* @test/nodynamiccopyright/
* @bug 4952629 4870514
* @summary REGRESSION: javac generates a spurious line number entry on } else {
* @author jjh
* @run build VMConnection TargetListener TargetAdapter
* @run compile -g LineNumberOnBraceTest.java
* @run main LineNumberOnBraceTest
import com.sun.jdi.*;
import com.sun.jdi.event.*;
import com.sun.jdi.request.*;
import java.util.*;
/********** LINE NUMBER SENSITIVE! *****************************************************************/
class LineNumberOnBraceTarg {
public final static int stopLine = 28; // THIS MUST BE THE LINE NUMBER OF THE // stopline LINE
public final static int stopLine2 = 34; // THIS MUST BE THE LINE NUMBER OF THE // stopline2 LINE
public static void main(String[] args){
if (args.length == 0) {
System.out.println("No args to debuggee"); // stopLine
} else {
System.out.println("Some args to debuggee");
if (args.length == 0) {
boolean b1 = false;
if (b1) { // stopLine2
System.out.println("In 2nd else"); // bug 4870514 is that we stop here.
} else {
System.out.println("In 2nd else");
System.out.println("Goodbye from LineNumberOnBraceTarg!"); // stopLine2 + 6
// This isn't part of the test; it is just here
// so one can see what line numbers are generated for a finally.
public void exampleOfThrow() {
try {
throw new Exception();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("caught exception");
} finally {
/********** test program **********/
public class LineNumberOnBraceTest extends TestScaffold {
ReferenceType targetClass;
ThreadReference mainThread;
LineNumberOnBraceTest (String args[]) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new LineNumberOnBraceTest(args).startTests();
/********** test core **********/
protected void runTests() throws Exception {
* Get to the top of main()
* to determine targetClass and mainThread
BreakpointEvent bpe = startToMain("LineNumberOnBraceTarg");
targetClass = bpe.location().declaringType();
mainThread = bpe.thread();
resumeTo("LineNumberOnBraceTarg", LineNumberOnBraceTarg.stopLine);
StepEvent stepev = stepOverLine(mainThread); // step to 2nd if (args.length
// Bug 4952629 is that javac outputs a line number
// on the goto around the else which causes us to
// be stopped at that goto instead of the println("Goodbye ...")
int ln = stepev.location().lineNumber();
System.out.println("Debuggee is stopped at line " + ln);
if (ln != LineNumberOnBraceTarg.stopLine + 4) {
failure("FAIL: Bug 4952629: Should be at line " +
(LineNumberOnBraceTarg.stopLine + 4) +
", am at " + ln);
} else {
System.out.println("Passed test for 4952629");
// Test for bug 4870514
System.out.println("Resuming to " + LineNumberOnBraceTarg.stopLine2);
resumeTo("LineNumberOnBraceTarg", LineNumberOnBraceTarg.stopLine2);
System.out.println("Stopped at " + LineNumberOnBraceTarg.stopLine2);
stepev = stepOverLine(mainThread);
ln = stepev.location().lineNumber();
System.out.println("Debuggee is stopped at line " + ln);
if (ln == LineNumberOnBraceTarg.stopLine2 + 1) {
failure("FAIL: bug 4870514: Incorrectly stopped at " +
(LineNumberOnBraceTarg.stopLine2 + 1));
} else {
System.out.println("Passed test for 4870514");
* resume the target listening for events
* deal with results of test
* if anything has called failure("foo") testFailed will be true
if (!testFailed) {
println("LineNumberOnBraceTest: passed");
} else {
throw new Exception("LineNumberOnBraceTest: failed");