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Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA." or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any." questions..".TH jarsigner 1 "10 May 2011".LP.SH "Name"jarsigner \- JAR Signing and Verification Tool.LP.LPGenerates signatures for Java ARchive (JAR) files, and verifies the signatures of signed JAR files..LP.SH "SYNOPSIS".LP.nf\f3.fl\fP\f3jarsigner\fP [ options ] jar\-file alias.fl\f3jarsigner\fP \-verify [ options ] jar\-file [alias...].fl.fi.LP.LPThe jarsigner \-verify command can take zero or more keystore alias names after the jar filename. When specified, jarsigner will check that the certificate used to verify each signed entry in the jar file matches one of the keystore aliases. The aliases are defined in the keystore specified by \-keystore, or the default keystore..LP.SH "DESCRIPTION".LP.LPThe \f3jarsigner\fP tool is used for two purposes:.LP.RS 3.TP 31.to sign Java ARchive (JAR) files, and.TP 32.to verify the signatures and integrity of signed JAR files..RE.LP.LPThe JAR feature enables the packaging of class files, images, sounds, and other digital data in a single file for faster and easier distribution. A tool named jar(1) enables developers to produce JAR files. (Technically, any zip file can also be considered a JAR file, although when created by \f3jar\fP or processed by \f3jarsigner\fP, JAR files also contain a META\-INF/MANIFEST.MF file.).LP.LPA \f2digital signature\fP is a string of bits that is computed from some data (the data being "signed") and the private key of an entity (a person, company, etc.). Like a handwritten signature, a digital signature has many useful characteristics:.LP.RS 3.TP 2oIts authenticity can be verified, via a computation that uses the public key corresponding to the private key used to generate the signature..TP 2oIt cannot be forged, assuming the private key is kept secret..TP 2oIt is a function of the data signed and thus can't be claimed to be the signature for other data as well..TP 2oThe signed data cannot be changed; if it is, the signature will no longer verify as being authentic..RE.LP.LPIn order for an entity's signature to be generated for a file, the entity must first have a public/private key pair associated with it, and also one or more certificates authenticating its public key. A \f2certificate\fP is a digitally signed statement from one entity, saying that the public key of some other entity has a particular value..LP.LP\f3jarsigner\fP uses key and certificate information from a \f2keystore\fP to generate digital signatures for JAR files. A keystore is a database of private keys and their associated X.509 certificate chains authenticating the corresponding public keys. The keytool(1) utility is used to create and administer keystores..LP.LP\f3jarsigner\fP uses an entity's private key to generate a signature. The signed JAR file contains, among other things, a copy of the certificate from the keystore for the public key corresponding to the private key used to sign the file. \f3jarsigner\fP can verify the digital signature of the signed JAR file using the certificate inside it (in its signature block file)..LP.LP\f3jarsigner\fP can generate signatures that include a timestamp, thus enabling systems/deployer (including Java Plug\-in) to check whether the JAR file was signed while the signing certificate was still valid. In addition, APIs will allow applications to obtain the timestamp information..LP.LPAt this time, \f3jarsigner\fP can only sign JAR files created by the SDK jar(1) tool or zip files. (JAR files are the same as zip files, except they also have a META\-INF/MANIFEST.MF file. Such a file will automatically be created when \f3jarsigner\fP signs a zip file.).LP.LPThe default \f3jarsigner\fP behavior is to \f2sign\fP a JAR (or zip) file. Use the \f2\-verify\fP option to instead have it \f2verify\fP a signed JAR file..LP.SSKeystore Aliases.LP.LPAll keystore entities are accessed via unique \f2aliases\fP..LP.LPWhen using \f3jarsigner\fP to sign a JAR file, you must specify the alias for the keystore entry containing the private key needed to generate the signature. For example, the following will sign the JAR file named "MyJARFile.jar", using the private key associated with the alias "duke" in the keystore named "mystore" in the "working" directory. Since no output file is specified, it overwrites MyJARFile.jar with the signed JAR file..LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner \-keystore /working/mystore \-storepass \fP\f4<keystore password>\fP\f3.fl \-keypass \fP\f4<private key password>\fP\f3 MyJARFile.jar duke.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPKeystores are protected with a password, so the store password must be specified. You will be prompted for it if you don't specify it on the command line. Similarly, private keys are protected in a keystore with a password, so the private key's password must be specified, and you will be prompted for it if you don't specify it on the command line and it isn't the same as the store password..LP.SSKeystore Location.LP.LP\f3jarsigner\fP has a \f2\-keystore\fP option for specifying the URL of the keystore to be used. The keystore is by default stored in a file named \f2.keystore\fP in the user's home directory, as determined by the \f2user.home\fP system property. On Solaris systems \f2user.home\fP defaults to the user's home directory..LP.LPNote that the input stream from the \f2\-keystore\fP option is passed to the \f2KeyStore.load\fP method. If \f2NONE\fP is specified as the URL, then a null stream is passed to the \f2KeyStore.load\fP method. \f2NONE\fP should be specified if the \f2KeyStore\fP is not file\-based, for example, if it resides on a hardware token device..LP.SSKeystore Implementation.LP.LPThe \f2KeyStore\fP class provided in the \f2java.security\fP package supplies well\-defined interfaces to access and modify the information in a keystore. It is possible for there to be multiple different concrete implementations, where each implementation is that for a particular \f2type\fP of keystore..LP.LPCurrently, there are two command\-line tools that make use of keystore implementations (\f3keytool\fP and \f3jarsigner\fP), and also a GUI\-based tool named \f3Policy Tool\fP. Since \f2KeyStore\fP is publicly available, Java 2 SDK users can write additional security applications that use it..LP.LPThere is a built\-in default implementation, provided by Sun Microsystems. It implements the keystore as a file, utilizing a proprietary keystore type (format) named "JKS". It protects each private key with its individual password, and also protects the integrity of the entire keystore with a (possibly different) password..LP.LPKeystore implementations are provider\-based. More specifically, the application interfaces supplied by \f2KeyStore\fP are implemented in terms of a "Service Provider Interface" (SPI). That is, there is a corresponding abstract \f2KeystoreSpi\fP class, also in the \f2java.security\fP package, which defines the Service Provider Interface methods that "providers" must implement. (The term "provider" refers to a package or a set of packages that supply a concrete implementation of a subset of services that can be accessed by the Java Security API.) Thus, to provide a keystore implementation, clients must implement a provider and supply a KeystoreSpi subclass implementation, as described in.na\f2How to Implement a Provider for the Java Cryptography Architecture\fP @.fihttp://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/crypto/HowToImplAProvider.html..LP.LPApplications can choose different \f2types\fP of keystore implementations from different providers, using the "getInstance" factory method supplied in the \f2KeyStore\fP class. A keystore type defines the storage and data format of the keystore information, and the algorithms used to protect private keys in the keystore and the integrity of the keystore itself. Keystore implementations of different types are not compatible..LP.LP\f3keytool\fP works on any file\-based keystore implementation. (It treats the keystore location that is passed to it at the command line as a filename and converts it to a FileInputStream, from which it loads the keystore information.) The \f3jarsigner\fP and \f3policytool\fP tools, on the other hand, can read a keystore from any location that can be specified using a URL..LP.LPFor \f3jarsigner\fP and \f3keytool\fP, you can specify a keystore type at the command line, via the \f2\-storetype\fP option. For \f3Policy Tool\fP, you can specify a keystore type via the "Change Keystore" command in the Edit menu..LP.LPIf you don't explicitly specify a keystore type, the tools choose a keystore implementation based simply on the value of the \f2keystore.type\fP property specified in the security properties file. The security properties file is called \f2java.security\fP, and it resides in the SDK security properties directory, \f2java.home\fP/lib/security, where \f2java.home\fP is the runtime environment's directory (the \f2jre\fP directory in the SDK or the top\-level directory of the Java 2 Runtime Environment)..LP.LPEach tool gets the \f2keystore.type\fP value and then examines all the currently\-installed providers until it finds one that implements keystores of that type. It then uses the keystore implementation from that provider..LP.LPThe \f2KeyStore\fP class defines a static method named \f2getDefaultType\fP that lets applications and applets retrieve the value of the \f2keystore.type\fP property. The following line of code creates an instance of the default keystore type (as specified in the \f2keystore.type\fP property):.LP.nf\f3.fl KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPThe default keystore type is "jks" (the proprietary type of the keystore implementation provided by Sun). This is specified by the following line in the security properties file:.LP.nf\f3.fl keystore.type=jks.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPNote: Case doesn't matter in keystore type designations. For example, "JKS" would be considered the same as "jks"..LP.LPTo have the tools utilize a keystore implementation other than the default, change that line to specify a different keystore type. For example, if you have a provider package that supplies a keystore implementation for a keystore type called "pkcs12", change the line to.LP.nf\f3.fl keystore.type=pkcs12.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPNote that if you us the PKCS#11 provider package, you should refer to the.na\f2KeyTool and JarSigner\fP @.fihttp://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/p11guide.html#KeyToolJarSigner section of the Java PKCS#11 Reference Guide for details..LP.SSSupported Algorithms.LP.LPBy default, \f3jarsigner\fP signs a JAR file using one of the following:.LP.RS 3.TP 2oDSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) with the SHA1 digest algorithm.TP 2oRSA algorithm with the SHA256 digest algorithm..TP 2oEC (Elliptic Curve) cryptography algorithm with the SHA256 with ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)..RE.LP.LPThat is, if the signer's public and private keys are DSA keys, \f3jarsigner\fP will sign the JAR file using the "SHA1withDSA" algorithm. If the signer's keys are RSA keys, \f3jarsigner\fP will attempt to sign the JAR file using the "SHA256withRSA" algorithm. If the signer's keys are EC keys, \f3jarsigner\fP will sign the JAR file using the "SHA256withECDSA" algorithm..LP.LPThese default signature algorithms can be overridden using the \f2\-sigalg\fP option..LP.SSThe Signed JAR File.LP.LPWhen \f3jarsigner\fP is used to sign a JAR file, the output signed JAR file is exactly the same as the input JAR file, except that it has two additional files placed in the META\-INF directory:.LP.RS 3.TP 2oa signature file, with a .SF extension, and.TP 2oa signature block file, with a .DSA, .RSA, or .EC extension..RE.LP.LPThe base file names for these two files come from the value of the \f2\-sigFile\fP option. For example, if the option appears as.LP.nf\f3.fl\-sigFile MKSIGN.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPThe files are named "MKSIGN.SF" and "MKSIGN.DSA"..LP.LPIf no \f2\-sigfile\fP option appears on the command line, the base file name for the .SF and .DSA files will be the first 8 characters of the alias name specified on the command line, all converted to upper case. If the alias name has fewer than 8 characters, the full alias name is used. If the alias name contains any characters that are not allowed in a signature file name, each such character is converted to an underscore ("_") character in forming the file name. Legal characters include letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens..LP\f3The Signature (.SF) File\fP.LP.LPA signature file (the .SF file) looks similar to the manifest file that is always included in a JAR file when \f3jarsigner\fP is used to sign the file. That is, for each source file included in the JAR file, the .SF file has three lines, just as in the manifest file, listing the following:.LP.RS 3.TP 2othe file name,.TP 2othe name of the digest algorithm used (SHA), and.TP 2oa SHA digest value..RE.LP.LPIn the manifest file, the SHA digest value for each source file is the digest (hash) of the binary data in the source file. In the .SF file, on the other hand, the digest value for a given source file is the hash of the three lines in the manifest file for the source file..LP.LPThe signature file also, by default, includes a header containing a hash of the whole manifest file. The presence of the header enables verification optimization, as described in JAR File Verification..LP\f3The Signature Block File\fP.LPThe .SF file is signed and the signature is placed in the signature block file. This file also contains, encoded inside it, the certificate or certificate chain from the keystore which authenticates the public key corresponding to the private key used for signing. The file has the extension .DSA, .RSA, or .EC depending on the digest algorithm used..SSSignature Timestamp.LP.LP\f2jarsigner\fP tool can generate and store a signature timestamp when signing a JAR file. In addition, \f2jarsigner\fP supports alternative signing mechanisms. This behavior is optional and is controlled by the user at the time of signing through these options:.LP.RS 3.TP 2o\f2\-tsa url\fP.TP 2o\f2\-tsacert alias\fP.TP 2o\f2\-altsigner class\fP.TP 2o\f2\-altsignerpath classpathlist\fP.RE.LP.LPEach of these options is detailed in the Options section below..LP.SSJAR File Verification.LP.LPA successful JAR file verification occurs if the signature(s) are valid, and none of the files that were in the JAR file when the signatures were generated have been changed since then. JAR file verification involves the following steps:.LP.RS 3.TP 31.Verify the signature of the .SF file itself..br.brThat is, the verification ensures that the signature stored in each signature block (.DSA) file was in fact generated using the private key corresponding to the public key whose certificate (or certificate chain) also appears in the .DSA file. It also ensures that the signature is a valid signature of the corresponding signature (.SF) file, and thus the .SF file has not been tampered with..TP 32.Verify the digest listed in each entry in the .SF file with each corresponding section in the manifest..br.brThe .SF file by default includes a header containing a hash of the entire manifest file. When the header is present, then the verification can check to see whether or not the hash in the header indeed matches the hash of the manifest file. If that is the case, verification proceeds to the next step..br.brIf that is not the case, a less optimized verification is required to ensure that the hash in each source file information section in the .SF file equals the hash of its corresponding section in the manifest file (see The Signature (.SF) File)..br.brOne reason the hash of the manifest file that is stored in the .SF file header may not equal the hash of the current manifest file would be because one or more files were added to the JAR file (using the \f2jar\fP tool) after the signature (and thus the .SF file) was generated. When the \f2jar\fP tool is used to add files, the manifest file is changed (sections are added to it for the new files), but the .SF file is not. A verification is still considered successful if none of the files that were in the JAR file when the signature was generated have been changed since then, which is the case if the hashes in the non\-header sections of the .SF file equal the hashes of the corresponding sections in the manifest file..TP 33.Read each file in the JAR file that has an entry in the .SF file. While reading, compute the file's digest, and then compare the result with the digest for this file in the manifest section. The digests should be the same, or verification fails..RE.LP.LPIf any serious verification failures occur during the verification process, the process is stopped and a security exception is thrown. It is caught and displayed by \f3jarsigner\fP..LP.SSMultiple Signatures for a JAR File.LP.LPA JAR file can be signed by multiple people simply by running the \f3jarsigner\fP tool on the file multiple times, specifying the alias for a different person each time, as in:.LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner myBundle.jar susan.fl jarsigner myBundle.jar kevin.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPWhen a JAR file is signed multiple times, there are multiple .SF and .DSA files in the resulting JAR file, one pair for each signature. Thus, in the example above, the output JAR file includes files with the following names:.LP.nf\f3.fl SUSAN.SF.fl SUSAN.DSA.fl KEVIN.SF.fl KEVIN.DSA.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPNote: It is also possible for a JAR file to have mixed signatures, some generated by the JDK 1.1 \f3javakey\fP tool and others by \f3jarsigner\fP. That is, \f3jarsigner\fP can be used to sign JAR files already previously signed using \f3javakey\fP..LP.SH "OPTIONS".LP.LPThe various \f3jarsigner\fP options are listed and described below. Note:.LP.RS 3.TP 2oAll option names are preceded by a minus sign (\-)..TP 2oThe options may be provided in any order..TP 2oItems in italics (option values) represent the actual values that must be supplied..TP 2oThe \f2\-keystore\fP, \f2\-storepass\fP, \f2\-keypass\fP, \f2\-sigfile\fP, \f2\-sigalg\fP, \f2\-digestalg\fP, and \f2\-signedjar\fP options are only relevant when signing a JAR file, not when verifying a signed JAR file. Similarly, an alias is only specified on the command line when signing a JAR file..RE.LP.RS 3.TP 3\-keystore urlSpecifies the URL that tells the keystore location. This defaults to the file \f2.keystore\fP in the user's home directory, as determined by the "user.home" system property..br.brA keystore is required when signing, so you must explicitly specify one if the default keystore does not exist (or you want to use one other than the default)..br.brA keystore is \f2not\fP required when verifying, but if one is specified, or the default exists, and the \f2\-verbose\fP option was also specified, additional information is output regarding whether or not any of the certificates used to verify the JAR file are contained in that keystore..br.brNote: the \f2\-keystore\fP argument can actually be a file name (and path) specification rather than a URL, in which case it will be treated the same as a "file:" URL. That is,.nf\f3.fl \-keystore \fP\f4filePathAndName\fP\f3.fl\fP.fiis treated as equivalent to.nf\f3.fl \-keystore file:\fP\f4filePathAndName\fP\f3.fl\fP.fiIf the Sun PKCS#11 provider has been configured in the \f2java.security\fP security properties file (located in the JRE's \f2$JAVA_HOME/lib/security\fP directory), then keytool and jarsigner can operate on the PKCS#11 token by specifying these options:.RS 3.TP 2o\f2\-keystore NONE\fP.TP 2o\f2\-storetype PKCS11\fP.REFor example, this command lists the contents of the configured PKCS#11 token:.nf\f3.fl jarsigner \-keystore NONE \-storetype PKCS11 \-list.fl\fP.fi.TP 3\-storetype storetypeSpecifies the type of keystore to be instantiated. The default keystore type is the one that is specified as the value of the "keystore.type" property in the security properties file, which is returned by the static \f2getDefaultType\fP method in \f2java.security.KeyStore\fP..br.brThe PIN for a PCKS#11 token can also be specified using the \f2\-storepass\fP option. If none has been specified, keytool and jarsigner will prompt for the token PIN. If the token has a protected authentication path (such as a dedicated PIN\-pad or a biometric reader), then the \f2\-protected\fP option must be specified and no password options can be specified..TP 3\-storepass[:env | :file] argumentSpecifies the password which is required to access the keystore. This is only needed when signing (not verifying) a JAR file. In that case, if a \f2\-storepass\fP option is not provided at the command line, the user is prompted for the password..br.brIf the modifier \f2env\fP or \f2file\fP is not specified, then the password has the value \f2argument\fP. Otherwise, the password is retrieved as follows:.RS 3.TP 2o\f2env\fP: Retrieve the password from the environment variable named \f2argument\fP.TP 2o\f2file\fP: Retrieve the password from the file named \f2argument\fP.RENote: The password shouldn't be specified on the command line or in a script unless it is for testing purposes, or you are on a secure system..TP 3\-keypass[:env | :file] argumentSpecifies the password used to protect the private key of the keystore entry addressed by the alias specified on the command line. The password is required when using \f3jarsigner\fP to sign a JAR file. If no password is provided on the command line, and the required password is different from the store password, the user is prompted for it..br.brIf the modifier \f2env\fP or \f2file\fP is not specified, then the password has the value \f2argument\fP. Otherwise, the password is retrieved as follows:.RS 3.TP 2o\f2env\fP: Retrieve the password from the environment variable named \f2argument\fP.TP 2o\f2file\fP: Retrieve the password from the file named \f2argument\fP.RENote: The password shouldn't be specified on the command line or in a script unless it is for testing purposes, or you are on a secure system..TP 3\-sigfile fileSpecifies the base file name to be used for the generated .SF and .DSA files. For example, if \f2file\fP is "DUKESIGN", the generated .SF and .DSA files will be named "DUKESIGN.SF" and "DUKESIGN.DSA", and will be placed in the "META\-INF" directory of the signed JAR file..br.brThe characters in \f2file\fP must come from the set "a\-zA\-Z0\-9_\-". That is, only letters, numbers, underscore, and hyphen characters are allowed. Note: All lowercase characters will be converted to uppercase for the .SF and .DSA file names..br.brIf no \f2\-sigfile\fP option appears on the command line, the base file name for the .SF and .DSA files will be the first 8 characters of the alias name specified on the command line, all converted to upper case. If the alias name has fewer than 8 characters, the full alias name is used. If the alias name contains any characters that are not legal in a signature file name, each such character is converted to an underscore ("_") character in forming the file name..TP 3\-sigalg algorithmSpecifies the name of the signature algorithm to use to sign the JAR file..br.brSee.na\f2Appendix A\fP @.fihttp://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/crypto/CryptoSpec.html#AppA of the Java Cryptography Architecture for a list of standard signature algorithm names. This algorithm must be compatible with the private key used to sign the JAR file. If this option is not specified, SHA1withDSA, SHA256withRSA, or SHA256withECDSA will be used depending on the type of private key. There must either be a statically installed provider supplying an implementation of the specified algorithm or the user must specify one with the \f2\-providerClass\fP option, otherwise the command will not succeed..TP 3\-digestalg algorithmSpecifies the name of the message digest algorithm to use when digesting the entries of a jar file..br.brSee.na\f2Appendix A\fP @.fihttp://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/crypto/CryptoSpec.html#AppA of the Java Cryptography Architecture for a list of standard message digest algorithm names. If this option is not specified, SHA256 will be used. There must either be a statically installed provider supplying an implementation of the specified algorithm or the user must specify one with the \f2\-providerClass\fP option, otherwise the command will not succeed..TP 3\-signedjar fileSpecifies the name to be used for the signed JAR file..br.brIf no name is specified on the command line, the name used is the same as the input JAR file name (the name of the JAR file to be signed); in other words, that file is overwritten with the signed JAR file..TP 3\-verifyIf this appears on the command line, the specified JAR file will be verified, not signed. If the verification is successful, "jar verified" will be displayed. If you try to verify an unsigned JAR file, or a JAR file signed with an unsupported algorithm (e.g., RSA when you don't have an RSA provider installed), the following is displayed: "jar is unsigned. (signatures missing or not parsable)".br.brIt is possible to verify JAR files signed using either \f3jarsigner\fP or the JDK 1.1 \f3javakey\fP tool, or both..br.brFor further information on verification, see JAR File Verification..TP 3\-certsIf this appears on the command line, along with the \f2\-verify\fP and \f2\-verbose\fP options, the output includes certificate information for each signer of the JAR file. This information includes.RS 3.TP 2othe name of the type of certificate (stored in the .DSA file) that certifies the signer's public key.TP 2oif the certificate is an X.509 certificate (more specifically, an instance of \f2java.security.cert.X509Certificate\fP): the distinguished name of the signer.REThe keystore is also examined. If no keystore value is specified on the command line, the default keystore file (if any) will be checked. If the public key certificate for a signer matches an entry in the keystore, then the following information will also be displayed:.RS 3.TP 2oin parentheses, the alias name for the keystore entry for that signer. If the signer actually comes from a JDK 1.1 identity database instead of from a keystore, the alias name will appear in brackets instead of parentheses..RE.TP 3\-certchain fileSpecifies the certificate chain to be used, if the certificate chain associated with the private key of the keystore entry, addressed by the alias specified on the command line, is not complete. This may happen if the keystore is located on a hardware token where there is not enough capacity to hold a complete certificate chain. The file can be a sequence of X.509 certificates concatenated together, or a single PKCS#7 formatted data block, either in binary encoding format or in printable encoding format (also known as BASE64 encoding) as defined by the Internet RFC 1421 standard..TP 3\-verboseIf this appears on the command line, it indicates "verbose" mode, which causes \f3jarsigner\fP to output extra information as to the progress of the JAR signing or verification..TP 3\-internalsfIn the past, the .DSA (signature block) file generated when a JAR file was signed used to include a complete encoded copy of the .SF file (signature file) also generated. This behavior has been changed. To reduce the overall size of the output JAR file, the .DSA file by default doesn't contain a copy of the .SF file anymore. But if \f2\-internalsf\fP appears on the command line, the old behavior is utilized. \f3This option is mainly useful for testing; in practice, it should not be used, since doing so eliminates a useful optimization.\fP.TP 3\-sectionsonlyIf this appears on the command line, the .SF file (signature file) generated when a JAR file is signed does \f2not\fP include a header containing a hash of the whole manifest file. It just contains information and hashes related to each individual source file included in the JAR file, as described in The Signature (.SF) File ..br.brBy default, this header is added, as an optimization. When the header is present, then whenever the JAR file is verified, the verification can first check to see whether or not the hash in the header indeed matches the hash of the whole manifest file. If so, verification proceeds to the next step. If not, it is necessary to do a less optimized verification that the hash in each source file information section in the .SF file equals the hash of its corresponding section in the manifest file..br.brFor further information, see JAR File Verification..br.br\f3This option is mainly useful for testing; in practice, it should not be used, since doing so eliminates a useful optimization.\fP.TP 3\-protectedEither \f2true\fP or \f2false\fP. This value should be specified as \f2true\fP if a password must be given via a protected authentication path such as a dedicated PIN reader..TP 3\-providerClass provider\-class\-nameUsed to specify the name of cryptographic service provider's master class file when the service provider is not listed in the security properties file, \f2java.security\fP..br.brUsed in conjunction with the \f2\-providerArg\fP \f2ConfigFilePath\fP option, keytool and jarsigner will install the provider dynamically (where \f2ConfigFilePath\fP is the path to the token configuration file). Here's an example of a command to list a PKCS#11 keystore when the Sun PKCS#11 provider has not been configured in the security properties file..nf\f3.fljarsigner \-keystore NONE \-storetype PKCS11 \\.fl \-providerClass sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11 \\.fl \-providerArg /foo/bar/token.config \\.fl \-list.fl\fP.fi.TP 3\-providerName providerNameIf more than one provider has been configured in the \f2java.security\fP security properties file, you can use the \f2\-providerName\fP option to target a specific provider instance. The argument to this option is the name of the provider..br.brFor the Sun PKCS#11 provider, \f2providerName\fP is of the form \f2SunPKCS11\-\fP\f2TokenName\fP, where \f2TokenName\fP is the name suffix that the provider instance has been configured with, as detailed in the.na\f2configuration attributes table\fP @.fihttp://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/p11guide.html#ATTRS. For example, the following command lists the contents of the PKCS#11 keystore provider instance with name suffix \f2SmartCard\fP:.nf\f3.fljarsigner \-keystore NONE \-storetype PKCS11 \\.fl \-providerName SunPKCS11\-SmartCard \\.fl \-list.fl\fP.fi.TP 3\-JjavaoptionPasses through the specified \f2javaoption\fP string directly to the Java interpreter. (\f3jarsigner\fP is actually a "wrapper" around the interpreter.) This option should not contain any spaces. It is useful for adjusting the execution environment or memory usage. For a list of possible interpreter options, type \f2java \-h\fP or \f2java \-X\fP at the command line..TP 3\-tsa urlIf \f2"\-tsa http://example.tsa.url"\fP appears on the command line when signing a JAR file then a timestamp is generated for the signature. The URL, \f2http://example.tsa.url\fP, identifies the location of the Time Stamping Authority (TSA). It overrides any URL found via the \f2\-tsacert\fP option. The \f2\-tsa\fP option does not require the TSA's public key certificate to be present in the keystore..br.brTo generate the timestamp, \f2jarsigner\fP communicates with the TSA using the Time\-Stamp Protocol (TSP) defined in.na\f2RFC 3161\fP @.fihttp://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3161.txt. If successful, the timestamp token returned by the TSA is stored along with the signature in the signature block file..TP 3\-tsacert aliasIf \f2"\-tsacert alias"\fP appears on the command line when signing a JAR file then a timestamp is generated for the signature. The \f2alias\fP identifies the TSA's public key certificate in the keystore that is currently in effect. The entry's certificate is examined for a Subject Information Access extension that contains a URL identifying the location of the TSA..br.brThe TSA's public key certificate must be present in the keystore when using \f2\-tsacert\fP..TP 3\-altsigner classSpecifies that an alternative signing mechanism be used. The fully\-qualified class name identifies a class file that extends the \f2com.sun.jarsigner.ContentSigner abstract class\fP. The path to this class file is defined by the \f2\-altsignerpath\fP option. If the \f2\-altsigner\fP option is used, \f2jarsigner\fP uses the signing mechanism provided by the specified class. Otherwise, \f2jarsigner\fP uses its default signing mechanism..br.brFor example, to use the signing mechanism provided by a class named \f2com.sun.sun.jarsigner.AuthSigner\fP, use the \f2jarsigner\fP option \f2"\-altsigner com.sun.jarsigner.AuthSigner"\fP.TP 3\-altsignerpath classpathlistSpecifies the path to the class file (the class file name is specified with the \f2\-altsigner\fP option described above) and any JAR files it depends on. If the class file is in a JAR file, then this specifies the path to that JAR file, as shown in the example below..br.brAn absolute path or a path relative to the current directory may be specified. If \f2classpathlist\fP contains multiple paths or JAR files, they should be separated with a colon (\f2:\fP) on Solaris and a semi\-colon (\f2;\fP) on Windows. This option is not necessary if the class is already in the search path..br.brExample of specifying the path to a jar file that contains the class file:.nf\f3.fl\-altsignerpath /home/user/lib/authsigner.jar.fl\fP.fiNote that the JAR file name is included..br.brExample of specifying the path to the jar file that contains the class file:.nf\f3.fl\-altsignerpath /home/user/classes/com/sun/tools/jarsigner/.fl\fP.fiNote that the JAR file name is omitted..TP 3\-strictDuring the signing or verifying process, some warning messages may be shown. If this option appears on the command line, the exit code of the tool will reflect the warning messages that are found. Read the "WARNINGS" section for details..TP 3\-verbose:sub\-optionsFor the verifying process, the \f2\-verbose\fP option takes sub\-options to determine how much information will be shown. If \f2\-certs\fP is also specified, the default mode (or sub\-option all) displays each entry as it is being processed and following that, the certificate information for each signer of the JAR file. If \f2\-certs\fP and the \f2\-verbose:grouped\fP sub\-option are specified, entries with the same signer info are grouped and displayed together along with their certificate information. If \f2\-certs\fP and the \f2\-verbose:summary\fP sub\-option are specified, then entries with the same signer info are grouped and displayed together along with their certificate information but details about each entry are summarized and displayed as "one entry (and more)". See the examples section for more information..RE.LP.SH "EXAMPLES".LP.SSSigning a JAR File.LP.LPSuppose you have a JAR file named "bundle.jar" and you'd like to sign it using the private key of the user whose keystore alias is "jane" in the keystore named "mystore" in the "working" directory. You can use the following to sign the JAR file and name the signed JAR file "sbundle.jar":.LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner \-keystore /working/mystore \-storepass \fP\f4<keystore password>\fP\f3.fl \-keypass \fP\f4<private key password>\fP\f3 \-signedjar sbundle.jar bundle.jar jane.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPNote that there is no \f2\-sigfile\fP specified in the command above, so the generated .SF and .DSA files to be placed in the signed JAR file will have default names based on the alias name. That is, they will be named \f2JANE.SF\fP and \f2JANE.DSA\fP..LP.LPIf you want to be prompted for the store password and the private key password, you could shorten the above command to.LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner \-keystore /working/mystore.fl \-signedjar sbundle.jar bundle.jar jane.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPIf the keystore to be used is the default keystore (the one named ".keystore" in your home directory), you don't need to specify a keystore, as in:.LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner \-signedjar sbundle.jar bundle.jar jane.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPFinally, if you want the signed JAR file to simply overwrite the input JAR file (\f2bundle.jar\fP), you don't need to specify a \f2\-signedjar\fP option:.LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner bundle.jar jane.fl\fP.fi.LP.SSVerifying a Signed JAR File.LP.LPTo verify a signed JAR file, that is, to verify that the signature is valid and the JAR file has not been tampered with, use a command such as the following:.LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner \-verify sbundle.jar.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPIf the verification is successful,.LP.nf\f3.fl jar verified..fl\fP.fi.LP.LPis displayed. Otherwise, an error message appears..LP.LPYou can get more information if you use the \f2\-verbose\fP option. A sample use of \f3jarsigner\fP with the \f2\-verbose\fP option is shown below, along with sample output:.LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner \-verify \-verbose sbundle.jar.fl.fl 198 Fri Sep 26 16:14:06 PDT 1997 META\-INF/MANIFEST.MF.fl 199 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE.SF.fl 1013 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE.DSA.fl smk 2752 Fri Sep 26 16:12:30 PDT 1997 AclEx.class.fl smk 849 Fri Sep 26 16:12:46 PDT 1997 test.class.fl.fl s = signature was verified.fl m = entry is listed in manifest.fl k = at least one certificate was found in keystore.fl.fl jar verified..fl\fP.fi.LP.SSVerification with Certificate Information.LP.LPIf you specify the \f2\-certs\fP option when verifying, along with the \f2\-verify\fP and \f2\-verbose\fP options, the output includes certificate information for each signer of the JAR file, including the certificate type, the signer distinguished name information (if and only if it's an X.509 certificate), and, in parentheses, the keystore alias for the signer if the public key certificate in the JAR file matches that in a keystore entry. For example,.LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner \-keystore /working/mystore \-verify \-verbose \-certs myTest.jar.fl.fl 198 Fri Sep 26 16:14:06 PDT 1997 META\-INF/MANIFEST.MF.fl 199 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE.SF.fl 1013 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE.DSA.fl 208 Fri Sep 26 16:23:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JAVATEST.SF.fl 1087 Fri Sep 26 16:23:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JAVATEST.DSA.fl smk 2752 Fri Sep 26 16:12:30 PDT 1997 Tst.class.fl.fl X.509, CN=Test Group, OU=Java Software, O=Sun Microsystems, L=CUP, S=CA, C=US (javatest).fl X.509, CN=Jane Smith, OU=Java Software, O=Sun, L=cup, S=ca, C=us (jane).fl.fl s = signature was verified.fl m = entry is listed in manifest.fl k = at least one certificate was found in keystore.fl.fl jar verified..fl\fP.fi.LP.LPIf the certificate for a signer is not an X.509 certificate, there is no distinguished name information. In that case, just the certificate type and the alias are shown. For example, if the certificate is a PGP certificate, and the alias is "bob", you'd get.LP.nf\f3.fl PGP, (bob).fl\fP.fi.LP.SSVerification of a JAR File that Includes Identity Database Signers.LP.LPIf a JAR file has been signed using the JDK 1.1 \f3javakey\fP tool, and thus the signer is an alias in an identity database, the verification output includes an "i" symbol. If the JAR file has been signed by both an alias in an identity database and an alias in a keystore, both "k" and "i" appear..LP.LPWhen the \f2\-certs\fP option is used, any identity database aliases are shown in square brackets rather than the parentheses used for keystore aliases. For example:.LP.nf\f3.fl jarsigner \-keystore /working/mystore \-verify \-verbose \-certs writeFile.jar.fl.fl 198 Fri Sep 26 16:14:06 PDT 1997 META\-INF/MANIFEST.MF.fl 199 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE.SF.fl 1013 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE.DSA.fl 199 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/DUKE.SF.fl 1013 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/DUKE.DSA.fl smki 2752 Fri Sep 26 16:12:30 PDT 1997 writeFile.html.fl.fl X.509, CN=Jane Smith, OU=Java Software, O=Sun, L=cup, S=ca, C=us (jane).fl X.509, CN=Duke, OU=Java Software, O=Sun, L=cup, S=ca, C=us [duke].fl.fl s = signature was verified.fl m = entry is listed in manifest.fl k = at least one certificate was found in keystore.fl i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope.fl.fl jar verified..fl\fP.fi.LP.LPNote that the alias "duke" is in brackets to denote that it is an identity database alias, not a keystore alias..LP.SH "WARNINGS".LPDuring the signing/verifying process, jarsigner may display various warnings. These warning codes are defined as follows:.nf\f3.fl hasExpiringCert 2.fl This jar contains entries whose signer certificate will expire within six months.fl.fl hasExpiredCert 4.fl This jar contains entries whose signer certificate has expired..fl.fl notYetValidCert 4.fl This jar contains entries whose signer certificate is not yet valid..fl.fl chainNotValidated 4.fl This jar contains entries whose certificate chain cannot be correctly validated..fl.fl badKeyUsage 8.fl This jar contains entries whose signer certificate's KeyUsage extension doesn't allow code signing..fl.fl badExtendedKeyUsage 8.fl This jar contains entries whose signer certificate's ExtendedKeyUsage extension.fl doesn't allow code signing..fl.fl badNetscapeCertType 8.fl This jar contains entries whose signer certificate's NetscapeCertType extension.fl doesn't allow code signing..fl.fl hasUnsignedEntry 16.fl This jar contains unsigned entries which have not been integrity\-checked..fl.fl notSignedByAlias 32.fl This jar contains signed entries which are not signed by the specified alias(es).fl.fl aliasNotInStore 32.fl This jar contains signed entries that are not signed by alias in this keystore.fl.fl\fP.fi.LP.LPWhen the \f2\-strict\fP option is provided, an OR\-value of warnings detected will be returned as the exit code of the tool. For example, if a certificate used to sign an entry is expired and has a keyUsage extension that does not allow it to sign a file, an exit code 12 (=4+8) will be returned..LP.LP\f3Note\fP: Exit codes are reused because only 0\-255 is legal for Unix. In any case, if the signing/verifying process fails, the following exit code will be returned:.LP.nf\f3.flfailure 1.fl\fP.fi.LP.SSCompatibility with JDK 1.1.LP.LPThe \f3keytool\fP and \f3jarsigner\fP tools completely replace the \f3javakey\fP tool provided in JDK 1.1. These new tools provide more features than \f3javakey\fP, including the ability to protect the keystore and private keys with passwords, and the ability to verify signatures in addition to generating them..LP.LPThe new keystore architecture replaces the identity database that \f3javakey\fP created and managed. There is no backwards compatibility between the keystore format and the database format used by \f3javakey\fP in 1.1. However,.LP.RS 3.TP 2oIt is possible to import the information from an identity database into a keystore, via the \f3keytool\fP \f2\-identitydb\fP command..TP 2o\f3jarsigner\fP can sign JAR files also previously signed using \f3javakey\fP..TP 2o\f3jarsigner\fP can verify JAR files signed using \f3javakey\fP. Thus, it recognizes and can work with signer aliases that are from a JDK 1.1 identity database rather than a Java 2 SDK keystore..RE.LP.LPThe following table explains how JAR files that were signed in JDK 1.1.x are treated in the Java 2 platform..LP.LP.if \n+(b.=1 .nr d. \n(.c-\n(c.-1.de 35.ps \n(.s.vs \n(.vu.in \n(.iu.if \n(.u .fi.if \n(.j .ad.if \n(.j=0 .na...nf.nr #~ 0.if n .nr #~ 0.6n.ds #d .d.if \(ts\n(.z\(ts\(ts .ds #d nl.fc.nr 33 \n(.s.rm 80 81 82 83 84.nr 34 \n(.lu.eo.am 82.br.di a+.35.ft \n(.f.ll \n(34u*1u/6u.if \n(.l<\n(82 .ll \n(82u.in 0\f3Trusted Identity imported into Java 2 Platform keystore from 1.1 database (4)\fP.br.di.nr a| \n(dn.nr a- \n(dl...ec \.eo.am 83.br.di b+.35.ft \n(.f.ll \n(34u*1u/6u.if \n(.l<\n(83 .ll \n(83u.in 0\f3Policy File grants privileges to Identity/Alias\fP.br.di.nr b| \n(dn.nr b- \n(dl...ec \.eo.am 84.br.di c+.35.ft \n(.f.ll \n(34u*1u/6u.if \n(.l<\n(84 .ll \n(84u.in 0Default privileges granted to all code..br.di.nr c| \n(dn.nr c- \n(dl...ec \.eo.am 84.br.di d+.35.ft \n(.f.ll \n(34u*1u/6u.if \n(.l<\n(84 .ll \n(84u.in 0Default privileges granted to all code..br.di.nr d| \n(dn.nr d- \n(dl...ec \.eo.am 84.br.di e+.35.ft \n(.f.ll \n(34u*1u/6u.if \n(.l<\n(84 .ll \n(84u.in 0Default privileges granted to all code..br.di.nr e| \n(dn.nr e- \n(dl...ec \.eo.am 84.br.di f+.35.ft \n(.f.ll \n(34u*1u/6u.if \n(.l<\n(84 .ll \n(84u.in 0Default privileges granted to all code. (3).br.di.nr f| \n(dn.nr f- \n(dl...ec \.eo.am 84.br.di g+.35.ft \n(.f.ll \n(34u*1u/6u.if \n(.l<\n(84 .ll \n(84u.in 0Default privileges granted to all code. (1,3).br.di.nr g| \n(dn.nr g- \n(dl...ec \.eo.am 84.br.di h+.35.ft \n(.f.ll \n(34u*1u/6u.if \n(.l<\n(84 .ll \n(84u.in 0Default privileges granted to all code plus privileges granted in policy file..br.di.nr h| \n(dn.nr h- \n(dl...ec \.eo.am 84.br.di i+.35.ft \n(.f.ll \n(34u*1u/6u.if \n(.l<\n(84 .ll \n(84u.in 0Default privileges granted to all code plus privileges granted in policy file. (2).br.di.nr i| \n(dn.nr i- \n(dl...ec \.35.nf.ll \n(34u.nr 80 0.nr 38 \w\f3JAR File Type\fP.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wSigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wUnsigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wSigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wSigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wSigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wSigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wSigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wSigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wSigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.nr 38 \wSigned JAR.if \n(80<\n(38 .nr 80 \n(38.80.rm 80.nr 81 0.nr 38 \w\f3Identity in 1.1 database\fP.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES/Untrusted.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES/Untrusted.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES/Trusted.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES/Trusted.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES/Trusted.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES/Trusted.if \n(81<\n(38 .nr 81 \n(38.81.rm 81.nr 82 0.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.82.rm 82.nr 38 \n(a-.if \n(82<\n(38 .nr 82 \n(38.nr 83 0.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 38 \wNO.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 38 \wYES.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.83.rm 83.nr 38 \n(b-.if \n(83<\n(38 .nr 83 \n(38.nr 84 0.nr 38 \w\f3Privileges Granted\fP.if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.nr 38 \wAll privileges.if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.nr 38 \wAll privileges (1).if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.nr 38 \wAll privileges (1).if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.84.rm 84.nr 38 \n(c-.if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.nr 38 \n(d-.if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.nr 38 \n(e-.if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.nr 38 \n(f-.if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.nr 38 \n(g-.if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.nr 38 \n(h-.if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.nr 38 \n(i-.if \n(84<\n(38 .nr 84 \n(38.35.nf.ll \n(34u.nr 38 1n.nr 79 0.nr 40 \n(79+(0*\n(38).nr 80 +\n(40.nr 41 \n(80+(3*\n(38).nr 81 +\n(41.nr 42 \n(81+(3*\n(38).nr 82 +\n(42.nr 43 \n(82+(3*\n(38).nr 83 +\n(43.nr 44 \n(83+(3*\n(38).nr 84 +\n(44.nr TW \n(84.if t .if \n(TW>\n(.li .tm Table at line 1082 file Input is too wide - \n(TW units.fc .nr #T 0-1.nr #a 0-1.eo.de T#.ds #d .d.if \(ts\n(.z\(ts\(ts .ds #d nl.mk ##.nr ## -1v.ls 1.ls...ec.ne \n(a|u+\n(.Vu.ne \n(b|u+\n(.Vu.if (\n(a|+\n(#^-1v)>\n(#- .nr #- +(\n(a|+\n(#^-\n(#--1v).if (\n(b|+\n(#^-1v)>\n(#- .nr #- +(\n(b|+\n(#^-\n(#--1v).ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'\f3JAR File Type\fP\h'|\n(41u'\f3Identity in 1.1 database\fP\h'|\n(42u'\h'|\n(43u'\h'|\n(44u'\f3Privileges Granted\fP.mk ##.nr 31 \n(##.sp |\n(##u-1v.nr 37 \n(42u.in +\n(37u.a+.in -\n(37u.mk 32.if \n(32>\n(31 .nr 31 \n(32.sp |\n(##u-1v.nr 37 \n(43u.in +\n(37u.b+.in -\n(37u.mk 32.if \n(32>\n(31 .nr 31 \n(32.sp |\n(31u.ne \n(c|u+\n(.Vu.if (\n(c|+\n(#^-1v)>\n(#- .nr #- +(\n(c|+\n(#^-\n(#--1v).ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Signed JAR\h'|\n(41u'NO\h'|\n(42u'NO\h'|\n(43u'NO\h'|\n(44u'.mk ##.nr 31 \n(##.sp |\n(##u-1v.nr 37 \n(44u.in +\n(37u.c+.in -\n(37u.mk 32.if \n(32>\n(31 .nr 31 \n(32.sp |\n(31u.ne \n(d|u+\n(.Vu.if (\n(d|+\n(#^-1v)>\n(#- .nr #- +(\n(d|+\n(#^-\n(#--1v).ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Unsigned JAR\h'|\n(41u'NO\h'|\n(42u'NO\h'|\n(43u'NO\h'|\n(44u'.mk ##.nr 31 \n(##.sp |\n(##u-1v.nr 37 \n(44u.in +\n(37u.d+.in -\n(37u.mk 32.if \n(32>\n(31 .nr 31 \n(32.sp |\n(31u.ne \n(e|u+\n(.Vu.if (\n(e|+\n(#^-1v)>\n(#- .nr #- +(\n(e|+\n(#^-\n(#--1v).ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Signed JAR\h'|\n(41u'NO\h'|\n(42u'YES\h'|\n(43u'NO\h'|\n(44u'.mk ##.nr 31 \n(##.sp |\n(##u-1v.nr 37 \n(44u.in +\n(37u.e+.in -\n(37u.mk 32.if \n(32>\n(31 .nr 31 \n(32.sp |\n(31u.ne \n(f|u+\n(.Vu.if (\n(f|+\n(#^-1v)>\n(#- .nr #- +(\n(f|+\n(#^-\n(#--1v).ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Signed JAR\h'|\n(41u'YES/Untrusted\h'|\n(42u'NO\h'|\n(43u'NO\h'|\n(44u'.mk ##.nr 31 \n(##.sp |\n(##u-1v.nr 37 \n(44u.in +\n(37u.f+.in -\n(37u.mk 32.if \n(32>\n(31 .nr 31 \n(32.sp |\n(31u.ne \n(g|u+\n(.Vu.if (\n(g|+\n(#^-1v)>\n(#- .nr #- +(\n(g|+\n(#^-\n(#--1v).ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Signed JAR\h'|\n(41u'YES/Untrusted\h'|\n(42u'NO\h'|\n(43u'YES\h'|\n(44u'.mk ##.nr 31 \n(##.sp |\n(##u-1v.nr 37 \n(44u.in +\n(37u.g+.in -\n(37u.mk 32.if \n(32>\n(31 .nr 31 \n(32.sp |\n(31u.ne \n(h|u+\n(.Vu.if (\n(h|+\n(#^-1v)>\n(#- .nr #- +(\n(h|+\n(#^-\n(#--1v).ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Signed JAR\h'|\n(41u'NO\h'|\n(42u'YES\h'|\n(43u'YES\h'|\n(44u'.mk ##.nr 31 \n(##.sp |\n(##u-1v.nr 37 \n(44u.in +\n(37u.h+.in -\n(37u.mk 32.if \n(32>\n(31 .nr 31 \n(32.sp |\n(31u.ne \n(i|u+\n(.Vu.if (\n(i|+\n(#^-1v)>\n(#- .nr #- +(\n(i|+\n(#^-\n(#--1v).ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Signed JAR\h'|\n(41u'YES/Trusted\h'|\n(42u'YES\h'|\n(43u'YES\h'|\n(44u'.mk ##.nr 31 \n(##.sp |\n(##u-1v.nr 37 \n(44u.in +\n(37u.i+.in -\n(37u.mk 32.if \n(32>\n(31 .nr 31 \n(32.sp |\n(31u.ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Signed JAR\h'|\n(41u'YES/Trusted\h'|\n(42u'NO\h'|\n(43u'NO\h'|\n(44u'All privileges.ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Signed JAR\h'|\n(41u'YES/Trusted\h'|\n(42u'YES\h'|\n(43u'NO\h'|\n(44u'All privileges (1).ta \n(80u \n(81u \n(82u \n(83u \n(84u.nr 31 \n(.f.nr 35 1m\&\h'|\n(40u'Signed JAR\h'|\n(41u'YES/Trusted\h'|\n(42u'NO\h'|\n(43u'YES\h'|\n(44u'All privileges (1).fc.nr T. 1.T# 1.35.rm a+.rm b+.rm c+.rm d+.rm e+.rm f+.rm g+.rm h+.rm i+.if \n-(b.=0 .nr c. \n(.c-\n(d.-42.LP.LPNotes:.LP.RS 3.TP 31.If an identity/alias is mentioned in the policy file, it must be imported into the keystore for the policy file to have any effect on privileges granted..TP 32.The policy file/keystore combination has precedence over a trusted identity in the identity database..TP 33.Untrusted identities are ignored in the Java 2 platform..TP 34.Only trusted identities can be imported into Java 2 SDK keystores..RE.LP.SH "SEE ALSO".LP.RS 3.TP 2ojar(1) tool documentation.TP 2okeytool(1) tool documentation.TP 2othe.na\f4Security\fP @.fihttp://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/security/index.html trail of the.na\f4Java Tutorial\fP @.fihttp://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/index.html for examples of the use of the \f3jarsigner\fP tool.RE.LP