6829267: Regression test java/awt/Toolkit/ToolkitPropertyTest/ToolkitPropertyTest_Enable.java fails in RHEL5
Reviewed-by: art, anthony
* Copyright (c) 1996, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
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* The Toolkit class has two functions: it instantiates the AWT
* ToolkitPeer's native methods, and provides the DLL's core functions.
* There are two ways this DLL can be used: either as a dynamically-
* loaded Java native library from the interpreter, or by a Windows-
* specific app. The first manner requires that the Toolkit provide
* all support needed so the app can function as a first-class Windows
* app, while the second assumes that the app will provide that
* functionality. Which mode this DLL functions in is determined by
* which initialization paradigm is used. If the Toolkit is constructed
* normally, then the Toolkit will have its own pump. If it is explicitly
* initialized for an embedded environment (via a static method on
* sun.awt.windows.WToolkit), then it will rely on an external message
* pump.
* The most basic functionality needed is a Windows message pump (also
* known as a message loop). When an Java app is started as a console
* app by the interpreter, the Toolkit needs to provide that message
* pump if the AWT is dynamically loaded.
#include "awt.h"
#include "awtmsg.h"
#include "Trace.h"
#include "sun_awt_windows_WToolkit.h"
class AwtObject;
class AwtDialog;
class AwtDropTarget;
// Struct for _WInputMethod_enable|disableNativeIME method
struct EnableNativeIMEStruct {
jobject self;
jobject peer;
jint context;
jboolean useNativeCompWindow;
* class JNILocalFrame
* Push/PopLocalFrame helper
class JNILocalFrame {
INLINE JNILocalFrame(JNIEnv *env, int size) {
m_env = env;
int result = m_env->PushLocalFrame(size);
if (result < 0) {
JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(m_env, "Can't allocate localRefs");
INLINE ~JNILocalFrame() { m_env->PopLocalFrame(NULL); }
JNIEnv* m_env;
* class CriticalSection
* ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Lightweight intra-process thread synchronization. Can only be used with
* other critical sections, and only within the same process.
class CriticalSection {
INLINE CriticalSection() { ::InitializeCriticalSection(&rep); }
INLINE ~CriticalSection() { ::DeleteCriticalSection(&rep); }
class Lock {
INLINE Lock(const CriticalSection& cs) : critSec(cs) {
(const_cast<CriticalSection &>(critSec)).Enter();
INLINE ~Lock() {
(const_cast<CriticalSection &>(critSec)).Leave();
const CriticalSection& critSec;
friend Lock;
CriticalSection(const CriticalSection&);
const CriticalSection& operator =(const CriticalSection&);
virtual void Enter() {
virtual BOOL TryEnter() {
return ::TryEnterCriticalSection(&rep);
virtual void Leave() {
// Macros for using CriticalSection objects that help trace
// lock/unlock actions
"CS.Wait: tid, cs, file, line = 0x%x, 0x%x, %s, %d", \
GetCurrentThreadId(), &(cs), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
(cs).Enter(); \
"CS.Enter: tid, cs, file, line = 0x%x, 0x%x, %s, %d", \
GetCurrentThreadId(), &(cs), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
"CS.Leave: tid, cs, file, line = 0x%x, 0x%x, %s, %d", \
GetCurrentThreadId(), &(cs), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
(cs).Leave(); \
"CS.Left: tid, cs, file, line = 0x%x, 0x%x, %s, %d", \
GetCurrentThreadId(), &(cs), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
* AwtToolkit class
class AwtToolkit {
enum {
/* java.awt.Toolkit method ids */
static jmethodID getDefaultToolkitMID;
static jmethodID getFontMetricsMID;
static jmethodID insetsMID;
/* sun.awt.windows.WToolkit ids */
static jmethodID windowsSettingChangeMID;
static jmethodID displayChangeMID;
BOOL m_isDynamicLayoutSet;
BOOL Initialize(BOOL localPump);
BOOL Dispose();
void SetDynamicLayout(BOOL dynamic);
BOOL IsDynamicLayoutSet();
BOOL IsDynamicLayoutSupported();
BOOL IsDynamicLayoutActive();
BOOL areExtraMouseButtonsEnabled();
void setExtraMouseButtonsEnabled(BOOL enable);
static UINT GetNumberOfButtons();
INLINE BOOL localPump() { return m_localPump; }
INLINE BOOL VerifyComponents() { return FALSE; } // TODO: Use new DebugHelper class to set this flag
INLINE HWND GetHWnd() { return m_toolkitHWnd; }
INLINE HMODULE GetModuleHandle() { return m_dllHandle; }
INLINE void SetModuleHandle(HMODULE h) { m_dllHandle = h; }
INLINE static DWORD MainThread() { return GetInstance().m_mainThreadId; }
INLINE void VerifyActive() throw (awt_toolkit_shutdown) {
if (!m_isActive && m_mainThreadId != ::GetCurrentThreadId()) {
throw awt_toolkit_shutdown();
INLINE BOOL IsDisposed() { return m_isDisposed; }
static UINT GetMouseKeyState();
static void GetKeyboardState(PBYTE keyboardState);
static ATOM RegisterClass();
static void UnregisterClass();
INLINE LRESULT SendMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam=0, LPARAM lParam=0) {
if (!m_isDisposed) {
return ::SendMessage(GetHWnd(), msg, wParam, lParam);
} else {
return NULL;
static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
static LRESULT CALLBACK GetMessageFilter(int code, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
static LRESULT CALLBACK ForegroundIdleFilter(int code, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
static LRESULT CALLBACK MouseLowLevelHook(int code, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
INLINE static AwtToolkit& GetInstance() { return theInstance; }
INLINE void SetPeer(JNIEnv *env, jobject wToolkit) {
AwtToolkit &tk = AwtToolkit::GetInstance();
if (tk.m_peer != NULL) {
tk.m_peer = (wToolkit != NULL) ? env->NewGlobalRef(wToolkit) : NULL;
INLINE jobject GetPeer() {
return m_peer;
// is this thread the main thread?
INLINE static BOOL IsMainThread() {
return GetInstance().m_mainThreadId == ::GetCurrentThreadId();
// post a message to the message pump thread
INLINE BOOL PostMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM wp=0, LPARAM lp=0) {
return ::PostMessage(GetHWnd(), msg, wp, lp);
// cause the message pump thread to call the function synchronously now!
INLINE void * InvokeFunction(void*(*ftn)(void)) {
return (void *)SendMessage(WM_AWT_INVOKE_VOID_METHOD, (WPARAM)ftn, 0);
INLINE void InvokeFunction(void (*ftn)(void)) {
INLINE void * InvokeFunction(void*(*ftn)(void *), void* param) {
return (void *)SendMessage(WM_AWT_INVOKE_METHOD, (WPARAM)ftn,
INLINE void InvokeFunction(void (*ftn)(void *), void* param) {
InvokeFunction((void*(*)(void*))ftn, param);
INLINE CriticalSection &GetSyncCS() { return m_Sync; }
void *SyncCall(void*(*ftn)(void *), void* param);
void SyncCall(void (*ftn)(void *), void *param);
void *SyncCall(void *(*ftn)(void));
void SyncCall(void (*ftn)(void));
// cause the message pump thread to call the function later ...
INLINE void InvokeFunctionLater(void (*ftn)(void *), void* param) {
if (!PostMessage(WM_AWT_INVOKE_METHOD, (WPARAM)ftn, (LPARAM)param)) {
JNIEnv* env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Message not posted, native event queue may be full.");
// cause the message pump thread to synchronously synchronize on the handle
INLINE void WaitForSingleObject(HANDLE handle) {
* Create an AwtXxxx C++ component using a given factory
typedef void (*ComponentFactory)(void*, void*);
static void CreateComponent(void* hComponent, void* hParent,
ComponentFactory compFactory, BOOL isParentALocalReference=TRUE);
static void DestroyComponentHWND(HWND hwnd);
// constants used to PostQuitMessage
static const int EXIT_ENCLOSING_LOOP;
static const int EXIT_ALL_ENCLOSING_LOOPS;
// ...
void QuitMessageLoop(int status);
UINT MessageLoop(IDLEPROC lpIdleFunc, PEEKMESSAGEPROC lpPeekMessageFunc);
BOOL PumpWaitingMessages(PEEKMESSAGEPROC lpPeekMessageFunc);
BOOL PreProcessMsg(MSG& msg);
BOOL PreProcessMouseMsg(class AwtComponent* p, MSG& msg);
BOOL PreProcessKeyMsg(class AwtComponent* p, MSG& msg);
/* Create an ID which maps to an AwtObject pointer, such as a menu. */
UINT CreateCmdID(AwtObject* object);
// removes cmd id mapping
void RemoveCmdID(UINT id);
/* Return the AwtObject associated with its ID. */
AwtObject* LookupCmdID(UINT id);
/* Return the current application icon. */
HICON GetAwtIcon();
HICON GetAwtIconSm();
// Calculate a wave-like value out of the integer 'value' and
// the specified period.
// The argument 'value' is an integer 0, 1, 2, ... *infinity*.
// Examples:
// Period == 3
// Generated sequence: 0 1 2 1 0 .....
// Period == 4
// Generated sequence: 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 .....
static inline UINT CalculateWave(UINT value, const UINT period) {
if (period < 2) {
return 0;
// -2 is necessary to avoid repeating extreme values (0 and period-1)
value %= period * 2 -2;
if (value >= period) {
value = period * 2 -2 - value;
return value;
HICON GetSecurityWarningIcon(UINT index, UINT w, UINT h);
/* Turns on/off dialog modality for the system. */
INLINE AwtDialog* SetModal(AwtDialog* frame) {
AwtDialog* previousDialog = m_pModalDialog;
m_pModalDialog = frame;
return previousDialog;
INLINE void ResetModal(AwtDialog* oldFrame) { m_pModalDialog = oldFrame; };
INLINE BOOL IsModal() { return (m_pModalDialog != NULL); };
INLINE AwtDialog* GetModalDialog(void) { return m_pModalDialog; };
/* Stops the current message pump (normally a modal dialog pump) */
INLINE void StopMessagePump() { m_breakOnError = TRUE; }
/* Debug settings */
INLINE void SetVerbose(long flag) { m_verbose = (flag != 0); }
INLINE void SetVerify(long flag) { m_verifyComponents = (flag != 0); }
INLINE void SetBreak(long flag) { m_breakOnError = (flag != 0); }
INLINE void SetHeapCheck(long flag);
static void SetBusy(BOOL busy);
/* Set and get the default input method Window handler. */
INLINE void SetInputMethodWindow(HWND inputMethodHWnd) { m_inputMethodHWnd = inputMethodHWnd; }
INLINE HWND GetInputMethodWindow() { return m_inputMethodHWnd; }
static VOID CALLBACK PrimaryIdleFunc();
static VOID CALLBACK SecondaryIdleFunc();
static BOOL CALLBACK CommonPeekMessageFunc(MSG& msg);
static BOOL activateKeyboardLayout(HKL hkl);
HANDLE m_waitEvent;
DWORD eventNumber;
HWND CreateToolkitWnd(LPCTSTR name);
BOOL m_localPump;
DWORD m_mainThreadId;
HWND m_toolkitHWnd;
HWND m_inputMethodHWnd;
BOOL m_verbose;
BOOL m_isActive; // set to FALSE at beginning of Dispose
BOOL m_isDisposed; // set to TRUE at end of Dispose
BOOL m_areExtraMouseButtonsEnabled;
BOOL m_vmSignalled; // set to TRUE if QUERYENDSESSION has successfully
// raised SIGTERM
BOOL m_verifyComponents;
BOOL m_breakOnError;
BOOL m_breakMessageLoop;
UINT m_messageLoopResult;
class AwtComponent* m_lastMouseOver;
BOOL m_mouseDown;
HHOOK m_hGetMessageHook;
HHOOK m_hMouseLLHook;
UINT_PTR m_timer;
class AwtCmdIDList* m_cmdIDs;
BYTE m_lastKeyboardState[KB_STATE_SIZE];
CriticalSection m_lockKB;
static AwtToolkit theInstance;
/* The current modal dialog frame (normally NULL). */
AwtDialog* m_pModalDialog;
/* The WToolkit peer instance */
jobject m_peer;
HMODULE m_dllHandle; /* The module handle. */
CriticalSection m_Sync;
/* track display changes - used by palette-updating code.
This is a workaround for a windows bug that prevents
WM_PALETTECHANGED event from occurring immediately after
BOOL m_displayChanged; /* Tracks displayChanged events */
// 0 means we are not embedded.
DWORD m_embedderProcessID;
BOOL HasDisplayChanged() { return m_displayChanged; }
void ResetDisplayChanged() { m_displayChanged = FALSE; }
void RegisterEmbedderProcessId(HWND);
BOOL IsEmbedderProcessId(const DWORD processID) const
return m_embedderProcessID && (processID == m_embedderProcessID);
static JNIEnv *m_env;
static DWORD m_threadId;
static void SetEnv(JNIEnv *env);
static JNIEnv* GetEnv();
static BOOL GetScreenInsets(int screenNum, RECT * rect);
// If the DWM is active, this function uses
// Otherwise, fall back to regular ::GetWindowRect().
// See 6711576 for more details.
static void GetWindowRect(HWND hWnd, LPRECT lpRect);
// The window handle of a toplevel window last seen under the mouse cursor.
// See MouseLowLevelHook() for details.
HWND m_lastWindowUnderMouse;
HWND GetWindowUnderMouse() { return m_lastWindowUnderMouse; }
void InstallMouseLowLevelHook();
void UninstallMouseLowLevelHook();
/* creates an instance of T and assigns it to the argument, but only if
the argument is initially NULL. Supposed to be thread-safe.
returns the new value of the argument. I'm not using volatile here
as InterlockedCompareExchange ensures volatile semantics
and acquire/release.
The function is useful when used with static POD NULL-initialized
pointers, as they are guaranteed to be NULL before any dynamic
initialization takes place. This function turns such a pointer
into a thread-safe singleton, working regardless of dynamic
initialization order. Destruction problem is not solved,
we don't need it here.
template<typename T> inline T* SafeCreate(T* &pArg) {
/* this implementation has no locks, it just destroys the object if it
fails to be the first to init. another way would be using a special
flag pointer value to mark the pointer as "being initialized". */
T* pTemp = (T*)InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((void**)&pArg, NULL, NULL);
if (pTemp != NULL) return pTemp;
T* pNew = new T;
pTemp = (T*)InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((void**)&pArg, pNew, NULL);
if (pTemp != NULL) {
// we failed it - another thread has already initialized pArg
delete pNew;
return pTemp;
} else {
return pNew;
#endif /* AWT_TOOLKIT_H */