% Testing the JDK## Using "make test" (the run-test framework)This new way of running tests is developer-centric. It assumes that you havebuilt a JDK locally and want to test it. Running common test targets is simple,and more complex ad-hoc combination of tests is possible. The user interface isforgiving, and clearly report errors it cannot resolve.The main target `test` uses the jdk-image as the tested product. There isalso an alternate target `exploded-test` that uses the exploded imageinstead. Not all tests will run successfully on the exploded image, but usingthis target can greatly improve rebuild times for certain workflows.Previously, `make test` was used to invoke an old system for running tests, and`make run-test` was used for the new test framework. For backward compatibilitywith scripts and muscle memory, `run-test` (and variants like`exploded-run-test` or `run-test-tier1`) are kept as aliases.Some example command-lines: $ make test-tier1 $ make test-jdk_lang JTREG="JOBS=8" $ make test TEST=jdk_lang $ make test-only TEST="gtest:LogTagSet gtest:LogTagSetDescriptions" GTEST="REPEAT=-1" $ make test TEST="hotspot:hotspot_gc" JTREG="JOBS=1;TIMEOUT=8;VM_OPTIONS=-XshowSettings -Xlog:gc+ref=debug" $ make test TEST="jtreg:test/hotspot:hotspot_gc test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity/JniVersion.java" $ make test TEST="micro:java.lang.reflect" MICRO="FORK=1;WARMUP_ITER=2" $ make exploded-test TEST=tier2### ConfigurationTo be able to run JTReg tests, `configure` needs to know where to find theJTReg test framework. If it is not picked up automatically by configure, usethe `--with-jtreg=<path to jtreg home>` option to point to the JTReg framework.Note that this option should point to the JTReg home, i.e. the top directory,containing `lib/jtreg.jar` etc. (An alternative is to set the `JT_HOME`environment variable to point to the JTReg home before running `configure`.)To be able to run microbenchmarks, `configure` needs to know where to findthe JMH dependency. Use `--with-jmh=<path to JMH jars>` to point to a directorycontaining the core JMH and transitive dependencies. The recommended dependenciescan be retrieved by running `sh make/devkit/createJMHBundle.sh`, after which`--with-jmh=build/jmh/jars` should work.## Test selectionAll functionality is available using the `test` make target. In this use case,the test or tests to be executed is controlled using the `TEST` variable. Tospeed up subsequent test runs with no source code changes, `test-only` can beused instead, which do not depend on the source and test image build.For some common top-level tests, direct make targets have been generated. Thisincludes all JTReg test groups, the hotspot gtest, and custom tests (ifpresent). This means that `make test-tier1` is equivalent to `make testTEST="tier1"`, but the latter is more tab-completion friendly. For more complextest runs, the `test TEST="x"` solution needs to be used.The test specifications given in `TEST` is parsed into fully qualified testdescriptors, which clearly and unambigously show which tests will be run. As anexample, `:tier1` will expand to `jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/hotspot/jtreg:tier1jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/jdk:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/langtools:tier1jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/nashorn:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/jaxp:tier1`. You canalways submit a list of fully qualified test descriptors in the `TEST` variableif you want to shortcut the parser.### JTRegJTReg tests can be selected either by picking a JTReg test group, or a selectionof files or directories containing JTReg tests.JTReg test groups can be specified either without a test root, e.g. `:tier1`(or `tier1`, the initial colon is optional), or with, e.g. `hotspot:tier1`,`test/jdk:jdk_util` or `$(TOPDIR)/test/hotspot/jtreg:hotspot_all`. The testroot can be specified either as an absolute path, or a path relative to theJDK top directory, or the `test` directory. For simplicity, the hotspotJTReg test root, which really is `hotspot/jtreg` can be abbreviated asjust `hotspot`.When specified without a test root, all matching groups from all test rootswill be added. Otherwise, only the group from the specified test root will beadded.Individual JTReg tests or directories containing JTReg tests can also bespecified, like `test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity/JniVersion.java` or`hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity`. Just like for test root selection, you caneither specify an absolute path (which can even point to JTReg tests outsidethe source tree), or a path relative to either the JDK top directory or the`test` directory. `hotspot` can be used as an alias for `hotspot/jtreg` here aswell.As long as the test groups or test paths can be uniquely resolved, you do notneed to enter the `jtreg:` prefix. If this is not possible, or if you want touse a fully qualified test descriptor, add `jtreg:`, e.g.`jtreg:test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity`.### GtestSince the Hotspot Gtest suite is so quick, the default is to run all tests.This is specified by just `gtest`, or as a fully qualified test descriptor`gtest:all`.If you want, you can single out an individual test or a group of tests, forinstance `gtest:LogDecorations` or `gtest:LogDecorations.level_test_vm`. Thiscan be particularly useful if you want to run a shaky test repeatedly.For Gtest, there is a separate test suite for each JVM variant. The JVM variantis defined by adding `/<variant>` to the test descriptor, e.g.`gtest:Log/client`. If you specify no variant, gtest will run once for each JVMvariant present (e.g. server, client). So if you only have the server JVMpresent, then `gtest:all` will be equivalent to `gtest:all/server`.### MicrobenchmarksWhich microbenchmarks to run is selected using a regular expressionfollowing the `micro:` test descriptor, e.g., `micro:java.lang.reflect`. Thisdelegates the test selection to JMH, meaning package name, class name and evenbenchmark method names can be used to select tests.Using special characters like `|` in the regular expression is possible, butneeds to be escaped multiple times: `micro:ArrayCopy\\\\\|reflect`.### Special testsA handful of odd tests that are not covered by any other testing framework areaccessible using the `special:` test descriptor. Currently, this includes`failure-handler` and `make`. * Failure handler testing is run using `special:failure-handler` or just `failure-handler` as test descriptor. * Tests for the build system, including both makefiles and related functionality, is run using `special:make` or just `make` as test descriptor. This is equivalent to `special:make:all`. A specific make test can be run by supplying it as argument, e.g. `special:make:idea`. As a special syntax, this can also be expressed as `make-idea`, which allows for command lines as `make test-make-idea`.## Test results and summaryAt the end of the test run, a summary of all tests run will be presented. Thiswill have a consistent look, regardless of what test suites were used. This isa sample summary: ============================== Test summary ============================== TEST TOTAL PASS FAIL ERROR >> jtreg:jdk/test:tier1 1867 1865 2 0 << jtreg:langtools/test:tier1 4711 4711 0 0 jtreg:nashorn/test:tier1 133 133 0 0 ============================== TEST FAILURETests where the number of TOTAL tests does not equal the number of PASSed testswill be considered a test failure. These are marked with the `>> ... <<` markerfor easy identification.The classification of non-passed tests differs a bit between test suites. Inthe summary, ERROR is used as a catch-all for tests that neither passed nor areclassified as failed by the framework. This might indicate test frameworkerror, timeout or other problems.In case of test failures, `make test` will exit with a non-zero exit value.All tests have their result stored in `build/$BUILD/test-results/$TEST_ID`,where TEST_ID is a path-safe conversion from the fully qualified testdescriptor, e.g. for `jtreg:jdk/test:tier1` the TEST_ID is`jtreg_jdk_test_tier1`. This path is also printed in the log at the end of thetest run.Additional work data is stored in `build/$BUILD/test-support/$TEST_ID`. Forsome frameworks, this directory might contain information that is useful indetermining the cause of a failed test.## Test suite controlIt is possible to control various aspects of the test suites using make controlvariables.These variables use a keyword=value approach to allow multiple values to beset. So, for instance, `JTREG="JOBS=1;TIMEOUT=8"` will set the JTRegconcurrency level to 1 and the timeout factor to 8. This is equivalent tosetting `JTREG_JOBS=1 JTREG_TIMEOUT=8`, but using the keyword format means thatthe `JTREG` variable is parsed and verified for correctness, so`JTREG="TMIEOUT=8"` would give an error, while `JTREG_TMIEOUT=8` would justpass unnoticed.To separate multiple keyword=value pairs, use `;` (semicolon). Since the shellnormally eats `;`, the recommended usage is to write the assignment insideqoutes, e.g. `JTREG="...;..."`. This will also make sure spaces are preserved,as in `JTREG="VM_OPTIONS=-XshowSettings -Xlog:gc+ref=debug"`.(Other ways are possible, e.g. using backslash: `JTREG=JOBS=1\;TIMEOUT=8`.Also, as a special technique, the string `%20` will be replaced with space forcertain options, e.g. `JTREG=VM_OPTIONS=-XshowSettings%20-Xlog:gc+ref=debug`.This can be useful if you have layers of scripts and have trouble gettingproper quoting of command line arguments through.)As far as possible, the names of the keywords have been standardized betweentest suites.### General keywords (TEST_OPTS)Some keywords are valid across different test suites. If you want to runtests from multiple test suites, or just don't want to care which test suite specificcontrol variable to use, then you can use the general TEST_OPTS control variable.There are also some keywords that applies globally to the test runner system,not to any specific test suites. These are also available as TEST_OPTS keywords.#### JOBSCurrently only applies to JTReg.#### TIMEOUT_FACTORCurrently only applies to JTReg.#### VM_OPTIONSApplies to JTReg, GTest and Micro.#### JAVA_OPTIONSApplies to JTReg, GTest and Micro.#### AOT_MODULESApplies to JTReg and GTest.#### JCOVThis keywords applies globally to the test runner system. If set to `true`, itenables JCov coverage reporting for all tests run. To be useful, the JDK undertest must be run with a JDK built with JCov instrumentation (`configure--with-jcov=<path to directory containing lib/jcov.jar>`, `make jcov-image`).The simplest way to run tests with JCov coverage report is to use the specialtarget `jcov-test` instead of `test`, e.g. `make jcov-test TEST=jdk_lang`. Thiswill make sure the JCov image is built, and that JCov reporting is enabled.The JCov report is stored in `build/$BUILD/test-results/jcov-output`.Please note that running with JCov reporting can be very memory intensive.### JTReg keywords#### JOBSThe test concurrency (`-concurrency`).Defaults to TEST_JOBS (if set by `--with-test-jobs=`), otherwise it defaults toJOBS, except for Hotspot, where the default is *number of CPU cores/2* (forsparc, if more than 16 cpus, then *number of CPU cores/5*, otherwise *number ofCPU cores/4*), but never more than *memory size in GB/2*.#### TIMEOUT_FACTORThe timeout factor (`-timeoutFactor`).Defaults to 4.#### TEST_MODEThe test mode (`-agentvm`, `-samevm` or `-othervm`).Defaults to `-agentvm`.#### ASSERTEnable asserts (`-ea -esa`, or none).Set to `true` or `false`. If true, adds `-ea -esa`. Defaults to true, exceptfor hotspot.#### VERBOSEThe verbosity level (`-verbose`).Defaults to `fail,error,summary`.#### RETAINWhat test data to retain (`-retain`).Defaults to `fail,error`.#### MAX_MEMLimit memory consumption (`-Xmx` and `-vmoption:-Xmx`, or none).Limit memory consumption for JTReg test framework and VM under test. Set to 0to disable the limits.Defaults to 512m, except for hotspot, where it defaults to 0 (no limit).#### KEYWORDSJTReg kewords sent to JTReg using `-k`. Please be careful in making sure thatspaces and special characters (like `!`) are properly quoted. To avoid someissues, the special value `%20` can be used instead of space.#### EXTRA_PROBLEM_LISTSUse additional problem lists file or files, in addition to the defaultProblemList.txt located at the JTReg test roots.If multiple file names are specified, they should be separated by space (or, tohelp avoid quoting issues, the special value `%20`).The file names should be either absolute, or relative to the JTReg test root ofthe tests to be run.#### OPTIONSAdditional options to the JTReg test framework.Use `JTREG="OPTIONS=--help all"` to see all available JTReg options.#### JAVA_OPTIONSAdditional Java options to JTReg (`-javaoption`).#### VM_OPTIONSAdditional VM options to JTReg (`-vmoption`).#### AOT_MODULESGenerate AOT modules before testing for the specified module, or set ofmodules. If multiple modules are specified, they should be separated by space(or, to help avoid quoting issues, the special value `%20`).### Gtest keywords#### REPEATThe number of times to repeat the tests (`--gtest_repeat`).Default is 1. Set to -1 to repeat indefinitely. This can be especially usefulcombined with `OPTIONS=--gtest_break_on_failure` to reproduce an intermittentproblem.#### OPTIONSAdditional options to the Gtest test framework.Use `GTEST="OPTIONS=--help"` to see all available Gtest options.#### AOT_MODULESGenerate AOT modules before testing for the specified module, or set ofmodules. If multiple modules are specified, they should be separated by space(or, to help avoid quoting issues, the special value `%20`).### Microbenchmark keywords#### FORKOverride the number of benchmark forks to spawn. Same as specifying `-f <num>`.#### ITERNumber of measurement iterations per fork. Same as specifying `-i <num>`.#### TIMEAmount of time to spend in each measurement iteration, in seconds. Same asspecifying `-r <num>`#### WARMUP_ITERNumber of warmup iterations to run before the measurement phase in each fork.Same as specifying `-wi <num>`.#### WARMUP_TIMEAmount of time to spend in each warmup iteration. Same as specifying `-w <num>`.#### RESULTS_FORMATSpecify to have the test run save a log of the values. Accepts the same valuesas `-rff`, i.e., `text`, `csv`, `scsv`, `json`, or `latex`.#### VM_OPTIONSAdditional VM arguments to provide to forked off VMs. Same as `-jvmArgs <args>`#### OPTIONSAdditional arguments to send to JMH.## Notes for Specific Tests### Docker TestsDocker tests with default parameters may fail on systems with glibc versions notcompatible with the one used in the default docker image (e.g., Oracle Linux 7.6 for x86).For example, they pass on Ubuntu 16.04 but fail on Ubuntu 18.04 if run like this on x86: $ make test TEST="jtreg:test/hotspot/jtreg/containers/docker"To run these tests correctly, additional parameters for the correct docker image arerequired on Ubuntu 18.04 by using `JAVA_OPTIONS`. $ make test TEST="jtreg:test/hotspot/jtreg/containers/docker" JTREG="JAVA_OPTIONS=-Djdk.test.docker.image.name=ubuntu -Djdk.test.docker.image.version=latest"### Non-US localeIf your locale is non-US, some tests are likely to fail. To work around this you canset the locale to US. On Unix platforms simply setting `LANG="en_US"` in theenvironment before running tests should work. On Windows, setting`JTREG="VM_OPTIONS=-Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US"` helps for most, but not all test cases.For example: $ export LANG="en_US" && make test TEST=... $ make test JTREG="VM_OPTIONS=-Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US" TEST=...---# Override some definitions in the global css file that are not optimal for# this document.header-includes: - '<style type="text/css">pre, code, tt { color: #1d6ae5; }</style>'---