8194892: add compiler support for local-variable syntax for lambda parameters
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package jdk.nio.zipfs;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream.Filter;
import java.nio.file.attribute.*;
import java.util.*;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.*;
import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.*;
* @author Xueming Shen, Rajendra Gutupalli,Jaya Hangal
final class ZipPath implements Path {
private final ZipFileSystem zfs;
private final byte[] path;
private volatile int[] offsets;
private int hashcode = 0; // cached hashcode (created lazily)
ZipPath(ZipFileSystem zfs, byte[] path) {
this(zfs, path, false);
ZipPath(ZipFileSystem zfs, byte[] path, boolean normalized) {
this.zfs = zfs;
if (normalized) {
this.path = path;
} else {
if (zfs.zc.isUTF8()) {
this.path = normalize(path);
} else { // see normalize(String);
this.path = normalize(zfs.getString(path));
ZipPath(ZipFileSystem zfs, String path) {
this.zfs = zfs;
this.path = normalize(path);
public ZipPath getRoot() {
if (this.isAbsolute())
return zfs.getRootDir();
return null;
public Path getFileName() {
int off = path.length;
if (off == 0 || off == 1 && path[0] == '/')
return null;
while (--off >= 0 && path[off] != '/') {}
if (off < 0)
return this;
byte[] result = new byte[path.length - off];
System.arraycopy(path, off, result, 0, result.length);
return new ZipPath(getFileSystem(), result, true);
public ZipPath getParent() {
int off = path.length;
if (off == 0 || off == 1 && path[0] == '/')
return null;
while (--off >= 0 && path[off] != '/') {}
if (off <= 0)
return getRoot();
byte[] result = new byte[off];
System.arraycopy(path, 0, result, 0, off);
return new ZipPath(getFileSystem(), result, true);
public int getNameCount() {
return offsets.length;
public ZipPath getName(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= offsets.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int begin = offsets[index];
int len;
if (index == (offsets.length-1))
len = path.length - begin;
len = offsets[index+1] - begin - 1;
// construct result
byte[] result = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(path, begin, result, 0, len);
return new ZipPath(zfs, result);
public ZipPath subpath(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
if (beginIndex < 0 ||
beginIndex >= offsets.length ||
endIndex > offsets.length ||
beginIndex >= endIndex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// starting offset and length
int begin = offsets[beginIndex];
int len;
if (endIndex == offsets.length)
len = path.length - begin;
len = offsets[endIndex] - begin - 1;
// construct result
byte[] result = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(path, begin, result, 0, len);
return new ZipPath(zfs, result);
public ZipPath toRealPath(LinkOption... options) throws IOException {
ZipPath realPath;
byte[] resolved = getResolvedPath();
// resolved is always absolute and normalized
if (resolved == path) {
realPath = this;
} else {
realPath = new ZipPath(zfs, resolved, true);
realPath.resolved = resolved;
return realPath;
boolean isHidden() {
return false;
public ZipPath toAbsolutePath() {
if (isAbsolute()) {
return this;
} else {
// add '/' before the existing path
byte[] tmp = new byte[path.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(path, 0, tmp, 1, path.length);
tmp[0] = '/';
return new ZipPath(zfs, tmp, true); // normalized
public URI toUri() {
try {
return new URI("jar",
decodeUri(zfs.getZipFile().toUri().toString()) +
"!" +
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new AssertionError(ex);
private boolean equalsNameAt(ZipPath other, int index) {
int mbegin = offsets[index];
int mlen = 0;
if (index == (offsets.length-1))
mlen = path.length - mbegin;
mlen = offsets[index + 1] - mbegin - 1;
int obegin = other.offsets[index];
int olen = 0;
if (index == (other.offsets.length - 1))
olen = other.path.length - obegin;
olen = other.offsets[index + 1] - obegin - 1;
if (mlen != olen)
return false;
int n = 0;
while(n < mlen) {
if (path[mbegin + n] != other.path[obegin + n])
return false;
return true;
public Path relativize(Path other) {
final ZipPath o = checkPath(other);
if (o.equals(this))
return new ZipPath(zfs, new byte[0], true);
if (this.path.length == 0)
return o;
if (this.zfs != o.zfs || this.isAbsolute() != o.isAbsolute())
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (this.path.length == 1 && this.path[0] == '/')
return new ZipPath(zfs,
Arrays.copyOfRange(o.path, 1, o.path.length),
int mc = this.getNameCount();
int oc = o.getNameCount();
int n = Math.min(mc, oc);
int i = 0;
while (i < n) {
if (!equalsNameAt(o, i))
int dotdots = mc - i;
int len = dotdots * 3 - 1;
if (i < oc)
len += (o.path.length - o.offsets[i] + 1);
byte[] result = new byte[len];
int pos = 0;
while (dotdots > 0) {
result[pos++] = (byte)'.';
result[pos++] = (byte)'.';
if (pos < len) // no tailing slash at the end
result[pos++] = (byte)'/';
if (i < oc)
System.arraycopy(o.path, o.offsets[i],
result, pos,
o.path.length - o.offsets[i]);
return new ZipPath(zfs, result);
public ZipFileSystem getFileSystem() {
return zfs;
public boolean isAbsolute() {
return path.length > 0 && path[0] == '/';
public ZipPath resolve(Path other) {
ZipPath o = checkPath(other);
if (o.path.length == 0)
return this;
if (o.isAbsolute() || this.path.length == 0)
return o;
return resolve(o.path);
// opath is normalized, just concat
private ZipPath resolve(byte[] opath) {
byte[] resolved = null;
byte[] tpath = this.path;
int tlen = tpath.length;
int olen = opath.length;
if (path[tlen - 1] == '/') {
resolved = new byte[tlen + olen];
System.arraycopy(tpath, 0, resolved, 0, tlen);
System.arraycopy(opath, 0, resolved, tlen, olen);
} else {
resolved = new byte[tlen + 1 + olen];
System.arraycopy(tpath, 0, resolved, 0, tlen);
resolved[tlen] = '/';
System.arraycopy(opath, 0, resolved, tlen + 1, olen);
return new ZipPath(zfs, resolved, true);
public Path resolveSibling(Path other) {
Objects.requireNonNull(other, "other");
Path parent = getParent();
return (parent == null) ? other : parent.resolve(other);
public boolean startsWith(Path other) {
Objects.requireNonNull(other, "other");
if (!(other instanceof ZipPath))
return false;
final ZipPath o = (ZipPath)other;
if (o.isAbsolute() != this.isAbsolute() ||
o.path.length > this.path.length)
return false;
int olast = o.path.length;
for (int i = 0; i < olast; i++) {
if (o.path[i] != this.path[i])
return false;
return o.path.length == this.path.length ||
o.path[olast] == '/' ||
this.path[olast + 1] == '/';
public boolean endsWith(Path other) {
Objects.requireNonNull(other, "other");
if (!(other instanceof ZipPath))
return false;
final ZipPath o = (ZipPath)other;
int olast = o.path.length - 1;
if (olast > 0 && o.path[olast] == '/')
int last = this.path.length - 1;
if (last > 0 && this.path[last] == '/')
if (olast == -1) // o.path.length == 0
return last == -1;
if ((o.isAbsolute() &&(!this.isAbsolute() || olast != last)) ||
(last < olast))
return false;
for (; olast >= 0; olast--, last--) {
if (o.path[olast] != this.path[last])
return false;
return o.path[olast + 1] == '/' ||
last == -1 || this.path[last] == '/';
public ZipPath resolve(String other) {
byte[] opath = normalize(other);
if (opath.length == 0)
return this;
if (opath[0] == '/' || this.path.length == 0)
return new ZipPath(zfs, opath, true);
return resolve(opath);
public final Path resolveSibling(String other) {
return resolveSibling(zfs.getPath(other));
public final boolean startsWith(String other) {
return startsWith(zfs.getPath(other));
public final boolean endsWith(String other) {
return endsWith(zfs.getPath(other));
public Path normalize() {
byte[] resolved = getResolved();
if (resolved == path) // no change
return this;
return new ZipPath(zfs, resolved, true);
private ZipPath checkPath(Path path) {
Objects.requireNonNull(path, "path");
if (!(path instanceof ZipPath))
throw new ProviderMismatchException();
return (ZipPath) path;
// create offset list if not already created
private void initOffsets() {
if (offsets == null) {
int count, index;
// count names
count = 0;
index = 0;
if (path.length == 0) {
// empty path has one name
count = 1;
} else {
while (index < path.length) {
byte c = path[index++];
if (c != '/') {
while (index < path.length && path[index] != '/')
// populate offsets
int[] result = new int[count];
count = 0;
index = 0;
while (index < path.length) {
byte c = path[index];
if (c == '/') {
} else {
result[count++] = index++;
while (index < path.length && path[index] != '/')
synchronized (this) {
if (offsets == null)
offsets = result;
// resolved path for locating zip entry inside the zip file,
// the result path does not contain ./ and .. components
private volatile byte[] resolved = null;
byte[] getResolvedPath() {
byte[] r = resolved;
if (r == null) {
if (isAbsolute())
r = getResolved();
r = toAbsolutePath().getResolvedPath();
resolved = r;
return resolved;
// removes redundant slashs, replace "\" to zip separator "/"
// and check for invalid characters
private byte[] normalize(byte[] path) {
int len = path.length;
if (len == 0)
return path;
byte prevC = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
byte c = path[i];
if (c == '\\' || c == '\u0000')
return normalize(path, i);
if (c == (byte)'/' && prevC == '/')
return normalize(path, i - 1);
prevC = c;
if (len > 1 && prevC == '/') {
return Arrays.copyOf(path, len - 1);
return path;
private byte[] normalize(byte[] path, int off) {
byte[] to = new byte[path.length];
int n = 0;
while (n < off) {
to[n] = path[n];
int m = n;
byte prevC = 0;
while (n < path.length) {
byte c = path[n++];
if (c == (byte)'\\')
c = (byte)'/';
if (c == (byte)'/' && prevC == (byte)'/')
if (c == '\u0000')
throw new InvalidPathException(zfs.getString(path),
"Path: nul character not allowed");
to[m++] = c;
prevC = c;
if (m > 1 && to[m - 1] == '/')
return (m == to.length)? to : Arrays.copyOf(to, m);
// if zfs is NOT in utf8, normalize the path as "String"
// to avoid incorrectly normalizing byte '0x5c' (as '\')
// to '/'.
private byte[] normalize(String path) {
if (zfs.zc.isUTF8())
return normalize(zfs.getBytes(path));
int len = path.length();
if (len == 0)
return new byte[0];
char prevC = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char c = path.charAt(i);
if (c == '\\' || c == '\u0000')
return normalize(path, i, len);
if (c == '/' && prevC == '/')
return normalize(path, i - 1, len);
prevC = c;
if (len > 1 && prevC == '/')
path = path.substring(0, len - 1);
return zfs.getBytes(path);
private byte[] normalize(String path, int off, int len) {
StringBuilder to = new StringBuilder(len);
to.append(path, 0, off);
int m = off;
char prevC = 0;
while (off < len) {
char c = path.charAt(off++);
if (c == '\\')
c = '/';
if (c == '/' && prevC == '/')
if (c == '\u0000')
throw new InvalidPathException(path,
"Path: nul character not allowed");
prevC = c;
len = to.length();
if (len > 1 && prevC == '/')
to.delete(len -1, len);
return zfs.getBytes(to.toString());
// Remove DotSlash(./) and resolve DotDot (..) components
private byte[] getResolved() {
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (path[i] == (byte)'.' &&
(i + 1 == path.length || path[i + 1] == '/')) {
return resolve0();
return path;
// TBD: performance, avoid initOffsets
private byte[] resolve0() {
byte[] to = new byte[path.length];
int nc = getNameCount();
int[] lastM = new int[nc];
int lastMOff = -1;
int m = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
int n = offsets[i];
int len = (i == offsets.length - 1)?
(path.length - n):(offsets[i + 1] - n - 1);
if (len == 1 && path[n] == (byte)'.') {
if (m == 0 && path[0] == '/') // absolute path
to[m++] = '/';
if (len == 2 && path[n] == '.' && path[n + 1] == '.') {
if (lastMOff >= 0) {
m = lastM[lastMOff--]; // retreat
if (path[0] == '/') { // "/../xyz" skip
if (m == 0)
to[m++] = '/';
} else { // "../xyz" -> "../xyz"
if (m != 0 && to[m-1] != '/')
to[m++] = '/';
while (len-- > 0)
to[m++] = path[n++];
if (m == 0 && path[0] == '/' || // absolute path
m != 0 && to[m-1] != '/') { // not the first name
to[m++] = '/';
lastM[++lastMOff] = m;
while (len-- > 0)
to[m++] = path[n++];
if (m > 1 && to[m - 1] == '/')
return (m == to.length)? to : Arrays.copyOf(to, m);
public String toString() {
return zfs.getString(path);
public int hashCode() {
int h = hashcode;
if (h == 0)
hashcode = h = Arrays.hashCode(path);
return h;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj != null &&
obj instanceof ZipPath &&
this.zfs == ((ZipPath)obj).zfs &&
compareTo((Path) obj) == 0;
public int compareTo(Path other) {
final ZipPath o = checkPath(other);
int len1 = this.path.length;
int len2 = o.path.length;
int n = Math.min(len1, len2);
byte v1[] = this.path;
byte v2[] = o.path;
int k = 0;
while (k < n) {
int c1 = v1[k] & 0xff;
int c2 = v2[k] & 0xff;
if (c1 != c2)
return c1 - c2;
return len1 - len2;
public WatchKey register(
WatchService watcher,
WatchEvent.Kind<?>[] events,
WatchEvent.Modifier... modifiers) {
if (watcher == null || events == null || modifiers == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
// watcher must be associated with a different provider
throw new ProviderMismatchException();
public WatchKey register(WatchService watcher, WatchEvent.Kind<?>... events) {
return register(watcher, events, new WatchEvent.Modifier[0]);
public final File toFile() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Iterator<Path> iterator() {
return new Iterator<Path>() {
private int i = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return (i < getNameCount());
public Path next() {
if (i < getNameCount()) {
Path result = getName(i);
return result;
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
public void remove() {
throw new ReadOnlyFileSystemException();
void createDirectory(FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
throws IOException
zfs.createDirectory(getResolvedPath(), attrs);
InputStream newInputStream(OpenOption... options) throws IOException
if (options.length > 0) {
for (OpenOption opt : options) {
if (opt != READ)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("'" + opt + "' not allowed");
return zfs.newInputStream(getResolvedPath());
DirectoryStream<Path> newDirectoryStream(Filter<? super Path> filter)
throws IOException
return new ZipDirectoryStream(this, filter);
void delete() throws IOException {
zfs.deleteFile(getResolvedPath(), true);
void deleteIfExists() throws IOException {
zfs.deleteFile(getResolvedPath(), false);
ZipFileAttributes getAttributes() throws IOException
ZipFileAttributes zfas = zfs.getFileAttributes(getResolvedPath());
if (zfas == null)
throw new NoSuchFileException(toString());
return zfas;
void setAttribute(String attribute, Object value, LinkOption... options)
throws IOException
String type = null;
String attr = null;
int colonPos = attribute.indexOf(':');
if (colonPos == -1) {
type = "basic";
attr = attribute;
} else {
type = attribute.substring(0, colonPos++);
attr = attribute.substring(colonPos);
ZipFileAttributeView view = ZipFileAttributeView.get(this, type);
if (view == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("view <" + view + "> is not supported");
view.setAttribute(attr, value);
void setTimes(FileTime mtime, FileTime atime, FileTime ctime)
throws IOException
zfs.setTimes(getResolvedPath(), mtime, atime, ctime);
Map<String, Object> readAttributes(String attributes, LinkOption... options)
throws IOException
String view = null;
String attrs = null;
int colonPos = attributes.indexOf(':');
if (colonPos == -1) {
view = "basic";
attrs = attributes;
} else {
view = attributes.substring(0, colonPos++);
attrs = attributes.substring(colonPos);
ZipFileAttributeView zfv = ZipFileAttributeView.get(this, view);
if (zfv == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("view not supported");
return zfv.readAttributes(attrs);
FileStore getFileStore() throws IOException {
// each ZipFileSystem only has one root (as requested for now)
if (exists())
return zfs.getFileStore(this);
throw new NoSuchFileException(zfs.getString(path));
boolean isSameFile(Path other) throws IOException {
if (this.equals(other))
return true;
if (other == null ||
this.getFileSystem() != other.getFileSystem())
return false;
return Arrays.equals(this.getResolvedPath(),
SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
throws IOException
return zfs.newByteChannel(getResolvedPath(), options, attrs);
FileChannel newFileChannel(Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
throws IOException
return zfs.newFileChannel(getResolvedPath(), options, attrs);
void checkAccess(AccessMode... modes) throws IOException {
boolean w = false;
boolean x = false;
for (AccessMode mode : modes) {
switch (mode) {
case READ:
case WRITE:
w = true;
x = true;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if ((w && zfs.isReadOnly()) || x) {
throw new AccessDeniedException(toString());
boolean exists() {
try {
return zfs.exists(getResolvedPath());
} catch (IOException x) {}
return false;
OutputStream newOutputStream(OpenOption... options) throws IOException
if (options.length == 0)
return zfs.newOutputStream(getResolvedPath(),
return zfs.newOutputStream(getResolvedPath(), options);
void move(ZipPath target, CopyOption... options)
throws IOException
if (Files.isSameFile(this.zfs.getZipFile(), target.zfs.getZipFile()))
getResolvedPath(), target.getResolvedPath(),
} else {
copyToTarget(target, options);
void copy(ZipPath target, CopyOption... options)
throws IOException
if (Files.isSameFile(this.zfs.getZipFile(), target.zfs.getZipFile()))
getResolvedPath(), target.getResolvedPath(),
copyToTarget(target, options);
private void copyToTarget(ZipPath target, CopyOption... options)
throws IOException
boolean replaceExisting = false;
boolean copyAttrs = false;
for (CopyOption opt : options) {
replaceExisting = true;
else if (opt == COPY_ATTRIBUTES)
copyAttrs = true;
// attributes of source file
ZipFileAttributes zfas = getAttributes();
// check if target exists
boolean exists;
if (replaceExisting) {
try {
exists = false;
} catch (DirectoryNotEmptyException x) {
exists = true;
} else {
exists = target.exists();
if (exists)
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(target.toString());
if (zfas.isDirectory()) {
// create directory or file
} else {
InputStream is = zfs.newInputStream(getResolvedPath());
try {
OutputStream os = target.newOutputStream();
try {
byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
int n = 0;
while ((n = is.read(buf)) != -1) {
os.write(buf, 0, n);
} finally {
} finally {
if (copyAttrs) {
BasicFileAttributeView view =
ZipFileAttributeView.get(target, BasicFileAttributeView.class);
try {
} catch (IOException x) {
// rollback?
try {
} catch (IOException ignore) { }
throw x;
private static int decode(char c) {
if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
return c - '0';
if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f'))
return c - 'a' + 10;
if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F'))
return c - 'A' + 10;
assert false;
return -1;
// to avoid double escape
static String decodeUri(String s) {
if (s == null)
return s;
int n = s.length();
if (n == 0)
return s;
if (s.indexOf('%') < 0)
return s;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n);
byte[] bb = new byte[n];
boolean betweenBrackets = false;
for (int i = 0; i < n;) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '[') {
betweenBrackets = true;
} else if (betweenBrackets && c == ']') {
betweenBrackets = false;
if (c != '%' || betweenBrackets ) {
int nb = 0;
while (c == '%') {
assert (n - i >= 2);
bb[nb++] = (byte)(((decode(s.charAt(++i)) & 0xf) << 4) |
(decode(s.charAt(++i)) & 0xf));
if (++i >= n) {
c = s.charAt(i);
sb.append(new String(bb, 0, nb, UTF_8));
return sb.toString();