* Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
package com.sun.media.sound;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.sound.midi.VoiceStatus;
* Software synthesizer voice class.
* @author Karl Helgason
public class SoftVoice extends VoiceStatus {
public int exclusiveClass = 0;
public boolean releaseTriggered = false;
private int noteOn_noteNumber = 0;
private int noteOn_velocity = 0;
private int noteOff_velocity = 0;
private int delay = 0;
protected ModelChannelMixer channelmixer = null;
protected double tunedKey = 0;
protected SoftTuning tuning = null;
protected SoftChannel stealer_channel = null;
protected ModelConnectionBlock[] stealer_extendedConnectionBlocks = null;
protected SoftPerformer stealer_performer = null;
protected ModelChannelMixer stealer_channelmixer = null;
protected int stealer_voiceID = -1;
protected int stealer_noteNumber = 0;
protected int stealer_velocity = 0;
protected boolean stealer_releaseTriggered = false;
protected int voiceID = -1;
protected boolean sustain = false;
protected boolean sostenuto = false;
protected boolean portamento = false;
private SoftFilter filter_left;
private SoftFilter filter_right;
private SoftProcess eg = new SoftEnvelopeGenerator();
private SoftProcess lfo = new SoftLowFrequencyOscillator();
protected Map<String, SoftControl> objects =
new HashMap<String, SoftControl>();
protected SoftSynthesizer synthesizer;
protected SoftInstrument instrument;
protected SoftPerformer performer;
protected SoftChannel softchannel = null;
protected boolean on = false;
private boolean audiostarted = false;
private boolean started = false;
private boolean stopping = false;
private float osc_attenuation = 0.0f;
private ModelOscillatorStream osc_stream;
private int osc_stream_nrofchannels;
private float[][] osc_buff = new float[2][];
private boolean osc_stream_off_transmitted = false;
private boolean out_mixer_end = false;
private float out_mixer_left = 0;
private float out_mixer_right = 0;
private float out_mixer_effect1 = 0;
private float out_mixer_effect2 = 0;
private float last_out_mixer_left = 0;
private float last_out_mixer_right = 0;
private float last_out_mixer_effect1 = 0;
private float last_out_mixer_effect2 = 0;
protected ModelConnectionBlock[] extendedConnectionBlocks = null;
private ModelConnectionBlock[] connections;
// Last value added to destination
private double[] connections_last = new double[50];
// Pointer to source value
private double[][][] connections_src = new double[50][3][];
// Key-based override (if any)
private int[][] connections_src_kc = new int[50][3];
// Pointer to destination value
private double[][] connections_dst = new double[50][];
private boolean soundoff = false;
private float lastMuteValue = 0;
private float lastSoloMuteValue = 0;
protected double[] co_noteon_keynumber = new double[1];
protected double[] co_noteon_velocity = new double[1];
protected double[] co_noteon_on = new double[1];
private SoftControl co_noteon = new SoftControl() {
double[] keynumber = co_noteon_keynumber;
double[] velocity = co_noteon_velocity;
double[] on = co_noteon_on;
public double[] get(int instance, String name) {
if (name == null)
return null;
if (name.equals("keynumber"))
return keynumber;
if (name.equals("velocity"))
return velocity;
if (name.equals("on"))
return on;
return null;
private double[] co_mixer_active = new double[1];
private double[] co_mixer_gain = new double[1];
private double[] co_mixer_pan = new double[1];
private double[] co_mixer_balance = new double[1];
private double[] co_mixer_reverb = new double[1];
private double[] co_mixer_chorus = new double[1];
private SoftControl co_mixer = new SoftControl() {
double[] active = co_mixer_active;
double[] gain = co_mixer_gain;
double[] pan = co_mixer_pan;
double[] balance = co_mixer_balance;
double[] reverb = co_mixer_reverb;
double[] chorus = co_mixer_chorus;
public double[] get(int instance, String name) {
if (name == null)
return null;
if (name.equals("active"))
return active;
if (name.equals("gain"))
return gain;
if (name.equals("pan"))
return pan;
if (name.equals("balance"))
return balance;
if (name.equals("reverb"))
return reverb;
if (name.equals("chorus"))
return chorus;
return null;
private double[] co_osc_pitch = new double[1];
private SoftControl co_osc = new SoftControl() {
double[] pitch = co_osc_pitch;
public double[] get(int instance, String name) {
if (name == null)
return null;
if (name.equals("pitch"))
return pitch;
return null;
private double[] co_filter_freq = new double[1];
private double[] co_filter_type = new double[1];
private double[] co_filter_q = new double[1];
private SoftControl co_filter = new SoftControl() {
double[] freq = co_filter_freq;
double[] ftype = co_filter_type;
double[] q = co_filter_q;
public double[] get(int instance, String name) {
if (name == null)
return null;
if (name.equals("freq"))
return freq;
if (name.equals("type"))
return ftype;
if (name.equals("q"))
return q;
return null;
protected SoftResamplerStreamer resampler;
private int nrofchannels;
public SoftVoice(SoftSynthesizer synth) {
synthesizer = synth;
filter_left = new SoftFilter(synth.getFormat().getSampleRate());
filter_right = new SoftFilter(synth.getFormat().getSampleRate());
nrofchannels = synth.getFormat().getChannels();
private int getValueKC(ModelIdentifier id) {
if (id.getObject().equals("midi_cc")) {
int ic = Integer.parseInt(id.getVariable());
if (ic != 0 && ic != 32) {
if (ic < 120)
return ic;
} else if (id.getObject().equals("midi_rpn")) {
if (id.getVariable().equals("1"))
return 120; // Fine tuning
if (id.getVariable().equals("2"))
return 121; // Coarse tuning
return -1;
private double[] getValue(ModelIdentifier id) {
SoftControl o = objects.get(id.getObject());
if (o == null)
return null;
return o.get(id.getInstance(), id.getVariable());
private double transformValue(double value, ModelSource src) {
if (src.getTransform() != null)
return src.getTransform().transform(value);
return value;
private double transformValue(double value, ModelDestination dst) {
if (dst.getTransform() != null)
return dst.getTransform().transform(value);
return value;
private double processKeyBasedController(double value, int keycontrol) {
if (keycontrol == -1)
return value;
if (softchannel.keybasedcontroller_active != null)
if (softchannel.keybasedcontroller_active[note] != null)
if (softchannel.keybasedcontroller_active[note][keycontrol]) {
double key_controlvalue =
if (keycontrol == 10 || keycontrol == 91 || keycontrol == 93)
return key_controlvalue;
value += key_controlvalue * 2.0 - 1.0;
if (value > 1)
value = 1;
else if (value < 0)
value = 0;
return value;
private void processConnection(int ix) {
ModelConnectionBlock conn = connections[ix];
double[][] src = connections_src[ix];
double[] dst = connections_dst[ix];
if (dst == null || Double.isInfinite(dst[0]))
double value = conn.getScale();
if (softchannel.keybasedcontroller_active == null) {
ModelSource[] srcs = conn.getSources();
for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
value *= transformValue(src[i][0], srcs[i]);
if (value == 0)
} else {
ModelSource[] srcs = conn.getSources();
int[] src_kc = connections_src_kc[ix];
for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
value *= transformValue(processKeyBasedController(src[i][0],
src_kc[i]), srcs[i]);
if (value == 0)
value = transformValue(value, conn.getDestination());
dst[0] = dst[0] - connections_last[ix] + value;
connections_last[ix] = value;
// co_mixer_gain[0] = 0;
protected void updateTuning(SoftTuning newtuning) {
tunedKey = tuning.getTuning(note) / 100.0;
if (!portamento) {
co_noteon_keynumber[0] = tunedKey * (1.0 / 128.0);
int[] c = performer.midi_connections[4];
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void setNote(int noteNumber) {
note = noteNumber;
tunedKey = tuning.getTuning(noteNumber) / 100.0;
protected void noteOn(int noteNumber, int velocity, int delay) {
sustain = false;
sostenuto = false;
portamento = false;
soundoff = false;
on = true;
active = true;
started = true;
// volume = velocity;
noteOn_noteNumber = noteNumber;
noteOn_velocity = velocity;
this.delay = delay;
lastMuteValue = 0;
lastSoloMuteValue = 0;
if (performer.forcedKeynumber)
co_noteon_keynumber[0] = 0;
co_noteon_keynumber[0] = tunedKey * (1f / 128f);
if (performer.forcedVelocity)
co_noteon_velocity[0] = 0;
co_noteon_velocity[0] = velocity * (1f / 128f);
co_mixer_active[0] = 0;
co_mixer_gain[0] = 0;
co_mixer_pan[0] = 0;
co_mixer_balance[0] = 0;
co_mixer_reverb[0] = 0;
co_mixer_chorus[0] = 0;
co_osc_pitch[0] = 0;
co_filter_freq[0] = 0;
co_filter_q[0] = 0;
co_filter_type[0] = 0;
co_noteon_on[0] = 1;
objects.put("master", synthesizer.getMainMixer().co_master);
objects.put("eg", eg);
objects.put("lfo", lfo);
objects.put("noteon", co_noteon);
objects.put("osc", co_osc);
objects.put("mixer", co_mixer);
objects.put("filter", co_filter);
connections = performer.connections;
if (connections_last == null
|| connections_last.length < connections.length) {
connections_last = new double[connections.length];
if (connections_src == null
|| connections_src.length < connections.length) {
connections_src = new double[connections.length][][];
connections_src_kc = new int[connections.length][];
if (connections_dst == null
|| connections_dst.length < connections.length) {
connections_dst = new double[connections.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) {
ModelConnectionBlock conn = connections[i];
connections_last[i] = 0;
if (conn.getSources() != null) {
ModelSource[] srcs = conn.getSources();
if (connections_src[i] == null
|| connections_src[i].length < srcs.length) {
connections_src[i] = new double[srcs.length][];
connections_src_kc[i] = new int[srcs.length];
double[][] src = connections_src[i];
int[] src_kc = connections_src_kc[i];
connections_src[i] = src;
for (int j = 0; j < srcs.length; j++) {
src_kc[j] = getValueKC(srcs[j].getIdentifier());
src[j] = getValue(srcs[j].getIdentifier());
if (conn.getDestination() != null)
connections_dst[i] = getValue(conn.getDestination()
connections_dst[i] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < connections.length; i++)
if (extendedConnectionBlocks != null) {
for (ModelConnectionBlock connection: extendedConnectionBlocks) {
double value = 0;
if (softchannel.keybasedcontroller_active == null) {
for (ModelSource src: connection.getSources()) {
double x = getValue(src.getIdentifier())[0];
ModelTransform t = src.getTransform();
if (t == null)
value += x;
value += t.transform(x);
} else {
for (ModelSource src: connection.getSources()) {
double x = getValue(src.getIdentifier())[0];
x = processKeyBasedController(x,
ModelTransform t = src.getTransform();
if (t == null)
value += x;
value += t.transform(x);
ModelDestination dest = connection.getDestination();
ModelTransform t = dest.getTransform();
if (t != null)
value = t.transform(value);
getValue(dest.getIdentifier())[0] += value;
protected void setPolyPressure(int pressure) {
int[] c = performer.midi_connections[2];
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void setChannelPressure(int pressure) {
int[] c = performer.midi_connections[1];
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void controlChange(int controller, int value) {
int[] c = performer.midi_ctrl_connections[controller];
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void nrpnChange(int controller, int value) {
int[] c = performer.midi_nrpn_connections.get(controller);
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void rpnChange(int controller, int value) {
int[] c = performer.midi_rpn_connections.get(controller);
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void setPitchBend(int bend) {
int[] c = performer.midi_connections[0];
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void setMute(boolean mute) {
co_mixer_gain[0] -= lastMuteValue;
lastMuteValue = mute ? -960 : 0;
co_mixer_gain[0] += lastMuteValue;
protected void setSoloMute(boolean mute) {
co_mixer_gain[0] -= lastSoloMuteValue;
lastSoloMuteValue = mute ? -960 : 0;
co_mixer_gain[0] += lastSoloMuteValue;
protected void shutdown() {
if (co_noteon_on[0] < -0.5)
on = false;
co_noteon_on[0] = -1;
int[] c = performer.midi_connections[3];
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void soundOff() {
on = false;
soundoff = true;
protected void noteOff(int velocity) {
if (!on)
on = false;
noteOff_velocity = velocity;
if (softchannel.sustain) {
sustain = true;
if (sostenuto)
co_noteon_on[0] = 0;
int[] c = performer.midi_connections[3];
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void redamp() {
if (co_noteon_on[0] > 0.5)
if (co_noteon_on[0] < -0.5)
return; // don't redamp notes in shutdown stage
sustain = true;
co_noteon_on[0] = 1;
int[] c = performer.midi_connections[3];
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
protected void processControlLogic() {
if (stopping) {
active = false;
stopping = false;
audiostarted = false;
if (osc_stream != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (stealer_channel != null) {
stealer_channel.initVoice(this, stealer_performer,
stealer_voiceID, stealer_noteNumber, stealer_velocity, 0,
stealer_extendedConnectionBlocks, stealer_channelmixer,
stealer_releaseTriggered = false;
stealer_channel = null;
stealer_performer = null;
stealer_voiceID = -1;
stealer_noteNumber = 0;
stealer_velocity = 0;
stealer_extendedConnectionBlocks = null;
stealer_channelmixer = null;
if (started) {
audiostarted = true;
ModelOscillator osc = performer.oscillators[0];
osc_stream_off_transmitted = false;
if (osc instanceof ModelWavetable) {
try {
osc_stream = resampler;
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
osc_stream = osc.open(synthesizer.getFormat().getSampleRate());
osc_attenuation = osc.getAttenuation();
osc_stream_nrofchannels = osc.getChannels();
if (osc_buff == null || osc_buff.length < osc_stream_nrofchannels)
osc_buff = new float[osc_stream_nrofchannels][];
if (osc_stream != null)
osc_stream.noteOn(softchannel, this, noteOn_noteNumber,
if (audiostarted) {
if (portamento) {
double note_delta = tunedKey - (co_noteon_keynumber[0] * 128);
double note_delta_a = Math.abs(note_delta);
if (note_delta_a < 0.0000000001) {
co_noteon_keynumber[0] = tunedKey * (1.0 / 128.0);
portamento = false;
} else {
if (note_delta_a > softchannel.portamento_time)
note_delta = Math.signum(note_delta)
* softchannel.portamento_time;
co_noteon_keynumber[0] += note_delta * (1.0 / 128.0);
int[] c = performer.midi_connections[4];
if (c == null)
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < performer.ctrl_connections.length; i++)
int filter_type = (int)co_filter_type[0];
double filter_freq;
if (co_filter_freq[0] == 13500.0)
filter_freq = 19912.126958213175;
filter_freq = 440.0 * Math.exp(
((co_filter_freq[0]) - 6900.0) *
(Math.log(2.0) / 1200.0));
filter_freq = 440.0 * Math.pow(2.0,
((co_filter_freq[0]) - 6900.0) / 1200.0);*/
* double velocity = co_noteon_velocity[0]; if(velocity < 0.5)
* filter_freq *= ((velocity * 2)*0.75 + 0.25);
double q = co_filter_q[0] / 10.0;
float gain = (float) Math.pow(10,
(-osc_attenuation + co_mixer_gain[0]) / 200.0);
float gain = (float)Math.exp(
(-osc_attenuation + co_mixer_gain[0])*(Math.log(10) / 200.0));
if (co_mixer_gain[0] <= -960)
gain = 0;
if (soundoff) {
stopping = true;
gain = 0;
* if(co_mixer_gain[0] > -960)
* co_mixer_gain[0] -= 960;
volume = (int)(Math.sqrt(gain) * 128);
// gain *= 0.2;
double pan = co_mixer_pan[0] * (1.0 / 1000.0);
// System.out.println("pan = " + pan);
if (pan < 0)
pan = 0;
else if (pan > 1)
pan = 1;
if (pan == 0.5) {
out_mixer_left = gain * 0.7071067811865476f;
out_mixer_right = out_mixer_left;
} else {
out_mixer_left = gain * (float)Math.cos(pan * Math.PI * 0.5);
out_mixer_right = gain * (float)Math.sin(pan * Math.PI * 0.5);
double balance = co_mixer_balance[0] * (1.0 / 1000.0);
if (balance != 0.5) {
if (balance > 0.5)
out_mixer_left *= (1 - balance) * 2;
out_mixer_right *= balance * 2;
if (synthesizer.reverb_on) {
out_mixer_effect1 = (float)(co_mixer_reverb[0] * (1.0 / 1000.0));
out_mixer_effect1 *= gain;
} else
out_mixer_effect1 = 0;
if (synthesizer.chorus_on) {
out_mixer_effect2 = (float)(co_mixer_chorus[0] * (1.0 / 1000.0));
out_mixer_effect2 *= gain;
} else
out_mixer_effect2 = 0;
out_mixer_end = co_mixer_active[0] < 0.5;
if (!on)
if (!osc_stream_off_transmitted) {
osc_stream_off_transmitted = true;
if (osc_stream != null)
if (started) {
last_out_mixer_left = out_mixer_left;
last_out_mixer_right = out_mixer_right;
last_out_mixer_effect1 = out_mixer_effect1;
last_out_mixer_effect2 = out_mixer_effect2;
started = false;
protected void mixAudioStream(SoftAudioBuffer in, SoftAudioBuffer out,
SoftAudioBuffer dout,
float amp_from, float amp_to) {
int bufferlen = in.getSize();
if (amp_from < 0.000000001 && amp_to < 0.000000001)
if(dout != null && delay != 0)
if (amp_from == amp_to) {
float[] fout = out.array();
float[] fin = in.array();
int j = 0;
for (int i = delay; i < bufferlen; i++)
fout[i] += fin[j++] * amp_to;
fout = dout.array();
for (int i = 0; i < delay; i++)
fout[i] += fin[j++] * amp_to;
} else {
float amp = amp_from;
float amp_delta = (amp_to - amp_from) / bufferlen;
float[] fout = out.array();
float[] fin = in.array();
int j = 0;
for (int i = delay; i < bufferlen; i++) {
amp += amp_delta;
fout[i] += fin[j++] * amp;
fout = dout.array();
for (int i = 0; i < delay; i++) {
amp += amp_delta;
fout[i] += fin[j++] * amp;
if (amp_from == amp_to) {
float[] fout = out.array();
float[] fin = in.array();
for (int i = 0; i < bufferlen; i++)
fout[i] += fin[i] * amp_to;
} else {
float amp = amp_from;
float amp_delta = (amp_to - amp_from) / bufferlen;
float[] fout = out.array();
float[] fin = in.array();
for (int i = 0; i < bufferlen; i++) {
amp += amp_delta;
fout[i] += fin[i] * amp;
protected void processAudioLogic(SoftAudioBuffer[] buffer) {
if (!audiostarted)
int bufferlen = buffer[0].getSize();
try {
osc_buff[0] = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_LEFT_DRY].array();
if (nrofchannels != 1)
osc_buff[1] = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_RIGHT_DRY].array();
int ret = osc_stream.read(osc_buff, 0, bufferlen);
if (ret == -1) {
stopping = true;
if (ret != bufferlen) {
Arrays.fill(osc_buff[0], ret, bufferlen, 0f);
if (nrofchannels != 1)
Arrays.fill(osc_buff[1], ret, bufferlen, 0f);
} catch (IOException e) {
SoftAudioBuffer left = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_LEFT];
SoftAudioBuffer right = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_RIGHT];
SoftAudioBuffer mono = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_MONO];
SoftAudioBuffer eff1 = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_EFFECT1];
SoftAudioBuffer eff2 = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_EFFECT2];
SoftAudioBuffer dleft = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_DELAY_LEFT];
SoftAudioBuffer dright = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_DELAY_RIGHT];
SoftAudioBuffer dmono = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_DELAY_MONO];
SoftAudioBuffer deff1 = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_DELAY_EFFECT1];
SoftAudioBuffer deff2 = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_DELAY_EFFECT2];
SoftAudioBuffer leftdry = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_LEFT_DRY];
SoftAudioBuffer rightdry = buffer[SoftMainMixer.CHANNEL_RIGHT_DRY];
if (osc_stream_nrofchannels == 1)
rightdry = null;
if (!Double.isInfinite(co_filter_freq[0])) {
if (rightdry != null)
if (nrofchannels == 1) {
out_mixer_left = (out_mixer_left + out_mixer_right) / 2;
mixAudioStream(leftdry, left, dleft, last_out_mixer_left, out_mixer_left);
if (rightdry != null)
mixAudioStream(rightdry, left, dleft, last_out_mixer_left,
} else {
if(rightdry == null &&
last_out_mixer_left == last_out_mixer_right &&
out_mixer_left == out_mixer_right)
mixAudioStream(leftdry, mono, dmono, last_out_mixer_left, out_mixer_left);
mixAudioStream(leftdry, left, dleft, last_out_mixer_left, out_mixer_left);
if (rightdry != null)
mixAudioStream(rightdry, right, dright, last_out_mixer_right,
mixAudioStream(leftdry, right, dright, last_out_mixer_right,
if (rightdry == null) {
mixAudioStream(leftdry, eff1, deff1, last_out_mixer_effect1,
mixAudioStream(leftdry, eff2, deff2, last_out_mixer_effect2,
} else {
mixAudioStream(leftdry, eff1, deff1, last_out_mixer_effect1 * 0.5f,
out_mixer_effect1 * 0.5f);
mixAudioStream(leftdry, eff2, deff2, last_out_mixer_effect2 * 0.5f,
out_mixer_effect2 * 0.5f);
mixAudioStream(rightdry, eff1, deff1, last_out_mixer_effect1 * 0.5f,
out_mixer_effect1 * 0.5f);
mixAudioStream(rightdry, eff2, deff2, last_out_mixer_effect2 * 0.5f,
out_mixer_effect2 * 0.5f);
last_out_mixer_left = out_mixer_left;
last_out_mixer_right = out_mixer_right;
last_out_mixer_effect1 = out_mixer_effect1;
last_out_mixer_effect2 = out_mixer_effect2;
if (out_mixer_end) {
stopping = true;