6578152: fill_region_with_object has usability and safety issues
Reviewed-by: apetrusenko, ysr
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// All the necessary definitions for run-time link resolution.
// LinkInfo & its subclasses provide all the information gathered
// for a particular link after resolving it. A link is any reference
// made from within the bytecodes of a method to an object outside of
// that method. If the info is invalid, the link has not been resolved
// successfully.
// Link information for getfield/putfield & getstatic/putstatic bytecodes.
class FieldAccessInfo: public LinkInfo {
KlassHandle _klass;
symbolHandle _name;
AccessFlags _access_flags;
int _field_index; // original index in the klass
int _field_offset;
BasicType _field_type;
void set(KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, int field_index, int field_offset,
BasicType field_type, AccessFlags access_flags);
KlassHandle klass() const { return _klass; }
symbolHandle name() const { return _name; }
int field_index() const { return _field_index; }
int field_offset() const { return _field_offset; }
BasicType field_type() const { return _field_type; }
AccessFlags access_flags() const { return _access_flags; }
// debugging
void print() PRODUCT_RETURN;
// Link information for all calls.
class CallInfo: public LinkInfo {
KlassHandle _resolved_klass; // static receiver klass
KlassHandle _selected_klass; // dynamic receiver class (same as static, or subklass)
methodHandle _resolved_method; // static target method
methodHandle _selected_method; // dynamic (actual) target method
int _vtable_index; // vtable index of selected method
void set_static( KlassHandle resolved_klass, methodHandle resolved_method , TRAPS);
void set_interface(KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle selected_klass, methodHandle resolved_method, methodHandle selected_method , TRAPS);
void set_virtual( KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle selected_klass, methodHandle resolved_method, methodHandle selected_method, int vtable_index, TRAPS);
void set_common( KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle selected_klass, methodHandle resolved_method, methodHandle selected_method, int vtable_index, TRAPS);
friend class LinkResolver;
KlassHandle resolved_klass() const { return _resolved_klass; }
KlassHandle selected_klass() const { return _selected_klass; }
methodHandle resolved_method() const { return _resolved_method; }
methodHandle selected_method() const { return _selected_method; }
BasicType result_type() const { return selected_method()->result_type(); }
bool has_vtable_index() const { return _vtable_index >= 0; }
bool is_statically_bound() const { return _vtable_index == methodOopDesc::nonvirtual_vtable_index; }
int vtable_index() const {
// Even for interface calls the vtable index could be non-negative.
// See CallInfo::set_interface.
assert(has_vtable_index() || is_statically_bound(), "");
return _vtable_index;
// The LinkResolver is used to resolve constant-pool references at run-time.
// It does all necessary link-time checks & throws exceptions if necessary.
class LinkResolver: AllStatic {
static void lookup_method_in_klasses (methodHandle& result, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, TRAPS);
static void lookup_instance_method_in_klasses (methodHandle& result, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, TRAPS);
static void lookup_method_in_interfaces (methodHandle& result, KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, TRAPS);
static int vtable_index_of_miranda_method(KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature, TRAPS);
static void resolve_klass (KlassHandle& result, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, TRAPS);
static void resolve_klass_no_update (KlassHandle& result, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, TRAPS); // no update of constantPool entry
static void resolve_pool (KlassHandle& resolved_klass, symbolHandle& method_name, symbolHandle& method_signature, KlassHandle& current_klass, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, TRAPS);
static void resolve_interface_method(methodHandle& resolved_method, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, TRAPS);
static void resolve_method (methodHandle& resolved_method, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, TRAPS);
static void linktime_resolve_static_method (methodHandle& resolved_method, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, TRAPS);
static void linktime_resolve_special_method (methodHandle& resolved_method, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, TRAPS);
static void linktime_resolve_virtual_method (methodHandle &resolved_method, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature,KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, TRAPS);
static void linktime_resolve_interface_method (methodHandle& resolved_method, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, TRAPS);
static void runtime_resolve_special_method (CallInfo& result, methodHandle resolved_method, KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, TRAPS);
static void runtime_resolve_virtual_method (CallInfo& result, methodHandle resolved_method, KlassHandle resolved_klass, Handle recv, KlassHandle recv_klass, bool check_null_and_abstract, TRAPS);
static void runtime_resolve_interface_method (CallInfo& result, methodHandle resolved_method, KlassHandle resolved_klass, Handle recv, KlassHandle recv_klass, bool check_null_and_abstract, TRAPS);
static void check_field_accessability (KlassHandle ref_klass, KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle sel_klass, fieldDescriptor& fd, TRAPS);
static void check_method_accessability (KlassHandle ref_klass, KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle sel_klass, methodHandle sel_method, TRAPS);
// constant pool resolving
static void check_klass_accessability(KlassHandle ref_klass, KlassHandle sel_klass, TRAPS);
// static resolving for all calls except interface calls
static void resolve_method (methodHandle& method_result, KlassHandle& klass_result, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, TRAPS);
static void resolve_interface_method(methodHandle& method_result, KlassHandle& klass_result, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, TRAPS);
// runtime/static resolving for fields
static void resolve_field(FieldAccessInfo& result, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, Bytecodes::Code byte, bool check_only, TRAPS);
// takes an extra bool argument "update_pool" to decide whether to update the constantPool during klass resolution.
static void resolve_field(FieldAccessInfo& result, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, Bytecodes::Code byte, bool check_only, bool update_pool, TRAPS);
// runtime resolving:
// resolved_klass = specified class (i.e., static receiver class)
// current_klass = sending method holder (i.e., class containing the method containing the call being resolved)
static void resolve_static_call (CallInfo& result, KlassHandle& resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, bool initialize_klass, TRAPS);
static void resolve_special_call (CallInfo& result, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, TRAPS);
static void resolve_virtual_call (CallInfo& result, Handle recv, KlassHandle recv_klass, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, bool check_null_and_abstract, TRAPS);
static void resolve_interface_call(CallInfo& result, Handle recv, KlassHandle recv_klass, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access, bool check_null_and_abstract, TRAPS);
// same as above for compile-time resolution; but returns null handle instead of throwing an exception on error
// also, does not initialize klass (i.e., no side effects)
static methodHandle resolve_virtual_call_or_null (KlassHandle receiver_klass, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass);
static methodHandle resolve_interface_call_or_null(KlassHandle receiver_klass, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass);
static methodHandle resolve_static_call_or_null (KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass);
static methodHandle resolve_special_call_or_null (KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass);
// same as above for compile-time resolution; returns vtable_index if current_klass if linked
static int resolve_virtual_vtable_index (KlassHandle receiver_klass, KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass);
// static resolving for compiler (does not throw exceptions, returns null handle if unsuccessful)
static methodHandle linktime_resolve_virtual_method_or_null (KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access);
static methodHandle linktime_resolve_interface_method_or_null(KlassHandle resolved_klass, symbolHandle method_name, symbolHandle method_signature, KlassHandle current_klass, bool check_access);
// runtime resolving from constant pool
static void resolve_invokestatic (CallInfo& result, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, TRAPS);
static void resolve_invokespecial (CallInfo& result, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, TRAPS);
static void resolve_invokevirtual (CallInfo& result, Handle recv, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, TRAPS);
static void resolve_invokeinterface(CallInfo& result, Handle recv, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, TRAPS);
static void resolve_invoke (CallInfo& result, Handle recv, constantPoolHandle pool, int index, Bytecodes::Code byte, TRAPS);