8008217: CDS: Class data sharing limits the malloc heap on Solaris
Summary: In 64bit VM move CDS archive address to 32G on all platforms using new flag SharedBaseAddress. In 32bit VM set CDS archive address to 3Gb on Linux and let other OSs pick the address.
Reviewed-by: kvn, dcubed, zgu, hseigel
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc_interface/collectedHeap.hpp"
#include "memory/binaryTreeDictionary.hpp"
#include "memory/freeList.hpp"
#include "memory/collectorPolicy.hpp"
#include "memory/filemap.hpp"
#include "memory/freeList.hpp"
#include "memory/metablock.hpp"
#include "memory/metachunk.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspace.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspaceShared.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "memory/universe.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutex.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
#include "services/memTracker.hpp"
#include "utilities/copy.hpp"
#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
typedef BinaryTreeDictionary<Metablock, FreeList> BlockTreeDictionary;
typedef BinaryTreeDictionary<Metachunk, FreeList> ChunkTreeDictionary;
// Define this macro to enable slow integrity checking of
// the free chunk lists
const bool metaspace_slow_verify = false;
// Parameters for stress mode testing
const uint metadata_deallocate_a_lot_block = 10;
const uint metadata_deallocate_a_lock_chunk = 3;
size_t const allocation_from_dictionary_limit = 64 * K;
MetaWord* last_allocated = 0;
// Used in declarations in SpaceManager and ChunkManager
enum ChunkIndex {
ZeroIndex = 0,
SpecializedIndex = ZeroIndex,
SmallIndex = SpecializedIndex + 1,
MediumIndex = SmallIndex + 1,
HumongousIndex = MediumIndex + 1,
NumberOfFreeLists = 3,
NumberOfInUseLists = 4
enum ChunkSizes { // in words.
ClassSpecializedChunk = 128,
SpecializedChunk = 128,
ClassSmallChunk = 256,
SmallChunk = 512,
ClassMediumChunk = 1 * K,
MediumChunk = 8 * K,
HumongousChunkGranularity = 8
static ChunkIndex next_chunk_index(ChunkIndex i) {
assert(i < NumberOfInUseLists, "Out of bound");
return (ChunkIndex) (i+1);
// Originally _capacity_until_GC was set to MetaspaceSize here but
// the default MetaspaceSize before argument processing was being
// used which was not the desired value. See the code
// in should_expand() to see how the initialization is handled
// now.
size_t MetaspaceGC::_capacity_until_GC = 0;
bool MetaspaceGC::_expand_after_GC = false;
uint MetaspaceGC::_shrink_factor = 0;
bool MetaspaceGC::_should_concurrent_collect = false;
// Blocks of space for metadata are allocated out of Metachunks.
// Metachunk are allocated out of MetadataVirtualspaces and once
// allocated there is no explicit link between a Metachunk and
// the MetadataVirtualspaces from which it was allocated.
// Each SpaceManager maintains a
// list of the chunks it is using and the current chunk. The current
// chunk is the chunk from which allocations are done. Space freed in
// a chunk is placed on the free list of blocks (BlockFreelist) and
// reused from there.
// Pointer to list of Metachunks.
class ChunkList VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
// List of free chunks
Metachunk* _head;
// Constructor
ChunkList() : _head(NULL) {}
// Accessors
Metachunk* head() { return _head; }
void set_head(Metachunk* v) { _head = v; }
// Link at head of the list
void add_at_head(Metachunk* head, Metachunk* tail);
void add_at_head(Metachunk* head);
size_t sum_list_size();
size_t sum_list_count();
size_t sum_list_capacity();
// Manages the global free lists of chunks.
// Has three lists of free chunks, and a total size and
// count that includes all three
class ChunkManager VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
// Free list of chunks of different sizes.
// SmallChunk
// MediumChunk
// HumongousChunk
ChunkList _free_chunks[NumberOfFreeLists];
// HumongousChunk
ChunkTreeDictionary _humongous_dictionary;
// ChunkManager in all lists of this type
size_t _free_chunks_total;
size_t _free_chunks_count;
void dec_free_chunks_total(size_t v) {
assert(_free_chunks_count > 0 &&
_free_chunks_total > 0,
"About to go negative");
Atomic::add_ptr(-1, &_free_chunks_count);
jlong minus_v = (jlong) - (jlong) v;
Atomic::add_ptr(minus_v, &_free_chunks_total);
// Debug support
size_t sum_free_chunks();
size_t sum_free_chunks_count();
void locked_verify_free_chunks_total();
void slow_locked_verify_free_chunks_total() {
if (metaspace_slow_verify) {
void locked_verify_free_chunks_count();
void slow_locked_verify_free_chunks_count() {
if (metaspace_slow_verify) {
void verify_free_chunks_count();
ChunkManager() : _free_chunks_total(0), _free_chunks_count(0) {}
// add or delete (return) a chunk to the global freelist.
Metachunk* chunk_freelist_allocate(size_t word_size);
void chunk_freelist_deallocate(Metachunk* chunk);
// Map a size to a list index assuming that there are lists
// for special, small, medium, and humongous chunks.
static ChunkIndex list_index(size_t size);
// Total of the space in the free chunks list
size_t free_chunks_total();
size_t free_chunks_total_in_bytes();
// Number of chunks in the free chunks list
size_t free_chunks_count();
void inc_free_chunks_total(size_t v, size_t count = 1) {
Atomic::add_ptr(count, &_free_chunks_count);
Atomic::add_ptr(v, &_free_chunks_total);
ChunkTreeDictionary* humongous_dictionary() {
return &_humongous_dictionary;
ChunkList* free_chunks(ChunkIndex index);
// Returns the list for the given chunk word size.
ChunkList* find_free_chunks_list(size_t word_size);
// Add and remove from a list by size. Selects
// list based on size of chunk.
void free_chunks_put(Metachunk* chuck);
Metachunk* free_chunks_get(size_t chunk_word_size);
// Debug support
void verify();
void slow_verify() {
if (metaspace_slow_verify) {
void locked_verify();
void slow_locked_verify() {
if (metaspace_slow_verify) {
void verify_free_chunks_total();
void locked_print_free_chunks(outputStream* st);
void locked_print_sum_free_chunks(outputStream* st);
void print_on(outputStream* st);
// Used to manage the free list of Metablocks (a block corresponds
// to the allocation of a quantum of metadata).
class BlockFreelist VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
BlockTreeDictionary* _dictionary;
static Metablock* initialize_free_chunk(MetaWord* p, size_t word_size);
// Accessors
BlockTreeDictionary* dictionary() const { return _dictionary; }
// Get and return a block to the free list
MetaWord* get_block(size_t word_size);
void return_block(MetaWord* p, size_t word_size);
size_t total_size() {
if (dictionary() == NULL) {
return 0;
} else {
return dictionary()->total_size();
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
class VirtualSpaceNode : public CHeapObj<mtClass> {
friend class VirtualSpaceList;
// Link to next VirtualSpaceNode
VirtualSpaceNode* _next;
// total in the VirtualSpace
MemRegion _reserved;
ReservedSpace _rs;
VirtualSpace _virtual_space;
MetaWord* _top;
// Convenience functions for logical bottom and end
MetaWord* bottom() const { return (MetaWord*) _virtual_space.low(); }
MetaWord* end() const { return (MetaWord*) _virtual_space.high(); }
// Convenience functions to access the _virtual_space
char* low() const { return virtual_space()->low(); }
char* high() const { return virtual_space()->high(); }
VirtualSpaceNode(size_t byte_size);
VirtualSpaceNode(ReservedSpace rs) : _top(NULL), _next(NULL), _rs(rs) {}
// address of next available space in _virtual_space;
// Accessors
VirtualSpaceNode* next() { return _next; }
void set_next(VirtualSpaceNode* v) { _next = v; }
void set_reserved(MemRegion const v) { _reserved = v; }
void set_top(MetaWord* v) { _top = v; }
// Accessors
MemRegion* reserved() { return &_reserved; }
VirtualSpace* virtual_space() const { return (VirtualSpace*) &_virtual_space; }
// Returns true if "word_size" is available in the virtual space
bool is_available(size_t word_size) { return _top + word_size <= end(); }
MetaWord* top() const { return _top; }
void inc_top(size_t word_size) { _top += word_size; }
// used and capacity in this single entry in the list
size_t used_words_in_vs() const;
size_t capacity_words_in_vs() const;
bool initialize();
// get space from the virtual space
Metachunk* take_from_committed(size_t chunk_word_size);
// Allocate a chunk from the virtual space and return it.
Metachunk* get_chunk_vs(size_t chunk_word_size);
Metachunk* get_chunk_vs_with_expand(size_t chunk_word_size);
// Expands/shrinks the committed space in a virtual space. Delegates
// to Virtualspace
bool expand_by(size_t words, bool pre_touch = false);
bool shrink_by(size_t words);
#ifdef ASSERT
// Debug support
static void verify_virtual_space_total();
static void verify_virtual_space_count();
void mangle();
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
// byte_size is the size of the associated virtualspace.
VirtualSpaceNode::VirtualSpaceNode(size_t byte_size) : _top(NULL), _next(NULL), _rs(0) {
// align up to vm allocation granularity
byte_size = align_size_up(byte_size, os::vm_allocation_granularity());
// This allocates memory with mmap. For DumpSharedspaces, try to reserve
// configurable address, generally at the top of the Java heap so other
// memory addresses don't conflict.
if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
char* shared_base = (char*)SharedBaseAddress;
_rs = ReservedSpace(byte_size, 0, false, shared_base, 0);
if (_rs.is_reserved()) {
assert(shared_base == 0 || _rs.base() == shared_base, "should match");
} else {
// Get a mmap region anywhere if the SharedBaseAddress fails.
_rs = ReservedSpace(byte_size);
} else {
_rs = ReservedSpace(byte_size);
MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type((address)_rs.base(), mtClass);
// List of VirtualSpaces for metadata allocation.
// It has a _next link for singly linked list and a MemRegion
// for total space in the VirtualSpace.
class VirtualSpaceList : public CHeapObj<mtClass> {
friend class VirtualSpaceNode;
enum VirtualSpaceSizes {
VirtualSpaceSize = 256 * K
// Global list of virtual spaces
// Head of the list
VirtualSpaceNode* _virtual_space_list;
// virtual space currently being used for allocations
VirtualSpaceNode* _current_virtual_space;
// Free chunk list for all other metadata
ChunkManager _chunk_manager;
// Can this virtual list allocate >1 spaces? Also, used to determine
// whether to allocate unlimited small chunks in this virtual space
bool _is_class;
bool can_grow() const { return !is_class() || !UseCompressedKlassPointers; }
// Sum of space in all virtual spaces and number of virtual spaces
size_t _virtual_space_total;
size_t _virtual_space_count;
VirtualSpaceNode* virtual_space_list() const { return _virtual_space_list; }
void set_virtual_space_list(VirtualSpaceNode* v) {
_virtual_space_list = v;
void set_current_virtual_space(VirtualSpaceNode* v) {
_current_virtual_space = v;
void link_vs(VirtualSpaceNode* new_entry, size_t vs_word_size);
// Get another virtual space and add it to the list. This
// is typically prompted by a failed attempt to allocate a chunk
// and is typically followed by the allocation of a chunk.
bool grow_vs(size_t vs_word_size);
VirtualSpaceList(size_t word_size);
VirtualSpaceList(ReservedSpace rs);
Metachunk* get_new_chunk(size_t word_size,
size_t grow_chunks_by_words,
size_t medium_chunk_bunch);
// Get the first chunk for a Metaspace. Used for
// special cases such as the boot class loader, reflection
// class loader and anonymous class loader.
Metachunk* get_initialization_chunk(size_t word_size, size_t chunk_bunch);
VirtualSpaceNode* current_virtual_space() {
return _current_virtual_space;
ChunkManager* chunk_manager() { return &_chunk_manager; }
bool is_class() const { return _is_class; }
// Allocate the first virtualspace.
void initialize(size_t word_size);
size_t virtual_space_total() { return _virtual_space_total; }
void inc_virtual_space_total(size_t v) {
Atomic::add_ptr(v, &_virtual_space_total);
size_t virtual_space_count() { return _virtual_space_count; }
void inc_virtual_space_count() {
// Used and capacity in the entire list of virtual spaces.
// These are global values shared by all Metaspaces
size_t capacity_words_sum();
size_t capacity_bytes_sum() { return capacity_words_sum() * BytesPerWord; }
size_t used_words_sum();
size_t used_bytes_sum() { return used_words_sum() * BytesPerWord; }
bool contains(const void *ptr);
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
class VirtualSpaceListIterator : public StackObj {
VirtualSpaceNode* _virtual_spaces;
VirtualSpaceListIterator(VirtualSpaceNode* virtual_spaces) :
_virtual_spaces(virtual_spaces) {}
bool repeat() {
return _virtual_spaces != NULL;
VirtualSpaceNode* get_next() {
VirtualSpaceNode* result = _virtual_spaces;
if (_virtual_spaces != NULL) {
_virtual_spaces = _virtual_spaces->next();
return result;
class Metadebug : AllStatic {
// Debugging support for Metaspaces
static int _deallocate_block_a_lot_count;
static int _deallocate_chunk_a_lot_count;
static int _allocation_fail_alot_count;
static int deallocate_block_a_lot_count() {
return _deallocate_block_a_lot_count;
static void set_deallocate_block_a_lot_count(int v) {
_deallocate_block_a_lot_count = v;
static void inc_deallocate_block_a_lot_count() {
static int deallocate_chunk_a_lot_count() {
return _deallocate_chunk_a_lot_count;
static void reset_deallocate_chunk_a_lot_count() {
_deallocate_chunk_a_lot_count = 1;
static void inc_deallocate_chunk_a_lot_count() {
static void init_allocation_fail_alot_count();
#ifdef ASSERT
static bool test_metadata_failure();
static void deallocate_chunk_a_lot(SpaceManager* sm,
size_t chunk_word_size);
static void deallocate_block_a_lot(SpaceManager* sm,
size_t chunk_word_size);
int Metadebug::_deallocate_block_a_lot_count = 0;
int Metadebug::_deallocate_chunk_a_lot_count = 0;
int Metadebug::_allocation_fail_alot_count = 0;
// SpaceManager - used by Metaspace to handle allocations
class SpaceManager : public CHeapObj<mtClass> {
friend class Metaspace;
friend class Metadebug;
// protects allocations and contains.
Mutex* const _lock;
// Chunk related size
size_t _medium_chunk_bunch;
// List of chunks in use by this SpaceManager. Allocations
// are done from the current chunk. The list is used for deallocating
// chunks when the SpaceManager is freed.
Metachunk* _chunks_in_use[NumberOfInUseLists];
Metachunk* _current_chunk;
// Virtual space where allocation comes from.
VirtualSpaceList* _vs_list;
// Number of small chunks to allocate to a manager
// If class space manager, small chunks are unlimited
static uint const _small_chunk_limit;
bool has_small_chunk_limit() { return !vs_list()->is_class(); }
// Sum of all space in allocated chunks
size_t _allocation_total;
// Free lists of blocks are per SpaceManager since they
// are assumed to be in chunks in use by the SpaceManager
// and all chunks in use by a SpaceManager are freed when
// the class loader using the SpaceManager is collected.
BlockFreelist _block_freelists;
// protects virtualspace and chunk expansions
static const char* _expand_lock_name;
static const int _expand_lock_rank;
static Mutex* const _expand_lock;
// Accessors
Metachunk* chunks_in_use(ChunkIndex index) const { return _chunks_in_use[index]; }
void set_chunks_in_use(ChunkIndex index, Metachunk* v) { _chunks_in_use[index] = v; }
BlockFreelist* block_freelists() const {
return (BlockFreelist*) &_block_freelists;
VirtualSpaceList* vs_list() const { return _vs_list; }
Metachunk* current_chunk() const { return _current_chunk; }
void set_current_chunk(Metachunk* v) {
_current_chunk = v;
Metachunk* find_current_chunk(size_t word_size);
// Add chunk to the list of chunks in use
void add_chunk(Metachunk* v, bool make_current);
Mutex* lock() const { return _lock; }
const char* chunk_size_name(ChunkIndex index) const;
void initialize();
SpaceManager(Mutex* lock,
VirtualSpaceList* vs_list);
enum ChunkMultiples {
MediumChunkMultiple = 4
// Accessors
size_t specialized_chunk_size() { return SpecializedChunk; }
size_t small_chunk_size() { return (size_t) vs_list()->is_class() ? ClassSmallChunk : SmallChunk; }
size_t medium_chunk_size() { return (size_t) vs_list()->is_class() ? ClassMediumChunk : MediumChunk; }
size_t medium_chunk_bunch() { return medium_chunk_size() * MediumChunkMultiple; }
size_t allocation_total() const { return _allocation_total; }
void inc_allocation_total(size_t v) { Atomic::add_ptr(v, &_allocation_total); }
bool is_humongous(size_t word_size) { return word_size > medium_chunk_size(); }
static Mutex* expand_lock() { return _expand_lock; }
// Set the sizes for the initial chunks.
void get_initial_chunk_sizes(Metaspace::MetaspaceType type,
size_t* chunk_word_size,
size_t* class_chunk_word_size);
size_t sum_capacity_in_chunks_in_use() const;
size_t sum_used_in_chunks_in_use() const;
size_t sum_free_in_chunks_in_use() const;
size_t sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use() const;
size_t sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(ChunkIndex index ) const;
size_t sum_count_in_chunks_in_use();
size_t sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(ChunkIndex i);
Metachunk* get_new_chunk(size_t word_size, size_t grow_chunks_by_words);
// Block allocation and deallocation.
// Allocates a block from the current chunk
MetaWord* allocate(size_t word_size);
// Helper for allocations
MetaWord* allocate_work(size_t word_size);
// Returns a block to the per manager freelist
void deallocate(MetaWord* p, size_t word_size);
// Based on the allocation size and a minimum chunk size,
// returned chunk size (for expanding space for chunk allocation).
size_t calc_chunk_size(size_t allocation_word_size);
// Called when an allocation from the current chunk fails.
// Gets a new chunk (may require getting a new virtual space),
// and allocates from that chunk.
MetaWord* grow_and_allocate(size_t word_size);
// debugging support.
void dump(outputStream* const out) const;
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void locked_print_chunks_in_use_on(outputStream* st) const;
void verify();
void verify_chunk_size(Metachunk* chunk);
NOT_PRODUCT(void mangle_freed_chunks();)
#ifdef ASSERT
void verify_allocation_total();
uint const SpaceManager::_small_chunk_limit = 4;
const char* SpaceManager::_expand_lock_name =
"SpaceManager chunk allocation lock";
const int SpaceManager::_expand_lock_rank = Monitor::leaf - 1;
Mutex* const SpaceManager::_expand_lock =
new Mutex(SpaceManager::_expand_lock_rank,
// BlockFreelist methods
BlockFreelist::BlockFreelist() : _dictionary(NULL) {}
BlockFreelist::~BlockFreelist() {
if (_dictionary != NULL) {
if (Verbose && TraceMetadataChunkAllocation) {
delete _dictionary;
Metablock* BlockFreelist::initialize_free_chunk(MetaWord* p, size_t word_size) {
Metablock* block = (Metablock*) p;
return block;
void BlockFreelist::return_block(MetaWord* p, size_t word_size) {
Metablock* free_chunk = initialize_free_chunk(p, word_size);
if (dictionary() == NULL) {
_dictionary = new BlockTreeDictionary();
MetaWord* BlockFreelist::get_block(size_t word_size) {
if (dictionary() == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (word_size < TreeChunk<Metablock, FreeList>::min_size()) {
// Dark matter. Too small for dictionary.
return NULL;
Metablock* free_block =
dictionary()->get_chunk(word_size, FreeBlockDictionary<Metablock>::exactly);
if (free_block == NULL) {
return NULL;
return (MetaWord*) free_block;
void BlockFreelist::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
if (dictionary() == NULL) {
// VirtualSpaceNode methods
VirtualSpaceNode::~VirtualSpaceNode() {
size_t VirtualSpaceNode::used_words_in_vs() const {
return pointer_delta(top(), bottom(), sizeof(MetaWord));
// Space committed in the VirtualSpace
size_t VirtualSpaceNode::capacity_words_in_vs() const {
return pointer_delta(end(), bottom(), sizeof(MetaWord));
// Allocates the chunk from the virtual space only.
// This interface is also used internally for debugging. Not all
// chunks removed here are necessarily used for allocation.
Metachunk* VirtualSpaceNode::take_from_committed(size_t chunk_word_size) {
// Bottom of the new chunk
MetaWord* chunk_limit = top();
assert(chunk_limit != NULL, "Not safe to call this method");
if (!is_available(chunk_word_size)) {
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation) {
tty->print("VirtualSpaceNode::take_from_committed() not available %d words ", chunk_word_size);
// Dump some information about the virtual space that is nearly full
return NULL;
// Take the space (bump top on the current virtual space).
// Point the chunk at the space
Metachunk* result = Metachunk::initialize(chunk_limit, chunk_word_size);
return result;
// Expand the virtual space (commit more of the reserved space)
bool VirtualSpaceNode::expand_by(size_t words, bool pre_touch) {
size_t bytes = words * BytesPerWord;
bool result = virtual_space()->expand_by(bytes, pre_touch);
if (TraceMetavirtualspaceAllocation && !result) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("VirtualSpaceNode::expand_by() failed "
"for byte size " SIZE_FORMAT, bytes);
return result;
// Shrink the virtual space (commit more of the reserved space)
bool VirtualSpaceNode::shrink_by(size_t words) {
size_t bytes = words * BytesPerWord;
return true;
// Add another chunk to the chunk list.
Metachunk* VirtualSpaceNode::get_chunk_vs(size_t chunk_word_size) {
Metachunk* result = NULL;
return take_from_committed(chunk_word_size);
Metachunk* VirtualSpaceNode::get_chunk_vs_with_expand(size_t chunk_word_size) {
Metachunk* new_chunk = get_chunk_vs(chunk_word_size);
if (new_chunk == NULL) {
// Only a small part of the virtualspace is committed when first
// allocated so committing more here can be expected.
size_t page_size_words = os::vm_page_size() / BytesPerWord;
size_t aligned_expand_vs_by_words = align_size_up(chunk_word_size,
expand_by(aligned_expand_vs_by_words, false);
new_chunk = get_chunk_vs(chunk_word_size);
return new_chunk;
bool VirtualSpaceNode::initialize() {
if (!_rs.is_reserved()) {
return false;
// An allocation out of this Virtualspace that is larger
// than an initial commit size can waste that initial committed
// space.
size_t committed_byte_size = 0;
bool result = virtual_space()->initialize(_rs, committed_byte_size);
if (result) {
(HeapWord*)(_rs.base() + _rs.size())));
assert(reserved()->start() == (HeapWord*) _rs.base(),
err_msg("Reserved start was not set properly " PTR_FORMAT
" != " PTR_FORMAT, reserved()->start(), _rs.base()));
assert(reserved()->word_size() == _rs.size() / BytesPerWord,
err_msg("Reserved size was not set properly " SIZE_FORMAT
" != " SIZE_FORMAT, reserved()->word_size(),
_rs.size() / BytesPerWord));
return result;
void VirtualSpaceNode::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
size_t used = used_words_in_vs();
size_t capacity = capacity_words_in_vs();
VirtualSpace* vs = virtual_space();
st->print_cr(" space @ " PTR_FORMAT " " SIZE_FORMAT "K, %3d%% used "
vs, capacity / K,
capacity == 0 ? 0 : used * 100 / capacity,
bottom(), top(), end(),
#ifdef ASSERT
void VirtualSpaceNode::mangle() {
size_t word_size = capacity_words_in_vs();
Copy::fill_to_words((HeapWord*) low(), word_size, 0xf1f1f1f1);
#endif // ASSERT
// VirtualSpaceList methods
// Space allocated from the VirtualSpace
VirtualSpaceList::~VirtualSpaceList() {
VirtualSpaceListIterator iter(virtual_space_list());
while (iter.repeat()) {
VirtualSpaceNode* vsl = iter.get_next();
delete vsl;
size_t VirtualSpaceList::used_words_sum() {
size_t allocated_by_vs = 0;
VirtualSpaceListIterator iter(virtual_space_list());
while (iter.repeat()) {
VirtualSpaceNode* vsl = iter.get_next();
// Sum used region [bottom, top) in each virtualspace
allocated_by_vs += vsl->used_words_in_vs();
assert(allocated_by_vs >= chunk_manager()->free_chunks_total(),
err_msg("Total in free chunks " SIZE_FORMAT
" greater than total from virtual_spaces " SIZE_FORMAT,
allocated_by_vs, chunk_manager()->free_chunks_total()));
size_t used =
allocated_by_vs - chunk_manager()->free_chunks_total();
return used;
// Space available in all MetadataVirtualspaces allocated
// for metadata. This is the upper limit on the capacity
// of chunks allocated out of all the MetadataVirtualspaces.
size_t VirtualSpaceList::capacity_words_sum() {
size_t capacity = 0;
VirtualSpaceListIterator iter(virtual_space_list());
while (iter.repeat()) {
VirtualSpaceNode* vsl = iter.get_next();
capacity += vsl->capacity_words_in_vs();
return capacity;
VirtualSpaceList::VirtualSpaceList(size_t word_size ) :
_virtual_space_count(0) {
MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
bool initialization_succeeded = grow_vs(word_size);
" VirtualSpaceList initialization should not fail");
VirtualSpaceList::VirtualSpaceList(ReservedSpace rs) :
_virtual_space_count(0) {
MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
VirtualSpaceNode* class_entry = new VirtualSpaceNode(rs);
bool succeeded = class_entry->initialize();
assert(succeeded, " VirtualSpaceList initialization should not fail");
link_vs(class_entry, rs.size()/BytesPerWord);
// Allocate another meta virtual space and add it to the list.
bool VirtualSpaceList::grow_vs(size_t vs_word_size) {
if (vs_word_size == 0) {
return false;
// Reserve the space
size_t vs_byte_size = vs_word_size * BytesPerWord;
assert(vs_byte_size % os::vm_page_size() == 0, "Not aligned");
// Allocate the meta virtual space and initialize it.
VirtualSpaceNode* new_entry = new VirtualSpaceNode(vs_byte_size);
if (!new_entry->initialize()) {
delete new_entry;
return false;
} else {
// ensure lock-free iteration sees fully initialized node
link_vs(new_entry, vs_word_size);
return true;
void VirtualSpaceList::link_vs(VirtualSpaceNode* new_entry, size_t vs_word_size) {
if (virtual_space_list() == NULL) {
} else {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (TraceMetavirtualspaceAllocation && Verbose) {
VirtualSpaceNode* vsl = current_virtual_space();
Metachunk* VirtualSpaceList::get_new_chunk(size_t word_size,
size_t grow_chunks_by_words,
size_t medium_chunk_bunch) {
// Get a chunk from the chunk freelist
Metachunk* next = chunk_manager()->chunk_freelist_allocate(grow_chunks_by_words);
// Allocate a chunk out of the current virtual space.
if (next == NULL) {
next = current_virtual_space()->get_chunk_vs(grow_chunks_by_words);
if (next == NULL) {
// Not enough room in current virtual space. Try to commit
// more space.
size_t expand_vs_by_words = MAX2(medium_chunk_bunch,
size_t page_size_words = os::vm_page_size() / BytesPerWord;
size_t aligned_expand_vs_by_words = align_size_up(expand_vs_by_words,
bool vs_expanded =
current_virtual_space()->expand_by(aligned_expand_vs_by_words, false);
if (!vs_expanded) {
// Should the capacity of the metaspaces be expanded for
// this allocation? If it's the virtual space for classes and is
// being used for CompressedHeaders, don't allocate a new virtualspace.
if (can_grow() && MetaspaceGC::should_expand(this, word_size)) {
// Get another virtual space.
size_t grow_vs_words =
MAX2((size_t)VirtualSpaceSize, aligned_expand_vs_by_words);
if (grow_vs(grow_vs_words)) {
// Got it. It's on the list now. Get a chunk from it.
next = current_virtual_space()->get_chunk_vs_with_expand(grow_chunks_by_words);
} else {
// Allocation will fail and induce a GC
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
" Fail instead of expand the metaspace");
} else {
// The virtual space expanded, get a new chunk
next = current_virtual_space()->get_chunk_vs(grow_chunks_by_words);
assert(next != NULL, "Just expanded, should succeed");
assert(next == NULL || (next->next() == NULL && next->prev() == NULL),
"New chunk is still on some list");
return next;
Metachunk* VirtualSpaceList::get_initialization_chunk(size_t chunk_word_size,
size_t chunk_bunch) {
// Get a chunk from the chunk freelist
Metachunk* new_chunk = get_new_chunk(chunk_word_size,
return new_chunk;
void VirtualSpaceList::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
VirtualSpaceListIterator iter(virtual_space_list());
while (iter.repeat()) {
VirtualSpaceNode* node = iter.get_next();
bool VirtualSpaceList::contains(const void *ptr) {
VirtualSpaceNode* list = virtual_space_list();
VirtualSpaceListIterator iter(list);
while (iter.repeat()) {
VirtualSpaceNode* node = iter.get_next();
if (node->reserved()->contains(ptr)) {
return true;
return false;
// MetaspaceGC methods
// VM_CollectForMetadataAllocation is the vm operation used to GC.
// Within the VM operation after the GC the attempt to allocate the metadata
// should succeed. If the GC did not free enough space for the metaspace
// allocation, the HWM is increased so that another virtualspace will be
// allocated for the metadata. With perm gen the increase in the perm
// gen had bounds, MinMetaspaceExpansion and MaxMetaspaceExpansion. The
// metaspace policy uses those as the small and large steps for the HWM.
// After the GC the compute_new_size() for MetaspaceGC is called to
// resize the capacity of the metaspaces. The current implementation
// is based on the flags MinMetaspaceFreeRatio and MaxHeapFreeRatio used
// to resize the Java heap by some GC's. New flags can be implemented
// if really needed. MinHeapFreeRatio is used to calculate how much
// free space is desirable in the metaspace capacity to decide how much
// to increase the HWM. MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio is used to decide how much
// free space is desirable in the metaspace capacity before decreasing
// the HWM.
// Calculate the amount to increase the high water mark (HWM).
// Increase by a minimum amount (MinMetaspaceExpansion) so that
// another expansion is not requested too soon. If that is not
// enough to satisfy the allocation (i.e. big enough for a word_size
// allocation), increase by MaxMetaspaceExpansion. If that is still
// not enough, expand by the size of the allocation (word_size) plus
// some.
size_t MetaspaceGC::delta_capacity_until_GC(size_t word_size) {
size_t before_inc = MetaspaceGC::capacity_until_GC();
size_t min_delta_words = MinMetaspaceExpansion / BytesPerWord;
size_t max_delta_words = MaxMetaspaceExpansion / BytesPerWord;
size_t page_size_words = os::vm_page_size() / BytesPerWord;
size_t size_delta_words = align_size_up(word_size, page_size_words);
size_t delta_words = MAX2(size_delta_words, min_delta_words);
if (delta_words > min_delta_words) {
// Don't want to hit the high water mark on the next
// allocation so make the delta greater than just enough
// for this allocation.
delta_words = MAX2(delta_words, max_delta_words);
if (delta_words > max_delta_words) {
// This allocation is large but the next ones are probably not
// so increase by the minimum.
delta_words = delta_words + min_delta_words;
return delta_words;
bool MetaspaceGC::should_expand(VirtualSpaceList* vsl, size_t word_size) {
// Class virtual space should always be expanded. Call GC for the other
// metadata virtual space.
if (vsl == Metaspace::class_space_list()) return true;
// If the user wants a limit, impose one.
size_t max_metaspace_size_words = MaxMetaspaceSize / BytesPerWord;
size_t metaspace_size_words = MetaspaceSize / BytesPerWord;
if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxMetaspaceSize) &&
vsl->capacity_words_sum() >= max_metaspace_size_words) {
return false;
// If this is part of an allocation after a GC, expand
// unconditionally.
if(MetaspaceGC::expand_after_GC()) {
return true;
// If the capacity is below the minimum capacity, allow the
// expansion. Also set the high-water-mark (capacity_until_GC)
// to that minimum capacity so that a GC will not be induced
// until that minimum capacity is exceeded.
if (vsl->capacity_words_sum() < metaspace_size_words ||
capacity_until_GC() == 0) {
return true;
} else {
if (vsl->capacity_words_sum() < capacity_until_GC()) {
return true;
} else {
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" allocation request size " SIZE_FORMAT
" capacity_until_GC " SIZE_FORMAT
" capacity_words_sum " SIZE_FORMAT
" used_words_sum " SIZE_FORMAT
" free chunks " SIZE_FORMAT
" free chunks count %d",
return false;
// Variables are in bytes
void MetaspaceGC::compute_new_size() {
assert(_shrink_factor <= 100, "invalid shrink factor");
uint current_shrink_factor = _shrink_factor;
_shrink_factor = 0;
VirtualSpaceList *vsl = Metaspace::space_list();
size_t capacity_after_gc = vsl->capacity_bytes_sum();
// Check to see if these two can be calculated without walking the CLDG
size_t used_after_gc = vsl->used_bytes_sum();
size_t capacity_until_GC = vsl->capacity_bytes_sum();
size_t free_after_gc = capacity_until_GC - used_after_gc;
const double minimum_free_percentage = MinMetaspaceFreeRatio / 100.0;
const double maximum_used_percentage = 1.0 - minimum_free_percentage;
const double min_tmp = used_after_gc / maximum_used_percentage;
size_t minimum_desired_capacity =
(size_t)MIN2(min_tmp, double(max_uintx));
// Don't shrink less than the initial generation size
minimum_desired_capacity = MAX2(minimum_desired_capacity,
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
const double free_percentage = ((double)free_after_gc) / capacity_until_GC;
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("\nMetaspaceGC::compute_new_size: ");
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" "
" minimum_free_percentage: %6.2f"
" maximum_used_percentage: %6.2f",
double d_free_after_gc = free_after_gc / (double) K;
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" "
" free_after_gc : %6.1fK"
" used_after_gc : %6.1fK"
" capacity_after_gc : %6.1fK"
" metaspace HWM : %6.1fK",
free_after_gc / (double) K,
used_after_gc / (double) K,
capacity_after_gc / (double) K,
capacity_until_GC / (double) K);
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" "
" free_percentage: %6.2f",
if (capacity_until_GC < minimum_desired_capacity) {
// If we have less capacity below the metaspace HWM, then
// increment the HWM.
size_t expand_bytes = minimum_desired_capacity - capacity_until_GC;
// Don't expand unless it's significant
if (expand_bytes >= MinMetaspaceExpansion) {
size_t expand_words = expand_bytes / BytesPerWord;
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
size_t new_capacity_until_GC = MetaspaceGC::capacity_until_GC_in_bytes();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" expanding:"
" minimum_desired_capacity: %6.1fK"
" expand_words: %6.1fK"
" MinMetaspaceExpansion: %6.1fK"
" new metaspace HWM: %6.1fK",
minimum_desired_capacity / (double) K,
expand_bytes / (double) K,
MinMetaspaceExpansion / (double) K,
new_capacity_until_GC / (double) K);
// No expansion, now see if we want to shrink
size_t shrink_words = 0;
// We would never want to shrink more than this
size_t max_shrink_words = capacity_until_GC - minimum_desired_capacity;
assert(max_shrink_words >= 0, err_msg("max_shrink_words " SIZE_FORMAT,
// Should shrinking be considered?
if (MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio < 100) {
const double maximum_free_percentage = MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio / 100.0;
const double minimum_used_percentage = 1.0 - maximum_free_percentage;
const double max_tmp = used_after_gc / minimum_used_percentage;
size_t maximum_desired_capacity = (size_t)MIN2(max_tmp, double(max_uintx));
maximum_desired_capacity = MAX2(maximum_desired_capacity,
if (PrintGC && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" "
" maximum_free_percentage: %6.2f"
" minimum_used_percentage: %6.2f",
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" "
" capacity_until_GC: %6.1fK"
" minimum_desired_capacity: %6.1fK"
" maximum_desired_capacity: %6.1fK",
capacity_until_GC / (double) K,
minimum_desired_capacity / (double) K,
maximum_desired_capacity / (double) K);
assert(minimum_desired_capacity <= maximum_desired_capacity,
"sanity check");
if (capacity_until_GC > maximum_desired_capacity) {
// Capacity too large, compute shrinking size
shrink_words = capacity_until_GC - maximum_desired_capacity;
// We don't want shrink all the way back to initSize if people call
// System.gc(), because some programs do that between "phases" and then
// we'd just have to grow the heap up again for the next phase. So we
// damp the shrinking: 0% on the first call, 10% on the second call, 40%
// on the third call, and 100% by the fourth call. But if we recompute
// size without shrinking, it goes back to 0%.
shrink_words = shrink_words / 100 * current_shrink_factor;
assert(shrink_words <= max_shrink_words,
err_msg("invalid shrink size " SIZE_FORMAT " not <= " SIZE_FORMAT,
shrink_words, max_shrink_words));
if (current_shrink_factor == 0) {
_shrink_factor = 10;
} else {
_shrink_factor = MIN2(current_shrink_factor * 4, (uint) 100);
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" "
" shrinking:"
" initSize: %.1fK"
" maximum_desired_capacity: %.1fK",
MetaspaceSize / (double) K,
maximum_desired_capacity / (double) K);
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" "
" shrink_words: %.1fK"
" current_shrink_factor: %d"
" new shrink factor: %d"
" MinMetaspaceExpansion: %.1fK",
shrink_words / (double) K,
MinMetaspaceExpansion / (double) K);
// Don't shrink unless it's significant
if (shrink_words >= MinMetaspaceExpansion) {
VirtualSpaceNode* csp = vsl->current_virtual_space();
size_t available_to_shrink = csp->capacity_words_in_vs() -
shrink_words = MIN2(shrink_words, available_to_shrink);
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
size_t new_capacity_until_GC = MetaspaceGC::capacity_until_GC_in_bytes();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" metaspace HWM: %.1fK", new_capacity_until_GC / (double) K);
assert(vsl->used_bytes_sum() == used_after_gc &&
used_after_gc <= vsl->capacity_bytes_sum(),
"sanity check");
// Metadebug methods
void Metadebug::deallocate_chunk_a_lot(SpaceManager* sm,
size_t chunk_word_size){
#ifdef ASSERT
VirtualSpaceList* vsl = sm->vs_list();
if (MetaDataDeallocateALot &&
Metadebug::deallocate_chunk_a_lot_count() % MetaDataDeallocateALotInterval == 0 ) {
for (uint i = 0; i < metadata_deallocate_a_lock_chunk; i++) {
Metachunk* dummy_chunk = vsl->current_virtual_space()->take_from_committed(chunk_word_size);
if (dummy_chunk == NULL) {
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print("Metadebug::deallocate_chunk_a_lot: %d) ",
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" Free chunks total %d count %d",
} else {
void Metadebug::deallocate_block_a_lot(SpaceManager* sm,
size_t raw_word_size){
#ifdef ASSERT
if (MetaDataDeallocateALot &&
Metadebug::deallocate_block_a_lot_count() % MetaDataDeallocateALotInterval == 0 ) {
for (uint i = 0; i < metadata_deallocate_a_lot_block; i++) {
MetaWord* dummy_block = sm->allocate_work(raw_word_size);
if (dummy_block == 0) {
sm->deallocate(dummy_block, raw_word_size);
} else {
void Metadebug::init_allocation_fail_alot_count() {
if (MetadataAllocationFailALot) {
_allocation_fail_alot_count =
#ifdef ASSERT
bool Metadebug::test_metadata_failure() {
if (MetadataAllocationFailALot &&
Threads::is_vm_complete()) {
if (_allocation_fail_alot_count > 0) {
} else {
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Metadata allocation failing for "
return true;
return false;
// ChunkList methods
size_t ChunkList::sum_list_size() {
size_t result = 0;
Metachunk* cur = head();
while (cur != NULL) {
result += cur->word_size();
cur = cur->next();
return result;
size_t ChunkList::sum_list_count() {
size_t result = 0;
Metachunk* cur = head();
while (cur != NULL) {
cur = cur->next();
return result;
size_t ChunkList::sum_list_capacity() {
size_t result = 0;
Metachunk* cur = head();
while (cur != NULL) {
result += cur->capacity_word_size();
cur = cur->next();
return result;
void ChunkList::add_at_head(Metachunk* head, Metachunk* tail) {
assert(head == tail || tail->next() == NULL,
"Not the tail or the head has already been added to a list");
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print("ChunkList::add_at_head(head, tail): ");
Metachunk* cur = head;
while (cur != NULL) {
gclog_or_tty->print(PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT ") ", cur, cur->word_size());
cur = cur->next();
if (tail != NULL) {
void ChunkList::add_at_head(Metachunk* list) {
if (list == NULL) {
// Nothing to add
Metachunk* head = list;
Metachunk* tail = list;
Metachunk* cur = head->next();
// Search for the tail since it is not passed.
while (cur != NULL) {
tail = cur;
cur = cur->next();
add_at_head(head, tail);
// ChunkManager methods
// Verification of _free_chunks_total and _free_chunks_count does not
// work with the CMS collector because its use of additional locks
// complicate the mutex deadlock detection but it can still be useful
// for detecting errors in the chunk accounting with other collectors.
size_t ChunkManager::free_chunks_total() {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (!UseConcMarkSweepGC && !SpaceManager::expand_lock()->is_locked()) {
MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
return _free_chunks_total;
size_t ChunkManager::free_chunks_total_in_bytes() {
return free_chunks_total() * BytesPerWord;
size_t ChunkManager::free_chunks_count() {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (!UseConcMarkSweepGC && !SpaceManager::expand_lock()->is_locked()) {
MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
// This lock is only needed in debug because the verification
// of the _free_chunks_totals walks the list of free chunks
return _free_chunks_count;
void ChunkManager::locked_verify_free_chunks_total() {
assert(sum_free_chunks() == _free_chunks_total,
err_msg("_free_chunks_total " SIZE_FORMAT " is not the"
" same as sum " SIZE_FORMAT, _free_chunks_total,
void ChunkManager::verify_free_chunks_total() {
MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
void ChunkManager::locked_verify_free_chunks_count() {
assert(sum_free_chunks_count() == _free_chunks_count,
err_msg("_free_chunks_count " SIZE_FORMAT " is not the"
" same as sum " SIZE_FORMAT, _free_chunks_count,
void ChunkManager::verify_free_chunks_count() {
#ifdef ASSERT
MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
void ChunkManager::verify() {
MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
void ChunkManager::locked_verify() {
void ChunkManager::locked_print_free_chunks(outputStream* st) {
st->print_cr("Free chunk total " SIZE_FORMAT " count " SIZE_FORMAT,
_free_chunks_total, _free_chunks_count);
void ChunkManager::locked_print_sum_free_chunks(outputStream* st) {
st->print_cr("Sum free chunk total " SIZE_FORMAT " count " SIZE_FORMAT,
sum_free_chunks(), sum_free_chunks_count());
ChunkList* ChunkManager::free_chunks(ChunkIndex index) {
return &_free_chunks[index];
// These methods that sum the free chunk lists are used in printing
// methods that are used in product builds.
size_t ChunkManager::sum_free_chunks() {
size_t result = 0;
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfFreeLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
ChunkList* list = free_chunks(i);
if (list == NULL) {
result = result + list->sum_list_capacity();
result = result + humongous_dictionary()->total_size();
return result;
size_t ChunkManager::sum_free_chunks_count() {
size_t count = 0;
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfFreeLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
ChunkList* list = free_chunks(i);
if (list == NULL) {
count = count + list->sum_list_count();
count = count + humongous_dictionary()->total_free_blocks();
return count;
ChunkList* ChunkManager::find_free_chunks_list(size_t word_size) {
ChunkIndex index = list_index(word_size);
assert(index < HumongousIndex, "No humongous list");
return free_chunks(index);
void ChunkManager::free_chunks_put(Metachunk* chunk) {
ChunkList* free_list = find_free_chunks_list(chunk->word_size());
// chunk is being returned to the chunk free list
void ChunkManager::chunk_freelist_deallocate(Metachunk* chunk) {
// The deallocation of a chunk originates in the freelist
// manangement code for a Metaspace and does not hold the
// lock.
assert(chunk != NULL, "Deallocating NULL");
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation) {
tty->print_cr("ChunkManager::chunk_freelist_deallocate: chunk "
chunk, chunk->word_size());
Metachunk* ChunkManager::free_chunks_get(size_t word_size) {
Metachunk* chunk = NULL;
if (list_index(word_size) != HumongousIndex) {
ChunkList* free_list = find_free_chunks_list(word_size);
assert(free_list != NULL, "Sanity check");
chunk = free_list->head();
debug_only(Metachunk* debug_head = chunk;)
if (chunk == NULL) {
return NULL;
// Remove the chunk as the head of the list.
// Chunk is being removed from the chunks free list.
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
tty->print_cr("ChunkManager::free_chunks_get: free_list "
free_list, chunk, chunk->word_size());
} else {
chunk = humongous_dictionary()->get_chunk(
if (chunk != NULL) {
if (TraceMetadataHumongousAllocation) {
size_t waste = chunk->word_size() - word_size;
tty->print_cr("Free list allocate humongous chunk size " SIZE_FORMAT
" for requested size " SIZE_FORMAT
" waste " SIZE_FORMAT,
chunk->word_size(), word_size, waste);
// Chunk is being removed from the chunks free list.
#ifdef ASSERT
} else {
return NULL;
// Remove it from the links to this freelist
return chunk;
Metachunk* ChunkManager::chunk_freelist_allocate(size_t word_size) {
// Take from the beginning of the list
Metachunk* chunk = free_chunks_get(word_size);
if (chunk == NULL) {
return NULL;
assert((word_size <= chunk->word_size()) ||
list_index(chunk->word_size() == HumongousIndex),
"Non-humongous variable sized chunk");
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation) {
size_t list_count;
if (list_index(word_size) < HumongousIndex) {
ChunkList* list = find_free_chunks_list(word_size);
list_count = list->sum_list_count();
} else {
list_count = humongous_dictionary()->total_count();
tty->print("ChunkManager::chunk_freelist_allocate: " PTR_FORMAT " chunk "
PTR_FORMAT " size " SIZE_FORMAT " count " SIZE_FORMAT " ",
this, chunk, chunk->word_size(), list_count);
return chunk;
void ChunkManager::print_on(outputStream* out) {
if (PrintFLSStatistics != 0) {
// SpaceManager methods
void SpaceManager::get_initial_chunk_sizes(Metaspace::MetaspaceType type,
size_t* chunk_word_size,
size_t* class_chunk_word_size) {
switch (type) {
case Metaspace::BootMetaspaceType:
*chunk_word_size = Metaspace::first_chunk_word_size();
*class_chunk_word_size = Metaspace::first_class_chunk_word_size();
case Metaspace::ROMetaspaceType:
*chunk_word_size = SharedReadOnlySize / wordSize;
*class_chunk_word_size = ClassSpecializedChunk;
case Metaspace::ReadWriteMetaspaceType:
*chunk_word_size = SharedReadWriteSize / wordSize;
*class_chunk_word_size = ClassSpecializedChunk;
case Metaspace::AnonymousMetaspaceType:
case Metaspace::ReflectionMetaspaceType:
*chunk_word_size = SpecializedChunk;
*class_chunk_word_size = ClassSpecializedChunk;
*chunk_word_size = SmallChunk;
*class_chunk_word_size = ClassSmallChunk;
assert(*chunk_word_size != 0 && *class_chunk_word_size != 0,
err_msg("Initial chunks sizes bad: data " SIZE_FORMAT
" class " SIZE_FORMAT,
*chunk_word_size, *class_chunk_word_size));
size_t SpaceManager::sum_free_in_chunks_in_use() const {
MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
size_t free = 0;
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
Metachunk* chunk = chunks_in_use(i);
while (chunk != NULL) {
free += chunk->free_word_size();
chunk = chunk->next();
return free;
size_t SpaceManager::sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use() const {
MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
size_t result = 0;
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
result += sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(i);
return result;
size_t SpaceManager::sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(ChunkIndex index) const {
size_t result = 0;
Metachunk* chunk = chunks_in_use(index);
// Count the free space in all the chunk but not the
// current chunk from which allocations are still being done.
if (chunk != NULL) {
Metachunk* prev = chunk;
while (chunk != NULL && chunk != current_chunk()) {
result += chunk->free_word_size();
prev = chunk;
chunk = chunk->next();
return result;
size_t SpaceManager::sum_capacity_in_chunks_in_use() const {
MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
size_t sum = 0;
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
Metachunk* chunk = chunks_in_use(i);
while (chunk != NULL) {
// Just changed this sum += chunk->capacity_word_size();
// sum += chunk->word_size() - Metachunk::overhead();
sum += chunk->capacity_word_size();
chunk = chunk->next();
return sum;
size_t SpaceManager::sum_count_in_chunks_in_use() {
size_t count = 0;
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
count = count + sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(i);
return count;
size_t SpaceManager::sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(ChunkIndex i) {
size_t count = 0;
Metachunk* chunk = chunks_in_use(i);
while (chunk != NULL) {
chunk = chunk->next();
return count;
size_t SpaceManager::sum_used_in_chunks_in_use() const {
MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
size_t used = 0;
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
Metachunk* chunk = chunks_in_use(i);
while (chunk != NULL) {
used += chunk->used_word_size();
chunk = chunk->next();
return used;
void SpaceManager::locked_print_chunks_in_use_on(outputStream* st) const {
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
Metachunk* chunk = chunks_in_use(i);
st->print("SpaceManager: %s " PTR_FORMAT,
chunk_size_name(i), chunk);
if (chunk != NULL) {
st->print_cr(" free " SIZE_FORMAT,
} else {
size_t SpaceManager::calc_chunk_size(size_t word_size) {
// Decide between a small chunk and a medium chunk. Up to
// _small_chunk_limit small chunks can be allocated but
// once a medium chunk has been allocated, no more small
// chunks will be allocated.
size_t chunk_word_size;
if (chunks_in_use(MediumIndex) == NULL &&
(!has_small_chunk_limit() ||
sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex) < _small_chunk_limit)) {
chunk_word_size = (size_t) small_chunk_size();
if (word_size + Metachunk::overhead() > small_chunk_size()) {
chunk_word_size = medium_chunk_size();
} else {
chunk_word_size = medium_chunk_size();
// Might still need a humongous chunk. Enforce an
// eight word granularity to facilitate reuse (some
// wastage but better chance of reuse).
size_t if_humongous_sized_chunk =
align_size_up(word_size + Metachunk::overhead(),
chunk_word_size =
MAX2((size_t) chunk_word_size, if_humongous_sized_chunk);
assert(!SpaceManager::is_humongous(word_size) ||
chunk_word_size == if_humongous_sized_chunk,
err_msg("Size calculation is wrong, word_size " SIZE_FORMAT
" chunk_word_size " SIZE_FORMAT,
word_size, chunk_word_size));
if (TraceMetadataHumongousAllocation &&
SpaceManager::is_humongous(word_size)) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Metadata humongous allocation:");
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" word_size " PTR_FORMAT, word_size);
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" chunk_word_size " PTR_FORMAT,
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" chunk overhead " PTR_FORMAT,
return chunk_word_size;
MetaWord* SpaceManager::grow_and_allocate(size_t word_size) {
assert(vs_list()->current_virtual_space() != NULL,
"Should have been set");
assert(current_chunk() == NULL ||
current_chunk()->allocate(word_size) == NULL,
"Don't need to expand");
MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
size_t words_left = 0;
size_t words_used = 0;
if (current_chunk() != NULL) {
words_left = current_chunk()->free_word_size();
words_used = current_chunk()->used_word_size();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("SpaceManager::grow_and_allocate for " SIZE_FORMAT
" words " SIZE_FORMAT " words used " SIZE_FORMAT
" words left",
word_size, words_used, words_left);
// Get another chunk out of the virtual space
size_t grow_chunks_by_words = calc_chunk_size(word_size);
Metachunk* next = get_new_chunk(word_size, grow_chunks_by_words);
// If a chunk was available, add it to the in-use chunk list
// and do an allocation from it.
if (next != NULL) {
Metadebug::deallocate_chunk_a_lot(this, grow_chunks_by_words);
// Add to this manager's list of chunks in use.
add_chunk(next, false);
return next->allocate(word_size);
return NULL;
void SpaceManager::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex;
i < NumberOfInUseLists ;
i = next_chunk_index(i) ) {
st->print_cr(" chunks_in_use " PTR_FORMAT " chunk size " PTR_FORMAT,
chunks_in_use(i) == NULL ? 0 : chunks_in_use(i)->word_size());
st->print_cr(" waste: Small " SIZE_FORMAT " Medium " SIZE_FORMAT
" Humongous " SIZE_FORMAT,
// block free lists
if (block_freelists() != NULL) {
st->print_cr("total in block free lists " SIZE_FORMAT,
SpaceManager::SpaceManager(Mutex* lock,
VirtualSpaceList* vs_list) :
void SpaceManager::initialize() {
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
_chunks_in_use[i] = NULL;
_current_chunk = NULL;
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("SpaceManager(): " PTR_FORMAT, this);
SpaceManager::~SpaceManager() {
MutexLockerEx fcl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
ChunkManager* chunk_manager = vs_list()->chunk_manager();
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("~SpaceManager(): " PTR_FORMAT, this);
// Mangle freed memory.
// Have to update before the chunks_in_use lists are emptied
// below.
// Add all the chunks in use by this space manager
// to the global list of free chunks.
// Follow each list of chunks-in-use and add them to the
// free lists. Each list is NULL terminated.
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < HumongousIndex; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("returned %d %s chunks to freelist",
Metachunk* chunks = chunks_in_use(i);
set_chunks_in_use(i, NULL);
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("updated freelist count %d %s",
assert(i != HumongousIndex, "Humongous chunks are handled explicitly later");
// The medium chunk case may be optimized by passing the head and
// tail of the medium chunk list to add_at_head(). The tail is often
// the current chunk but there are probably exceptions.
// Humongous chunks
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("returned %d %s humongous chunks to dictionary",
gclog_or_tty->print("Humongous chunk dictionary: ");
// Humongous chunks are never the current chunk.
Metachunk* humongous_chunks = chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
while (humongous_chunks != NULL) {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print(PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT ") ",
assert(humongous_chunks->word_size() == (size_t)
err_msg("Humongous chunk size is wrong: word size " SIZE_FORMAT
" granularity %d",
humongous_chunks->word_size(), HumongousChunkGranularity));
Metachunk* next_humongous_chunks = humongous_chunks->next();
humongous_chunks = next_humongous_chunks;
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("updated dictionary count %d %s",
set_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex, NULL);
const char* SpaceManager::chunk_size_name(ChunkIndex index) const {
switch (index) {
case SpecializedIndex:
return "Specialized";
case SmallIndex:
return "Small";
case MediumIndex:
return "Medium";
case HumongousIndex:
return "Humongous";
return NULL;
ChunkIndex ChunkManager::list_index(size_t size) {
switch (size) {
case SpecializedChunk:
assert(SpecializedChunk == ClassSpecializedChunk,
"Need branch for ClassSpecializedChunk");
return SpecializedIndex;
case SmallChunk:
case ClassSmallChunk:
return SmallIndex;
case MediumChunk:
case ClassMediumChunk:
return MediumIndex;
assert(size > MediumChunk || size > ClassMediumChunk,
"Not a humongous chunk");
return HumongousIndex;
void SpaceManager::deallocate(MetaWord* p, size_t word_size) {
size_t min_size = TreeChunk<Metablock, FreeList>::min_size();
assert(word_size >= min_size,
err_msg("Should not deallocate dark matter " SIZE_FORMAT, word_size));
block_freelists()->return_block(p, word_size);
// Adds a chunk to the list of chunks in use.
void SpaceManager::add_chunk(Metachunk* new_chunk, bool make_current) {
assert(new_chunk != NULL, "Should not be NULL");
assert(new_chunk->next() == NULL, "Should not be on a list");
// Find the correct list and and set the current
// chunk for that list.
ChunkIndex index = ChunkManager::list_index(new_chunk->word_size());
if (index != HumongousIndex) {
set_chunks_in_use(index, new_chunk);
} else {
// For null class loader data and DumpSharedSpaces, the first chunk isn't
// small, so small will be null. Link this first chunk as the current
// chunk.
if (make_current) {
// Set as the current chunk but otherwise treat as a humongous chunk.
// Link at head. The _current_chunk only points to a humongous chunk for
// the null class loader metaspace (class and data virtual space managers)
// any humongous chunks so will not point to the tail
// of the humongous chunks list.
set_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex, new_chunk);
assert(new_chunk->word_size() > medium_chunk_size(), "List inconsistency");
assert(new_chunk->is_empty(), "Not ready for reuse");
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print("SpaceManager::add_chunk: %d) ",
Metachunk* SpaceManager::get_new_chunk(size_t word_size,
size_t grow_chunks_by_words) {
Metachunk* next = vs_list()->get_new_chunk(word_size,
if (TraceMetadataHumongousAllocation &&
SpaceManager::is_humongous(next->word_size())) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" new humongous chunk word size " PTR_FORMAT,
return next;
MetaWord* SpaceManager::allocate(size_t word_size) {
MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
// If only the dictionary is going to be used (i.e., no
// indexed free list), then there is a minimum size requirement.
// MinChunkSize is a placeholder for the real minimum size JJJ
size_t byte_size = word_size * BytesPerWord;
size_t byte_size_with_overhead = byte_size + Metablock::overhead();
size_t raw_bytes_size = MAX2(byte_size_with_overhead,
raw_bytes_size = ARENA_ALIGN(raw_bytes_size);
size_t raw_word_size = raw_bytes_size / BytesPerWord;
assert(raw_word_size * BytesPerWord == raw_bytes_size, "Size problem");
BlockFreelist* fl = block_freelists();
MetaWord* p = NULL;
// Allocation from the dictionary is expensive in the sense that
// the dictionary has to be searched for a size. Don't allocate
// from the dictionary until it starts to get fat. Is this
// a reasonable policy? Maybe an skinny dictionary is fast enough
// for allocations. Do some profiling. JJJ
if (fl->total_size() > allocation_from_dictionary_limit) {
p = fl->get_block(raw_word_size);
if (p == NULL) {
p = allocate_work(raw_word_size);
Metadebug::deallocate_block_a_lot(this, raw_word_size);
return p;
// Returns the address of spaced allocated for "word_size".
// This methods does not know about blocks (Metablocks)
MetaWord* SpaceManager::allocate_work(size_t word_size) {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (Metadebug::test_metadata_failure()) {
return NULL;
// Is there space in the current chunk?
MetaWord* result = NULL;
// For DumpSharedSpaces, only allocate out of the current chunk which is
// never null because we gave it the size we wanted. Caller reports out
// of memory if this returns null.
if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
assert(current_chunk() != NULL, "should never happen");
return current_chunk()->allocate(word_size); // caller handles null result
if (current_chunk() != NULL) {
result = current_chunk()->allocate(word_size);
if (result == NULL) {
result = grow_and_allocate(word_size);
if (result > 0) {
assert(result != (MetaWord*) chunks_in_use(MediumIndex),
"Head of the list is being allocated");
return result;
void SpaceManager::verify() {
// If there are blocks in the dictionary, then
// verfication of chunks does not work since
// being in the dictionary alters a chunk.
if (block_freelists()->total_size() == 0) {
for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
Metachunk* curr = chunks_in_use(i);
while (curr != NULL) {
curr = curr->next();
void SpaceManager::verify_chunk_size(Metachunk* chunk) {
assert(is_humongous(chunk->word_size()) ||
chunk->word_size() == medium_chunk_size() ||
chunk->word_size() == small_chunk_size() ||
chunk->word_size() == specialized_chunk_size(),
"Chunk size is wrong");
#ifdef ASSERT
void SpaceManager::verify_allocation_total() {
// Verification is only guaranteed at a safepoint.
if (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Chunk " PTR_FORMAT " allocation_total " SIZE_FORMAT
" sum_used_in_chunks_in_use " SIZE_FORMAT,
MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
assert(allocation_total() == sum_used_in_chunks_in_use(),
err_msg("allocation total is not consistent " SIZE_FORMAT
allocation_total(), sum_used_in_chunks_in_use()));
void SpaceManager::dump(outputStream* const out) const {
size_t curr_total = 0;
size_t waste = 0;
uint i = 0;
size_t used = 0;
size_t capacity = 0;
// Add up statistics for all chunks in this SpaceManager.
for (ChunkIndex index = ZeroIndex;
index < NumberOfInUseLists;
index = next_chunk_index(index)) {
for (Metachunk* curr = chunks_in_use(index);
curr != NULL;
curr = curr->next()) {
out->print("%d) ", i++);
if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
curr_total += curr->word_size();
used += curr->used_word_size();
capacity += curr->capacity_word_size();
waste += curr->free_word_size() + curr->overhead();;
size_t free = current_chunk() == NULL ? 0 : current_chunk()->free_word_size();
// Free space isn't wasted.
waste -= free;
out->print_cr("total of all chunks " SIZE_FORMAT " used " SIZE_FORMAT
" free " SIZE_FORMAT " capacity " SIZE_FORMAT
" waste " SIZE_FORMAT, curr_total, used, free, capacity, waste);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void SpaceManager::mangle_freed_chunks() {
for (ChunkIndex index = ZeroIndex;
index < NumberOfInUseLists;
index = next_chunk_index(index)) {
for (Metachunk* curr = chunks_in_use(index);
curr != NULL;
curr = curr->next()) {
#endif // PRODUCT
// MetaspaceAux
size_t MetaspaceAux::used_in_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
size_t used = 0;
ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
while (iter.repeat()) {
Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
// Sum allocation_total for each metaspace
if (msp != NULL) {
used += msp->used_words(mdtype);
return used * BytesPerWord;
size_t MetaspaceAux::free_in_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
size_t free = 0;
ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
while (iter.repeat()) {
Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
if (msp != NULL) {
free += msp->free_words(mdtype);
return free * BytesPerWord;
size_t MetaspaceAux::capacity_in_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
size_t capacity = free_chunks_total(mdtype);
ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
while (iter.repeat()) {
Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
if (msp != NULL) {
capacity += msp->capacity_words(mdtype);
return capacity * BytesPerWord;
size_t MetaspaceAux::reserved_in_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
size_t reserved = (mdtype == Metaspace::ClassType) ?
Metaspace::class_space_list()->virtual_space_total() :
return reserved * BytesPerWord;
size_t MetaspaceAux::min_chunk_size() { return Metaspace::first_chunk_word_size(); }
size_t MetaspaceAux::free_chunks_total(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
ChunkManager* chunk = (mdtype == Metaspace::ClassType) ?
Metaspace::class_space_list()->chunk_manager() :
return chunk->free_chunks_total();
size_t MetaspaceAux::free_chunks_total_in_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
return free_chunks_total(mdtype) * BytesPerWord;
void MetaspaceAux::print_metaspace_change(size_t prev_metadata_used) {
gclog_or_tty->print(", [Metaspace:");
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print(" " SIZE_FORMAT
} else {
gclog_or_tty->print(" " SIZE_FORMAT "K"
prev_metadata_used / K,
used_in_bytes()/ K,
reserved_in_bytes()/ K);
// This is printed when PrintGCDetails
void MetaspaceAux::print_on(outputStream* out) {
Metaspace::MetadataType ct = Metaspace::ClassType;
Metaspace::MetadataType nct = Metaspace::NonClassType;
out->print_cr(" Metaspace total "
" reserved " SIZE_FORMAT "K",
capacity_in_bytes()/K, used_in_bytes()/K, reserved_in_bytes()/K);
out->print_cr(" data space "
" reserved " SIZE_FORMAT "K",
capacity_in_bytes(nct)/K, used_in_bytes(nct)/K, reserved_in_bytes(nct)/K);
out->print_cr(" class space "
" reserved " SIZE_FORMAT "K",
capacity_in_bytes(ct)/K, used_in_bytes(ct)/K, reserved_in_bytes(ct)/K);
// Print information for class space and data space separately.
// This is almost the same as above.
void MetaspaceAux::print_on(outputStream* out, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
size_t free_chunks_capacity_bytes = free_chunks_total_in_bytes(mdtype);
size_t capacity_bytes = capacity_in_bytes(mdtype);
size_t used_bytes = used_in_bytes(mdtype);
size_t free_bytes = free_in_bytes(mdtype);
size_t used_and_free = used_bytes + free_bytes +
out->print_cr(" Chunk accounting: used in chunks " SIZE_FORMAT
"K + unused in chunks " SIZE_FORMAT "K + "
" capacity in free chunks " SIZE_FORMAT "K = " SIZE_FORMAT
"K capacity in allocated chunks " SIZE_FORMAT "K",
used_bytes / K,
free_bytes / K,
free_chunks_capacity_bytes / K,
used_and_free / K,
capacity_bytes / K);
// Accounting can only be correct if we got the values during a safepoint
assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() || used_and_free == capacity_bytes, "Accounting is wrong");
// Print total fragmentation for class and data metaspaces separately
void MetaspaceAux::print_waste(outputStream* out) {
size_t specialized_waste = 0, small_waste = 0, medium_waste = 0, large_waste = 0;
size_t specialized_count = 0, small_count = 0, medium_count = 0, large_count = 0;
size_t cls_specialized_waste = 0, cls_small_waste = 0, cls_medium_waste = 0, cls_large_waste = 0;
size_t cls_specialized_count = 0, cls_small_count = 0, cls_medium_count = 0, cls_large_count = 0;
ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
while (iter.repeat()) {
Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
if (msp != NULL) {
specialized_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
specialized_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
small_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
small_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
medium_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
medium_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
large_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
large_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
cls_specialized_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
cls_specialized_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
cls_small_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
cls_small_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
cls_medium_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
cls_medium_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
cls_large_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
cls_large_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
out->print_cr("Total fragmentation waste (words) doesn't count free space");
out->print_cr(" data: " SIZE_FORMAT " specialized(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
SIZE_FORMAT " small(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
specialized_count, specialized_waste, small_count,
small_waste, medium_count, medium_waste);
out->print_cr(" class: " SIZE_FORMAT " specialized(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
cls_specialized_count, cls_specialized_waste,
cls_small_count, cls_small_waste);
// Dump global metaspace things from the end of ClassLoaderDataGraph
void MetaspaceAux::dump(outputStream* out) {
out->print_cr("All Metaspace:");
out->print("data space: "); print_on(out, Metaspace::NonClassType);
out->print("class space: "); print_on(out, Metaspace::ClassType);
void MetaspaceAux::verify_free_chunks() {
// Metaspace methods
size_t Metaspace::_first_chunk_word_size = 0;
size_t Metaspace::_first_class_chunk_word_size = 0;
Metaspace::Metaspace(Mutex* lock, MetaspaceType type) {
initialize(lock, type);
Metaspace::~Metaspace() {
delete _vsm;
delete _class_vsm;
VirtualSpaceList* Metaspace::_space_list = NULL;
VirtualSpaceList* Metaspace::_class_space_list = NULL;
void Metaspace::global_initialize() {
// Initialize the alignment for shared spaces.
int max_alignment = os::vm_page_size();
if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
SharedReadOnlySize = align_size_up(SharedReadOnlySize, max_alignment);
SharedReadWriteSize = align_size_up(SharedReadWriteSize, max_alignment);
SharedMiscDataSize = align_size_up(SharedMiscDataSize, max_alignment);
SharedMiscCodeSize = align_size_up(SharedMiscCodeSize, max_alignment);
// Initialize with the sum of the shared space sizes. The read-only
// and read write metaspace chunks will be allocated out of this and the
// remainder is the misc code and data chunks.
size_t total = align_size_up(SharedReadOnlySize + SharedReadWriteSize +
SharedMiscDataSize + SharedMiscCodeSize,
size_t word_size = total/wordSize;
_space_list = new VirtualSpaceList(word_size);
} else {
// If using shared space, open the file that contains the shared space
// and map in the memory before initializing the rest of metaspace (so
// the addresses don't conflict)
if (UseSharedSpaces) {
FileMapInfo* mapinfo = new FileMapInfo();
memset(mapinfo, 0, sizeof(FileMapInfo));
// Open the shared archive file, read and validate the header. If
// initialization fails, shared spaces [UseSharedSpaces] are
// disabled and the file is closed.
// Map in spaces now also
if (mapinfo->initialize() && MetaspaceShared::map_shared_spaces(mapinfo)) {
} else {
assert(!mapinfo->is_open() && !UseSharedSpaces,
"archive file not closed or shared spaces not disabled.");
// Initialize these before initializing the VirtualSpaceList
_first_chunk_word_size = InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize / BytesPerWord;
_first_chunk_word_size = align_word_size_up(_first_chunk_word_size);
// Make the first class chunk bigger than a medium chunk so it's not put
// on the medium chunk list. The next chunk will be small and progress
// from there. This size calculated by -version.
_first_class_chunk_word_size = MIN2((size_t)MediumChunk*6,
_first_class_chunk_word_size = align_word_size_up(_first_class_chunk_word_size);
// Arbitrarily set the initial virtual space to a multiple
// of the boot class loader size.
size_t word_size = VIRTUALSPACEMULTIPLIER * first_chunk_word_size();
// Initialize the list of virtual spaces.
_space_list = new VirtualSpaceList(word_size);
// For UseCompressedKlassPointers the class space is reserved as a piece of the
// Java heap because the compression algorithm is the same for each. The
// argument passed in is at the top of the compressed space
void Metaspace::initialize_class_space(ReservedSpace rs) {
// The reserved space size may be bigger because of alignment, esp with UseLargePages
assert(rs.size() >= ClassMetaspaceSize,
err_msg(SIZE_FORMAT " != " UINTX_FORMAT, rs.size(), ClassMetaspaceSize));
_class_space_list = new VirtualSpaceList(rs);
void Metaspace::initialize(Mutex* lock,
MetaspaceType type) {
assert(space_list() != NULL,
"Metadata VirtualSpaceList has not been initialized");
_vsm = new SpaceManager(lock, space_list());
if (_vsm == NULL) {
size_t word_size;
size_t class_word_size;
assert(class_space_list() != NULL,
"Class VirtualSpaceList has not been initialized");
// Allocate SpaceManager for classes.
_class_vsm = new SpaceManager(lock, class_space_list());
if (_class_vsm == NULL) {
MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
// Allocate chunk for metadata objects
Metachunk* new_chunk =
assert(!DumpSharedSpaces || new_chunk != NULL, "should have enough space for both chunks");
if (new_chunk != NULL) {
// Add to this manager's list of chunks in use and current_chunk().
vsm()->add_chunk(new_chunk, true);
// Allocate chunk for class metadata objects
Metachunk* class_chunk =
if (class_chunk != NULL) {
class_vsm()->add_chunk(class_chunk, true);
size_t Metaspace::align_word_size_up(size_t word_size) {
size_t byte_size = word_size * wordSize;
return ReservedSpace::allocation_align_size_up(byte_size) / wordSize;
MetaWord* Metaspace::allocate(size_t word_size, MetadataType mdtype) {
// DumpSharedSpaces doesn't use class metadata area (yet)
if (mdtype == ClassType && !DumpSharedSpaces) {
return class_vsm()->allocate(word_size);
} else {
return vsm()->allocate(word_size);
MetaWord* Metaspace::expand_and_allocate(size_t word_size, MetadataType mdtype) {
MetaWord* result;
size_t before_inc = MetaspaceGC::capacity_until_GC();
size_t delta_words = MetaspaceGC::delta_capacity_until_GC(word_size);
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Increase capacity to GC from " SIZE_FORMAT
" to " SIZE_FORMAT, before_inc, MetaspaceGC::capacity_until_GC());
result = allocate(word_size, mdtype);
return result;
// Space allocated in the Metaspace. This may
// be across several metadata virtual spaces.
char* Metaspace::bottom() const {
assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "only useful and valid for dumping shared spaces");
return (char*)vsm()->current_chunk()->bottom();
size_t Metaspace::used_words(MetadataType mdtype) const {
// return vsm()->allocation_total();
return mdtype == ClassType ? class_vsm()->sum_used_in_chunks_in_use() :
vsm()->sum_used_in_chunks_in_use(); // includes overhead!
size_t Metaspace::free_words(MetadataType mdtype) const {
return mdtype == ClassType ? class_vsm()->sum_free_in_chunks_in_use() :
// Space capacity in the Metaspace. It includes
// space in the list of chunks from which allocations
// have been made. Don't include space in the global freelist and
// in the space available in the dictionary which
// is already counted in some chunk.
size_t Metaspace::capacity_words(MetadataType mdtype) const {
return mdtype == ClassType ? class_vsm()->sum_capacity_in_chunks_in_use() :
void Metaspace::deallocate(MetaWord* ptr, size_t word_size, bool is_class) {
if (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) {
assert(Thread::current()->is_VM_thread(), "should be the VM thread");
// Don't take Heap_lock
MutexLocker ml(vsm()->lock());
if (word_size < TreeChunk<Metablock, FreeList>::min_size()) {
// Dark matter. Too small for dictionary.
#ifdef ASSERT
Copy::fill_to_words((HeapWord*)ptr, word_size, 0xf5f5f5f5);
if (is_class) {
class_vsm()->deallocate(ptr, word_size);
} else {
vsm()->deallocate(ptr, word_size);
} else {
MutexLocker ml(vsm()->lock());
if (word_size < TreeChunk<Metablock, FreeList>::min_size()) {
// Dark matter. Too small for dictionary.
#ifdef ASSERT
Copy::fill_to_words((HeapWord*)ptr, word_size, 0xf5f5f5f5);
if (is_class) {
class_vsm()->deallocate(ptr, word_size);
} else {
vsm()->deallocate(ptr, word_size);
Metablock* Metaspace::allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, size_t word_size,
bool read_only, MetadataType mdtype, TRAPS) {
assert(false, "Should not allocate with exception pending");
return NULL; // caller does a CHECK_NULL too
// SSS: Should we align the allocations and make sure the sizes are aligned.
MetaWord* result = NULL;
assert(loader_data != NULL, "Should never pass around a NULL loader_data. "
"ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data() should have been used.");
// Allocate in metaspaces without taking out a lock, because it deadlocks
// with the SymbolTable_lock. Dumping is single threaded for now. We'll have
// to revisit this for application class data sharing.
if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
if (read_only) {
result = loader_data->ro_metaspace()->allocate(word_size, NonClassType);
} else {
result = loader_data->rw_metaspace()->allocate(word_size, NonClassType);
if (result == NULL) {
report_out_of_shared_space(read_only ? SharedReadOnly : SharedReadWrite);
return Metablock::initialize(result, word_size);
result = loader_data->metaspace_non_null()->allocate(word_size, mdtype);
if (result == NULL) {
// Try to clean out some memory and retry.
result =
loader_data, word_size, mdtype);
// If result is still null, we are out of memory.
if (result == NULL) {
if (Verbose && TraceMetadataChunkAllocation) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Metaspace allocation failed for size "
SIZE_FORMAT, word_size);
if (loader_data->metaspace_or_null() != NULL) loader_data->metaspace_or_null()->dump(gclog_or_tty);
// -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError and -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError support
report_java_out_of_memory("Metadata space");
if (JvmtiExport::should_post_resource_exhausted()) {
"Metadata space");
return Metablock::initialize(result, word_size);
void Metaspace::print_on(outputStream* out) const {
// Print both class virtual space counts and metaspace.
if (Verbose) {
bool Metaspace::contains(const void * ptr) {
if (MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_space(ptr)) {
return true;
// This is checked while unlocked. As long as the virtualspaces are added
// at the end, the pointer will be in one of them. The virtual spaces
// aren't deleted presently. When they are, some sort of locking might
// be needed. Note, locking this can cause inversion problems with the
// caller in MetaspaceObj::is_metadata() function.
return space_list()->contains(ptr) || class_space_list()->contains(ptr);
void Metaspace::verify() {
void Metaspace::dump(outputStream* const out) const {
if (UseMallocOnly) {
// Just print usage for now
out->print_cr("usage %d", used_words(Metaspace::NonClassType));
out->print_cr("\nVirtual space manager: " INTPTR_FORMAT, vsm());
out->print_cr("\nClass space manager: " INTPTR_FORMAT, class_vsm());