-1)) & (-iter_size); // round up to one iteration copy size
int prefetch_count = (prefetch_dist >> log2_elem_size); // elements count
if (UseBlockCopy) {
Label L_block_copy, L_block_copy_prefetch, L_skip_block_copy;
// 64 bytes tail + bytes copied in one loop iteration
int tail_size = 64 + iter_size;
int block_copy_count = (MAX2(tail_size, (int)BlockCopyLowLimit)) >> log2_elem_size;
// Use BIS copy only for big arrays since it requires membar.
__ set(block_copy_count, O4);
__ cmp_and_br_short(count, O4, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_skip_block_copy);
// This code is for disjoint source and destination:
// to <= from || to >= from+count
// but BIS will stomp over 'from' if (to > from-tail_size && to <= from)
__ sub(from, to, O4);
__ srax(O4, 4, O4); // divide by 16 since following short branch have only 5 bits for imm.
__ cmp_and_br_short(O4, (tail_size>>4), Assembler::lessEqualUnsigned, Assembler::pn, L_skip_block_copy);
__ wrasi(G0, Assembler::ASI_ST_BLKINIT_PRIMARY);
// BIS should not be used to copy tail (64 bytes+iter_size)
// to avoid zeroing of following values.
__ sub(count, (tail_size>>log2_elem_size), count); // count is still positive >= 0
if (prefetch_count > 0) { // rounded up to one iteration count
// Do prefetching only if copy size is bigger
// than prefetch distance.
__ set(prefetch_count, O4);
__ cmp_and_brx_short(count, O4, Assembler::less, Assembler::pt, L_block_copy);
__ sub(count, prefetch_count, count);
(this->*copy_loop_func)(from, to, count, count_dec, L_block_copy_prefetch, true, true);
__ add(count, prefetch_count, count); // restore count
} // prefetch_count > 0
(this->*copy_loop_func)(from, to, count, count_dec, L_block_copy, false, true);
__ add(count, (tail_size>>log2_elem_size), count); // restore count
__ wrasi(G0, Assembler::ASI_PRIMARY_NOFAULT);
// BIS needs membar.
__ membar(Assembler::StoreLoad);
// Copy tail
__ ba_short(L_copy);
__ BIND(L_skip_block_copy);
} // UseBlockCopy
if (prefetch_count > 0) { // rounded up to one iteration count
// Do prefetching only if copy size is bigger
// than prefetch distance.
__ set(prefetch_count, O4);
__ cmp_and_brx_short(count, O4, Assembler::lessUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L_copy);
__ sub(count, prefetch_count, count);
Label L_copy_prefetch;
(this->*copy_loop_func)(from, to, count, count_dec, L_copy_prefetch, true, false);
__ add(count, prefetch_count, count); // restore count
} // prefetch_count > 0
(this->*copy_loop_func)(from, to, count, count_dec, L_copy, false, false);
// Helper methods for copy_16_bytes_forward_with_shift()
void copy_16_bytes_shift_loop(Register from, Register to, Register count, int count_dec,
Label& L_loop, bool use_prefetch, bool use_bis) {
const Register left_shift = G1; // left shift bit counter
const Register right_shift = G5; // right shift bit counter
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_loop);
if (use_prefetch) {
if (ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance > 0) {
__ prefetch(from, ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance, Assembler::severalReads);
if (ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance > 0) {
__ prefetch(to, ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance, Assembler::severalWritesAndPossiblyReads);
__ ldx(from, 0, O4);
__ ldx(from, 8, G4);
__ inc(to, 16);
__ inc(from, 16);
__ deccc(count, count_dec); // Can we do next iteration after this one?
__ srlx(O4, right_shift, G3);
__ bset(G3, O3);
__ sllx(O4, left_shift, O4);
__ srlx(G4, right_shift, G3);
__ bset(G3, O4);
if (use_bis) {
__ stxa(O3, to, -16);
__ stxa(O4, to, -8);
} else {
__ stx(O3, to, -16);
__ stx(O4, to, -8);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop);
__ delayed()->sllx(G4, left_shift, O3);
// Copy big chunks forward with shift
// Inputs:
// from - source arrays
// to - destination array aligned to 8-bytes
// count - elements count to copy >= the count equivalent to 16 bytes
// count_dec - elements count's decrement equivalent to 16 bytes
// L_copy_bytes - copy exit label
void copy_16_bytes_forward_with_shift(Register from, Register to,
Register count, int log2_elem_size, Label& L_copy_bytes) {
Label L_aligned_copy, L_copy_last_bytes;
assert(log2_elem_size <= 3, "the following code should be changed");
int count_dec = 16>>log2_elem_size;
// if both arrays have the same alignment mod 8, do 8 bytes aligned copy
__ andcc(from, 7, G1); // misaligned bytes
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_aligned_copy);
__ delayed()->nop();
const Register left_shift = G1; // left shift bit counter
const Register right_shift = G5; // right shift bit counter
__ sll(G1, LogBitsPerByte, left_shift);
__ mov(64, right_shift);
__ sub(right_shift, left_shift, right_shift);
// Load 2 aligned 8-bytes chunks and use one from previous iteration
// to form 2 aligned 8-bytes chunks to store.
__ dec(count, count_dec); // Pre-decrement 'count'
__ andn(from, 7, from); // Align address
__ ldx(from, 0, O3);
__ inc(from, 8);
__ sllx(O3, left_shift, O3);
disjoint_copy_core(from, to, count, log2_elem_size, 16, &StubGenerator::copy_16_bytes_shift_loop);
__ inccc(count, count_dec>>1 ); // + 8 bytes
__ brx(Assembler::negative, true, Assembler::pn, L_copy_last_bytes);
__ delayed()->inc(count, count_dec>>1); // restore 'count'
// copy 8 bytes, part of them already loaded in O3
__ ldx(from, 0, O4);
__ inc(to, 8);
__ inc(from, 8);
__ srlx(O4, right_shift, G3);
__ bset(O3, G3);
__ stx(G3, to, -8);
__ BIND(L_copy_last_bytes);
__ srl(right_shift, LogBitsPerByte, right_shift); // misaligned bytes
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_bytes);
__ delayed()->sub(from, right_shift, from); // restore address
__ BIND(L_aligned_copy);
// Copy big chunks backward with shift
// Inputs:
// end_from - source arrays end address
// end_to - destination array end address aligned to 8-bytes
// count - elements count to copy >= the count equivalent to 16 bytes
// count_dec - elements count's decrement equivalent to 16 bytes
// L_aligned_copy - aligned copy exit label
// L_copy_bytes - copy exit label
void copy_16_bytes_backward_with_shift(Register end_from, Register end_to,
Register count, int count_dec,
Label& L_aligned_copy, Label& L_copy_bytes) {
Label L_loop, L_copy_last_bytes;
// if both arrays have the same alignment mod 8, do 8 bytes aligned copy
__ andcc(end_from, 7, G1); // misaligned bytes
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_aligned_copy);
__ delayed()->deccc(count, count_dec); // Pre-decrement 'count'
const Register left_shift = G1; // left shift bit counter
const Register right_shift = G5; // right shift bit counter
__ sll(G1, LogBitsPerByte, left_shift);
__ mov(64, right_shift);
__ sub(right_shift, left_shift, right_shift);
// Load 2 aligned 8-bytes chunks and use one from previous iteration
// to form 2 aligned 8-bytes chunks to store.
__ andn(end_from, 7, end_from); // Align address
__ ldx(end_from, 0, O3);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_loop);
__ ldx(end_from, -8, O4);
__ deccc(count, count_dec); // Can we do next iteration after this one?
__ ldx(end_from, -16, G4);
__ dec(end_to, 16);
__ dec(end_from, 16);
__ srlx(O3, right_shift, O3);
__ sllx(O4, left_shift, G3);
__ bset(G3, O3);
__ stx(O3, end_to, 8);
__ srlx(O4, right_shift, O4);
__ sllx(G4, left_shift, G3);
__ bset(G3, O4);
__ stx(O4, end_to, 0);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop);
__ delayed()->mov(G4, O3);
__ inccc(count, count_dec>>1 ); // + 8 bytes
__ brx(Assembler::negative, true, Assembler::pn, L_copy_last_bytes);
__ delayed()->inc(count, count_dec>>1); // restore 'count'
// copy 8 bytes, part of them already loaded in O3
__ ldx(end_from, -8, O4);
__ dec(end_to, 8);
__ dec(end_from, 8);
__ srlx(O3, right_shift, O3);
__ sllx(O4, left_shift, G3);
__ bset(O3, G3);
__ stx(G3, end_to, 0);
__ BIND(L_copy_last_bytes);
__ srl(left_shift, LogBitsPerByte, left_shift); // misaligned bytes
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_bytes);
__ delayed()->add(end_from, left_shift, end_from); // restore address
// Generate stub for disjoint byte copy. If "aligned" is true, the
// "from" and "to" addresses are assumed to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_disjoint_byte_copy(bool aligned, address *entry, const char *name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
Label L_skip_alignment, L_align;
Label L_copy_byte, L_copy_byte_loop, L_exit;
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
const Register offset = O5; // offset from start of arrays
// O3, O4, G3, G4 are used as temp registers
assert_clean_int(count, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here (from Unsafe.copyMemory)
// for short arrays, just do single element copy
__ cmp(count, 23); // 16 + 7
__ brx(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, L_copy_byte);
__ delayed()->mov(G0, offset);
if (aligned) {
// 'aligned' == true when it is known statically during compilation
// of this arraycopy call site that both 'from' and 'to' addresses
// are HeapWordSize aligned (see LibraryCallKit::basictype2arraycopy()).
// Aligned arrays have 4 bytes alignment in 32-bits VM
// and 8 bytes - in 64-bits VM. So we do it only for 32-bits VM
#ifndef _LP64
// copy a 4-bytes word if necessary to align 'to' to 8 bytes
__ andcc(to, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, L_skip_alignment);
__ delayed()->ld(from, 0, O3);
__ inc(from, 4);
__ inc(to, 4);
__ dec(count, 4);
__ st(O3, to, -4);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment);
} else {
// copy bytes to align 'to' on 8 byte boundary
__ andcc(to, 7, G1); // misaligned bytes
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_skip_alignment);
__ delayed()->neg(G1);
__ inc(G1, 8); // bytes need to copy to next 8-bytes alignment
__ sub(count, G1, count);
__ BIND(L_align);
__ ldub(from, 0, O3);
__ deccc(G1);
__ inc(from);
__ stb(O3, to, 0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, L_align);
__ delayed()->inc(to);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment);
#ifdef _LP64
if (!aligned)
// Copy with shift 16 bytes per iteration if arrays do not have
// the same alignment mod 8, otherwise fall through to the next
// code for aligned copy.
// The compare above (count >= 23) guarantes 'count' >= 16 bytes.
// Also jump over aligned copy after the copy with shift completed.
copy_16_bytes_forward_with_shift(from, to, count, 0, L_copy_byte);
// Both array are 8 bytes aligned, copy 16 bytes at a time
__ and3(count, 7, G4); // Save count
__ srl(count, 3, count);
__ mov(G4, count); // Restore count
// copy tailing bytes
__ BIND(L_copy_byte);
__ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_copy_byte_loop);
__ ldub(from, offset, O3);
__ deccc(count);
__ stb(O3, to, offset);
__ brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_byte_loop);
__ delayed()->inc(offset);
__ BIND(L_exit);
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_jbyte_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Generate stub for conjoint byte copy. If "aligned" is true, the
// "from" and "to" addresses are assumed to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_conjoint_byte_copy(bool aligned, address nooverlap_target,
address *entry, const char *name) {
// Do reverse copy.
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
Label L_skip_alignment, L_align, L_aligned_copy;
Label L_copy_byte, L_copy_byte_loop, L_exit;
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
const Register end_from = from; // source array end address
const Register end_to = to; // destination array end address
assert_clean_int(count, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here (from Unsafe.copyMemory)
array_overlap_test(nooverlap_target, 0);
__ add(to, count, end_to); // offset after last copied element
// for short arrays, just do single element copy
__ cmp(count, 23); // 16 + 7
__ brx(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, L_copy_byte);
__ delayed()->add(from, count, end_from);
// Align end of arrays since they could be not aligned even
// when arrays itself are aligned.
// copy bytes to align 'end_to' on 8 byte boundary
__ andcc(end_to, 7, G1); // misaligned bytes
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_skip_alignment);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ sub(count, G1, count);
__ BIND(L_align);
__ dec(end_from);
__ dec(end_to);
__ ldub(end_from, 0, O3);
__ deccc(G1);
__ brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, L_align);
__ delayed()->stb(O3, end_to, 0);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment);
#ifdef _LP64
if (aligned) {
// Both arrays are aligned to 8-bytes in 64-bits VM.
// The 'count' is decremented in copy_16_bytes_backward_with_shift()
// in unaligned case.
__ dec(count, 16);
} else
// Copy with shift 16 bytes per iteration if arrays do not have
// the same alignment mod 8, otherwise jump to the next
// code for aligned copy (and substracting 16 from 'count' before jump).
// The compare above (count >= 11) guarantes 'count' >= 16 bytes.
// Also jump over aligned copy after the copy with shift completed.
copy_16_bytes_backward_with_shift(end_from, end_to, count, 16,
L_aligned_copy, L_copy_byte);
// copy 4 elements (16 bytes) at a time
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_aligned_copy);
__ dec(end_from, 16);
__ ldx(end_from, 8, O3);
__ ldx(end_from, 0, O4);
__ dec(end_to, 16);
__ deccc(count, 16);
__ stx(O3, end_to, 8);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_aligned_copy);
__ delayed()->stx(O4, end_to, 0);
__ inc(count, 16);
// copy 1 element (2 bytes) at a time
__ BIND(L_copy_byte);
__ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_copy_byte_loop);
__ dec(end_from);
__ dec(end_to);
__ ldub(end_from, 0, O4);
__ deccc(count);
__ brx(Assembler::greater, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_byte_loop);
__ delayed()->stb(O4, end_to, 0);
__ BIND(L_exit);
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_jbyte_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Generate stub for disjoint short copy. If "aligned" is true, the
// "from" and "to" addresses are assumed to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_disjoint_short_copy(bool aligned, address *entry, const char * name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
Label L_skip_alignment, L_skip_alignment2;
Label L_copy_2_bytes, L_copy_2_bytes_loop, L_exit;
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
const Register offset = O5; // offset from start of arrays
// O3, O4, G3, G4 are used as temp registers
assert_clean_int(count, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here (from Unsafe.copyMemory)
// for short arrays, just do single element copy
__ cmp(count, 11); // 8 + 3 (22 bytes)
__ brx(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, L_copy_2_bytes);
__ delayed()->mov(G0, offset);
if (aligned) {
// 'aligned' == true when it is known statically during compilation
// of this arraycopy call site that both 'from' and 'to' addresses
// are HeapWordSize aligned (see LibraryCallKit::basictype2arraycopy()).
// Aligned arrays have 4 bytes alignment in 32-bits VM
// and 8 bytes - in 64-bits VM.
#ifndef _LP64
// copy a 2-elements word if necessary to align 'to' to 8 bytes
__ andcc(to, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_skip_alignment);
__ delayed()->ld(from, 0, O3);
__ inc(from, 4);
__ inc(to, 4);
__ dec(count, 2);
__ st(O3, to, -4);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment);
} else {
// copy 1 element if necessary to align 'to' on an 4 bytes
__ andcc(to, 3, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_skip_alignment);
__ delayed()->lduh(from, 0, O3);
__ inc(from, 2);
__ inc(to, 2);
__ dec(count);
__ sth(O3, to, -2);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment);
// copy 2 elements to align 'to' on an 8 byte boundary
__ andcc(to, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, L_skip_alignment2);
__ delayed()->lduh(from, 0, O3);
__ dec(count, 2);
__ lduh(from, 2, O4);
__ inc(from, 4);
__ inc(to, 4);
__ sth(O3, to, -4);
__ sth(O4, to, -2);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment2);
#ifdef _LP64
if (!aligned)
// Copy with shift 16 bytes per iteration if arrays do not have
// the same alignment mod 8, otherwise fall through to the next
// code for aligned copy.
// The compare above (count >= 11) guarantes 'count' >= 16 bytes.
// Also jump over aligned copy after the copy with shift completed.
copy_16_bytes_forward_with_shift(from, to, count, 1, L_copy_2_bytes);
// Both array are 8 bytes aligned, copy 16 bytes at a time
__ and3(count, 3, G4); // Save
__ srl(count, 2, count);
__ mov(G4, count); // restore
// copy 1 element at a time
__ BIND(L_copy_2_bytes);
__ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_copy_2_bytes_loop);
__ lduh(from, offset, O3);
__ deccc(count);
__ sth(O3, to, offset);
__ brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_2_bytes_loop);
__ delayed()->inc(offset, 2);
__ BIND(L_exit);
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_jshort_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Generate stub for disjoint short fill. If "aligned" is true, the
// "to" address is assumed to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// to: O0
// value: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_fill(BasicType t, bool aligned, const char* name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
const Register to = O0; // source array address
const Register value = O1; // fill value
const Register count = O2; // elements count
// O3 is used as a temp register
assert_clean_int(count, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
Label L_exit, L_skip_align1, L_skip_align2, L_fill_byte;
Label L_fill_2_bytes, L_fill_elements, L_fill_32_bytes;
int shift = -1;
switch (t) {
case T_BYTE:
shift = 2;
case T_SHORT:
shift = 1;
case T_INT:
shift = 0;
default: ShouldNotReachHere();
if (t == T_BYTE) {
// Zero extend value
__ and3(value, 0xff, value);
__ sllx(value, 8, O3);
__ or3(value, O3, value);
if (t == T_SHORT) {
// Zero extend value
__ sllx(value, 48, value);
__ srlx(value, 48, value);
if (t == T_BYTE || t == T_SHORT) {
__ sllx(value, 16, O3);
__ or3(value, O3, value);
__ cmp(count, 2<<shift); // Short arrays (< 8 bytes) fill by element
__ brx(Assembler::lessUnsigned, false, Assembler::pn, L_fill_elements); // use unsigned cmp
__ delayed()->andcc(count, 1, G0);
if (!aligned && (t == T_BYTE || t == T_SHORT)) {
// align source address at 4 bytes address boundary
if (t == T_BYTE) {
// One byte misalignment happens only for byte arrays
__ andcc(to, 1, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_skip_align1);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ stb(value, to, 0);
__ inc(to, 1);
__ dec(count, 1);
__ BIND(L_skip_align1);
// Two bytes misalignment happens only for byte and short (char) arrays
__ andcc(to, 2, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_skip_align2);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ sth(value, to, 0);
__ inc(to, 2);
__ dec(count, 1 << (shift - 1));
__ BIND(L_skip_align2);
#ifdef _LP64
if (!aligned) {
// align to 8 bytes, we know we are 4 byte aligned to start
__ andcc(to, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_fill_32_bytes);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ stw(value, to, 0);
__ inc(to, 4);
__ dec(count, 1 << shift);
__ BIND(L_fill_32_bytes);
#ifdef _LP64
if (t == T_INT) {
// Zero extend value
__ srl(value, 0, value);
if (t == T_BYTE || t == T_SHORT || t == T_INT) {
__ sllx(value, 32, O3);
__ or3(value, O3, value);
Label L_check_fill_8_bytes;
// Fill 32-byte chunks
__ subcc(count, 8 << shift, count);
__ brx(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pt, L_check_fill_8_bytes);
__ delayed()->nop();
Label L_fill_32_bytes_loop, L_fill_4_bytes;
__ align(16);
__ BIND(L_fill_32_bytes_loop);
__ stx(value, to, 0);
__ stx(value, to, 8);
__ stx(value, to, 16);
__ stx(value, to, 24);
__ subcc(count, 8 << shift, count);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_fill_32_bytes_loop);
__ delayed()->add(to, 32, to);
__ BIND(L_check_fill_8_bytes);
__ addcc(count, 8 << shift, count);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, L_exit);
__ delayed()->subcc(count, 1 << (shift + 1), count);
__ brx(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, L_fill_4_bytes);
__ delayed()->andcc(count, 1<<shift, G0);
// length is too short, just fill 8 bytes at a time
Label L_fill_8_bytes_loop;
__ BIND(L_fill_8_bytes_loop);
__ stx(value, to, 0);
__ subcc(count, 1 << (shift + 1), count);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_fill_8_bytes_loop);
__ delayed()->add(to, 8, to);
// fill trailing 4 bytes
__ andcc(count, 1<<shift, G0); // in delay slot of branches
if (t == T_INT) {
__ BIND(L_fill_elements);
__ BIND(L_fill_4_bytes);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_fill_2_bytes);
if (t == T_BYTE || t == T_SHORT) {
__ delayed()->andcc(count, 1<<(shift-1), G0);
} else {
__ delayed()->nop();
__ stw(value, to, 0);
if (t == T_BYTE || t == T_SHORT) {
__ inc(to, 4);
// fill trailing 2 bytes
__ andcc(count, 1<<(shift-1), G0); // in delay slot of branches
__ BIND(L_fill_2_bytes);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_fill_byte);
__ delayed()->andcc(count, 1, count);
__ sth(value, to, 0);
if (t == T_BYTE) {
__ inc(to, 2);
// fill trailing byte
__ andcc(count, 1, count); // in delay slot of branches
__ BIND(L_fill_byte);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_exit);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ stb(value, to, 0);
} else {
__ BIND(L_fill_byte);
} else {
__ BIND(L_fill_2_bytes);
__ BIND(L_exit);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->nop();
// Handle copies less than 8 bytes. Int is handled elsewhere.
if (t == T_BYTE) {
__ BIND(L_fill_elements);
Label L_fill_2, L_fill_4;
// in delay slot __ andcc(count, 1, G0);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_fill_2);
__ delayed()->andcc(count, 2, G0);
__ stb(value, to, 0);
__ inc(to, 1);
__ BIND(L_fill_2);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_fill_4);
__ delayed()->andcc(count, 4, G0);
__ stb(value, to, 0);
__ stb(value, to, 1);
__ inc(to, 2);
__ BIND(L_fill_4);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_exit);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ stb(value, to, 0);
__ stb(value, to, 1);
__ stb(value, to, 2);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stb(value, to, 3);
if (t == T_SHORT) {
Label L_fill_2;
__ BIND(L_fill_elements);
// in delay slot __ andcc(count, 1, G0);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_fill_2);
__ delayed()->andcc(count, 2, G0);
__ sth(value, to, 0);
__ inc(to, 2);
__ BIND(L_fill_2);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_exit);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ sth(value, to, 0);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->sth(value, to, 2);
return start;
// Generate stub for conjoint short copy. If "aligned" is true, the
// "from" and "to" addresses are assumed to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_conjoint_short_copy(bool aligned, address nooverlap_target,
address *entry, const char *name) {
// Do reverse copy.
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
Label L_skip_alignment, L_skip_alignment2, L_aligned_copy;
Label L_copy_2_bytes, L_copy_2_bytes_loop, L_exit;
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
const Register end_from = from; // source array end address
const Register end_to = to; // destination array end address
const Register byte_count = O3; // bytes count to copy
assert_clean_int(count, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here (from Unsafe.copyMemory)
array_overlap_test(nooverlap_target, 1);
__ sllx(count, LogBytesPerShort, byte_count);
__ add(to, byte_count, end_to); // offset after last copied element
// for short arrays, just do single element copy
__ cmp(count, 11); // 8 + 3 (22 bytes)
__ brx(Assembler::less, false, Assembler::pn, L_copy_2_bytes);
__ delayed()->add(from, byte_count, end_from);
// Align end of arrays since they could be not aligned even
// when arrays itself are aligned.
// copy 1 element if necessary to align 'end_to' on an 4 bytes
__ andcc(end_to, 3, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_skip_alignment);
__ delayed()->lduh(end_from, -2, O3);
__ dec(end_from, 2);
__ dec(end_to, 2);
__ dec(count);
__ sth(O3, end_to, 0);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment);
// copy 2 elements to align 'end_to' on an 8 byte boundary
__ andcc(end_to, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, L_skip_alignment2);
__ delayed()->lduh(end_from, -2, O3);
__ dec(count, 2);
__ lduh(end_from, -4, O4);
__ dec(end_from, 4);
__ dec(end_to, 4);
__ sth(O3, end_to, 2);
__ sth(O4, end_to, 0);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment2);
#ifdef _LP64
if (aligned) {
// Both arrays are aligned to 8-bytes in 64-bits VM.
// The 'count' is decremented in copy_16_bytes_backward_with_shift()
// in unaligned case.
__ dec(count, 8);
} else
// Copy with shift 16 bytes per iteration if arrays do not have
// the same alignment mod 8, otherwise jump to the next
// code for aligned copy (and substracting 8 from 'count' before jump).
// The compare above (count >= 11) guarantes 'count' >= 16 bytes.
// Also jump over aligned copy after the copy with shift completed.
copy_16_bytes_backward_with_shift(end_from, end_to, count, 8,
L_aligned_copy, L_copy_2_bytes);
// copy 4 elements (16 bytes) at a time
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_aligned_copy);
__ dec(end_from, 16);
__ ldx(end_from, 8, O3);
__ ldx(end_from, 0, O4);
__ dec(end_to, 16);
__ deccc(count, 8);
__ stx(O3, end_to, 8);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_aligned_copy);
__ delayed()->stx(O4, end_to, 0);
__ inc(count, 8);
// copy 1 element (2 bytes) at a time
__ BIND(L_copy_2_bytes);
__ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit);
__ BIND(L_copy_2_bytes_loop);
__ dec(end_from, 2);
__ dec(end_to, 2);
__ lduh(end_from, 0, O4);
__ deccc(count);
__ brx(Assembler::greater, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_2_bytes_loop);
__ delayed()->sth(O4, end_to, 0);
__ BIND(L_exit);
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_jshort_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Helper methods for generate_disjoint_int_copy_core()
void copy_16_bytes_loop(Register from, Register to, Register count, int count_dec,
Label& L_loop, bool use_prefetch, bool use_bis) {
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_loop);
if (use_prefetch) {
if (ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance > 0) {
__ prefetch(from, ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance, Assembler::severalReads);
if (ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance > 0) {
__ prefetch(to, ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance, Assembler::severalWritesAndPossiblyReads);
__ ldx(from, 4, O4);
__ ldx(from, 12, G4);
__ inc(to, 16);
__ inc(from, 16);
__ deccc(count, 4); // Can we do next iteration after this one?
__ srlx(O4, 32, G3);
__ bset(G3, O3);
__ sllx(O4, 32, O4);
__ srlx(G4, 32, G3);
__ bset(G3, O4);
if (use_bis) {
__ stxa(O3, to, -16);
__ stxa(O4, to, -8);
} else {
__ stx(O3, to, -16);
__ stx(O4, to, -8);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop);
__ delayed()->sllx(G4, 32, O3);
// Generate core code for disjoint int copy (and oop copy on 32-bit).
// If "aligned" is true, the "from" and "to" addresses are assumed
// to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
void generate_disjoint_int_copy_core(bool aligned) {
Label L_skip_alignment, L_aligned_copy;
Label L_copy_4_bytes, L_copy_4_bytes_loop, L_exit;
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
const Register offset = O5; // offset from start of arrays
// O3, O4, G3, G4 are used as temp registers
// 'aligned' == true when it is known statically during compilation
// of this arraycopy call site that both 'from' and 'to' addresses
// are HeapWordSize aligned (see LibraryCallKit::basictype2arraycopy()).
// Aligned arrays have 4 bytes alignment in 32-bits VM
// and 8 bytes - in 64-bits VM.
#ifdef _LP64
if (!aligned)
// The next check could be put under 'ifndef' since the code in
// generate_disjoint_long_copy_core() has own checks and set 'offset'.
// for short arrays, just do single element copy
__ cmp(count, 5); // 4 + 1 (20 bytes)
__ brx(Assembler::lessEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_copy_4_bytes);
__ delayed()->mov(G0, offset);
// copy 1 element to align 'to' on an 8 byte boundary
__ andcc(to, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_skip_alignment);
__ delayed()->ld(from, 0, O3);
__ inc(from, 4);
__ inc(to, 4);
__ dec(count);
__ st(O3, to, -4);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment);
// if arrays have same alignment mod 8, do 4 elements copy
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_aligned_copy);
__ delayed()->ld(from, 0, O3);
// Load 2 aligned 8-bytes chunks and use one from previous iteration
// to form 2 aligned 8-bytes chunks to store.
// copy_16_bytes_forward_with_shift() is not used here since this
// code is more optimal.
// copy with shift 4 elements (16 bytes) at a time
__ dec(count, 4); // The cmp at the beginning guaranty count >= 4
__ sllx(O3, 32, O3);
disjoint_copy_core(from, to, count, 2, 16, &StubGenerator::copy_16_bytes_loop);
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_4_bytes);
__ delayed()->inc(count, 4); // restore 'count'
__ BIND(L_aligned_copy);
} // !aligned
// copy 4 elements (16 bytes) at a time
__ and3(count, 1, G4); // Save
__ srl(count, 1, count);
__ mov(G4, count); // Restore
// copy 1 element at a time
__ BIND(L_copy_4_bytes);
__ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit);
__ BIND(L_copy_4_bytes_loop);
__ ld(from, offset, O3);
__ deccc(count);
__ st(O3, to, offset);
__ brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_4_bytes_loop);
__ delayed()->inc(offset, 4);
__ BIND(L_exit);
// Generate stub for disjoint int copy. If "aligned" is true, the
// "from" and "to" addresses are assumed to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_disjoint_int_copy(bool aligned, address *entry, const char *name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
const Register count = O2;
assert_clean_int(count, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here (from Unsafe.copyMemory)
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_jint_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Generate core code for conjoint int copy (and oop copy on 32-bit).
// If "aligned" is true, the "from" and "to" addresses are assumed
// to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
void generate_conjoint_int_copy_core(bool aligned) {
// Do reverse copy.
Label L_skip_alignment, L_aligned_copy;
Label L_copy_16_bytes, L_copy_4_bytes, L_copy_4_bytes_loop, L_exit;
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
const Register end_from = from; // source array end address
const Register end_to = to; // destination array end address
// O3, O4, O5, G3 are used as temp registers
const Register byte_count = O3; // bytes count to copy
__ sllx(count, LogBytesPerInt, byte_count);
__ add(to, byte_count, end_to); // offset after last copied element
__ cmp(count, 5); // for short arrays, just do single element copy
__ brx(Assembler::lessEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_copy_4_bytes);
__ delayed()->add(from, byte_count, end_from);
// copy 1 element to align 'to' on an 8 byte boundary
__ andcc(end_to, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_skip_alignment);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ dec(count);
__ dec(end_from, 4);
__ dec(end_to, 4);
__ ld(end_from, 0, O4);
__ st(O4, end_to, 0);
__ BIND(L_skip_alignment);
// Check if 'end_from' and 'end_to' has the same alignment.
__ andcc(end_from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, L_aligned_copy);
__ delayed()->dec(count, 4); // The cmp at the start guaranty cnt >= 4
// copy with shift 4 elements (16 bytes) at a time
// Load 2 aligned 8-bytes chunks and use one from previous iteration
// to form 2 aligned 8-bytes chunks to store.
__ ldx(end_from, -4, O3);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_copy_16_bytes);
__ ldx(end_from, -12, O4);
__ deccc(count, 4);
__ ldx(end_from, -20, O5);
__ dec(end_to, 16);
__ dec(end_from, 16);
__ srlx(O3, 32, O3);
__ sllx(O4, 32, G3);
__ bset(G3, O3);
__ stx(O3, end_to, 8);
__ srlx(O4, 32, O4);
__ sllx(O5, 32, G3);
__ bset(O4, G3);
__ stx(G3, end_to, 0);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_16_bytes);
__ delayed()->mov(O5, O3);
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_4_bytes);
__ delayed()->inc(count, 4);
// copy 4 elements (16 bytes) at a time
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_aligned_copy);
__ dec(end_from, 16);
__ ldx(end_from, 8, O3);
__ ldx(end_from, 0, O4);
__ dec(end_to, 16);
__ deccc(count, 4);
__ stx(O3, end_to, 8);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_aligned_copy);
__ delayed()->stx(O4, end_to, 0);
__ inc(count, 4);
// copy 1 element (4 bytes) at a time
__ BIND(L_copy_4_bytes);
__ cmp_and_br_short(count, 0, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_exit);
__ BIND(L_copy_4_bytes_loop);
__ dec(end_from, 4);
__ dec(end_to, 4);
__ ld(end_from, 0, O4);
__ deccc(count);
__ brx(Assembler::greater, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_4_bytes_loop);
__ delayed()->st(O4, end_to, 0);
__ BIND(L_exit);
// Generate stub for conjoint int copy. If "aligned" is true, the
// "from" and "to" addresses are assumed to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_conjoint_int_copy(bool aligned, address nooverlap_target,
address *entry, const char *name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
assert_clean_int(O2, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here (from Unsafe.copyMemory)
array_overlap_test(nooverlap_target, 2);
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_jint_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Helper methods for generate_disjoint_long_copy_core()
void copy_64_bytes_loop(Register from, Register to, Register count, int count_dec,
Label& L_loop, bool use_prefetch, bool use_bis) {
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_loop);
for (int off = 0; off < 64; off += 16) {
if (use_prefetch && (off & 31) == 0) {
if (ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance > 0) {
__ prefetch(from, ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance+off, Assembler::severalReads);
if (ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance > 0) {
__ prefetch(to, ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance+off, Assembler::severalWritesAndPossiblyReads);
__ ldx(from, off+0, O4);
__ ldx(from, off+8, O5);
if (use_bis) {
__ stxa(O4, to, off+0);
__ stxa(O5, to, off+8);
} else {
__ stx(O4, to, off+0);
__ stx(O5, to, off+8);
__ deccc(count, 8);
__ inc(from, 64);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_loop);
__ delayed()->inc(to, 64);
// Generate core code for disjoint long copy (and oop copy on 64-bit).
// "aligned" is ignored, because we must make the stronger
// assumption that both addresses are always 64-bit aligned.
// Arguments:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
// count -= 2;
// if ( count >= 0 ) { // >= 2 elements
// if ( count > 6) { // >= 8 elements
// count -= 6; // original count - 8
// do {
// copy_8_elements;
// count -= 8;
// } while ( count >= 0 );
// count += 6;
// }
// if ( count >= 0 ) { // >= 2 elements
// do {
// copy_2_elements;
// } while ( (count=count-2) >= 0 );
// }
// }
// count += 2;
// if ( count != 0 ) { // 1 element left
// copy_1_element;
// }
void generate_disjoint_long_copy_core(bool aligned) {
Label L_copy_8_bytes, L_copy_16_bytes, L_exit;
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
const Register offset0 = O4; // element offset
const Register offset8 = O5; // next element offset
__ deccc(count, 2);
__ mov(G0, offset0); // offset from start of arrays (0)
__ brx(Assembler::negative, false, Assembler::pn, L_copy_8_bytes );
__ delayed()->add(offset0, 8, offset8);
// Copy by 64 bytes chunks
const Register from64 = O3; // source address
const Register to64 = G3; // destination address
__ subcc(count, 6, O3);
__ brx(Assembler::negative, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_16_bytes );
__ delayed()->mov(to, to64);
// Now we can use O4(offset0), O5(offset8) as temps
__ mov(O3, count);
// count >= 0 (original count - 8)
__ mov(from, from64);
disjoint_copy_core(from64, to64, count, 3, 64, &StubGenerator::copy_64_bytes_loop);
// Restore O4(offset0), O5(offset8)
__ sub(from64, from, offset0);
__ inccc(count, 6); // restore count
__ brx(Assembler::negative, false, Assembler::pn, L_copy_8_bytes );
__ delayed()->add(offset0, 8, offset8);
// Copy by 16 bytes chunks
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_copy_16_bytes);
__ ldx(from, offset0, O3);
__ ldx(from, offset8, G3);
__ deccc(count, 2);
__ stx(O3, to, offset0);
__ inc(offset0, 16);
__ stx(G3, to, offset8);
__ brx(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_16_bytes);
__ delayed()->inc(offset8, 16);
// Copy last 8 bytes
__ BIND(L_copy_8_bytes);
__ inccc(count, 2);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, true, Assembler::pn, L_exit );
__ delayed()->mov(offset0, offset8); // Set O5 used by other stubs
__ ldx(from, offset0, O3);
__ stx(O3, to, offset0);
__ BIND(L_exit);
// Generate stub for disjoint long copy.
// "aligned" is ignored, because we must make the stronger
// assumption that both addresses are always 64-bit aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_disjoint_long_copy(bool aligned, address *entry, const char *name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
assert_clean_int(O2, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here (from Unsafe.copyMemory)
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_jlong_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Generate core code for conjoint long copy (and oop copy on 64-bit).
// "aligned" is ignored, because we must make the stronger
// assumption that both addresses are always 64-bit aligned.
// Arguments:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
void generate_conjoint_long_copy_core(bool aligned) {
// Do reverse copy.
Label L_copy_8_bytes, L_copy_16_bytes, L_exit;
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
const Register offset8 = O4; // element offset
const Register offset0 = O5; // previous element offset
__ subcc(count, 1, count);
__ brx(Assembler::lessEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_copy_8_bytes );
__ delayed()->sllx(count, LogBytesPerLong, offset8);
__ sub(offset8, 8, offset0);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_copy_16_bytes);
__ ldx(from, offset8, O2);
__ ldx(from, offset0, O3);
__ stx(O2, to, offset8);
__ deccc(offset8, 16); // use offset8 as counter
__ stx(O3, to, offset0);
__ brx(Assembler::greater, false, Assembler::pt, L_copy_16_bytes);
__ delayed()->dec(offset0, 16);
__ BIND(L_copy_8_bytes);
__ brx(Assembler::negative, false, Assembler::pn, L_exit );
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ldx(from, 0, O3);
__ stx(O3, to, 0);
__ BIND(L_exit);
// Generate stub for conjoint long copy.
// "aligned" is ignored, because we must make the stronger
// assumption that both addresses are always 64-bit aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_conjoint_long_copy(bool aligned, address nooverlap_target,
address *entry, const char *name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
assert(aligned, "Should always be aligned");
assert_clean_int(O2, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here (from Unsafe.copyMemory)
array_overlap_test(nooverlap_target, 3);
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_jlong_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Generate stub for disjoint oop copy. If "aligned" is true, the
// "from" and "to" addresses are assumed to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_disjoint_oop_copy(bool aligned, address *entry, const char *name,
bool dest_uninitialized = false) {
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
assert_clean_int(count, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here
// save arguments for barrier generation
__ mov(to, G1);
__ mov(count, G5);
gen_write_ref_array_pre_barrier(G1, G5, dest_uninitialized);
#ifdef _LP64
assert_clean_int(count, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (UseCompressedOops) {
} else {
// O0 is used as temp register
gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier(G1, G5, O0);
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_oop_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Generate stub for conjoint oop copy. If "aligned" is true, the
// "from" and "to" addresses are assumed to be heapword aligned.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
address generate_conjoint_oop_copy(bool aligned, address nooverlap_target,
address *entry, const char *name,
bool dest_uninitialized = false) {
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
assert_clean_int(count, O3); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here
array_overlap_test(nooverlap_target, LogBytesPerHeapOop);
// save arguments for barrier generation
__ mov(to, G1);
__ mov(count, G5);
gen_write_ref_array_pre_barrier(G1, G5, dest_uninitialized);
#ifdef _LP64
if (UseCompressedOops) {
} else {
// O0 is used as temp register
gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier(G1, G5, O0);
// O3, O4 are used as temp registers
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_oop_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O0); // return 0
return start;
// Helper for generating a dynamic type check.
// Smashes only the given temp registers.
void generate_type_check(Register sub_klass,
Register super_check_offset,
Register super_klass,
Register temp,
Label& L_success) {
assert_different_registers(sub_klass, super_check_offset, super_klass, temp);
Label L_miss, L_pop_to_miss;
assert_clean_int(super_check_offset, temp);
__ check_klass_subtype_fast_path(sub_klass, super_klass, temp, noreg,
&L_success, &L_miss, NULL,
__ save_frame(0);
__ check_klass_subtype_slow_path(sub_klass->after_save(),
L0, L1, L2, L4,
NULL, &L_pop_to_miss);
__ ba(L_success);
__ delayed()->restore();
__ bind(L_pop_to_miss);
__ restore();
// Fall through on failure!
__ BIND(L_miss);
// Generate stub for checked oop copy.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 treated as signed
// ckoff: O3 (super_check_offset)
// ckval: O4 (super_klass)
// ret: O0 zero for success; (-1^K) where K is partial transfer count
address generate_checkcast_copy(const char *name, address *entry, bool dest_uninitialized = false) {
const Register O0_from = O0; // source array address
const Register O1_to = O1; // destination array address
const Register O2_count = O2; // elements count
const Register O3_ckoff = O3; // super_check_offset
const Register O4_ckval = O4; // super_klass
const Register O5_offset = O5; // loop var, with stride wordSize
const Register G1_remain = G1; // loop var, with stride -1
const Register G3_oop = G3; // actual oop copied
const Register G4_klass = G4; // oop._klass
const Register G5_super = G5; // oop._klass._primary_supers[ckval]
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
#ifdef ASSERT
// We sometimes save a frame (see generate_type_check below).
// If this will cause trouble, let's fail now instead of later.
__ save_frame(0);
__ restore();
assert_clean_int(O2_count, G1); // Make sure 'count' is clean int.
#ifdef ASSERT
// caller guarantees that the arrays really are different
// otherwise, we would have to make conjoint checks
{ Label L;
__ mov(O3, G1); // spill: overlap test smashes O3
__ mov(O4, G4); // spill: overlap test smashes O4
array_overlap_test(L, LogBytesPerHeapOop);
__ stop("checkcast_copy within a single array");
__ bind(L);
__ mov(G1, O3);
__ mov(G4, O4);
#endif //ASSERT
if (entry != NULL) {
*entry = __ pc();
// caller can pass a 64-bit byte count here (from generic stub)
gen_write_ref_array_pre_barrier(O1_to, O2_count, dest_uninitialized);
Label load_element, store_element, do_card_marks, fail, done;
__ addcc(O2_count, 0, G1_remain); // initialize loop index, and test it
__ brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, load_element);
__ delayed()->mov(G0, O5_offset); // offset from start of arrays
// Empty array: Nothing to do.
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_checkcast_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->set(0, O0); // return 0 on (trivial) success
// ======== begin loop ========
// (Loop is rotated; its entry is load_element.)
// Loop variables:
// (O5 = 0; ; O5 += wordSize) --- offset from src, dest arrays
// (O2 = len; O2 != 0; O2--) --- number of oops *remaining*
// G3, G4, G5 --- current oop, oop.klass, oop.klass.super
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(store_element);
__ deccc(G1_remain); // decrement the count
__ store_heap_oop(G3_oop, O1_to, O5_offset); // store the oop
__ inc(O5_offset, heapOopSize); // step to next offset
__ brx(Assembler::zero, true, Assembler::pt, do_card_marks);
__ delayed()->set(0, O0); // return -1 on success
// ======== loop entry is here ========
__ BIND(load_element);
__ load_heap_oop(O0_from, O5_offset, G3_oop); // load the oop
__ br_null_short(G3_oop, Assembler::pt, store_element);
__ load_klass(G3_oop, G4_klass); // query the object klass
generate_type_check(G4_klass, O3_ckoff, O4_ckval, G5_super,
// branch to this on success:
// ======== end loop ========
// It was a real error; we must depend on the caller to finish the job.
// Register G1 has number of *remaining* oops, O2 number of *total* oops.
// Emit GC store barriers for the oops we have copied (O2 minus G1),
// and report their number to the caller.
__ BIND(fail);
__ subcc(O2_count, G1_remain, O2_count);
__ brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, done);
__ delayed()->not1(O2_count, O0); // report (-1^K) to caller
__ BIND(do_card_marks);
gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier(O1_to, O2_count, O3); // store check on O1[0..O2]
__ BIND(done);
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_checkcast_array_copy_ctr, O3, O4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->nop(); // return value in 00
return start;
// Generate 'unsafe' array copy stub
// Though just as safe as the other stubs, it takes an unscaled
// size_t argument instead of an element count.
// Arguments for generated stub:
// from: O0
// to: O1
// count: O2 byte count, treated as ssize_t, can be zero
// Examines the alignment of the operands and dispatches
// to a long, int, short, or byte copy loop.
address generate_unsafe_copy(const char* name,
address byte_copy_entry,
address short_copy_entry,
address int_copy_entry,
address long_copy_entry) {
const Register O0_from = O0; // source array address
const Register O1_to = O1; // destination array address
const Register O2_count = O2; // elements count
const Register G1_bits = G1; // test copy of low bits
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
// bump this on entry, not on exit:
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_unsafe_array_copy_ctr, G1, G3);
__ or3(O0_from, O1_to, G1_bits);
__ or3(O2_count, G1_bits, G1_bits);
__ btst(BytesPerLong-1, G1_bits);
__ br(Assembler::zero, true, Assembler::pt,
long_copy_entry, relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
// scale the count on the way out:
__ delayed()->srax(O2_count, LogBytesPerLong, O2_count);
__ btst(BytesPerInt-1, G1_bits);
__ br(Assembler::zero, true, Assembler::pt,
int_copy_entry, relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
// scale the count on the way out:
__ delayed()->srax(O2_count, LogBytesPerInt, O2_count);
__ btst(BytesPerShort-1, G1_bits);
__ br(Assembler::zero, true, Assembler::pt,
short_copy_entry, relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
// scale the count on the way out:
__ delayed()->srax(O2_count, LogBytesPerShort, O2_count);
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt,
byte_copy_entry, relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
__ delayed()->nop();
return start;
// Perform range checks on the proposed arraycopy.
// Kills the two temps, but nothing else.
// Also, clean the sign bits of src_pos and dst_pos.
void arraycopy_range_checks(Register src, // source array oop (O0)
Register src_pos, // source position (O1)
Register dst, // destination array oo (O2)
Register dst_pos, // destination position (O3)
Register length, // length of copy (O4)
Register temp1, Register temp2,
Label& L_failed) {
// if (src_pos + length > arrayOop(src)->length() ) FAIL;
const Register array_length = temp1; // scratch
const Register end_pos = temp2; // scratch
// Note: This next instruction may be in the delay slot of a branch:
__ add(length, src_pos, end_pos); // src_pos + length
__ lduw(src, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes(), array_length);
__ cmp(end_pos, array_length);
__ br(Assembler::greater, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
// if (dst_pos + length > arrayOop(dst)->length() ) FAIL;
__ delayed()->add(length, dst_pos, end_pos); // dst_pos + length
__ lduw(dst, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes(), array_length);
__ cmp(end_pos, array_length);
__ br(Assembler::greater, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
// Have to clean up high 32-bits of 'src_pos' and 'dst_pos'.
// Move with sign extension can be used since they are positive.
__ delayed()->signx(src_pos, src_pos);
__ signx(dst_pos, dst_pos);
BLOCK_COMMENT("arraycopy_range_checks done");
// Generate generic array copy stubs
// Input:
// O0 - src oop
// O1 - src_pos
// O2 - dst oop
// O3 - dst_pos
// O4 - element count
// Output:
// O0 == 0 - success
// O0 == -1 - need to call System.arraycopy
address generate_generic_copy(const char *name,
address entry_jbyte_arraycopy,
address entry_jshort_arraycopy,
address entry_jint_arraycopy,
address entry_oop_arraycopy,
address entry_jlong_arraycopy,
address entry_checkcast_arraycopy) {
Label L_failed, L_objArray;
// Input registers
const Register src = O0; // source array oop
const Register src_pos = O1; // source position
const Register dst = O2; // destination array oop
const Register dst_pos = O3; // destination position
const Register length = O4; // elements count
// registers used as temp
const Register G3_src_klass = G3; // source array klass
const Register G4_dst_klass = G4; // destination array klass
const Register G5_lh = G5; // layout handler
const Register O5_temp = O5;
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
// bump this on entry, not on exit:
inc_counter_np(SharedRuntime::_generic_array_copy_ctr, G1, G3);
// In principle, the int arguments could be dirty.
//assert_clean_int(src_pos, G1);
//assert_clean_int(dst_pos, G1);
//assert_clean_int(length, G1);
// Assembler stubs will be used for this call to arraycopy
// if the following conditions are met:
// (1) src and dst must not be null.
// (2) src_pos must not be negative.
// (3) dst_pos must not be negative.
// (4) length must not be negative.
// (5) src klass and dst klass should be the same and not NULL.
// (6) src and dst should be arrays.
// (7) src_pos + length must not exceed length of src.
// (8) dst_pos + length must not exceed length of dst.
BLOCK_COMMENT("arraycopy initial argument checks");
// if (src == NULL) return -1;
__ br_null(src, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
// if (src_pos < 0) return -1;
__ delayed()->tst(src_pos);
__ br(Assembler::negative, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
__ delayed()->nop();
// if (dst == NULL) return -1;
__ br_null(dst, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
// if (dst_pos < 0) return -1;
__ delayed()->tst(dst_pos);
__ br(Assembler::negative, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
// if (length < 0) return -1;
__ delayed()->tst(length);
__ br(Assembler::negative, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
BLOCK_COMMENT("arraycopy argument klass checks");
// get src->klass()
if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
__ delayed()->nop(); // ??? not good
__ load_klass(src, G3_src_klass);
} else {
__ delayed()->ld_ptr(src, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes(), G3_src_klass);
#ifdef ASSERT
// assert(src->klass() != NULL);
BLOCK_COMMENT("assert klasses not null");
{ Label L_a, L_b;
__ br_notnull_short(G3_src_klass, Assembler::pt, L_b); // it is broken if klass is NULL
__ bind(L_a);
__ stop("broken null klass");
__ bind(L_b);
__ load_klass(dst, G4_dst_klass);
__ br_null(G4_dst_klass, false, Assembler::pn, L_a); // this would be broken also
__ delayed()->mov(G0, G4_dst_klass); // scribble the temp
BLOCK_COMMENT("assert done");
// Load layout helper
// |array_tag| | header_size | element_type | |log2_element_size|
// 32 30 24 16 8 2 0
// array_tag: typeArray = 0x3, objArray = 0x2, non-array = 0x0
int lh_offset = in_bytes(Klass::layout_helper_offset());
// Load 32-bits signed value. Use br() instruction with it to check icc.
__ lduw(G3_src_klass, lh_offset, G5_lh);
if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
__ load_klass(dst, G4_dst_klass);
// Handle objArrays completely differently...
juint objArray_lh = Klass::array_layout_helper(T_OBJECT);
__ set(objArray_lh, O5_temp);
__ cmp(G5_lh, O5_temp);
__ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_objArray);
if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
__ delayed()->nop();
} else {
__ delayed()->ld_ptr(dst, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes(), G4_dst_klass);
// if (src->klass() != dst->klass()) return -1;
__ cmp_and_brx_short(G3_src_klass, G4_dst_klass, Assembler::notEqual, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
// if (!src->is_Array()) return -1;
__ cmp(G5_lh, Klass::_lh_neutral_value); // < 0
__ br(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
// At this point, it is known to be a typeArray (array_tag 0x3).
#ifdef ASSERT
__ delayed()->nop();
{ Label L;
jint lh_prim_tag_in_place = (Klass::_lh_array_tag_type_value << Klass::_lh_array_tag_shift);
__ set(lh_prim_tag_in_place, O5_temp);
__ cmp(G5_lh, O5_temp);
__ br(Assembler::greaterEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ stop("must be a primitive array");
__ bind(L);
__ delayed(); // match next insn to prev branch
arraycopy_range_checks(src, src_pos, dst, dst_pos, length,
O5_temp, G4_dst_klass, L_failed);
// TypeArrayKlass
// src_addr = (src + array_header_in_bytes()) + (src_pos << log2elemsize);
// dst_addr = (dst + array_header_in_bytes()) + (dst_pos << log2elemsize);
const Register G4_offset = G4_dst_klass; // array offset
const Register G3_elsize = G3_src_klass; // log2 element size
__ srl(G5_lh, Klass::_lh_header_size_shift, G4_offset);
__ and3(G4_offset, Klass::_lh_header_size_mask, G4_offset); // array_offset
__ add(src, G4_offset, src); // src array offset
__ add(dst, G4_offset, dst); // dst array offset
__ and3(G5_lh, Klass::_lh_log2_element_size_mask, G3_elsize); // log2 element size
// next registers should be set before the jump to corresponding stub
const Register from = O0; // source array address
const Register to = O1; // destination array address
const Register count = O2; // elements count
// 'from', 'to', 'count' registers should be set in this order
// since they are the same as 'src', 'src_pos', 'dst'.
BLOCK_COMMENT("scale indexes to element size");
__ sll_ptr(src_pos, G3_elsize, src_pos);
__ sll_ptr(dst_pos, G3_elsize, dst_pos);
__ add(src, src_pos, from); // src_addr
__ add(dst, dst_pos, to); // dst_addr
BLOCK_COMMENT("choose copy loop based on element size");
__ cmp(G3_elsize, 0);
__ br(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, entry_jbyte_arraycopy);
__ delayed()->signx(length, count); // length
__ cmp(G3_elsize, LogBytesPerShort);
__ br(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, entry_jshort_arraycopy);
__ delayed()->signx(length, count); // length
__ cmp(G3_elsize, LogBytesPerInt);
__ br(Assembler::equal, true, Assembler::pt, entry_jint_arraycopy);
__ delayed()->signx(length, count); // length
#ifdef ASSERT
{ Label L;
__ cmp_and_br_short(G3_elsize, LogBytesPerLong, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L);
__ stop("must be long copy, but elsize is wrong");
__ bind(L);
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, entry_jlong_arraycopy);
__ delayed()->signx(length, count); // length
// ObjArrayKlass
__ BIND(L_objArray);
// live at this point: G3_src_klass, G4_dst_klass, src[_pos], dst[_pos], length
Label L_plain_copy, L_checkcast_copy;
// test array classes for subtyping
__ cmp(G3_src_klass, G4_dst_klass); // usual case is exact equality
__ brx(Assembler::notEqual, true, Assembler::pn, L_checkcast_copy);
__ delayed()->lduw(G4_dst_klass, lh_offset, O5_temp); // hoisted from below
// Identically typed arrays can be copied without element-wise checks.
arraycopy_range_checks(src, src_pos, dst, dst_pos, length,
O5_temp, G5_lh, L_failed);
__ add(src, arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT), src); //src offset
__ add(dst, arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT), dst); //dst offset
__ sll_ptr(src_pos, LogBytesPerHeapOop, src_pos);
__ sll_ptr(dst_pos, LogBytesPerHeapOop, dst_pos);
__ add(src, src_pos, from); // src_addr
__ add(dst, dst_pos, to); // dst_addr
__ BIND(L_plain_copy);
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, entry_oop_arraycopy);
__ delayed()->signx(length, count); // length
__ BIND(L_checkcast_copy);
// live at this point: G3_src_klass, G4_dst_klass
// Before looking at dst.length, make sure dst is also an objArray.
// lduw(G4_dst_klass, lh_offset, O5_temp); // hoisted to delay slot
__ cmp(G5_lh, O5_temp);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pn, L_failed);
// It is safe to examine both src.length and dst.length.
__ delayed(); // match next insn to prev branch
arraycopy_range_checks(src, src_pos, dst, dst_pos, length,
O5_temp, G5_lh, L_failed);
// Marshal the base address arguments now, freeing registers.
__ add(src, arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT), src); //src offset
__ add(dst, arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT), dst); //dst offset
__ sll_ptr(src_pos, LogBytesPerHeapOop, src_pos);
__ sll_ptr(dst_pos, LogBytesPerHeapOop, dst_pos);
__ add(src, src_pos, from); // src_addr
__ add(dst, dst_pos, to); // dst_addr
__ signx(length, count); // length (reloaded)
Register sco_temp = O3; // this register is free now
assert_different_registers(from, to, count, sco_temp,
G4_dst_klass, G3_src_klass);
// Generate the type check.
int sco_offset = in_bytes(Klass::super_check_offset_offset());
__ lduw(G4_dst_klass, sco_offset, sco_temp);
generate_type_check(G3_src_klass, sco_temp, G4_dst_klass,
O5_temp, L_plain_copy);
// Fetch destination element klass from the ObjArrayKlass header.
int ek_offset = in_bytes(ObjArrayKlass::element_klass_offset());
// the checkcast_copy loop needs two extra arguments:
__ ld_ptr(G4_dst_klass, ek_offset, O4); // dest elem klass
// lduw(O4, sco_offset, O3); // sco of elem klass
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, entry_checkcast_arraycopy);
__ delayed()->lduw(O4, sco_offset, O3);
__ BIND(L_failed);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->sub(G0, 1, O0); // return -1
return start;
// Generate stub for heap zeroing.
// "to" address is aligned to jlong (8 bytes).
// Arguments for generated stub:
// to: O0
// count: O1 treated as signed (count of HeapWord)
// count could be 0
address generate_zero_aligned_words(const char* name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
const Register to = O0; // source array address
const Register count = O1; // HeapWords count
const Register temp = O2; // scratch
Label Ldone;
__ sllx(count, LogHeapWordSize, count); // to bytes count
// Use BIS for zeroing
__ bis_zeroing(to, count, temp, Ldone);
__ bind(Ldone);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->nop();
return start;
void generate_arraycopy_stubs() {
address entry;
address entry_jbyte_arraycopy;
address entry_jshort_arraycopy;
address entry_jint_arraycopy;
address entry_oop_arraycopy;
address entry_jlong_arraycopy;
address entry_checkcast_arraycopy;
//*** jbyte
// Always need aligned and unaligned versions
StubRoutines::_jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy = generate_disjoint_byte_copy(false, &entry,
StubRoutines::_jbyte_arraycopy = generate_conjoint_byte_copy(false, entry,
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy = generate_disjoint_byte_copy(true, &entry,
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jbyte_arraycopy = generate_conjoint_byte_copy(true, entry, NULL,
//*** jshort
// Always need aligned and unaligned versions
StubRoutines::_jshort_disjoint_arraycopy = generate_disjoint_short_copy(false, &entry,
StubRoutines::_jshort_arraycopy = generate_conjoint_short_copy(false, entry,
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jshort_disjoint_arraycopy = generate_disjoint_short_copy(true, &entry,
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jshort_arraycopy = generate_conjoint_short_copy(true, entry, NULL,
//*** jint
// Aligned versions
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jint_disjoint_arraycopy = generate_disjoint_int_copy(true, &entry,
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jint_arraycopy = generate_conjoint_int_copy(true, entry, &entry_jint_arraycopy,
#ifdef _LP64
// In 64 bit we need both aligned and unaligned versions of jint arraycopy.
// entry_jint_arraycopy always points to the unaligned version (notice that we overwrite it).
StubRoutines::_jint_disjoint_arraycopy = generate_disjoint_int_copy(false, &entry,
StubRoutines::_jint_arraycopy = generate_conjoint_int_copy(false, entry,
// In 32 bit jints are always HeapWordSize aligned, so always use the aligned version
// (in fact in 32bit we always have a pre-loop part even in the aligned version,
// because it uses 64-bit loads/stores, so the aligned flag is actually ignored).
StubRoutines::_jint_disjoint_arraycopy = StubRoutines::_arrayof_jint_disjoint_arraycopy;
StubRoutines::_jint_arraycopy = StubRoutines::_arrayof_jint_arraycopy;
//*** jlong
// It is always aligned
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jlong_disjoint_arraycopy = generate_disjoint_long_copy(true, &entry,
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jlong_arraycopy = generate_conjoint_long_copy(true, entry, &entry_jlong_arraycopy,
StubRoutines::_jlong_disjoint_arraycopy = StubRoutines::_arrayof_jlong_disjoint_arraycopy;
StubRoutines::_jlong_arraycopy = StubRoutines::_arrayof_jlong_arraycopy;
//*** oops
// Aligned versions
StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy = generate_disjoint_oop_copy(true, &entry,
StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_arraycopy = generate_conjoint_oop_copy(true, entry, &entry_oop_arraycopy,
// Aligned versions without pre-barriers
StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit = generate_disjoint_oop_copy(true, &entry,
StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_arraycopy_uninit = generate_conjoint_oop_copy(true, entry, NULL,
#ifdef _LP64
if (UseCompressedOops) {
// With compressed oops we need unaligned versions, notice that we overwrite entry_oop_arraycopy.
StubRoutines::_oop_disjoint_arraycopy = generate_disjoint_oop_copy(false, &entry,
StubRoutines::_oop_arraycopy = generate_conjoint_oop_copy(false, entry, &entry_oop_arraycopy,
// Unaligned versions without pre-barriers
StubRoutines::_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit = generate_disjoint_oop_copy(false, &entry,
StubRoutines::_oop_arraycopy_uninit = generate_conjoint_oop_copy(false, entry, NULL,
} else
// oop arraycopy is always aligned on 32bit and 64bit without compressed oops
StubRoutines::_oop_disjoint_arraycopy = StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy;
StubRoutines::_oop_arraycopy = StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_arraycopy;
StubRoutines::_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit = StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit;
StubRoutines::_oop_arraycopy_uninit = StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_arraycopy_uninit;
StubRoutines::_checkcast_arraycopy = generate_checkcast_copy("checkcast_arraycopy", &entry_checkcast_arraycopy);
StubRoutines::_checkcast_arraycopy_uninit = generate_checkcast_copy("checkcast_arraycopy_uninit", NULL,
StubRoutines::_unsafe_arraycopy = generate_unsafe_copy("unsafe_arraycopy",
StubRoutines::_generic_arraycopy = generate_generic_copy("generic_arraycopy",
StubRoutines::_jbyte_fill = generate_fill(T_BYTE, false, "jbyte_fill");
StubRoutines::_jshort_fill = generate_fill(T_SHORT, false, "jshort_fill");
StubRoutines::_jint_fill = generate_fill(T_INT, false, "jint_fill");
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jbyte_fill = generate_fill(T_BYTE, true, "arrayof_jbyte_fill");
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jshort_fill = generate_fill(T_SHORT, true, "arrayof_jshort_fill");
StubRoutines::_arrayof_jint_fill = generate_fill(T_INT, true, "arrayof_jint_fill");
if (UseBlockZeroing) {
StubRoutines::_zero_aligned_words = generate_zero_aligned_words("zero_aligned_words");
address generate_aescrypt_encryptBlock() {
// required since we read expanded key 'int' array starting first element without alignment considerations
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of an int array is aligned to 8 bytes");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "aescrypt_encryptBlock");
Label L_load_misaligned_input, L_load_expanded_key, L_doLast128bit, L_storeOutput, L_store_misaligned_output;
address start = __ pc();
Register from = O0; // source byte array
Register to = O1; // destination byte array
Register key = O2; // expanded key array
const Register keylen = O4; //reg for storing expanded key array length
// read expanded key length
__ ldsw(Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)), keylen, 0);
// Method to address arbitrary alignment for load instructions:
// Check last 3 bits of 'from' address to see if it is aligned to 8-byte boundary
// If zero/aligned then continue with double FP load instructions
// If not zero/mis-aligned then alignaddr will set GSR.align with number of bytes to skip during faligndata
// alignaddr will also convert arbitrary aligned 'from' address to nearest 8-byte aligned address
// load 3 * 8-byte components (to read 16 bytes input) in 3 different FP regs starting at this aligned address
// faligndata will then extract (based on GSR.align value) the appropriate 8 bytes from the 2 source regs
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input);
__ delayed()->alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// aligned case: load input into F54-F56
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F54);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F56);
__ ba_short(L_load_expanded_key);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F54);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F56);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F58);
__ faligndata(F54, F56, F54);
__ faligndata(F56, F58, F56);
__ BIND(L_load_expanded_key);
// Since we load expanded key buffers starting first element, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
for ( int i = 0; i <= 38; i += 2 ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
// perform cipher transformation
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F0, F54, F54);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F2, F56, F56);
// rounds 1 through 8
for ( int i = 4; i <= 28; i += 8 ) {
__ aes_eround01(as_FloatRegister(i), F54, F56, F58);
__ aes_eround23(as_FloatRegister(i+2), F54, F56, F60);
__ aes_eround01(as_FloatRegister(i+4), F58, F60, F54);
__ aes_eround23(as_FloatRegister(i+6), F58, F60, F56);
__ aes_eround01(F36, F54, F56, F58); //round 9
__ aes_eround23(F38, F54, F56, F60);
// 128-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 44, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_doLast128bit);
for ( int i = 40; i <= 50; i += 2 ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i) );
__ aes_eround01(F40, F58, F60, F54); //round 10
__ aes_eround23(F42, F58, F60, F56);
__ aes_eround01(F44, F54, F56, F58); //round 11
__ aes_eround23(F46, F54, F56, F60);
// 192-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 52, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_storeOutput);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, 208, F52);
__ aes_eround01(F48, F58, F60, F54); //round 12
__ aes_eround23(F50, F58, F60, F56);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, 216, F46);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, 224, F48);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, 232, F50);
__ aes_eround01(F52, F54, F56, F58); //round 13
__ aes_eround23(F46, F54, F56, F60);
__ ba_short(L_storeOutput);
__ BIND(L_doLast128bit);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, 160, F48);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, 168, F50);
__ BIND(L_storeOutput);
// perform last round of encryption common for all key sizes
__ aes_eround01_l(F48, F58, F60, F54); //last round
__ aes_eround23_l(F50, F58, F60, F56);
// Method to address arbitrary alignment for store instructions:
// Check last 3 bits of 'dest' address to see if it is aligned to 8-byte boundary
// If zero/aligned then continue with double FP store instructions
// If not zero/mis-aligned then edge8n will generate edge mask in result reg (O3 in below case)
// Example: If dest address is 0x07 and nearest 8-byte aligned address is 0x00 then edge mask will be 00000001
// Compute (8-n) where n is # of bytes skipped by partial store(stpartialf) inst from edge mask, n=7 in this case
// We get the value of n from the andcc that checks 'dest' alignment. n is available in O5 in below case.
// Set GSR.align to (8-n) using alignaddr
// Circular byte shift store values by n places so that the original bytes are at correct position for stpartialf
// Set the arbitrarily aligned 'dest' address to nearest 8-byte aligned address
// Store (partial) the original first (8-n) bytes starting at the original 'dest' address
// Negate the edge mask so that the subsequent stpartialf can store the original (8-n-1)th through 8th bytes at appropriate address
// We need to execute this process for both the 8-byte result values
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, O5);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, O3);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F54, to, 0);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, to, 8);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output);
__ add(to, 8, O4);
__ mov(8, O2);
__ sub(O2, O5, O2);
__ alignaddr(O2, G0, O2);
__ faligndata(F54, F54, F54);
__ faligndata(F56, F56, F56);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(O4, -8, O4);
__ stpartialf(to, O3, F54, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(O4, O3, F56, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(O4, 8, O4);
__ orn(G0, O3, O3);
__ stpartialf(to, O3, F54, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stpartialf(O4, O3, F56, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
return start;
address generate_aescrypt_decryptBlock() {
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of an int array is aligned to 8 bytes");
// required since we read original key 'byte' array as well in the decryption stubs
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_BYTE) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of a byte array is aligned to 8 bytes");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "aescrypt_decryptBlock");
address start = __ pc();
Label L_load_misaligned_input, L_load_original_key, L_expand192bit, L_expand256bit, L_reload_misaligned_input;
Label L_256bit_transform, L_common_transform, L_store_misaligned_output;
Register from = O0; // source byte array
Register to = O1; // destination byte array
Register key = O2; // expanded key array
Register original_key = O3; // original key array only required during decryption
const Register keylen = O4; // reg for storing expanded key array length
// read expanded key array length
__ ldsw(Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)), keylen, 0);
// save 'from' since we may need to recheck alignment in case of 256-bit decryption
__ mov(from, G1);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input);
__ delayed()->alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// aligned case: load input into F52-F54
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F54);
__ ba_short(L_load_original_key);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F54);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F56);
__ faligndata(F52, F54, F52);
__ faligndata(F54, F56, F54);
__ BIND(L_load_original_key);
// load original key from SunJCE expanded decryption key
// Since we load original key buffer starting first element, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
for ( int i = 0; i <= 3; i++ ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
// 256-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 60, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_expand256bit);
// 192-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 52, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_expand192bit);
// 128-bit original key size
// perform key expansion since SunJCE decryption-key expansion is not compatible with SPARC crypto instructions
for ( int i = 0; i <= 36; i += 4 ) {
__ aes_kexpand1(as_FloatRegister(i), as_FloatRegister(i+2), i/4, as_FloatRegister(i+4));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+2), as_FloatRegister(i+4), as_FloatRegister(i+6));
// perform 128-bit key specific inverse cipher transformation
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F42, F54, F54);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F40, F52, F52);
__ ba_short(L_common_transform);
__ BIND(L_expand192bit);
// start loading rest of the 192-bit key
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, 16, F4);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, 20, F5);
// perform key expansion since SunJCE decryption-key expansion is not compatible with SPARC crypto instructions
for ( int i = 0; i <= 36; i += 6 ) {
__ aes_kexpand1(as_FloatRegister(i), as_FloatRegister(i+4), i/6, as_FloatRegister(i+6));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+2), as_FloatRegister(i+6), as_FloatRegister(i+8));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+4), as_FloatRegister(i+8), as_FloatRegister(i+10));
__ aes_kexpand1(F42, F46, 7, F48);
__ aes_kexpand2(F44, F48, F50);
// perform 192-bit key specific inverse cipher transformation
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F50, F54, F54);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F48, F52, F52);
__ aes_dround23(F46, F52, F54, F58);
__ aes_dround01(F44, F52, F54, F56);
__ aes_dround23(F42, F56, F58, F54);
__ aes_dround01(F40, F56, F58, F52);
__ ba_short(L_common_transform);
__ BIND(L_expand256bit);
// load rest of the 256-bit key
for ( int i = 4; i <= 7; i++ ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
// perform key expansion since SunJCE decryption-key expansion is not compatible with SPARC crypto instructions
for ( int i = 0; i <= 40; i += 8 ) {
__ aes_kexpand1(as_FloatRegister(i), as_FloatRegister(i+6), i/8, as_FloatRegister(i+8));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+2), as_FloatRegister(i+8), as_FloatRegister(i+10));
__ aes_kexpand0(as_FloatRegister(i+4), as_FloatRegister(i+10), as_FloatRegister(i+12));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+6), as_FloatRegister(i+12), as_FloatRegister(i+14));
__ aes_kexpand1(F48, F54, 6, F56);
__ aes_kexpand2(F50, F56, F58);
for ( int i = 0; i <= 6; i += 2 ) {
__ fsrc2(FloatRegisterImpl::D, as_FloatRegister(58-i), as_FloatRegister(i));
// reload original 'from' address
__ mov(G1, from);
// re-check 8-byte alignment
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_reload_misaligned_input);
__ delayed()->alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// aligned case: load input into F52-F54
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F54);
__ ba_short(L_256bit_transform);
__ BIND(L_reload_misaligned_input);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F54);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F56);
__ faligndata(F52, F54, F52);
__ faligndata(F54, F56, F54);
// perform 256-bit key specific inverse cipher transformation
__ BIND(L_256bit_transform);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F0, F54, F54);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F2, F52, F52);
__ aes_dround23(F4, F52, F54, F58);
__ aes_dround01(F6, F52, F54, F56);
__ aes_dround23(F50, F56, F58, F54);
__ aes_dround01(F48, F56, F58, F52);
__ aes_dround23(F46, F52, F54, F58);
__ aes_dround01(F44, F52, F54, F56);
__ aes_dround23(F42, F56, F58, F54);
__ aes_dround01(F40, F56, F58, F52);
for ( int i = 0; i <= 7; i++ ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
// perform inverse cipher transformations common for all key sizes
__ BIND(L_common_transform);
for ( int i = 38; i >= 6; i -= 8 ) {
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i), F52, F54, F58);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-2), F52, F54, F56);
if ( i != 6) {
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F56, F58, F54);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F56, F58, F52);
} else {
__ aes_dround23_l(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F56, F58, F54);
__ aes_dround01_l(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F56, F58, F52);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, O5);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, O3);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F52, to, 0);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F54, to, 8);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output);
__ add(to, 8, O4);
__ mov(8, O2);
__ sub(O2, O5, O2);
__ alignaddr(O2, G0, O2);
__ faligndata(F52, F52, F52);
__ faligndata(F54, F54, F54);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(O4, -8, O4);
__ stpartialf(to, O3, F52, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(O4, O3, F54, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(O4, 8, O4);
__ orn(G0, O3, O3);
__ stpartialf(to, O3, F52, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stpartialf(O4, O3, F54, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
return start;
address generate_cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt() {
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of an int array is aligned to 8 bytes");
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_BYTE) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of a byte array is aligned to 8 bytes");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt");
Label L_cbcenc128, L_load_misaligned_input_128bit, L_128bit_transform, L_store_misaligned_output_128bit;
Label L_check_loop_end_128bit, L_cbcenc192, L_load_misaligned_input_192bit, L_192bit_transform;
Label L_store_misaligned_output_192bit, L_check_loop_end_192bit, L_cbcenc256, L_load_misaligned_input_256bit;
Label L_256bit_transform, L_store_misaligned_output_256bit, L_check_loop_end_256bit;
address start = __ pc();
Register from = I0; // source byte array
Register to = I1; // destination byte array
Register key = I2; // expanded key array
Register rvec = I3; // init vector
const Register len_reg = I4; // cipher length
const Register keylen = I5; // reg for storing expanded key array length
__ save_frame(0);
// save cipher len to return in the end
__ mov(len_reg, L0);
// read expanded key length
__ ldsw(Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)), keylen, 0);
// load initial vector, 8-byte alignment is guranteed
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, rvec, 0, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, rvec, 8, F62);
// load key, 8-byte alignment is guranteed
__ ldx(key,0,G1);
__ ldx(key,8,G5);
// start loading expanded key, 8-byte alignment is guranteed
for ( int i = 0, j = 16; i <= 38; i += 2, j += 8 ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, j, as_FloatRegister(i));
// 128-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 44, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_cbcenc128);
for ( int i = 40, j = 176; i <= 46; i += 2, j += 8 ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, j, as_FloatRegister(i));
// 192-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 52, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pt, L_cbcenc192);
for ( int i = 48, j = 208; i <= 54; i += 2, j += 8 ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, j, as_FloatRegister(i));
// 256-bit original key size
__ ba_short(L_cbcenc256);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_cbcenc128);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input_128bit);
__ delayed()->mov(from, L1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G3 and G4
__ ldx(from,0,G3);
__ ldx(from,8,G4);
__ ba_short(L_128bit_transform);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input_128bit);
// can clobber F48, F50 and F52 as they are not used in 128 and 192-bit key encryption
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F48);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F50);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F52);
__ faligndata(F48, F50, F48);
__ faligndata(F50, F52, F50);
__ movdtox(F48, G3);
__ movdtox(F50, G4);
__ mov(L1, from);
__ BIND(L_128bit_transform);
__ xor3(G1,G3,G3);
__ xor3(G5,G4,G4);
__ movxtod(G3,F56);
__ movxtod(G4,F58);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, F56, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, F58, F62);
for ( int i = 0; i <= 32; i += 8 ) {
__ aes_eround01(as_FloatRegister(i), F60, F62, F56);
__ aes_eround23(as_FloatRegister(i+2), F60, F62, F58);
if (i != 32 ) {
__ aes_eround01(as_FloatRegister(i+4), F56, F58, F60);
__ aes_eround23(as_FloatRegister(i+6), F56, F58, F62);
} else {
__ aes_eround01_l(as_FloatRegister(i+4), F56, F58, F60);
__ aes_eround23_l(as_FloatRegister(i+6), F56, F58, F62);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, L1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_128bit);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, L2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 8);
__ ba_short(L_check_loop_end_128bit);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_128bit);
__ add(to, 8, L3);
__ mov(8, L4);
__ sub(L4, L1, L4);
__ alignaddr(L4, G0, L4);
// save cipher text before circular right shift
// as it needs to be stored as iv for next block (see code before next retl)
__ movdtox(F60, L6);
__ movdtox(F62, L7);
__ faligndata(F60, F60, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F62, F62);
__ mov(to, L5);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(L3, -8, L3);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(L3, 8, L3);
__ orn(G0, L2, L2);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(L5, to);
__ movxtod(L6, F60);
__ movxtod(L7, F62);
__ BIND(L_check_loop_end_128bit);
__ add(from, 16, from);
__ add(to, 16, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 16, len_reg);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcenc128);
__ delayed()->nop();
// re-init intial vector for next block, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, rvec, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, rvec, 8);
__ mov(L0, I0);
__ ret();
__ delayed()->restore();
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_cbcenc192);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input_192bit);
__ delayed()->mov(from, L1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G3 and G4
__ ldx(from,0,G3);
__ ldx(from,8,G4);
__ ba_short(L_192bit_transform);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input_192bit);
// can clobber F48, F50 and F52 as they are not used in 128 and 192-bit key encryption
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F48);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F50);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F52);
__ faligndata(F48, F50, F48);
__ faligndata(F50, F52, F50);
__ movdtox(F48, G3);
__ movdtox(F50, G4);
__ mov(L1, from);
__ BIND(L_192bit_transform);
__ xor3(G1,G3,G3);
__ xor3(G5,G4,G4);
__ movxtod(G3,F56);
__ movxtod(G4,F58);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, F56, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, F58, F62);
for ( int i = 0; i <= 40; i += 8 ) {
__ aes_eround01(as_FloatRegister(i), F60, F62, F56);
__ aes_eround23(as_FloatRegister(i+2), F60, F62, F58);
if (i != 40 ) {
__ aes_eround01(as_FloatRegister(i+4), F56, F58, F60);
__ aes_eround23(as_FloatRegister(i+6), F56, F58, F62);
} else {
__ aes_eround01_l(as_FloatRegister(i+4), F56, F58, F60);
__ aes_eround23_l(as_FloatRegister(i+6), F56, F58, F62);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, L1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_192bit);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, L2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 8);
__ ba_short(L_check_loop_end_192bit);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_192bit);
__ add(to, 8, L3);
__ mov(8, L4);
__ sub(L4, L1, L4);
__ alignaddr(L4, G0, L4);
__ movdtox(F60, L6);
__ movdtox(F62, L7);
__ faligndata(F60, F60, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F62, F62);
__ mov(to, L5);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(L3, -8, L3);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(L3, 8, L3);
__ orn(G0, L2, L2);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(L5, to);
__ movxtod(L6, F60);
__ movxtod(L7, F62);
__ BIND(L_check_loop_end_192bit);
__ add(from, 16, from);
__ subcc(len_reg, 16, len_reg);
__ add(to, 16, to);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcenc192);
__ delayed()->nop();
// re-init intial vector for next block, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, rvec, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, rvec, 8);
__ mov(L0, I0);
__ ret();
__ delayed()->restore();
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_cbcenc256);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input_256bit);
__ delayed()->mov(from, L1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G3 and G4
__ ldx(from,0,G3);
__ ldx(from,8,G4);
__ ba_short(L_256bit_transform);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input_256bit);
// cannot clobber F48, F50 and F52. F56, F58 can be used though
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
__ movdtox(F60, L2); // save F60 before overwriting
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F56);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F58);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F60);
__ faligndata(F56, F58, F56);
__ faligndata(F58, F60, F58);
__ movdtox(F56, G3);
__ movdtox(F58, G4);
__ mov(L1, from);
__ movxtod(L2, F60);
__ BIND(L_256bit_transform);
__ xor3(G1,G3,G3);
__ xor3(G5,G4,G4);
__ movxtod(G3,F56);
__ movxtod(G4,F58);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, F56, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, F58, F62);
for ( int i = 0; i <= 48; i += 8 ) {
__ aes_eround01(as_FloatRegister(i), F60, F62, F56);
__ aes_eround23(as_FloatRegister(i+2), F60, F62, F58);
if (i != 48 ) {
__ aes_eround01(as_FloatRegister(i+4), F56, F58, F60);
__ aes_eround23(as_FloatRegister(i+6), F56, F58, F62);
} else {
__ aes_eround01_l(as_FloatRegister(i+4), F56, F58, F60);
__ aes_eround23_l(as_FloatRegister(i+6), F56, F58, F62);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, L1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_256bit);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, L2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 8);
__ ba_short(L_check_loop_end_256bit);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_256bit);
__ add(to, 8, L3);
__ mov(8, L4);
__ sub(L4, L1, L4);
__ alignaddr(L4, G0, L4);
__ movdtox(F60, L6);
__ movdtox(F62, L7);
__ faligndata(F60, F60, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F62, F62);
__ mov(to, L5);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(L3, -8, L3);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(L3, 8, L3);
__ orn(G0, L2, L2);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(L5, to);
__ movxtod(L6, F60);
__ movxtod(L7, F62);
__ BIND(L_check_loop_end_256bit);
__ add(from, 16, from);
__ subcc(len_reg, 16, len_reg);
__ add(to, 16, to);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcenc256);
__ delayed()->nop();
// re-init intial vector for next block, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, rvec, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, rvec, 8);
__ mov(L0, I0);
__ ret();
__ delayed()->restore();
return start;
address generate_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt_Parallel() {
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of an int array is aligned to 8 bytes");
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_BYTE) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of a byte array is aligned to 8 bytes");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt");
Label L_cbcdec_end, L_expand192bit, L_expand256bit, L_dec_first_block_start;
Label L_dec_first_block128, L_dec_first_block192, L_dec_next2_blocks128, L_dec_next2_blocks192, L_dec_next2_blocks256;
Label L_load_misaligned_input_first_block, L_transform_first_block, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks128, L_transform_next2_blocks128;
Label L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks192, L_transform_next2_blocks192, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks256, L_transform_next2_blocks256;
Label L_store_misaligned_output_first_block, L_check_decrypt_end, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks128;
Label L_check_decrypt_loop_end128, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks192, L_check_decrypt_loop_end192;
Label L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks256, L_check_decrypt_loop_end256;
address start = __ pc();
Register from = I0; // source byte array
Register to = I1; // destination byte array
Register key = I2; // expanded key array
Register rvec = I3; // init vector
const Register len_reg = I4; // cipher length
const Register original_key = I5; // original key array only required during decryption
const Register keylen = L6; // reg for storing expanded key array length
__ save_frame(0); //args are read from I* registers since we save the frame in the beginning
// save cipher len to return in the end
__ mov(len_reg, L7);
// load original key from SunJCE expanded decryption key
// Since we load original key buffer starting first element, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
for ( int i = 0; i <= 3; i++ ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
// load initial vector, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ ldx(rvec,0,L0);
__ ldx(rvec,8,L1);
// read expanded key array length
__ ldsw(Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)), keylen, 0);
// 256-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 60, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_expand256bit);
// 192-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 52, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_expand192bit);
// 128-bit original key size
// perform key expansion since SunJCE decryption-key expansion is not compatible with SPARC crypto instructions
for ( int i = 0; i <= 36; i += 4 ) {
__ aes_kexpand1(as_FloatRegister(i), as_FloatRegister(i+2), i/4, as_FloatRegister(i+4));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+2), as_FloatRegister(i+4), as_FloatRegister(i+6));
// load expanded key[last-1] and key[last] elements
__ movdtox(F40,L2);
__ movdtox(F42,L3);
__ and3(len_reg, 16, L4);
__ br_null_short(L4, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks128);
__ nop();
__ ba_short(L_dec_first_block_start);
__ BIND(L_expand192bit);
// load rest of the 192-bit key
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, 16, F4);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, 20, F5);
// perform key expansion since SunJCE decryption-key expansion is not compatible with SPARC crypto instructions
for ( int i = 0; i <= 36; i += 6 ) {
__ aes_kexpand1(as_FloatRegister(i), as_FloatRegister(i+4), i/6, as_FloatRegister(i+6));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+2), as_FloatRegister(i+6), as_FloatRegister(i+8));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+4), as_FloatRegister(i+8), as_FloatRegister(i+10));
__ aes_kexpand1(F42, F46, 7, F48);
__ aes_kexpand2(F44, F48, F50);
// load expanded key[last-1] and key[last] elements
__ movdtox(F48,L2);
__ movdtox(F50,L3);
__ and3(len_reg, 16, L4);
__ br_null_short(L4, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks192);
__ nop();
__ ba_short(L_dec_first_block_start);
__ BIND(L_expand256bit);
// load rest of the 256-bit key
for ( int i = 4; i <= 7; i++ ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
// perform key expansion since SunJCE decryption-key expansion is not compatible with SPARC crypto instructions
for ( int i = 0; i <= 40; i += 8 ) {
__ aes_kexpand1(as_FloatRegister(i), as_FloatRegister(i+6), i/8, as_FloatRegister(i+8));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+2), as_FloatRegister(i+8), as_FloatRegister(i+10));
__ aes_kexpand0(as_FloatRegister(i+4), as_FloatRegister(i+10), as_FloatRegister(i+12));
__ aes_kexpand2(as_FloatRegister(i+6), as_FloatRegister(i+12), as_FloatRegister(i+14));
__ aes_kexpand1(F48, F54, 6, F56);
__ aes_kexpand2(F50, F56, F58);
// load expanded key[last-1] and key[last] elements
__ movdtox(F56,L2);
__ movdtox(F58,L3);
__ and3(len_reg, 16, L4);
__ br_null_short(L4, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks256);
__ BIND(L_dec_first_block_start);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input_first_block);
__ delayed()->mov(from, G1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into L4 and L5
__ ldx(from,0,L4);
__ ldx(from,8,L5);
__ ba_short(L_transform_first_block);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input_first_block);
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// F58, F60, F62 can be clobbered
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F58);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F62);
__ faligndata(F58, F60, F58);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ movdtox(F58, L4);
__ movdtox(F60, L5);
__ mov(G1, from);
__ BIND(L_transform_first_block);
__ xor3(L2,L4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F60);
__ xor3(L3,L5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F62);
// 128-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 44, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_dec_first_block128);
// 192-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 52, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_dec_first_block192);
__ aes_dround23(F54, F60, F62, F58);
__ aes_dround01(F52, F60, F62, F56);
__ aes_dround23(F50, F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01(F48, F56, F58, F60);
__ BIND(L_dec_first_block192);
__ aes_dround23(F46, F60, F62, F58);
__ aes_dround01(F44, F60, F62, F56);
__ aes_dround23(F42, F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01(F40, F56, F58, F60);
__ BIND(L_dec_first_block128);
for ( int i = 38; i >= 6; i -= 8 ) {
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i), F60, F62, F58);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-2), F60, F62, F56);
if ( i != 6) {
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F56, F58, F60);
} else {
__ aes_dround23_l(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01_l(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F56, F58, F60);
__ movxtod(L0,F56);
__ movxtod(L1,F58);
__ mov(L4,L0);
__ mov(L5,L1);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, F60, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F58, F62, F62);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, G1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_first_block);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, G2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 8);
__ ba_short(L_check_decrypt_end);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_first_block);
__ add(to, 8, G3);
__ mov(8, G4);
__ sub(G4, G1, G4);
__ alignaddr(G4, G0, G4);
__ faligndata(F60, F60, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F62, F62);
__ mov(to, G1);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(G3, -8, G3);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(G3, G2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(G3, 8, G3);
__ orn(G0, G2, G2);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(G3, G2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(G1, to);
__ BIND(L_check_decrypt_end);
__ add(from, 16, from);
__ add(to, 16, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 16, len_reg);
__ br(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcdec_end);
__ delayed()->nop();
// 256-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 60, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_dec_next2_blocks256);
// 192-bit original key size
__ cmp_and_brx_short(keylen, 52, Assembler::equal, Assembler::pn, L_dec_next2_blocks192);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_dec_next2_blocks128);
__ nop();
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks128);
__ delayed()->mov(from, G1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G4, G5, L4 and L5
__ ldx(from,0,G4);
__ ldx(from,8,G5);
__ ldx(from,16,L4);
__ ldx(from,24,L5);
__ ba_short(L_transform_next2_blocks128);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks128);
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// F40, F42, F58, F60, F62 can be clobbered
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F40);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F42);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 24, F62);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 32, F58);
__ faligndata(F40, F42, F40);
__ faligndata(F42, F60, F42);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F58, F62);
__ movdtox(F40, G4);
__ movdtox(F42, G5);
__ movdtox(F60, L4);
__ movdtox(F62, L5);
__ mov(G1, from);
__ BIND(L_transform_next2_blocks128);
// F40:F42 used for first 16-bytes
__ xor3(L2,G4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F40);
__ xor3(L3,G5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F42);
// F60:F62 used for next 16-bytes
__ xor3(L2,L4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F60);
__ xor3(L3,L5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F62);
for ( int i = 38; i >= 6; i -= 8 ) {
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i), F40, F42, F44);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-2), F40, F42, F46);
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i), F60, F62, F58);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-2), F60, F62, F56);
if (i != 6 ) {
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F46, F44, F42);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F46, F44, F40);
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F56, F58, F60);
} else {
__ aes_dround23_l(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F46, F44, F42);
__ aes_dround01_l(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F46, F44, F40);
__ aes_dround23_l(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01_l(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F56, F58, F60);
__ movxtod(L0,F46);
__ movxtod(L1,F44);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F46, F40, F40);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F44, F42, F42);
__ movxtod(G4,F56);
__ movxtod(G5,F58);
__ mov(L4,L0);
__ mov(L5,L1);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, F60, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F58, F62, F62);
// For mis-aligned store of 32 bytes of result we can do:
// Circular right-shift all 4 FP registers so that 'head' and 'tail'
// parts that need to be stored starting at mis-aligned address are in a FP reg
// the other 3 FP regs can thus be stored using regular store
// we then use the edge + partial-store mechanism to store the 'head' and 'tail' parts
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, G1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks128);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, G2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F40, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F42, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 24);
__ ba_short(L_check_decrypt_loop_end128);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks128);
__ mov(8, G4);
__ sub(G4, G1, G4);
__ alignaddr(G4, G0, G4);
__ faligndata(F40, F42, F56); // F56 can be clobbered
__ faligndata(F42, F60, F42);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F40, F40);
__ mov(to, G1);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F40, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F42, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 24);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ orn(G0, G2, G2);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F40, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(G1, to);
__ BIND(L_check_decrypt_loop_end128);
__ add(from, 32, from);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 32, len_reg);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks128);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_cbcdec_end);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_dec_next2_blocks192);
__ nop();
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks192);
__ delayed()->mov(from, G1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G4, G5, L4 and L5
__ ldx(from,0,G4);
__ ldx(from,8,G5);
__ ldx(from,16,L4);
__ ldx(from,24,L5);
__ ba_short(L_transform_next2_blocks192);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks192);
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// F48, F50, F52, F60, F62 can be clobbered
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F48);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F50);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 24, F62);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 32, F52);
__ faligndata(F48, F50, F48);
__ faligndata(F50, F60, F50);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F52, F62);
__ movdtox(F48, G4);
__ movdtox(F50, G5);
__ movdtox(F60, L4);
__ movdtox(F62, L5);
__ mov(G1, from);
__ BIND(L_transform_next2_blocks192);
// F48:F50 used for first 16-bytes
__ xor3(L2,G4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F48);
__ xor3(L3,G5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F50);
// F60:F62 used for next 16-bytes
__ xor3(L2,L4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F60);
__ xor3(L3,L5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F62);
for ( int i = 46; i >= 6; i -= 8 ) {
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i), F48, F50, F52);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-2), F48, F50, F54);
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i), F60, F62, F58);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-2), F60, F62, F56);
if (i != 6 ) {
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F54, F52, F50);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F54, F52, F48);
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F56, F58, F60);
} else {
__ aes_dround23_l(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F54, F52, F50);
__ aes_dround01_l(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F54, F52, F48);
__ aes_dround23_l(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01_l(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F56, F58, F60);
__ movxtod(L0,F54);
__ movxtod(L1,F52);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F54, F48, F48);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F52, F50, F50);
__ movxtod(G4,F56);
__ movxtod(G5,F58);
__ mov(L4,L0);
__ mov(L5,L1);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, F60, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F58, F62, F62);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, G1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks192);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, G2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F48, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F50, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 24);
__ ba_short(L_check_decrypt_loop_end192);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks192);
__ mov(8, G4);
__ sub(G4, G1, G4);
__ alignaddr(G4, G0, G4);
__ faligndata(F48, F50, F56); // F56 can be clobbered
__ faligndata(F50, F60, F50);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F48, F48);
__ mov(to, G1);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F48, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F50, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 24);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ orn(G0, G2, G2);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F48, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(G1, to);
__ BIND(L_check_decrypt_loop_end192);
__ add(from, 32, from);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 32, len_reg);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks192);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_cbcdec_end);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_dec_next2_blocks256);
__ nop();
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks256);
__ delayed()->mov(from, G1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G4, G5, L4 and L5
__ ldx(from,0,G4);
__ ldx(from,8,G5);
__ ldx(from,16,L4);
__ ldx(from,24,L5);
__ ba_short(L_transform_next2_blocks256);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks256);
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// F0, F2, F4, F60, F62 can be clobbered
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F0);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F2);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 24, F62);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 32, F4);
__ faligndata(F0, F2, F0);
__ faligndata(F2, F60, F2);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F4, F62);
__ movdtox(F0, G4);
__ movdtox(F2, G5);
__ movdtox(F60, L4);
__ movdtox(F62, L5);
__ mov(G1, from);
__ BIND(L_transform_next2_blocks256);
// F0:F2 used for first 16-bytes
__ xor3(L2,G4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F0);
__ xor3(L3,G5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F2);
// F60:F62 used for next 16-bytes
__ xor3(L2,L4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F60);
__ xor3(L3,L5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F62);
__ aes_dround23(F54, F0, F2, F4);
__ aes_dround01(F52, F0, F2, F6);
__ aes_dround23(F54, F60, F62, F58);
__ aes_dround01(F52, F60, F62, F56);
__ aes_dround23(F50, F6, F4, F2);
__ aes_dround01(F48, F6, F4, F0);
__ aes_dround23(F50, F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01(F48, F56, F58, F60);
// save F48:F54 in temp registers
__ movdtox(F54,G2);
__ movdtox(F52,G3);
__ movdtox(F50,G6);
__ movdtox(F48,G1);
for ( int i = 46; i >= 14; i -= 8 ) {
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i), F0, F2, F4);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-2), F0, F2, F6);
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i), F60, F62, F58);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-2), F60, F62, F56);
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F6, F4, F2);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F6, F4, F0);
__ aes_dround23(as_FloatRegister(i-4), F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01(as_FloatRegister(i-6), F56, F58, F60);
// init F48:F54 with F0:F6 values (original key)
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, original_key, 0, F48);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, original_key, 8, F50);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, original_key, 16, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, original_key, 24, F54);
__ aes_dround23(F54, F0, F2, F4);
__ aes_dround01(F52, F0, F2, F6);
__ aes_dround23(F54, F60, F62, F58);
__ aes_dround01(F52, F60, F62, F56);
__ aes_dround23_l(F50, F6, F4, F2);
__ aes_dround01_l(F48, F6, F4, F0);
__ aes_dround23_l(F50, F56, F58, F62);
__ aes_dround01_l(F48, F56, F58, F60);
// re-init F48:F54 with their original values
__ movxtod(G2,F54);
__ movxtod(G3,F52);
__ movxtod(G6,F50);
__ movxtod(G1,F48);
__ movxtod(L0,F6);
__ movxtod(L1,F4);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F6, F0, F0);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F4, F2, F2);
__ movxtod(G4,F56);
__ movxtod(G5,F58);
__ mov(L4,L0);
__ mov(L5,L1);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, F60, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F58, F62, F62);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, G1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks256);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, G2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F0, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F2, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 24);
__ ba_short(L_check_decrypt_loop_end256);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks256);
__ mov(8, G4);
__ sub(G4, G1, G4);
__ alignaddr(G4, G0, G4);
__ faligndata(F0, F2, F56); // F56 can be clobbered
__ faligndata(F2, F60, F2);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F0, F0);
__ mov(to, G1);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F0, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F2, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 24);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ orn(G0, G2, G2);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F0, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(G1, to);
__ BIND(L_check_decrypt_loop_end256);
__ add(from, 32, from);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 32, len_reg);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks256);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ BIND(L_cbcdec_end);
// re-init intial vector for next block, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ stx(L0, rvec, 0);
__ stx(L1, rvec, 8);
__ mov(L7, I0);
__ ret();
__ delayed()->restore();
return start;
address generate_sha1_implCompress(bool multi_block, const char *name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
Label L_sha1_loop, L_sha1_unaligned_input, L_sha1_unaligned_input_loop;
int i;
Register buf = O0; // byte[] source+offset
Register state = O1; // int[] SHA.state
Register ofs = O2; // int offset
Register limit = O3; // int limit
// load state into F0-F4
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, state, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
__ andcc(buf, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, L_sha1_unaligned_input);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ BIND(L_sha1_loop);
// load buf into F8-F22
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, buf, i*8, as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 8));
__ sha1();
if (multi_block) {
__ add(ofs, 64, ofs);
__ add(buf, 64, buf);
__ cmp_and_brx_short(ofs, limit, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pt, L_sha1_loop);
__ mov(ofs, O0); // to be returned
// store F0-F4 into state and return
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, as_FloatRegister(i), state, i*4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F4, state, 0x10);
__ BIND(L_sha1_unaligned_input);
__ alignaddr(buf, G0, buf);
__ BIND(L_sha1_unaligned_input_loop);
// load buf into F8-F22
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, buf, i*8, as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 8));
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
__ faligndata(as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 8), as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 10), as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 8));
__ sha1();
if (multi_block) {
__ add(ofs, 64, ofs);
__ add(buf, 64, buf);
__ cmp_and_brx_short(ofs, limit, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pt, L_sha1_unaligned_input_loop);
__ mov(ofs, O0); // to be returned
// store F0-F4 into state and return
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, as_FloatRegister(i), state, i*4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F4, state, 0x10);
return start;
address generate_sha256_implCompress(bool multi_block, const char *name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
Label L_sha256_loop, L_sha256_unaligned_input, L_sha256_unaligned_input_loop;
int i;
Register buf = O0; // byte[] source+offset
Register state = O1; // int[] SHA2.state
Register ofs = O2; // int offset
Register limit = O3; // int limit
// load state into F0-F7
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, state, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
__ andcc(buf, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, L_sha256_unaligned_input);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ BIND(L_sha256_loop);
// load buf into F8-F22
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, buf, i*8, as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 8));
__ sha256();
if (multi_block) {
__ add(ofs, 64, ofs);
__ add(buf, 64, buf);
__ cmp_and_brx_short(ofs, limit, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pt, L_sha256_loop);
__ mov(ofs, O0); // to be returned
// store F0-F7 into state and return
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, as_FloatRegister(i), state, i*4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F7, state, 0x1c);
__ BIND(L_sha256_unaligned_input);
__ alignaddr(buf, G0, buf);
__ BIND(L_sha256_unaligned_input_loop);
// load buf into F8-F22
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, buf, i*8, as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 8));
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
__ faligndata(as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 8), as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 10), as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 8));
__ sha256();
if (multi_block) {
__ add(ofs, 64, ofs);
__ add(buf, 64, buf);
__ cmp_and_brx_short(ofs, limit, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pt, L_sha256_unaligned_input_loop);
__ mov(ofs, O0); // to be returned
// store F0-F7 into state and return
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, as_FloatRegister(i), state, i*4);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F7, state, 0x1c);
return start;
address generate_sha512_implCompress(bool multi_block, const char *name) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", name);
address start = __ pc();
Label L_sha512_loop, L_sha512_unaligned_input, L_sha512_unaligned_input_loop;
int i;
Register buf = O0; // byte[] source+offset
Register state = O1; // long[] SHA5.state
Register ofs = O2; // int offset
Register limit = O3; // int limit
// load state into F0-F14
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, state, i*8, as_FloatRegister(i*2));
__ andcc(buf, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, L_sha512_unaligned_input);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ BIND(L_sha512_loop);
// load buf into F16-F46
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, buf, i*8, as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 16));
__ sha512();
if (multi_block) {
__ add(ofs, 128, ofs);
__ add(buf, 128, buf);
__ cmp_and_brx_short(ofs, limit, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pt, L_sha512_loop);
__ mov(ofs, O0); // to be returned
// store F0-F14 into state and return
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, as_FloatRegister(i*2), state, i*8);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F14, state, 0x38);
__ BIND(L_sha512_unaligned_input);
__ alignaddr(buf, G0, buf);
__ BIND(L_sha512_unaligned_input_loop);
// load buf into F16-F46
for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, buf, i*8, as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 16));
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
__ faligndata(as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 16), as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 18), as_FloatRegister(i*2 + 16));
__ sha512();
if (multi_block) {
__ add(ofs, 128, ofs);
__ add(buf, 128, buf);
__ cmp_and_brx_short(ofs, limit, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pt, L_sha512_unaligned_input_loop);
__ mov(ofs, O0); // to be returned
// store F0-F14 into state and return
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, as_FloatRegister(i*2), state, i*8);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F14, state, 0x38);
return start;
void generate_initial() {
// Generates all stubs and initializes the entry points
// entry points that exist in all platforms
// Note: This is code that could be shared among different platforms - however the benefit seems to be smaller than
// the disadvantage of having a much more complicated generator structure. See also comment in stubRoutines.hpp.
StubRoutines::_forward_exception_entry = generate_forward_exception();
StubRoutines::_call_stub_entry = generate_call_stub(StubRoutines::_call_stub_return_address);
StubRoutines::_catch_exception_entry = generate_catch_exception();
// entry points that are platform specific
StubRoutines::Sparc::_test_stop_entry = generate_test_stop();
StubRoutines::Sparc::_stop_subroutine_entry = generate_stop_subroutine();
StubRoutines::Sparc::_flush_callers_register_windows_entry = generate_flush_callers_register_windows();
#if !defined(COMPILER2) && !defined(_LP64)
StubRoutines::_atomic_xchg_entry = generate_atomic_xchg();
StubRoutines::_atomic_cmpxchg_entry = generate_atomic_cmpxchg();
StubRoutines::_atomic_add_entry = generate_atomic_add();
StubRoutines::_atomic_xchg_ptr_entry = StubRoutines::_atomic_xchg_entry;
StubRoutines::_atomic_cmpxchg_ptr_entry = StubRoutines::_atomic_cmpxchg_entry;
StubRoutines::_atomic_cmpxchg_long_entry = generate_atomic_cmpxchg_long();
StubRoutines::_atomic_add_ptr_entry = StubRoutines::_atomic_add_entry;
#endif // COMPILER2 !=> _LP64
// Build this early so it's available for the interpreter.
StubRoutines::_throw_StackOverflowError_entry = generate_throw_exception("StackOverflowError throw_exception", CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::throw_StackOverflowError));
void generate_all() {
// Generates all stubs and initializes the entry points
// Generate partial_subtype_check first here since its code depends on
// UseZeroBaseCompressedOops which is defined after heap initialization.
StubRoutines::Sparc::_partial_subtype_check = generate_partial_subtype_check();
// These entry points require SharedInfo::stack0 to be set up in non-core builds
StubRoutines::_throw_AbstractMethodError_entry = generate_throw_exception("AbstractMethodError throw_exception", CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::throw_AbstractMethodError));
StubRoutines::_throw_IncompatibleClassChangeError_entry= generate_throw_exception("IncompatibleClassChangeError throw_exception", CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::throw_IncompatibleClassChangeError));
StubRoutines::_throw_NullPointerException_at_call_entry= generate_throw_exception("NullPointerException at call throw_exception", CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::throw_NullPointerException_at_call));
StubRoutines::_handler_for_unsafe_access_entry =
// support for verify_oop (must happen after universe_init)
StubRoutines::_verify_oop_subroutine_entry = generate_verify_oop_subroutine();
// arraycopy stubs used by compilers
// Don't initialize the platform math functions since sparc
// doesn't have intrinsics for these operations.
// Safefetch stubs.
generate_safefetch("SafeFetch32", sizeof(int), &StubRoutines::_safefetch32_entry,
generate_safefetch("SafeFetchN", sizeof(intptr_t), &StubRoutines::_safefetchN_entry,
// generate AES intrinsics code
if (UseAESIntrinsics) {
StubRoutines::_aescrypt_encryptBlock = generate_aescrypt_encryptBlock();
StubRoutines::_aescrypt_decryptBlock = generate_aescrypt_decryptBlock();
StubRoutines::_cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt = generate_cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt();
StubRoutines::_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt = generate_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt_Parallel();
// generate SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 intrinsics code
if (UseSHA1Intrinsics) {
StubRoutines::_sha1_implCompress = generate_sha1_implCompress(false, "sha1_implCompress");
StubRoutines::_sha1_implCompressMB = generate_sha1_implCompress(true, "sha1_implCompressMB");
if (UseSHA256Intrinsics) {
StubRoutines::_sha256_implCompress = generate_sha256_implCompress(false, "sha256_implCompress");
StubRoutines::_sha256_implCompressMB = generate_sha256_implCompress(true, "sha256_implCompressMB");
if (UseSHA512Intrinsics) {
StubRoutines::_sha512_implCompress = generate_sha512_implCompress(false, "sha512_implCompress");
StubRoutines::_sha512_implCompressMB = generate_sha512_implCompress(true, "sha512_implCompressMB");
StubGenerator(CodeBuffer* code, bool all) : StubCodeGenerator(code) {
// replace the standard masm with a special one:
_masm = new MacroAssembler(code);
_stub_count = !all ? 0x100 : 0x200;
if (all) {
} else {
// make sure this stub is available for all local calls
if (_atomic_add_stub.is_unbound()) {
// generate a second time, if necessary
(void) generate_atomic_add();
int _stub_count;
void stub_prolog(StubCodeDesc* cdesc) {
# ifdef ASSERT
// put extra information in the stub code, to make it more readable
#ifdef _LP64
// Write the high part of the address
// [RGV] Check if there is a dependency on the size of this prolog
__ emit_data((intptr_t)cdesc >> 32, relocInfo::none);
__ emit_data((intptr_t)cdesc, relocInfo::none);
__ emit_data(++_stub_count, relocInfo::none);
# endif
void align(bool at_header = false) {
// %%%%% move this constant somewhere else
// UltraSPARC cache line size is 8 instructions:
const unsigned int icache_line_size = 32;
const unsigned int icache_half_line_size = 16;
if (at_header) {
while ((intptr_t)(__ pc()) % icache_line_size != 0) {
__ emit_data(0, relocInfo::none);
} else {
while ((intptr_t)(__ pc()) % icache_half_line_size != 0) {
__ nop();
}; // end class declaration
void StubGenerator_generate(CodeBuffer* code, bool all) {
StubGenerator g(code, all);