8038937: Validate fields on Swing classes deserialization
Reviewed-by: serb, pchelko
#!/bin/bashset -xset -eoptions="$*"option="$1"tmp=/tmp/test_builds.$$rm -f -r ${tmp}mkdir -p ${tmp}errMessages=${tmp}/error_messages.txt######## Error functionerror() # message{ echo "ERROR: $1" | tee -a ${errMessages}}# Check errorscheckErrors(){ if [ -s ${errMessages} ] ; then cat ${errMessages} exit 1 fi}#######os="`uname -s`"arch="`uname -p`"make=makeif [ "${os}" = "SunOS" ] ; then make=gmake export J7="/opt/java/jdk1.7.0"elif [ "${os}" = "Darwin" ] ; then export J7="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0.jdk/Contents/Home"elif [ "${os}" = "Linux" -a "${arch}" = "x86_64" ] ; then export J7="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/"else echo "What os/arch is this: ${os}/${arch}" exit 1fi# Must have a jdk7if [ ! -d ${J7} ] ; then echo "No JDK7 found at: ${J7}" exit 1fi# What sources we usefromroot="http://hg.openjdk.java.net/build-infra/jdk8"# Where we do itroot="testbuilds"mkdir -p ${root}# Three areas, last three are cloned from first to insure samenesst0=${root}/t0t1=${root}/t1t2=${root}/t2t3=${root}/t3repolist="${t0} ${t1} ${t2} ${t3}"# Optional complete clobberif [ "${option}" = "clobber" ] ; then for i in ${repolist} ; do rm -f -r ${i} donefi# Get top reposif [ ! -d ${t0}/.hg ] ; then rm -f -r ${t0} hg clone ${fromroot} ${t0}fifor i in ${t1} ${t2} ${t3} ; do if [ ! -d ${i}/.hg ] ; then hg clone ${t0} ${i} fidone# Get repos updatedfor i in ${repolist} ; do ( \ set -e \ && cd ${i} \ && sh ./get_source.sh \ || error "Cannot get source" \ ) 2>&1 | tee ${i}.get_source.txt checkErrorsdone# Optional cleanif [ "${option}" = "clean" ] ; then for i in ${repolist} ; do rm -f -r ${i}/build rm -f -r ${i}/*/build rm -f -r ${i}/*/dist donefi# Check changes on working set filesfor i in ${repolist} ; do ( \ set -e \ && cd ${i} \ && sh ./make/scripts/hgforest.sh status \ || error "Cannot check status" \ ) 2>&1 | tee ${i}.hg.status.txt checkErrorsdone# Configure for build-infra buildingfor i in ${t1} ${t2} ; do ( \ set -e \ && cd ${i}/common/makefiles \ && sh ../autoconf/configure --with-boot-jdk=${J7} \ || error "Cannot configure" \ ) 2>&1 | tee ${i}.config.txt checkErrorsdone# Do build-infra buildsfor i in ${t1} ${t2} ; do ( \ set -e \ && cd ${i}/common/makefiles \ && ${make} \ FULL_VERSION:=1.8.0-internal-b00 \ JRE_RELEASE_VERSION:=1.8.0-internal-b00 \ USER_RELEASE_SUFFIX:=compare \ RELEASE:=1.8.0-internal \ VERBOSE= \ LIBARCH= \ all images \ || error "Cannot build" \ ) 2>&1 | tee ${i}.build.txt checkErrorsdone# Compare build-infra builds( \ sh ${t0}/common/bin/compareimage.sh \ ${t1}/build/*/images/j2sdk-image \ ${t2}/build/*/images/j2sdk-image \ || error "Cannot compare" \) 2>&1 | tee ${root}/build-infra-comparison.txtcheckErrors# Do old buildunset JAVA_HOMEexport ALT_BOOTDIR="${J7}"( \ cd ${t3} \ && ${make} FULL_VERSION='"1.8.0-internal" sanity \ || error "Cannot sanity" \) 2>&1 | tee ${t3}.sanity.txtcheckErrors( \ cd ${t3} \ && ${make} \ FULL_VERSION='"1.8.0-internal" \ JRE_RELEASE_VERSION:=1.8.0-internal-b00 \ USER_RELEASE_SUFFIX:=compare \ RELEASE:=1.8.0-internal \ || error "Cannot build old way" \) 2>&1 | tee ${t3}.build.txtcheckErrors# Compare old build to build-infra build ( \ sh ${t0}/common/bin/compareimage.sh \ ${t3}/build/*/j2sdk-image \ ${t1}/build/*/images/j2sdk-image \ || error "Cannot compare" \) 2>&1 | tee ${root}/build-comparison.txtcheckErrorsexit 0