6759726: TrayIcon constructor throws NPE instead of documented IAE
Reviewed-by: art
* Portions Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.sun.xml.internal.stream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.util.BufferAllocator;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.util.ThreadLocalBufferAllocator;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLResourceIdentifier;
* Entity information.
* @author
public abstract class Entity {
// Data
//xxx why dont we declare the type of entities, like assign integer for external/ internal etc..
/** Entity name. */
public String name;
// whether this entity's declaration was found in the internal
// or external subset
public boolean inExternalSubset;
// Constructors
/** Default constructor. */
public Entity() {
} // <init>()
/** Constructs an entity. */
public Entity(String name, boolean inExternalSubset) {
this.name = name;
this.inExternalSubset = inExternalSubset;
} // <init>(String)
// Public methods
/** Returns true if this entity was declared in the external subset. */
public boolean isEntityDeclInExternalSubset() {
return inExternalSubset;
/** Returns true if this is an external entity. */
public abstract boolean isExternal();
/** Returns true if this is an unparsed entity. */
public abstract boolean isUnparsed();
/** Clears the entity. */
public void clear() {
name = null;
inExternalSubset = false;
} // clear()
/** Sets the values of the entity. */
public void setValues(Entity entity) {
name = entity.name;
inExternalSubset = entity.inExternalSubset;
} // setValues(Entity)
* Internal entity.
* @author nb131165
public static class InternalEntity
extends Entity {
// Data
/** Text value of entity. */
public String text;
// Constructors
/** Default constructor. */
public InternalEntity() {
} // <init>()
/** Constructs an internal entity. */
public InternalEntity(String name, String text, boolean inExternalSubset) {
this.text = text;
} // <init>(String,String)
// Entity methods
/** Returns true if this is an external entity. */
public final boolean isExternal() {
return false;
} // isExternal():boolean
/** Returns true if this is an unparsed entity. */
public final boolean isUnparsed() {
return false;
} // isUnparsed():boolean
/** Clears the entity. */
public void clear() {
text = null;
} // clear()
/** Sets the values of the entity. */
public void setValues(Entity entity) {
text = null;
} // setValues(Entity)
/** Sets the values of the entity. */
public void setValues(InternalEntity entity) {
text = entity.text;
} // setValues(InternalEntity)
} // class InternalEntity
* External entity.
* @author nb131165
public static class ExternalEntity
extends Entity {
// Data
/** container for all relevant entity location information. */
public XMLResourceIdentifier entityLocation;
/** Notation name for unparsed entity. */
public String notation;
// Constructors
/** Default constructor. */
public ExternalEntity() {
} // <init>()
/** Constructs an internal entity. */
public ExternalEntity(String name, XMLResourceIdentifier entityLocation,
String notation, boolean inExternalSubset) {
this.entityLocation = entityLocation;
this.notation = notation;
} // <init>(String,XMLResourceIdentifier, String)
// Entity methods
/** Returns true if this is an external entity. */
public final boolean isExternal() {
return true;
} // isExternal():boolean
/** Returns true if this is an unparsed entity. */
public final boolean isUnparsed() {
return notation != null;
} // isUnparsed():boolean
/** Clears the entity. */
public void clear() {
entityLocation = null;
notation = null;
} // clear()
/** Sets the values of the entity. */
public void setValues(Entity entity) {
entityLocation = null;
notation = null;
} // setValues(Entity)
/** Sets the values of the entity. */
public void setValues(ExternalEntity entity) {
entityLocation = entity.entityLocation;
notation = entity.notation;
} // setValues(ExternalEntity)
} // class ExternalEntity
* Entity state.
* @author nb131165
public static class ScannedEntity
extends Entity {
/** Default buffer size (4096). */
public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
* Buffer size. We get this value from a property. The default size
* is used if the input buffer size property is not specified.
* REVISIT: do we need a property for internal entity buffer size?
public int fBufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
/** Default buffer size before we've finished with the XMLDecl: */
public static final int DEFAULT_XMLDECL_BUFFER_SIZE = 28;
/** Default internal entity buffer size (1024). */
public static final int DEFAULT_INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
// Data
// i/o
/** XXX let these field remain public right now, though we have defined methods for them.
* Input stream. */
public InputStream stream;
/** XXX let these field remain public right now, though we have defined methods for them.
* Reader. */
public Reader reader;
// locator information
/** entity location information */
public XMLResourceIdentifier entityLocation;
// encoding
/** Auto-detected encoding. */
public String encoding;
// status
/** True if in a literal. */
public boolean literal;
// whether this is an external or internal scanned entity
public boolean isExternal;
//each 'external' parsed entity may have xml/text declaration containing version information
public String version ;
// buffer
/** Character buffer. */
public char[] ch = null;
/** Position in character buffer at any point of time. */
public int position;
/** Count of characters present in buffer. */
public int count;
/** Line number. */
public int lineNumber = 1;
/** Column number. */
public int columnNumber = 1;
/** Encoding has been set externally for eg: using DOMInput*/
boolean declaredEncoding = false;
// status
* Encoding has been set externally, for example
* using a SAX InputSource or a DOM LSInput.
boolean externallySpecifiedEncoding = false;
/** XML version. **/
public String xmlVersion = "1.0";
/** This variable is used to calculate the current position in the XML stream.
* Note that fCurrentEntity.position maintains the position relative to
* the buffer.
* At any point of time absolute position in the XML stream can be calculated
* as fTotalCountTillLastLoad + fCurrentEntity.position
public int fTotalCountTillLastLoad ;
/** This variable stores the number of characters read during the load()
* operation. It is used to calculate fTotalCountTillLastLoad
public int fLastCount ;
/** Base character offset for computing absolute character offset. */
public int baseCharOffset;
/** Start position in character buffer. */
public int startPosition;
// to allow the reader/inputStream to behave efficiently:
public boolean mayReadChunks;
// to know that prolog is read
public boolean xmlDeclChunkRead = false;
/** returns the name of the current encoding
* @return current encoding name
public String getEncodingName(){
return encoding ;
/**each 'external' parsed entity may have xml/text declaration containing version information
* @return String version of the enity, for an internal entity version would be null
public String getEntityVersion(){
return version ;
/** each 'external' parsed entity may have xml/text declaration containing version information
* @param String version of the external parsed entity
public void setEntityVersion(String version){
this.version = version ;
/** Returns the java.io.Reader associated with this entity.Readers are used
* to read from the file. Readers wrap any particular InputStream that was
* used to open the entity.
* @return java.io.Reader Reader associated with this entity
public Reader getEntityReader(){
return reader;
/** if entity was opened using the stream, return the associated inputstream
* with this entity
*@return java.io.InputStream InputStream associated with this entity
public InputStream getEntityInputStream(){
return stream;
// Constructors
/** Constructs a scanned entity. */
public ScannedEntity(String name,
XMLResourceIdentifier entityLocation,
InputStream stream, Reader reader,
String encoding, boolean literal, boolean mayReadChunks, boolean isExternal) {
this.name = name ;
this.entityLocation = entityLocation;
this.stream = stream;
this.reader = reader;
this.encoding = encoding;
this.literal = literal;
this.mayReadChunks = mayReadChunks;
this.isExternal = isExternal;
final int size = isExternal ? fBufferSize : DEFAULT_INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE;
BufferAllocator ba = ThreadLocalBufferAllocator.getBufferAllocator();
ch = ba.getCharBuffer(size);
if (ch == null) {
this.ch = new char[size];
} // <init>(StringXMLResourceIdentifier,InputStream,Reader,String,boolean, boolean)
* Release any resources associated with this entity.
public void close() throws IOException {
BufferAllocator ba = ThreadLocalBufferAllocator.getBufferAllocator();
ch = null;
// Entity methods
/** Returns whether the encoding of this entity was externally specified. **/
public boolean isEncodingExternallySpecified() {
return externallySpecifiedEncoding;
/** Sets whether the encoding of this entity was externally specified. **/
public void setEncodingExternallySpecified(boolean value) {
externallySpecifiedEncoding = value;
public boolean isDeclaredEncoding() {
return declaredEncoding;
public void setDeclaredEncoding(boolean value) {
declaredEncoding = value;
/** Returns true if this is an external entity. */
public final boolean isExternal() {
return isExternal;
} // isExternal():boolean
/** Returns true if this is an unparsed entity. */
public final boolean isUnparsed() {
return false;
} // isUnparsed():boolean
// Object methods
/** Returns a string representation of this object. */
public String toString() {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
str.append(",ch="+ new String(ch));
return str.toString();
} // toString():String
} // class ScannedEntity
} // class Entity