6372405: Server thread hangs when fragments don't complete because of connection abort
5104239: Java: thread deadlock
6191561: JCK15: api/org_omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInfo/index.html#RIMethods sometime hang
6486322: org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init() thread safety issue
6420980: Security issue with the com.sun.corba.se.impl.orbutil.ORBUtility class
6465377: NullPointerException for RMI ORB in 1.5.0_08
6553303: Corba application fails w/ org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 203 completed: No
6438259: Wrong repository ID generated by IDLJ
Reviewed-by: darcy
This file should be located at the top of the OpenJDK Mercurial repository
forest. This top or enclosing repository will include a "make" directory,
and a Makefile at the very top of the repository.
It should also include the 6 repositories: "jdk", "hotspot", "langtools",
"corba", "jaxws" and "jaxp".
See http://openjdk.java.net/ for more information about the OpenJDK.
Simple Build Instructions:
1. Download and install a JDK 6 from
Set the environment variable ALT_BOOTDIR to the location of this JDK 6.
2. Download and install the Binary Plugs for the most recent JDK7 from
Set the environment variable ALT_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH to the location of
these binary plugs.
3. Check the sanity of doing a build with the current machine:
gnumake sanity
See README-builds.html if you run into problems.
4. Do a complete build of the jdk:
gnumake all
The resulting JDK image should be found in build/*/j2sdk-image
where gnumake is GNU make 3.78.1 or newer, /usr/bin/make on Linux and
/usr/sfw/bin/gmake or /opt/sfw/bin/gmake on Solaris.